You can find here the updates and fixes for the Y9S1 patch.
Y9S1 Patch Size
Find the download sizes for each platform below.
- Ubisoft Connect: 4.98 GB
- Steam: 4.5 GB
- Xbox One: 8 GB
- Xbox Series X: 8.4 GB
- PlayStation 4: 525 MB
- PlayStation 5: 5.38GB
FIXED - Aiming down sights while holding a shield and handgun is too fast.
FIXED - Damage for Bailiff 410 decreased when laser sight is equipped.
FIXED - Missing ACOG attachment for AK-74M.
FIXED - ACOG B and ACOG C attachments offset on the UZK50GI.
FIXED - Brava's Kludge Drone is missing the loading bar when converting devices.
FIXED - Players stuck in loading after pick phase.
FIXED - Operator with shield isn't protected when Operator and Opponent melee attack each other at the same time.
FIXED - AI Bots attempt defuse too late if defuser is planted on whiteboard in 2F Meeting Room on the Consulate map.
FIXED - AI bots continue shooting after end of round.
FIXED - Players can't progress if drone is destroyed by Mute's Signal Disruptor in the Attack Tutorial.
FIXED - Friendly Fire penalties are given out during Free For All matches.
FIXED - AI bots do not relocate after being scanned if in camping positions.
FIXED - High ping players spin in place when observed by other players.
FIXED - Points awarded when destroying a surface a device is being placed on during deploy animation.
FIXED - Players are soft locked if camera isn't destroyed before rappelling in the Attack Tutorial.
FIXED - Missing muzzle VFX on semi-automatic weapons.
FIXED - Players can double vault with a deployable shield and Azami's Kiba Barrier.
FIXED - Bed is not recognized as part of 1F Bunks on the Lair map.
FIXED - Legs clip through walls while laying prone under desk at 2F Sewing Room of Herford Base map.
FIXED - C4 can't be retrieved when thrown on to railings and not standing on stairs on various maps.
FIXED - AI bots fall through trap door when trying to counter-defuse at 2F Gym on the Clubhouse map.
FIXED - Unintended line of sight between gun cases at B Arsenal on the Clubhouse map.
FIXED - Unintended line of sigh through openings in the bike lift in 1F Garage on the Clubhouse map.
FIXED - Player can navigate onto the coffee machine located at 2F Waiting Room on the Theme Park map.
FIXED - Wrong compass location displayed at 1F White Stairs on the Kanal map.
FIXED - Players can navigate onto the doorway located at EXT Lift on the Lair map.
FIXED - Operator clips through the platform located at 1F Garage on the Clubhouse map.
FIXED - The bottom section of the shower isn't bullet proof in 2F Bathroom on the Clubhouse map.
FIXED - Drone can spawn inside the wall when the player selects EXT Lift as spawn location on the Lair map.
FIXED - Map is too dark in Eastern corner of 1F Closet on the Consulate map.
FIXED - Players are able to gain access to an advantageous position in 1F Map Room on the Kanal map.
FIXED - Players are able to gain access to an advantageous position in 2F Upper Arcade on the Theme Park map.
FIXED - Players are able to gain access to an advantageous position in 3F Electrical on the Favelas map.
FIXED - Players are able to gain access to the area under the purple tarp on EXT Rooftop on the Coastline map.
FIXED - Players remains stuck when entering prone between the boxes located at EXT Roof on the Lair map.
FIXED - Players remains stuck between the chair and the box located at EXT Terrace on the Villa map.
FIXED - Players remains stuck between stairway rail and the container located in EXT Lift on the Lair map.
FIXED - Defenders aren't detected outside when exiting from Second floor balcony near 2F East Stairs on the Border map.
FIXED -Two Reinforcements are needed for the wall between 2F Fountain and 2F Main Hallway on the Border map.
FIXED - Players can get stuck on a washing machine in 1F Luggage Hold on the Plane map.
FIXED - Unintended line of sight below the railings in 2F Mezzanine on the Outback map.
FIXED - Unintended line of sight between the fridge doors in EXT Motel Balcony on the Outback map.
FIXED - Unintended line of sight between the storage door and fence in 1F Warehouse on the Nighthaven Labs map.
FIXED - Unintended line of sight between the wall and the door frame in 2F Operational on the Lair map.
FIXED - Unintended line of sight between the crates in 1F Briefing on the Lair map.
FIXED - Unintended line of sight towards 2F Pillar room on the Kafe Dostoyevsky map by vaulting on top of a shelf in 2F Reading Room.
FIXED - Unintended line of sight between the wall and bracket in 2F Statue Gallery on the Emerald plains map.
FIXED - Unintended line of sight towards EXT Parking on the Consulate map by running out from B Yellow Stairs to EXT Courtyard.
FIXED - Players can navigate on top of the kiosk in EXT Christmas Market on the Kafe Dostoyevsky map.
FIXED - Players stuck when exiting rappel next to a metal box in EXT Lobby Side on the Nighthaven Labs map.
FIXED - Players can vault inside a double bunkbed in 2F Dorms on the Outback map.
FIXED - Players can navigate to the top of a suspended cabinet in 1f Coat Check on the Kafe Dostoyevsky map.
FIXED - Players can navigate to the top of a bake tray rack in 1F Kitchen Cooking on the Kafe Dostoyevsky map.
FIXED - Fire VFX is still present on Pillars of the Tower Map after changing to being undamaged.
FIXED - Defuser can't be picked up if it's dropped during vault over a palm tree in EXT Unloading Zone on the Fortress map.
FIXED - Bird flock has unintended behavior on the Villa map.
FIXED – Various collision, asset, and texture issues on maps.
FIXED - Various planting and pick-up defuser issues.
FIXED - Players are unable to pickup deployable and throwable devices in various spots on various maps.
FIXED - Players can self-revive instantly if Doc has previously shot them while they are wearing Rook's Armor Pack.
FIXED - Missing detonation timer on Flores's RCE-Ratero Charge drone HUD.
FIXED - Previous ping still visible after scanning another set of footprints with Jackal's Eyenox Model III.
FIXED - Missing connection status screens in match replay for Valkyrie's Black Eye.
FIXED - Remove prompt for Lesion's Gu Mine does not function as described while standing near a dropped defuser.
FIXED - Unusual behavior, movement and looping SFX for Flores' RCE-Ratero Charge drone after deploying on various spots of various maps.
FIXED - Missing knife object during Caveira's interrogation ability.
FIXED - Oryx's Remah dash doesn't protect him from melee attacks with a shield.
FIXED - Deimos' DeathMARK Tracker selects a random target after initial target is eliminated.
FIXED - Deimos' DeathMARK Tracker ping isn't visible when Deimos is downed.
FIXED - Deimos' DeathMARK Tracker pops in and out rapidly when Deimos cancels the marker on a Defender immediately after it's applied.
FIXED - Deimos' DeathMARK Tracker still applies to the target when Deimos is eliminated during the gadget's activation.
FIXED - Tracker Intro plays for the affected target by Demos' DeathMARK Tracker if Deimos is eliminated during the countdown phase of the round.
FIXED - Incorrect warning message displays if Deimos' DeathMARK Tracker is activated on an Operator in an area that deactivates electronic devices.
FIXED - HUD feedback is unavailable for Deimos' DeathMARK when no drones are available.
FIXED - Operator is visible by Deimos' DeathMARK Tracker if Deimos is in an area that deactivates electronic devices during the countdown phase of the round.
FIXED - Missing VFX for Deimos' DeathMARK Tracker in kill cam when Deimos is eliminated by a Defender Operator affected by his ability.
FIXED - Defender Icon missing after scanning with Jackal's Eyenox Model III.
FIXED – Various animation issues.
FIXED - Messages aren't converted in speech to text and text to speech.
FIXED - Windows display scale impacts in-game resolution on the Vulkan API.
FIXED - L3 behavior automatically set to sprint when modifying lean left while aiming setting to any other key and then back to default in customize controls window.
FIXED - Controller layout order for PC is different compared to other platforms.
FIXED - Chat background opacity has no effect on chat background during pick and ban phases.
FIXED - Operators hold the default weapon instead of the equipped weapon in the Operator preview.
FIXED - Text on Diegetic Panel is hard to read when close to the countertop.
FIXED - Item source sorting causes items to appear in the wrong categories under the latest category of the inventory tab.
FIXED - Headshot count and hits tracker disappear when target HP bar in the second lane disappears.
FIXED - Multiple operators' uniforms can't be added to favorites in the inventory tab.
FIXED - Scroll bar is missing from the headgear and uniform sections of the appearance menu.
FIXED - The recoil pattern for shotguns is broken in the shooting records of the Shooting Range.
FIXED - Missing button indicators to navigate the Shooting Range Lane 3 Options menu tabs while using a controller.
FIXED - Wrong description for laser barrel attachment.
FIXED - Language specific characters are not shown when sorting by name on multiple localizations.
FIXED - Various Match Replay issues.
FIXED – Various UI issues.
FIXED - Countdown SFX can be heard at the end of a Free for All match.
FIXED - Incorrect voice line plays when Thermite's Exothermic Charge if affected by Mute's Signal Disruptor.
FIXED - Incorrect voice line plays when Fuze's Cluster Charge is affected by Mute's Signal Disruptor.
FIXED - Incorrect voice line plays when Hibana's X-Kairos is affected by Mute's Signal Disruptor.
FIXED - SFX from Bandit's Shock Wire and Kaid's "RTILA" Electroclaw is only heard from one side of the wall.
FIXED - Missing SFX for drone entering Mute's Signal Disruptor.
FIXED – Various audio issues.
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