In this latest edition of Designer's Notes, we'll go into detail about the balancing changes that'll come with the Y9S4 update and give you some insight into the reasons behind them.


Please note that we are using presence to gauge the popularity of an Operator. This notion had to be introduced to reflect the implementation of the pick & ban.
Presence definition: pick rate of an Operator when not banned. Win Delta: The Win Delta is aggregated from Operator's Win Deltas per Bomb Site.


Blackbeard's ability is designed to provide a defensive advantage while remaining lethal. Despite numerous adjustments to balance his ability, success has been limited. Currently, the Rifle Shield can withstand only 20 HP, making it unreliable for protection. This frustrates both Blackbeard and his opponents, as it can block a single headshot but leaves Blackbeard vulnerable.
To address this frustration, we decided to eliminate the Rifle Shield and introduce a completely new gadget. The Blackbeard Remaster aims to balance his defensive and offensive capabilities. Additionally, we want Blackbeard to contribute more than just killing potential to his team. Blackbeard's new gadget is the H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield. This shield functions like any other Ballistic Shield but with added features:
- Rappel Shield: Blackbeard can change the shield's shape to use it while rappelling.
- Breaching Dash: Blackbeard can perform a short, powerful dash using the H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield's pneumatic system to breach Soft Walls, Barricades, Deployable Shields, Armor Panels, Talon Shields, and Kiba Barriers. After breaching, he will be concussed and slowed for a few seconds.
- Big Guns: Blackbeard can use Primary Weapons (Mk-17 and SR-25) while wielding the Ballistic Shield. However, he cannot hip fire like other shield operators and will expose his upper body when aiming and reloading.
We've aligned this new gadget with some changes to the Operator Balance aiming to compensate for his new fast breaching capabilities. Blackbeard will now move slower, as a 1 Speed / 3 Armor Operator. He no longer has access to the D-50, and the Stun grenades have been removed.
We want Blackbeard to fulfill two main roles. As a Rappel Master, he should be able to sit comfortably on rappel behind his shield, watching the enemy and gathering intel. Additionally, he can now use the H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield's breaching capabilities to push forward, hunt roamers with the team, and secure a path for the rest of the team.
- Armor: 3
- Speed: 1
- Breaching Ability[list]
- Max. resources: 4 Charges.
- 8 seconds Cooldown between use.
- H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield
- Primary weapons:[list]
- Mk-17 [list]
- Damage increased to 44 (was 40)
- Magazine Size increased to 25 (was 20)
- Total ammunition increased to 226 (was 181)
The new fix we implemented for Ballistic Shield's guard break (more details below) made Montagne too vulnerable with the current configuration. The accumulative guard break strength allowed a single defender to take him down too easily. To address this, we have reduced the opening caused by a single melee attack. However, it's important to note that the overall opening a defender can create is now larger. Previously, with the third melee, the strength would be 40%, but with the new fix, it will be approximately 60%.
Montagne must be smart when facing multiple defenders because if they collaborate, he won't be able to hold them anymore.
- Guard break animation strength when melee'd reduced to 20% (from 40%).
The new ability to turn the R.O.U. Projectors on and off will introduce a fresh layer of strategy when using Sens. This enhancement will make Sens' gameplay more dynamic, granting greater control over the gadget to precisely manage lines of sight. Defenders will need to exercise more caution when moving around, as the wall can disappear at any moment. Additionally, the projector's battery depletes only when the wall is active. Sens will have ample time to plan and deploy all the projectors without rushing, allowing for precise placement.
To limit chaos and minimize potential mistakes, we have also reduced the number of projectors deployed per system. Additionally, we have shortened the distance at which the light wall starts to blind operators when they are too close. This adjustment makes it more comfortable for attackers to move around and less punishing for defenders who choose to take the risk of passing through.
We have enhanced the light walls to be resistant to Thermal View devices such as Glaz, Warden, Evil Eyes, and Bulletproof Cameras. This improvement will differentiate the R.O.U. Projectors from regular Smoke Grenades, making Sens the preferred choice for smoke-plants.
- New Switch Ability Mode to turn On and Off the projectors.
- The projectors' battery only depletes while the walls are On.
- Reduced number of projectors to 7 (from 10).
- Reduced distance in which the wall starts to block vision to 0.75 meters (from 1.15),
- Thermal View gadgets cannot see through the Wall.
The Kóna Station will now not only provide a flat heal but also grant a Health Regeneration buff to the target. This enhancement aims to make each station more valuable for sustaining teammates through the round. With this change, Thunderbird can distribute her resources more effectively, as a single station will be capable of bringing operators back to full health. However, this buff will disappear immediately upon taking damage or reaching full health, encouraging player to use it wisely and stay out of danger to maximize its benefits.
Additionally, the inclusion of the ITA12S will offer more flexibility to her loadout, allowing for the creation of new lines of sight for the stations to function without significantly compromising firepower.
- Added new Health Regeneration buff.
- Regeneration speed: 2hp per second.
- Buff end conditions: Receive damage or reach 100% health.
- Secondary weapons: Added ITA12S
Ying has always been one of the more frustrating operators to face, so we have decided to make some adjustments to her Candela. We have removed the insta-trigger option to provide defenders with more opportunities to counteract it. This change allows defenders to make rapid tactical decisions, keeping the gameplay engaging and ensuring that both attackers and defenders have meaningful choices to make.
Defenders can now use the brief delay before the Candela detonates to move to safer positions and avoid the full impact. This should make the gameplay more dynamic, rewarding quick thinking and movement.
The additional delay also gives defenders a chance to potentially destroy the Candela. This interaction encourages defenders to stay alert and actively engage with Ying's gadget, rather than passively waiting for the effect to go off.
Moreover, the need to time the Candela correctly will highlight player skill. An insta-trigger setting reduced the skill ceiling, making it easier but less rewarding. Additionally, the extra time and audio feedback will hep teammates coordinate better and avoid being caught off guard by an unexpected Candela.
- Rolling distance:[list]
- 0 charges: 10 meters
- 1 charge: 7.5 meters
- 2 charges: 5 meters (from 2.6)
- 3 charges: 2.5 meters (from 0)
- Piercing time:[list]
- 0-1 charges: 3 seconds
- 2 charges: 2 second
- 3 charges: 1 seconds
Reducing the number of Stun Grenades helps minimize the overwhelming effect where defenders are frequently bombarded with flashes, leading to a less enjoyable experience. Overuse of Stun Grenades can create a chaotic environment, overshadowing skill and strategy with volume of utility use. This can make the game feel less tactical and more about who can throw the most grenades rather than who can outsmart and outplay their opponents.
By limiting the availability of Stun Grenades, we aim to encourage more skill-based engagements and strategic play. This change enhances the effectiveness of projectile catchers like Jäger and Wamai. With fewer projectiles in play, they can use their gadgets more efficiently, allowing defenders to maintain control over important areas for longer periods and protect crucial utility without the fear of their gadgets being exhausted too quickly.
We believe that holding a strong position is generally more efficient than peeking outside of the building, and this change should allow defenders to do so more comfortably. Defenders should utilize their utility and the environment to their advantages, reducing the chances of being eliminated too early in the round. This approach also supports better team coordination, allowing defenders to cover each other's angles, set up crossfires, and use their gadgets more effectively, which is crucial for maintaining control over key areas and objectives.
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- Max. number: Reduced to 2 gadgets per operator (from 3).
- Amaru
- Buck
- Dokkaebi
- Finka
- Flores
- Hibana
- Lion
- Maverick
- Nomad
- Ram
- Sledge
- Striker
- Thermite
The Suppressive Fire mechanism is intended to prevent and interrupt shield's sprinting ability, assisting defenders in stopping aggressive players and giving them time to reposition or seek for help. However, we have observed that the system is not being used as frequently as we expected. This could be because defenders find it difficult to recognize when the effect is active, making it hard to judge if shooting at the shield is worthwhile.
To address this issue, we have reduced the number of bullets required to trigger the effect, ensuring that all the gameplay consequences of being suppressed are easier to apply. Additionally, we have adjusted the number of bullets needed to reach maximum intensity, making the effect last longer. Please note that high-caliber weapons will require fewer bullets.
Furthermore, we are also looking to refine the abilities, specifically the melee attack. In its current form, it encourages shielded players to play more aggressively than intended. The new animation and damage make it the most effective way to take down targets. However, the initial intention was for it to create an opening for a teammate or the player's handgun -exposing himself- to secure the kill.
Therefore, we have decided to completely remove the damage from the melee attack. This change aims to eliminate the ability to be overly aggressive and increases the risk of being too close to a defender.
Additionally, we have resolved several issues impacting their power level. The guard break animation now functions as a stun, meaning the shielded operator is unable to do anything until the guard break animation ends. This makes the shielded operator vulnerable until the animation completes, and its duration and intensity can be increased by chaining multiple hits to the shield. Finally, we have also refined the melee range checks, so the battle will be fairer.
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- Damage reduced to 0hp (from 65).
- Reduced number of bullets required to trigger the effect to 5 (from 10).
- Reduced number of bullets required to reach its maximum intensity to 20 (from 40).
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- Consecutive guard breaks can stack to increase the opening (instead of being ignored if the animation was already playing).
- Blackbeard
- Blitz
- Clash
- Fuze
- Montagne
We are reviewing the performance and balance of the shotgun ecosystem. Our goal is to enhance the viability and comfort of certain semiautomatic shotguns. For example, the M1014 is currently difficult to control after the first shots, and we aim to address this. Semiautomatic weapons will now be easier to use and more powerful.
In this revision, we will also improve pump shotguns and automatics by tightening their dispersion cones. We've set them at a midpoint between their current state and the improvement previously granted by old laser attachments.
Some shotguns are already performing well, like the Supernova or SPAS-15, so we have decided not to make significant changes to them. This set of changes should bring the underperforming shotguns closer to the ones players already favor.
- ADS Dispersion Cone Reduction[list]
- ITA12L
- M590A1
- M870
- FO-12
- SASG-12
- Hip-Fire Dispersion Cone Reduction[list]
- ITA12L
- M590A1
- M870
- Supernova
- First Shot Reduced[list]
- M1014
- SPAS12
- Super 90
- SASG-12
- Increased Vertical Recoil after first shot[list]
- M1014
- SPAS12
- Super 90

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