Here you can find the updates and fixes made over the course of the Y9S4 Season Test Server.
Find the download sizes for each platform below.
- Ubisoft Connect: 73.99 GB
- Steam: 14.8 GB
- Xbox One: 34.4 GB
- Xbox Series X: 40.7 GB
- PlayStation®4: 39.90 GB
- PlayStation®5: 36.74 GB
- Shotguns ecosystem tweaks for PC and Console:
- ADS Dispersion Cone Reduction: ITA12L, M590A1, M870, SG-CQB, FO-12, SASG-12.
- Hip-Fire Dispersion Cone Reduction: ITA12L, M590A1, M870, SG-CQB, Supernova.
- First Shot Reduced: M1014, SPAS12, Super 90, SASG-12.
- Increased Vertical Recoil after first shot: M1014, SPAS12, Super 90.
- To reduce toxicity and spawn peeking, players will no longer be allowed to navigate onto window ledges.
- Vaulting and Hot-Breaching through windows will not be affected.
- A texture reforge has been done which means players will be expecting a larger than usual Patch Size (between 30 and 40GB update).
FIXED - Shield doesn't lean with the Operator when holding a grenade when viewed as an Opponent.
FIXED - Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield occasionally doesn't block damage from throwable devices.
FIXED - Defender Bots leave the building when player picks Montagne.
FIXED - Barricades and objects behind them aren't destroyed by Impact Grenades thrown underneath them in 2F White Stairs on the Kanal map.
FIXED - Defender Operator animation pauses briefly after being affected by Dokkaebi's Logic Bomb.
FIXED - Goyo's Volcán Canister floats in the air after destroying Azami's Kiba Barrier if the canister is placed on the barrier.
FIXED - Operator change stance when existing Observation Tools.
FIXED - Sens' R.O.U. Projector System VFX and SFX remains when destroyed while being held by Wamai's MAG-NET System.
FIXED - Aiming down sights during free-look causes shaking animations.
FIXED - Hibana's X-Kairos pellets stick to the metal frame of hatches and clip through.
FIXED - Dust VFX is missing in Third Person when using Sledge's Breaching Hammer.
FIXED - Goyo loses points when detonating his Volcán Canister.
FIXED - Player can vault through a single barricade window by breaking part of the barricade and using melee on the frame twice in a row.
FIXED - Devices can't be deployed on debris of a destroyed Deployable Shield.
FIXED - Players can clip through barricades by making a hole in the barricade and rappelling into the wall.
FIXED - Luggage used as drone vent blockers are destructible and allow for line of sight when removed in 2F Master Bedroom on the Villa map.
FIXED - Attackers can shoot through drone vents due to clipping issues with fire extinguishers used as drone vent blockers in 1F Throne Room on the Theme Park map.
FIXED - Ying's Candelas and Fuze's Cluster Charges can be deployed through metal sheets in 2F Bedroom on the Oregon map.
FIXED - Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shell spawns misaligned in 2F Cafeteria on the Yacht map
FIXED - Operators can navigate on top of the fence by vaulting on the white van at EXT Parking on the Clubhouse map.
FIXED - Thermite's Exothermic Charge can't destroy walls at EXT Gardens or EXT Front Balcony on the Emerald Plains map.
FIXED - Players can deploy drones to look through wall in 2F Yellow Stairs on the Consulate Map.
FIXED - Interaction lost for Valkyrie's Black Eye when deployed on a printer that is destroyed on the Bank map.
FIXED - Skopós's idle V10- Pantheon Shell spawns without a shield in 1F Meeting Hall on the Oregon map on Hostage game mode.
FIXED - Operators are able to navigate on top of a container by using Osa's Talon-8 Shield at EXT Generator on the Nighthaven map.
FIXED -Rock texture isn't applied properly in Escape Tunnel B on the Clubhouse map.
FIXED - Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shell spawns without its shield in 2F Engine Control on the Yacht map.
FIXED - Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shell spawns too close to the wall in 1F Lounge on the Emerald Plains map.
FIXED - Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shell is misaligned and clipping with the shield and objective when spawning in B Garage on the Consulate map.
FIXED - Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shell spawns without its shield in the 2F Kitchen on the Yacht map.
FIXED - Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shell spawns without its shield in the 4F Cockpit and 4F Maps Room on the Yacht map.
FIXED - Deimos's arm animation is delayed when aiming down sight of the .44 Vendetta.
FIXED - Blackbeard's H.U.L.L Adaptable Shield doesn't lean with him after breaching a wall.
FIXED - Blackbeard's MK17 reload cancel animation is not working properly.
FIXED - Blackbeard's feet are twisted when breaching from rappel with H.U.L.L Adaptable Shield equipped.
FIXED - Hibana's X-Kairos spins in her hand while she remains idle in the Operator section.
FIXED - Blackbeard's H.U.L.L Adaptable Shield is present in his Guerilla Victory Celebration.
FIXED - Smoke VFX incorrectly displays when using Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield breach.
FIXED - Frost VFX from Tubarão's Zoto Canister applies to the scope twice when aiming the CSRX3000 inside the Zoto Canister area of effect.
FIXED - Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shell spawns in T-Pose occasionally.
FIXED - Vertical Grip triggers standard magazine reload animation for Nomad's Airjab Launcher.
FIXED - Unable to scan Operators for 3 to 4 seconds after Capitão's Tactical Crossbow Smoke Dart dissipates.
FIXED - Nøkk's HEL Presence Reduction VFX persist occasionally if she is eliminated while the effect is active.
FIXED - Operators can get stuck between a security cart and gun cabinet in the Aiming Lane on the Shooting Range map.
FIXED - Skopós's V10-Pantheon Shell LED lights clip into the shoulder.
FIXED - Oryx can clip through walls to climb a hatch in another room.
FIXED - The LED indicators on Skopós's active V10-Pantheon Shell aren't affected by changes to team color settings.
FIXED - Text prompt is misaligned with the center of the screen when activating Deimos' DeathMARK.
FIXED - Kapkan's arm clips through barricades when deploying Entry Denial Device.
FIXED - Hibana's X-Kairos pellets are red instead of white when equipped with the elite skin.
FIXED - Full reload animation plays instead of the gadget reload for Nomad's Airjab on an ARX200 when the iron sight is equipped with any grip attached.
FIXED - Missing VFX for Sens's R.O.U. Projector System if the projector is destroyed while deploying.
FIXED - Players can clip through the shield of Skopós's idle V10- Pantheon Shell and take damage.
FIXED - The status change notification is missing from the Reputation tile.
FIXED - Attackers enter into a T-pose when equipping Smoke Grenades.
FIXED - Skopós's idle V10-Pantheon Shell blocks players from reinforcing walls from the same side.
FIXED - Skopós's Idle V10-Pantheon Shell blocks players from barricading doorways from the same side.
FIXED - Ping input disappears from the HUD after exiting a damaged Bulletproof Camera.
FIXED - Mute's Signal Disruptor reappears when viewed in Match Replay after being destroyed.
FIXED - Frost's Welcome Mat body reappears when viewed in Match Replay after being destroyed.
FIXED - Thunderbird's Kona Station reappears when viewed in Match Replay after being destroyed.
FIXED - The Hard Breach Charge reappears when viewed in Match Replay after being destroyed.
FIXED - Valkyrie's Black Eye reappears when viewed in Match Replay after being destroyed.
FIXED - Claymore reappears when viewed in Match Replay after being destroyed.
FIXED - Thermite's Exothermic Charge reappears when viewed in Match Replay after being destroyed.
FIXED - Smoke's Remote Gas Grenade reappears when viewed in Match Replay after being destroyed.
FIXED - Several deployable devices reappear when viewed in Match Replay after being destroyed.
FIXED - Defenders see a drop in FPS when Attackers switch Operators.
FIXED - Retro Steel weapon skin appears on the equipped sight in the thumbnail for the .44 Mag Semi-Auto handgun.
FIXED - Blackbeard's H.U.L.L. Adaptable Shield charm is positioned incorrectly in some situations.
FIXED - Operators leave a floating device on the map when viewed in Match Replay if they equip their device then swap back to their primary weapon.
FIXED - Operators have the outline of the opposing team in Spectator mode.
FIXED - Melee weapon clips into the Operator's hand when viewed in Match Replay if they melee and then swap to their Unique Ability.
FIXED - Dropped defuser icon is missing in Spectator mode.
FIXED - Defuser icon in the overhead camera of Spectator mode is different than in the first-person point of view.
FIXED - Equipped weapon skin doesn't update to default if the current equipped weapon skin is sold on the Marketplace.
FIXED - Dust particles floating in the air appear larger than intended.
FIXED - Reconnect button and banner appear while waiting for a match to begin in Siege Cup.
FIXED - Blackbeard's sprint animation and corresponding SFX aren't in sync when equipped with the MK17.
FIXED - Shooting SFX present when using Maverick's Breaching Torch.
FIXED - Drone landing SFX triggers when previsualizing the jump trajectory.
PC players can tell who is a Console player in their lobby. This and other areas where they can be identified are being addressed in Y9S4.1 patch.