Every season when we roll out fresh content, we also provide an updated Roadmap to ensure transparency on upcoming features. When making those adjustments, we take various elements into account, including your feedback. Furthermore, we aim to offer additional insight into what you can anticipate from the upcoming Operation.
Now let's delve into the mid-season Roadmap update.

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- Status: Confirmed for Y8S4
Y8S4 will bring an exciting addition to the Rainbow Six Siege map lineup. We have been building a new map on the foundation of verticality with carefully designed layouts and fresh avenues for strategic possibilities like never before! Make sure to watch the Y8S4 reveal panel to discover more!
- Status: Confirmed for Y8S4
This season will keep on delivering with the incorporation of a new versus AI Playlist tailored to let new players sharpen their skills against specially AI trained Defender bots to become the best operator they can be. Practice, strategize, and dominate like never before in this dynamic training environment.
- Status: BETA confirmed during Y8S4
Shields have been part of Siege since the beginning and have sometimes seemed unbalanced with the current playstyles. As a game striving for tactical depth, we're committed to integrating shields seamlessly into gameplay without compromising immersion. We have been working on this strategy from the ground up, redesigning ballistic shields while retaining a unique playstyle which is both balanced and immersive. Brace yourselves for the first iteration of this revamped mechanism, available later during Y8S4 on the Lab TS.
- Status: Confirmed for Y8S4
We are actively working on improving our players' comfort on consoles. In Y8S4, we will be providing an easy way to completely customize your controller inputs. This long-requested feature is dedicated to ensuring it answers all our console players' needs. Taking your feedback into account, we will also implement a new action to allow leaning while hip-firing on Consoles later in the season!
- Status: Confirmed for Y8S4
As announced in the last Siege Classified: Balancing, Frag Grenades have risen to an overpowered position in the current meta. They currently heavily influence Operator choices, tilting the balance between primary and secondary gadgets in an unbalanced way. With our commitment to providing the best FPS competitive experience, we have thoroughly examined Frag Grenades and rebalanced their impact to be more in line with all the other Secondary Gadgets. More information on this balancing change will be shared during the reveal panel, so everyone can have a blast playing Siege, so stay tuned!
- Status: Coming in Y9
Ranked is the most popular competitive mode in Siege. Hence, it's no surprise that it's always in our line of sight in terms of priority, ensuring that players can enjoy a balanced competitive experience, both with and against similarly skilled players. We are committed to making sure Ranked is a fair environment and are adding more Ranked requirements to reinforce the core experience.
- Status: Cancelled
The work required to deliver Privacy Mode on consoles has brought up external challenges that came up late in the process. As well as this, new privacy features have been made available inside of the console ecosystem itself. For this reason, we've made the tough decision to stop the development of this feature on consoles specifically for the time being.
As you know, Player Protection remains a top priority, and we are committed to improving your experience and making Siege an even safer and fairer game to play on consoles. Discover more on our plans in the coming weeks.
Stay tuned for the upcoming Year 8 Season 4 Reveal coming on November 12th and join the discussion on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Discord, Facebook, and TikTok.
Check out the public Roadmap for more information on the changes coming your way!