- Unarmed Animations added
- New Vehicle Poses for Passengers
- MG Recoil Increased
- Mounted Recoil Decreased Significantly
- Passive Wall Mounting Reduced by 25%
- Non-bipoded weapons have their recoil reduced by 50%, while bipoded weapons have their recoil reduced by 85%
- All Weapons Except Machine Guns can benefit from passive mounting, and receive a 25% reduction in recoil
- Rework of all weapon sound cues
- All weapons received new sounds
- Ambient sounds added to several maps
- Bipod System
- Construction System
- Vaulting Optimizations
- Weapon Mounting
- Medical System and Revival
- Vehicles
Core Art
- Made new Desert buildings, better optimized and more detailed than older versions
- Optimized WW2 buildings, fewer material slots, reduced draw calls
- Added impact decals to explosion effects
- Created new Normandy Foliage assets
- Assortment of "Buildable" meshes created for the construction system
- Fixed class icon in Squad Member Listing widget getting squished due to padding enforced around it
- Character LOD optimizations
- Reworked equipment on characters
- Retextured all characters and gear
- Optimized materials, and weight paint for animations to reduce mesh stretching
- Added Cold War Woodland Camo US Faction
- Added new 1P Arms
- Added additional skeletal meshes to WW1 Factions
- Migrated all assets from the Operation folders to HDAssets
- Renamed several assets for consistency
- Added Developer and Contributor names from the past year
- Bipod System
- Construction System
- Vaulting Optimizations
- Weapon Mounting
- Medical System and Revival
- Enabled the ability for bots to deploy from buildables that provide a spawn point (i.e. rally points and outposts from the Construction system)
- Optimizations to character suppression volume
- Fixed issue with hit reactions that resulted in players getting noticeably suppressed by friendly fire
- Sky Textures downscaled to reduce texture memory
- Dynamic shadows reduced for performance
Main Menu
- New background scenes have been created
- New soundtrack added to main menu
- Spawn Protection Volumes added to all main base and spawn flags
- Vehicle spawners added to all maps
- Flag layouts adjusted for vehicles
- More neutral and no spawnable flags placed for all maps
- Skirmish maps made for all maps
- HLODs baked on larger maps to help reduce tri count, draw calls, and texture memory
- Complete overhaul
- Buildings replaced, and small details added
- Small details and set dressing added
- All buildings swapped out with updated versions
- Terrain, foliage, and prop optimizations
- Foliage improvements Distant terrain Foliage additions
- Distant terrain added
- Optimizations and performance tweaks
- Foliage improvements Distant terrain Foliage additions
- Distant terrain added
- Optimizations and performance tweaks
- Castle meshes optimized to reduce draw calls and texture memory
Lam Dong
- Optimizations and foliage improvements
- Lighting improvements
- Distant Terrain and Foliage added
- Buildings swapped out with new versions
- Terrain adjustments and optimizations
- Prop placement and optimizations to collision
Al Dhakir
- New modder-donated map made by Putridi
- DLC map now included in the base game
- Terrain improvements
- New Foliage Assets
- Lighting and Shadow Optimizations
Omaha Beach
- DLC map now included in the base game
- Terrain, Foliage, and Mesh Improvements
Saint Quentin
- DLC map now included in the base game
- Terrain improvements, Distant terrain added
- Trench lines reworked
- New Foliage Assets
- Lighting and Shadow Optimizations
Tan Binh
- DLC map now included in the base game
- Foliage additions
- Tunnels added
- Prop placement, scorched earth areas added
- New Lighting Level added
- Increased net relevancy range of grenade and rocket projectiles (they now match relevancy range of player characters)
- Minor reduction in the bandwidth usage of weapon RPCs
- Fixed issue where hard pivots in the direction of movement while sprinting resulted in excessive rubberbanding
- Additional security improvements and enhancements
- Logistic and Transport Vehicles Added:
- 1917 Matchless Motorcycle
- GER Lorry
- GER Opel Blitz
- GMC CCW, Humvee
- IMV Rhino
- Kubelwagon
- Liberty
- M35
- M923
- M939
- USArmy Motorcycle
- MRAP Catamount
- MRAP Oshkosh
- MRAP Ural Typhoon
- MT
- Pickup 85'
- Technical
- UAZ Hunter
- Willy's Jeep
- ZIL Cargo
- Many more vehicles to come!
- Prevented mods from being packaged in the editor if there is any build in progress (lighting, navigation, etc) and present a warning to the user
- Minor updates to layout of Upload Mod window which includes multiline item descriptions as well as enlarged, word-wrapped Description & Changenote text boxes
- Don't overwrite title, description, preview image, etc of a workshop item if they are left blank when publishing a mod
- Remember selected mod plugin as a user preference when Upload Mod window closes
- Re-enable Git, Perforce, and Subversion source control plugins that were previously disabled by the project
- Default navmesh generation method changed from 'Static' to 'Dynamic Modifiers Only' in order to allow for AI navigation around buildables and other dynamic objects
- Expose tank track lock/unlock functionality to BPs
- Add BP write access to "ADS Fire Only" and "Can Aim While Equipped" weapon flags
- Expose skeletal mesh component PredictedLODLevel value to BPs via the 'GetAnimLODLevel' (anim instance) and 'GetMeshLODLevel' (mesh component) BP statics
- Expose to BPs the ability to override the navigation export behavior of SM, ISM components (i.e. export as dynamic obstacle, Area Class overrides)
- New Projectile Effects added
- New Grenade and AT Explosion Effects added
- New Weapons Added:
- 9A91
- AK74M
- AK74W 1P87
- AKS74U
- CAR15
- G3A3
- Gewehr 43
- Gewehr 98
- HK417 with G33 Magnifier
- M1 Garand with M84 Scope
- M1A Woodstock
- M14 with Redfield Scope
- M1903A3 with M73 Scope
- M1917
- M24
- M240B
- M249
- MAT49
- MDR .308
- MG34
- Mosin Nagant
- OSV96
- Stoner63
- VSK94
- Several weapons were retextured and details added