We've been doing a lot of work on a new level. Here is an early preview of Hirumo's Return, including a new move for Jiro: naginata aiming!

For the last 4 weeks on Thursdays we have been live streaming from our channel We generally stream on Thursdays at 2pm Irish time (at the moment that is GMT), so stop by and say hi!
We have some videos from the previous weeks' streams as a result on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoExYObYR4eqzTDTFvHMzOw/feed
You asked, we listened: the controls menus are nearly complete! Here are some screen-shots of the work in progress :simple_smile: .

We also have a trello board that we thought you might want to look at:

Finally, we're updating existing levels with a new texture tile system, resulting in lower memory usage, smaller file sizes and decreased stuttering and load times!
Thanks for all your support as always and hope you are enjoying the game!!