Today I will try to keep it shorter and scramble order!
I've played the whole game yesterday and... WE HAVE CREDITS! Now the game is done. YAY! (j/k)
Everyone is stealing my job and playtesting! This sounds great, as in they have time to playtest, it means they aren't overwhelmed with stuff to do anymore.
Ronan just killed permanently and irreversibly a tengu on level 5 who kept breaking... He is gone now and nobody will miss it.
Andrea fixed bugs in the soul shop and is working on some persistence issues of the unlocked moves, and did some changes in the achievments, as a few of them were unobtainable.
Dan is the guy who did what had to be done with the credits, and he is recording the animations for the soul shop, they are looking swell.
And Andrew is playing the game right now! Steam just notified me about this...
He changed the video player inside the soul shop, so... It will always play the moves properly and continously (with the new cool animations), also updated the player for the cutscenes in a way that it will use less memory and close after finishing the cutscene as not to waste any resources.
And that is it!
Plus a screenshot with a cat on level 5, first to find this area can ask GLADOS for a cake.

See you in the next DEVPEEK issue!
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