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  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel
  • Onikira - Demon Killer: Screenshots zum Artikel


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.08.2015
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Preis Update 09.03.25

Über das Spiel

Onikira: Demon Killer nutzt raffinierte Kampfmechaniken von dreidimensionalen Beat 'em ups und kombiniert sie mit klassischen 2D-Plattformer-Elementen. Die Spieler können sich die Levelarchitektur zunutze machen und Gegenstände der Umgebung in den Kampf miteinbeziehen: riesige Gongs, in die Gegner geschleudert werden können, tödliche Lava-Fontänen, einstürzende Gebäude, mit Spießen gespickte Gruben und vieles mehr...

Onikiras beindruckendes Kampfsystem ermöglicht es jedem Spieler, auf seine ganz eigene Art zu kämpfen. Einige Spieler bevorzugen etwa den Kampf aus der sicheren Entfernung, während andere lieber Knöpfe hämmern und sich mit schweren Waffen mitten ins Getümmel stürzen. Insgesamt warten auf die Spieler sieben herausfordernde Regionen, vier vernichtende Waffen und über 40 spektakuläre Moves, mit denen unzählige Dämonen zurück in die Unterwelt geschickt werden; darunter auch Mini-Bosse und zwei schwere Endbosse.

Key Features:
  • Dynamische Bewegung – Onikira kombiniert sein Kampfsystem mit Elementen aus 2D-Plattformern, und erzeugt dadurch etwas ganz besonderes. Zugunsten dynamischer Bewegungsabläufe und abwechslungsreicher Kämpfe können die Spieler zum Beispiel an Wänden entlanglaufen und abspringen, ihren Greifhaken einsetzen und auf beweglichen Plattformen balancieren.
  • Sieben Bereiche – Die Geschichte des Spiels erstreckt sich über acht detailreiche, von Hand gezeichnete Level, in denen die Spieler exotische Orte erleben; darunter regendurchflutete Dörfer, ehemals opulente, nun aber zerstörte Großstädte, Berggipfel und sogar ein ausbrechender Vulkan.
  • Einzigartige Waffen – Jede der vier Waffentypen (Schwert, Tetsubo, Naginata und Armklingen) hat verschiedene freischaltbare Angriffe, die etliche Kombinationsmöglichkeiten bieten. Die schnelle und kontinuierliche Verwendung dieser Kombos wirkt sich direkt auf die Punktzahl der Spieler aus.
  • Direktes, intelligentes Kampfsystem – Die Spieler werden für strategisches Kämpfen belohnt. Verschiedene Aktionen lassen sich auf unzählige Arten aneinanderreihen und erlauben es den Spielern somit, neue Kombinationen zu entdecken und zu perfektionieren, die von den Entwicklern nicht speziell konzipiert wurden.
  • Soul Shop – Seelen sind die Währung in Onikira. Die Spieler können sie zur Heilung nutzen und mit ihnen handeln. An manchen Stellen im Spiel befinden sich Dimensionsportale, an denen wohlwollende Geister dem Spieler neue Angriffe im Tausch gegen gesammelte Seelen anbieten.
  • Arena-Herausforderungen – In den Arenen können die Spieler kämpferische Herausforderungen annehmen, um ihre Fähigkeiten zu verbessern und Highscores zu jagen. Die Arenen sind per Achievements und Online-Highscores vollständig in die Steam-Leaderboards integriert.
  • Spezifische Gegnertypen – Jeder Gegner hat eigene Stärken und Schwächen, die seinen Kampfstil prägen. So zwingt etwa die schwebende Dämonenmaske Mempo den Spieler zu Luftangriffen; bei dem hochrangigen und fürchterlich verrenkten Samurai sind hingegen schnelle, überfallartige Angriffe besonders effektiv.


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz or AMD Athlon X2 64 2GHz
  • GFX: 256 MB ATI HD3650, 256 MB nVidia 8800 GT, or Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Software: Windows Vista SP2/ Windows 7
  • HD: 2 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: 1.8 GHz Quad Core
  • GFX: AMD HD5000 series or better, nVidia GT400 series or better, Intel IvyBridge integrated graphics or better
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Software: Windows Vista SP2/ Windows 7/ Windows 8
  • HD: 4 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c-compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

64 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.19 17:03
dachte erst die leute übertreiben und für nen euro kann man sich so nen kurzspiel gönnen aber es ist wirklich verbuggt, und da steckt auch keine levelgestalltung drin. hat miese fehler die steuerung hagt und wir kamen dann wegen nem bug nicht weiter sollte entweder mal reperiert werden oder einfach gelöscht. ganz großer stinkender müll der an sich auf ner guten Idee wuchs.
1254 Produkte im Account
164 Reviews
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.17 20:53
Ich persöhnlich finde das Onikira - Demon Killer ein tolles spiel ist macht wirklich spass kann ich jeden nur empfehlen
648 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.16 14:48
I want my Money back
1324 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.15 00:51
Was ist Onikira: Demon Killer? Ein 2D Hack and Slay was mich ein wenig an eine 2D Version von Shadow Warrior erinnert. Ihr müsst euch in diesem Spiel durch die Welt metzeln, Horden von Gegnern besiegen auf welche Ihr immer in einer Art Arena trefft und bestreitet Kämpfe gegen riesige Bossgegner. Um das alles so gut wie möglich zu schaffen stehen euch immer mehr verschiedene Waffen zu verfügung welche alle ihre Vor und Nachteile haben. Desweiteren könnt Ihr auch neue Kombis im Shop kaufen, welche euren Kampfstil indieviduel anpasst und somit für jeden Spielertyp etwas dabei ist. Aussedem gibt es auch einige leichte Jump n Run einlagen, welche aber jeder recht leich schaffen sollte. Mehr gibt es zu diesem kleinen feinen Hack and Slay nicht zu sagen, wem so etwas gefällt sollte es sich holen, wer davon nicht gerade ein Fan ist sollte es lassen. Von mir gibt es einen Daumen nach oben.
1500 Produkte im Account
1506 Reviews
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148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 00:09
Rather clunky mobile port. Crashing, bugs, and absolutely terrible control setup! I've read the game is enjoyable with it's native control setup but playing on PC seems like a nightmare. Perhaps try picking the game up on your mobile?
43 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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217 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 16:25
Looks a lot better than it actually is.
33 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 01:43
It just kept crashing out.
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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5140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 14:52
Avoid this game.... it constantly glitches. Awesome artwork and Wonky controls. Took me days to complete because of all the glitches......
302 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 17:05
Written on 29.11.2020
Don't buy this game if you value your sanity. It's a broken mess that crashes when ever it wants. Enemies are boring an annoying. You often have to fight them over instant kill pits. There are color coded enemies for every weapon. And to top it all off game will drop your inputs left and right in addition to the ever increasing input lag the longer you play.
1395 Produkte im Account
327 Reviews
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21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 18:44
This is one of the first games I bought on Steam that made me start to not trust the impression I got from trailers and screenshots etc.
578 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
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213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 04:51
This game is (you can probably guess from the overall rating) a bit crap. Honestly I've played worse games with a better rating but it's still shite. At first this game looks quite good but after a while you'll see the shitty flash game under the glossy surface. The writing is that of a 6th grader. The gameplay feels quite nice even tho it's a bit repetitive and the soundtrack is actually really good. If it weren't for the bugs (and oh there are tons of them) and the weird framerate drops I would lean on the positive side (probably cuz I'm a sucker for everything samurai) but as it is I just can't recommend it ESPECIALLY AT THAT PRICEPOINT . I wouldn't complain if it was a 5$ game but that is just wrong. Whatever I bought it for idk maybe 1.50$ so I won't complain to much. It's just... this could've been a way better game with some more time. 4/10
362 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 08:55
The game is not bad, however it's got some major flaws/bugs that prevent it from being a successful game. I will probably come back and finish this game. But for now it's on hold. It's not an unplayable game per say, but it does have some bugs that prevent the player from progressing forward.
541 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
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41 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.19 17:57
Feels like an unfinished mobile game. Too bad, because the art is nice and it has potential.

The combat is a bit clunky and don't feel like you are hitting your enemies. Overall as I played tons of platformers, I can't recommend this one, there's so much better games for the price tag. I.E. Mark of the Ninja.
629 Produkte im Account
565 Reviews
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658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.19 20:49
Where to start...
This is a 2D Side-Scrolling Hack & Slash game(you know like TMNT IV: Turtles in Time... PIZZA TIME!), nonetheless i thought 2D S-S started to die after 2002 when 3D S-S started to appear (e.g Duke Nukem: Manhatten Project).... i think some are still stuck in the past...

Game is playable, which is something...

But it left no aftertaste, in short, in a year i forgot about this game and even that i played it...

In Conclusion: Wasted Time, play Stabika instead :thumbsup::evilgrin:
2928 Produkte im Account
286 Reviews
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130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.17 00:03

For the sake of brevity..

  • Genre tags: Action, Platformer, Hack n Slash
  • Value Proposition: It has a considerable number of technical issues on top of being overly generic. I'd skip it.
  • BSERC - (Borderline Sardonic and Extremely Reductive Comparison): Janky version of Shank, Bloodrayne Betrayal, Shadow Blade: Reload

Concomitant Exposition and Summation

Onikira: Demon Killer is essentially a side scrolling combo beat 'em up. It takes from a lot of other games of the same genre. Fast/launch attacks, air juggles, dashing complete with I-frames. It's not a bad game to be fair, if you remove the constant crashing beyond the first couple of levels and the just ever so slightly off feeling platforming elements. You get a decent “go to the right and hit all the things” game.

There are other weapons that allow for different combos and as well as serve as platforming elements, grappling hooks, wall running and an extra dash. It equates to holding the trigger and the buttons will change effect. Much in the vain that DMC4 used something similar to quickly change weapons within the same combo or to quickly attach to a grapple point.

Here is the problem though, it doesn't feel.. right, it's just slightly off. It doesn't feel broken per se; It feels more like you can't really rely on anything so it ends up being very spam-y feeling combat with a few dashes and jumps mixed in. The platforming is much worse than the combat, not really challenging your skills. More accurately it's like overcoming an obstacle that was only play tested maybe once with the aid of a debug menu and left alone afterwards.

The checkpoints are frequent and restore you to full health. Its quite forgiving in that regard.
  • The OST is functional at best, very uninspiring. I found myself using my own music which I rarely do stay for a few games.
  • The game has a weird soft focus filter that seemed to go away after turning the AA to x16
  • The writing is – well, it isn't good. “I'm a samurai, The village is under attack. I must protect it”

There isn't anything specifically unique or outstanding about the game positive or negative. It's kind of meh to be honest. With the added technical issues of constant yet consistent crashing and the slightly off feeling mechanics – it's as though the developers hit some snafu in early access they couldn't afford the time to fix and said fuck it and released it as is; It's a shame really.

More here — Station Argus
1704 Produkte im Account
262 Reviews
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1203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.17 08:46
Another abandoned game to fill steam store and make profit based on old promises that just didnt saw the light of day.
It was suported until 2015, short after leaving early access (wich had a more stable version tbh) and the issues started to arise, constant crashes, resseting configurations when ever you launch the game, resseting/deleting your savegame (until i started to make a backup of my save, i was unable to pass level 3), and i could go on, but its already enough to just leave it be until steam remove it.

Just dont buy this game, because if you do, you are supporting this kind of behiavor from developers, that still promise a miracle patch no one is working on, and still profiting from sales the more casual/unaware gamers still do on the store.
No, just no, steam needs to start cleaning the house from this crap.

Im going to add the way i found to be able to play until completation and avoid save deletion, every time i play and leave the game, i go to Onikira folder Data/saveinformation folder and backup those 4 files, and everytime i want to play again, i just restore them (you are able to keep each chapter you unlocked, just have to start from the begining since checkpoints dont work)

Never leave the game middle chapter since chekpoints dont actually work unless on the same run, next time you start the game, it reset from the begining of the chapter if you backup the files, if dont, you will start from the first chapter.

Its annoying but does the job to complete the game, hope it helps the ones who want to finish it.
276 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.16 17:24
unless you enjoy endless crashing i would steer clear of this one. its a great game, tons of fun, but when i go to launch the game and load my saved game, it crashes within a minute. ive sent a support email to the devs with no response. their suggestion (in the discussions) for fixing it is deleting your save data and starting over. that would be fine except that doesnt work either. disappointing to see a developer neglect such a blatant and game breaking issue. you would think they would want to take care of the people supporting them and their game. if a patch is magically released i will pick this back up. but for now, stay away.
2965 Produkte im Account
300 Reviews
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.14 17:51
In the blood-steeped lands of feudal Japan exists a history rich with gruesome folklore of oni and yokai, creatures of our minds creation that lurk in the darkness and haunt mortals from beyond. Onikira - Demon Killer takes a bold step into the darker side of Japanese tradition and mythology, pitting you against the dark energies of hellish realms that threaten to creep into the world of the living and feast upon the souls of the unsuspecting.

The gritty, heavy visual style of the game and its usage of dark demonic imagery and lots of blood red hues gave me strong vibes of the PS2 era Shinobi and evokes that same kind of obscure attraction to the Japanese underworld felt from that series. The gameplay itself takes cues from only the greatest of action games with a grading system strongly resembling Devil May Cry's, insane almost endless aerial combos reminiscent of Bayonetta, and brightly colored red and blue orbs for replenishing your health or energy that fans of the Onimusha series will be familiar with. In the end, this is a developer who wears their influences on their sleeve, and some mighty fine influences these are.

The music is dark, heavy, and fitting. The percussions beat with the strength and power of a taiko drummer, the eerie and almost gothic sounding riffs of the interspersed guitar tearing in and out. When I hear the evil and ominous melodies in Onikira with their Eastern overtones I am instantly reminded of some of the best music from Mortal Kombat, particularly of the 3 and 4 era, and this is a very good thing when it comes to the subject matter dealt with in such a game.

Currently Onikira features two very lengthy, sufficiently challenging (though a hard mode would be nice for the old schoolers!), and detailed levels and one outstanding boss battle. If the boss fight we're shown here is any indication, Onikira has some huge ambitions when it comes to monster designs and the bosses will hopefully continue this giant titan-like structure that gives the current boss such an epic feel. Aside from hacking and slashing your way through the first story based levels available currently. There's a combat arena facing you against waves of increasingly difficult enemies, and is the perfect place to hone and perfect your skills while testing your ability against the rest of the world with the included Leaderboards.

Just like these great hacknslash titles of the past, Onikira - Demon Killer has some of the sharpest and most responsive action around. You can slice your enemies with a barrage of normal attacks, toss them in the air with a heavy attack and continue your onslaught with a follow-up air combo. Freakish oni heads float above shooting lazers at you while you use the dash ability to dodge the beam and keep the combo meter going. Boss battles are already beyond exhilirating and show huge ambition in size, and the weapons you're given to slay these grotesque creatures with are already a serious blast to experiment with.

In the end, this is an already satisfying action slash 'em up with some incredible influences and only a few non-gamebreaking rough spots, and if you're as excited as I am about its future there's no better time to get involved than now.
Logo for Onikira - Demon Killer
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils negativ
38.65% 80 127
Release:27.08.2015 Genre: Beat' em Up Entwickler: Digital Furnace Games Vertrieb: Headup Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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