Dear Community,
Here is another small update that includes huge performance improvements including some other things we addressed, let's jump into the patch notes:

- Loot interaction range has been increased from 80 to 100 due to community feedback. [/*]
- Slightly optimized shadows for better performance. No major changes are made although you should have better performance. [/*]
- Optimized the light system. Slight performance has been improved when using dynamic lightning. [/*]
- Players can now right click to move / drop only one item in the inventory. Here's an example: https://i.gyazo.com/02b29b8fa3cb6be0644af7bd83c60eb9.mp4 [/*]
- Substantially increased player's global inventory size. [/*]
- Fixed a major bug related to the rendering system. This was a design flaw in the original engine causing things / objects that were far / out of render distance to not properly un render. Basically this was the major reason for FPS & performance issues in Nether and we expect players will notice HUGE FPS & performance improvements after this patch. [/*]
- Fixed / improved how the character model reacts to barrels. [/*]
- Fixed some more physics issues related to some world buildings. [/*]
- Updated the French localization: Added missing translations and added taunts to the translations. [/*]
Note: Patch notes might be changed if we need to fix or add something.
Patch will roll out any moment from now. We are still testing some last things so there is no current ETA on when exactly we will update. Keep an eye out on our social media channels and we'll make sure to let you know! In case you are in a server while we patch, servers will initiate a shutdown sequence and will notify all the players with a countdown that the server is going down.
Once again thank you for your great support! Want to support us even more? Make sure to share these patch notes with your friends and followers!
Need support?
Discord: https://discord.gg/nethertuc
Website: http://support.fredaikis.com/ <- Create a ticket there under the "Nether: The Untold Chapter" section.
E-mail: support@nethertuc.com <- We will help you from there.
We highly recommend to join us on our forums at http://forums.fredaikis.com/. Just create an account (scroll a bit down on the home page) and you'll find the Nether: The Untold Chapter section. There is all the room for you to create threads about your ideas or to report any issues. You could also share them through social media however it's best for us if you'd use the forums for this.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetherTUC/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NetherTUC
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1010270/Nether_The_Untold_Chapter/
Discord: https://discord.gg/nethertuc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5HV4MZx9yq53vogFrrPQwA/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/NetherTUC/
Website: https://nethertuc.com/
Wiki: https://nether.gamepedia.com/Nether:_The_Untold_Chapter_Wiki
Best Regards,
// Fredaikis