Dear Community,
(Original Post: http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/8493-patch-80-hotfix-1/)
We are rolling out small hotfix to fix some Patch 8.0 related issues. We have also made some smaller improvements.
Let's jump into the hotfix notes:
- The first aid kit now grants 800 health instead of 400. [/*]
- The hit marker will now only show when damage is actually (confirmed) to be done to an enemy. [/*]
- Added a reward to the level 4 account reward. (When you reach level 4 you will receive some more global inventory slots) [/*]
- Fixed an issue causing shots not to register due to a collision / hitbox bug on players. [/*]
- Fixed a bug causing mission map icons to show the incorrect mission stage when logging in with a half-done mission. [/*]
- Fixed several building physics issues. [/*]
Note: Patch notes might be changed if we need to fix or add something.
Hotfix is rolling out as we speak.
Once again thank you for your great support! Want to support us even more? Make sure to share these patch notes with your friends and followers!
Need support?
Discord: https://discord.gg/nethertuc
Website: http://support.fredaikis.com/ <- Create a ticket there under the "Nether: The Untold Chapter" section.
E-mail: support@nethertuc.com <- We will help you from there.
We highly recommend to join us on our forums at http://forums.fredaikis.com/. Just create an account (scroll a bit down on the home page) and you'll find the Nether: The Untold Chapter section. There is all the room for you to create threads about your ideas or to report any issues. You could also share them through social media however it's best for us if you'd use the forums for this.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetherTUC/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NetherTUC
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1010270/Nether_The_Untold_Chapter/
Discord: https://discord.gg/nethertuc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5HV4MZx9yq53vogFrrPQwA/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/NetherTUC/
Website: https://nethertuc.com/
Wiki: https://nether.gamepedia.com/Nether:_The_Untold_Chapter_Wiki
Best Regards,
// Fredaikis