Dear Community,
(Original Post: http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/7877-patch-30/)
A smaller patch this time. Before we jump into the patch notes we'd like to mention that the actual patch is rolling out tomorrow. We'll let you guys know trough our official channels when the patch is ready and when the servers will restart. This patch will include the global inventory update where we have merged them to be per official server region instead of per server! This means you are going to be able to have the same global inventory in separate official servers. More information about that and the merge in the patch notes below.
Now, let's jump into it.

- Fixed a bug preventing trading / crafting at certain Tribe locations. [/*]
- Fixed a bug where players could bypass the inventory size limit by stacking items. [/*]
- Fixed a bug related to Nethers taking over the safe zones. This wasn't working properly before. [/*]
- Fixed a bug preventing some players with special characters / symbols in their names to join a server. [/*]
- Added a new feature that allows players to save their log-out location when logging out from a safe zone. This only works in safe zones and players get to ask if they would like to use this when logging out. When logging back in, in the same server, you will be at the exact same place. [/*]
- Added a new feature that allows players to report other players. This was a big demand from the community and something we are definitively going to use to monitor players and their behavior. See something suspicious? Just report the player! [/*]
- Added a new feature that allows players to mute other players through the social tab. When muting a player you will no longer hear them through VOIP and you will no longer see chat messages from them. [/*]
- Global inventories are now shared between official servers. This means you will now have the same global inventory between servers. It's still region based so there will be a different, separate global inventory in each region. We have taken the global inventories from players that have the biggest size, this way the GI that has the most items for a player, will be used. This process is also done per region. Note: It might have happened that we grabbed the global inventory that you didn't want. This is understandable. Don't worry. We have made backups of all the other global inventories and if you'd like to use an other one in this process just contact our support at http://support.fredaikis.com/ [/*]
- Fixed a bug related to the account level-up notification. Sometimes it would not show the correct level you leveled up to. [/*]
- Fixed a bug where your health would display the wrong value after reviving. [/*]
- Fixed a bug related to the safe zone in Riverside. It no longer spams the status message. [/*]
- Increased the size of the right-click menu in the socials screen. [/*]
- Group notifications and updates will now show in the chat. [/*]
- Fixed the 'block attack warning' text. Updated to: "You need the 'Blocking' skill to block attacks". [/*]
- Added collision for the barrel models. (all variants) (placed in various places around the world.) [/*]
- Added collision for the message board model. (placed in for example the safe zone.) [/*]
- Added collision for the warehouse box clusters model. (example of the model: https://prnt.sc/nrqvs5) [/*]
- Added collision for the air ventilation models. (all variants) (example of one of them: http://prntscr.com/nrqz7x) [/*]
- Added collision for the kitchen sets. (all variants) (example of one of them: http://prntscr.com/nrrul6) [/*]
- Added collision for the office sets. (all variants) (example of one of them: http://prntscr.com/nrt1fv) [/*]
- Added collision for the sofa sets. (all variants) (example of one of them: http://prntscr.com/nry4qg) [/*]
- Added collision for the terrace sets. (all variants) (example of one of them: http://prntscr.com/ns8s7q) [/*]
- Added collision for the bedroom sets. (all variants) (example of one of them: http://prntscr.com/ns9gib) [/*]
- Added collision for the cafe table sets. (all variants) (example of one of them: http://prntscr.com/ns9r28) [/*]
- Added collision for the den sets. (all variants) (example of one of them: http://prntscr.com/nsa1j4) [/*]
- Added collision for the dining sets. (all variants) (example of one of them: http://prntscr.com/nsa5ep) [/*]
- Fixed the collision for the bar model. (example of the mesh: http://prntscr.com/nsa89x) [/*]
- Fixed the collision for one of the bathroom rooms. (example of the mesh: http://prntscr.com/nsab98) (players could not enter through door) [/*]

- The GRIMM Reaper (melee) icon has been reworked and now fits the new style. It also now matches the actual mesh in game. [/*]
- The Crow Bar (melee) icon has been reworked and now fits the new style. It also now matches the actual mesh in game. [/*]
- The Baseball Bat (melee) icon has been reworked and now fits the new style. It also now matches the actual mesh in game. [/*]
- The Battle Axe (melee) icon has been reworked and now fits the new style. It also now matches the actual mesh in game. [/*]

- Fixed the extension in the HTO safe zone where the players were falling down. (through the floor) [/*]
- Fixed a metro entrance where you walked against an invisible wall at Bridgeport. [/*]
- Added more Nether spawns in the Wastelands. [/*]
Note: Patch notes might be changed if we need to fix or add something.
Once again thank you for your great support! Want to support us even more? Make sure to share these patch notes with your friends and followers!
Need support?
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/Zm3hpBB <- PM the "Nether Support" bot on the right for support.
Website: http://support.fredaikis.com/ <- Create a ticket there under the "Nether: The Untold Chapter" section.
E-mail: support@nethertuc.com <- We will help you from there.
We highly recommend to join us on our forums at http://forums.fredaikis.com/. Just create an account (scroll a bit down on the home page) and you'll find the Nether: The Untold Chapter section. There is all the room for you to create threads about your ideas or to report any issues. You could also share them through social media however it's best for us if you'd use the forums for this.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetherTUC/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NetherTUC
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1010270/Nether_The_Untold_Chapter/
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/Zm3hpBB
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5HV4MZx9yq53vogFrrPQwA/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/NetherTUC/
Website: https://nethertuc.com/
Wiki: https://nether.gamepedia.com/Nether:_The_Untold_Chapter_Wiki
Best Regards,
// Fredaikis