Dear Community,
It's been a while since we last patched and we have been looking at the biggest issues players faced and what we thought was lacking in terms of content. We have worked on new missions, major fixes and some important quality of life improvements in general.
Now, let's jump into the patch notes:

- Greatly improved the melee hitbox system. We have reworked parts of the hitbox registration system entirely to fix the hitbox registration issues. There was great issues with some melees where it was very weird and glitchy to melee Nether creatures. It should be a lot easier and smoother now to melee Nether creatures. We have made a gif as an example: https://i.gyazo.com/77e06027069677b9d11cb671c78b9825.mp4 [/*]
- Improved the bullet tracer particles. We have done this for two main reasons: 1) To give players shooting a weapon better feedback where their bullets are going. 2) To give other players a better indication where they are getting shot from/where bullets are going in general. Generally speaking the weapon fire tracers are a lot better to see now. We have made a gif as an example: https://i.gyazo.com/2ac66afbf46387192bf8255e1219ed7b.mp4 [/*]
- Decreased the amount of camera shake when scoping in with weapons that have a scope. [/*]
- You can now sprint while reloading or changing your weapon. Before this was cancelled upon doing the action. [/*]
- Increased the speed of the swapping to melee animation. This makes it feel a lot smoother and faster to switch to a melee. We are hoping this allows players to use melees more frequently when fighting Nether creatures. We have made a gif as an example: https://i.gyazo.com/3cb015d4c3de0a56ce0926c8354558c0.mp4 [/*]
- When using a melee your sprinting speed is increased. As the world is already quite big we want to enable more ways for players to travel around faster. [/*]
- Decreased the sprint speed of the level 10 stamina skill from 25% to 10% as a combination of this with the melee speed increase improvement made this skill way too overpowered. [/*]
- You can now level up to level 40. (Before it was 30.) From level 30 and up you'll gain even more points allowing to unlock the full skill tree.
- You will now only lose 25% of your current XP when you die. This includes leveled skills and unused skill points. This means that your XP won't reset entirely anymore when you die but only a part of it. [/*]
- Increased the global footstep sound volume. This was way too low before and footsteps were pretty much not audible. [/*]
- Improved the readability of the skill descriptions tooltip. [/*]
- Added your current level and level progress to the inventory UI screen.
- Added a notification when you try to turn on a flashlight but don't have one in your inventory. [/*]
- Also added a notification when you try to turn on a flashlight but you have dynamic lightning off, as this needs to be on in your settings for the flashlight effect to work. [/*]
- The waypoints on the compass are made more visible.
- Hovering icons in the map will now fade out close by icons to help with readability. We have made a gif as an example: https://i.gyazo.com/1b342740bcddf2343dc6c15441bfa7c5.mp4 [/*]

- Fixed a bug causing your screen to get blurry after trying to revive. This was mostly happening when a player would reset their spawn. [/*]
- Fixed a visual bug related to players having too long names where in the chat if a player's name was too long it would cut out. [/*]
- Fixed a bug that players were abusing where they could sprint with the inventory screen open. [/*]
- Fixed some physics issues related to the church model where players could walk and shoot through some poles. Also fixed some other model issues related to the church. [/*]
- Fixed an error related to the Ghul creature that could potentially cause players to crash. [/*]
- Fixed a bug related to sprinting / using stamina inside the safe zone where it was still using stamina. It's not suppose to use any stamina when sprinting inside the safe zone. [/*]

- New missions have been added. The new missions are longer, contain more steps and offer bigger rewards to players upon finishing the mission. We hope this gives more variety and purpose to the game for players. [/*]
- You can now have 3 missions active at a single time instead of one. This means you'll be able to do 3 different missions at once, if you'd like of course. We have also adapted the UI for this so that you can see the progress of each mission all in one UI. [list]
- You can abandon each mission separately. This means you can abandon one out of the three missions you'd have active. [/*]
- Here's how the mission UI looks, in this example there is 2 missions active:



- Fixed an issue related to the mission system where sometimes a player wouldn't receive a reward upon finishing a mission. [/*]
- Fixed various UI bugs related to the mission system. Also fixed some alignment issues and made some smaller tweaks to make the UI look better and feel smoother. [/*]

- Major world optimizations have been made to provide better performance. [/*]
- Lowered the spawn cooldown of Nether creatures. This means more Nether creatures will spawn. Players reported that the map felt quite empty sometimes due to the low amount of Nether creatures in the world. There will be more now. [/*]
- The Lake Side Safe Zone can no longer be taken over by Nether creatures. This was done since it is the main safe zone and the safe zone where all the beginner players start and where most of the beginner missions start. This is so we can avoid beginner players from being confused or rushed too fast into a conflicted area in the game. [/*]
- Added package NPCs to all the safe zones. Players can now receive a package from the NPC, the available package that you can receive from the NPC changes every 15 minutes. Retrieving a package from an NPC will set the NPC on cooldown for 2 minutes. Once you deliver the package, you can come back and ask for another one. [/*]
- Fixed an issue related to the level settings causing some objects, mostly details, to be randomly invisible. [/*]
- Added some more blocking walls in the north of the town area because players were able to fly outside of the playing area. [/*]
Note: Patch notes might be changed if we need to fix or add something.
Patch is rolled out.
Once again thank you for your great support! Want to support us even more? Make sure to share these patch notes with your friends and followers!
Need support?
Discord: https://discord.gg/nethertuc
Website: http://support.fredaikis.com/ <- Create a ticket there under the "Nether: The Untold Chapter" section.
E-mail: support@nethertuc.com <- We will help you from there.
We highly recommend to join us on our forums at http://forums.fredaikis.com/. Just create an account (scroll a bit down on the home page) and you'll find the Nether: The Untold Chapter section. There is all the room for you to create threads about your ideas or to report any issues. You could also share them through social media however it's best for us if you'd use the forums for this.
Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetherTUC/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NetherTUC
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1010270/Nether_The_Untold_Chapter/
Discord: https://discord.gg/nethertuc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5HV4MZx9yq53vogFrrPQwA/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/NetherTUC/
Website: https://nethertuc.com/
Wiki: https://nether.gamepedia.com/Nether:_The_Untold_Chapter_Wiki
Best Regards,
// Fredaikis