News Liste Mossfield Origins
This build tries to clarify the last research level in the demo, and introduce more flexibility in the experience.
Fixes / Changes
- Slow down intro rotation to reduce motion sickness
- Add 'pause to read' option, changing the default to false. See below
- Add clarity to the descriptions of Storage Foundation (Waste), Resource foundation (NANO)
- Add hint from the drone for Waste + Nano if you are still looking for it. These new prompts will get VO soon.
Pause To Read
Previously, when the hover panel/build/upgrade info was displayed it would pause as to not waste time of day, in an effort for you not to feel rushed as time ticks past. From feedback, this seems like a preference people prefer to not have enabled, so we're trying with the default to off. If you'd like that behaviour, turn it on in the settings menu.
Black flashing blocks
Please note if you are experiencing this, we are aware of it and are working on fixing it.
You can visit our discord to help fix that. We also have a work around while you wait.
Thanks for all the players that reported issues and tested, we look forward to more feedback!
Studio Any Percent
Studio Any Percent
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos