New update has just found its way to the Public Beta and it's waiting for you to try it out! This one focuses on fixing some of the most important issues you've reported; to name a few, the problem with time freezing is now mitigated and many problems with resource demand and villagers not producing when they are meant to have been fixed.
If you wish to participate in the Beta testing, all you have to do to access the Beta branch is right-click on the game in your Steam library, select Properties -> Betas and choose the openbeta in the Beta Participation dropdown. After you confirm the dialogue, let the game update and you are ready to play!

We greatly appreciate if you report any bugs and issues either here on the Steam forums, in the comments of this article or better yet - in our Discord community!
Thank you for your continuous support, we would not be able to make it so far without such an awesome community!
Change Log:
- Added option in settings to block mouse edge camera scrolling
- Fixed global taxation setting increasing automatically with each reopen of the accounting menu
- Fixed number of issues with the demand calculation formula leading to inaccurate, very high or incorrectly non existend demand for various professions and items (grain, alchemists, artists, furnace, inn, clergy wood and others)
- Removed restriction of the animal feeding activities being exclusively done by npcs with the animal caretaking role
- Fixed farmers not following the ratios of planted crops properly
- Fixed issue related to villagers blocking money in their pockets which can lead to a halt in purchasing
- Fixed a possible crash with loading a save file
- Fixed a bug that prevented royal forest families from refilling feeders for pigs
- Fixed issue with caravans purchasing resources in opposite order leading to them first purchasing resources that are the least overproduced
- Caravan trashpiles will no longer trigger too many trashpiles notifications
- Added coal as a prioritized production in the Furnace zone
- Fixed an issue with calculating the market value of a normal meal
- Added a safety check that can prevent the game from stopping the passage of time if a crash occurs with a specific NPC
- Increased the output of coal from a stone mountain
- In ruling lessons, the priority settings are now hidden until they are unlocked in a chapter 4 of the ruling lessons