• Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.
  • Lords and Villeins: Screen zum Spiel Lords and Villeins.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 10.11.2022
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Preis Update 19.12.22
Lords and Villeins
  • Plattform: PC
Zum Shop
Preis Update 29.03.23

Über das Spiel

Errichte Dynastien mittelalterlicher Familien und beobachte, wie sie sich entwickeln und interagieren, während du ihre Häuser, Höfe und Werkstätten baust und ihnen unterschiedliche Aufgaben, Pflichten und Steuern zuteilst.

Lords and Villeins ist eine sehr unbeschwerte, zugängliche und doch komplexe Städtebau-Strategiesimulation einer mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft, in der du die Dynastie der herrschenden Familie formen kannst. In diesem Spiel kümmerst du dich nicht um das tägliche Leben eines einzelnen Dorfbewohners, sondern um ganze Familien und ihre Nachfahren.

In „Lord and Villeins“ beanspruchst du den Titel als Lord oder Lady und bist bereit, eine blühende Gemeinde zu bilden, indem du Bauern- und Adelsfamilien steuerst und beeinflusst. Du kümmerst dich um die Bedürfnisse deiner Dorfbewohner durch das Errichten von Häusern, Höfen und Werkstätten und verwaltest Aufgaben, Pflichten und Steuern der Familien, in der Hoffnung darauf, eine florierende Stadt zu erschaffen. Durch die Verwaltung der Wirtschaft, den Ausbau von Produktionsketten und die Beeinflussung des täglichen Lebens der Dorfbewohner kannst du eine einzigartige Geschichte deiner eigenen Siedlung kreieren.

Im Mittelpunkt des Designs steht eine emotionale Reise – schaue deinen Dorfbewohnern zu, wie sie wachsen, sich entwickeln, Beziehungen aufbauen, Hürden und Herausforderungen bestehen, um ihr Leben und ihre Geschichten auf interessante Art und Weise zu gestalten.

  • Einzigartige Familienverwaltungsmechanik, bei der du autonomen Familien Grundstücke zuweist und Steuerpolitik, Produktionsprioritäten und Logistik verwaltest.
  • Eingehende Simulation von persönlichem Besitz und Marktwirtschaft. Die Dorfbewohner verwalten Schaufenster, um überschüssige Güter zu verkaufen und Nahrung und Material von anderen in einer kooperativen Produktionskette zu kaufen. Die Preise für Waren schwanken basierend auf Angebot und Nachfrage und Handelskarawanen erleichtern Import und Export.
  • Vollständig simulierte, prozedural generierte Umgebung mit einer komplexen KI, die Beziehungen aufbauen, ihre Bedürfnisse, täglichen Routinen und persönlichen Ambitionen befriedigen kann.
  • Immersive Simulation einer Gesellschaft mit sozialen Klassen, Klerus, Kriminellen, hohem Rat, Politik, Dienern, Militär und mehr!
  • Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist in hohem Maße anpassbar; du entscheidest, wie komplex oder entspannt dein Spielverlauf wird!
  • Mit dem Charakterdesigner kannst du alle in deiner herrschenden Familie vollständig anpassen und benennen.
  • 160+ Gegenstände, die dir zum Bau, zur Dekoration und Verbesserung deiner Siedlung zur Verfügung stehen.
  • 53 verschiedene Zonen und 40 Berufe, denen die Dorfbewohner nachgehen können.
  • 130+ Ressourcen, die in einer voll funktionsfähigen Produktionskette benutzt werden können.
  • Eine Reihe domestizierter Tiere und Haustiere und eine blühende Natur mit Wildtieren.
  • Optisch unterschiedliche Jahreszeiten mit Soundtrack zu saisonalen Themen.
  • Vollständig simulierte und dynamische Welt mit wechselnden Temperatur- und Wettereffekten.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Pentium i5-3470
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 660
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-bit
  • HD: 750 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Tschechisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht)
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.6 GHz Dual Core
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 660
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 750 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Tschechisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Russisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht)

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

120 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 17:36
Tolle Simulation! Es gibt immer was zu tun und es hat tolle Musik.

Ich hatte Zugang vor Early Access, habe die Entwickler kennengelernt und Feedback gegeben das auch umgesetzt wurde.
Richtig schön zu sehen wie es sich bisher entwickelt hat und so wird es sicherlich noch weiter gehen :)
60 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 04:22
This game is expensive and it's very poorly done.

- Micro managing the taxes / resources is simple but very irritating.
- No control over units
- long loading screens
- zones don't work well together, I realized houses zones are a meme. Just another part of the game that isn't finished.
- NPC's all take more resources then they give but when you get new villagers they come with gold / resources, so let your people starve. Kinda lame.
- Feel free to walk away from the game. I was afk for 12 hours and it really didn't matter.
- The game runs very poor when you have a lot of villagers.
- Caravans basically drain your town of gold. Micro manage this carefully. Horrible design imo.

120 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
8458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 00:25
Fantastic game. It's not Rimworld. It has some very interesting mechanics that could make this a fun little city builder. Developers seems to add and update often, Maps need to continue to grow. Also a way to set up things like Sim City 4 had regions would be cool so you could caravan between those towns. My people run out of money when often when I have caravans, they bleed my people dry; that is the biggest flaw so far.
220 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
15224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.22 21:12
Absolutely love this game. Before the Clergy update it was a bit rough around the edges, but the last update really improved the gameplay to a next level.
This is a good buy if you are into city builders and want the old-snes style graphics. When its out of early access it will be a gem.
28 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 17:34
An amazing game :D

love the way family's work. a lot different to what I'm used to, almost like the middle ground between rimworld and songs of syx

the tutorial is very easy to follow, leaving enough to be explored by the player once its finished.

didn't expect how much some of the updates change the game. its almost like getting a free add on or DLC

strongly recommend buying this game while its still in early access. its an experience :D
34 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 07:37
Not sure why the reviews are negative, as far as early access games go this one feels pretty well sorted. Everything works as expected and problems with in-game economy can be avoided by careful planning. The game also provides you with enough tools to solve supply and demand issues should they arise. Learning curve is pretty steep but that is expected given how unique this game is. Overall a very solid game
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
20194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 04:13
So I've played this game for a little bit and I love how cute it is. As of this moment, there could be some balancing tweaks, but I also see that as a challenge to work around. In addition, I can see on the Discord that the devs are actively working on balancing the game and adding new content. They send everyone teasers rather regularly and I get super excited. In terms of gameplay, I think there is definitely some replayability. Although it may not seem like different maps offer too much of a difference in playstyle, you find out quite soon that it most definitely does change how you plan your town. As of now, the next update is coming soon and the amount of content is enough to make me want to stay up all night to learn all about the new professions.
457 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 03:00
This game looks like its going to turn out to be a nice colony sim. Its pretty unplayable right now though. Villagers are still too dumb. They stand around and starve to death, get trapped everywhere. They just don't seem like they are actually very interested in surviving. A little more time in the oven and maybe we will have a great game. When that time comes, I'll happily change my review.
342 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 02:42
Played this game for quite a bit of time before the update and had fun with it, even though the economy system wasn't developed. Now, with the newest patch, I get constant crashes when trying to put build plans down. Worst of all, while the sensible move to have temperature based needs is nice, they villagers are too stupid to use them and constantly die because they're incapable of putting firewood into a fire place instead of dying of hypothermia. Congratulations to the team, they made the game worse. When the most basic mechanics are fixed, I'll come back to this. Until then, its not worth the annoyance of dealing with the mechanical vagaries of the supply chain.
357 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 23:04
It has a lot of potential, but I wouldn’t recommend this game in its current state. There’s just too much micromanagement required to keep a basic economy running, and villagers will prioritize unnecessary tasks over things like buying food to survive.

For example, I had a villager in charge of tanning. He was pretty poor, so I ended up donating money so that he could buy hides or food. What did he do? He spent all that money on wooden rods (???) and then sat around and spammed me with “Your villager is starving” messages until I donated some food. I ended up just donating the hides directly, at which point he made the leather and sold it…to immediately go back into poverty buying more rods.

There are a lot more examples I could give concerning the broken in-game economy, like how hunters price carcasses at absurdly high rates, so your butcher will never be able to afford them unless you continually donate. Looking at the road map for this game, it seems like the developer is more focused on big changes rather than fixing the basic trading mechanics.
1152 Produkte im Account
153 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 20:45
Spent 14 hours trying to make buildings, this game is really annoying for me to play, i am struggling with the basic and have not done anything yet just stuck trying to make a house for each familly and the lord. It took me forever to get a building that looked okay to me and then it took me forever to figure out the zone system. Now that i understand the game its sad to say that right now its not worth getting. You want to start solo and grow? Not yet in the game, so all those small households you get are in the way as you only want big famillies. You have to manually give them materials etc, only your familly can own shops so no economy here at the moment. Its a big chaotic mess and that is to much for me to handel. Its a very overwhelming game and while the idea is interesting at the momment 29.12.2021 its not there yet.

I would suggest buying this to support the development or wait for future updates and keep a eye on its development.
182 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 21:42
This game has promise and is fun until it starts falling apart. The balance is really out of whack for a few families. Meaning they can not substain themselves because of what they produce for different reasons. One is because the cost of let's say carcasses is way to high for the butcher to keep up and very few peeps buy sausages, the hides go to leather workers, but very few peeps buy their wares... so you end up seizing and giving out food and gold like it comes to you free. It doesn't the king demands to get him in favor or keep him in favor can be high demands on some products. This happens to more than a few families always broke or starving. The first three families do well enough, it is the ones that come after... always needing money or food. You get a family that is huge so, you grant them the inn...well now the family forgets everything but the inn. There is content coming, but I found that no one buys the beer from the brewers if they own the tavern, no one wants to buy clothes or shoes (Of course they will take them for free) and armor...LOL ..Nope!

The caravans come through and sell everything but their mothers. So who do the peeps go buy from when they need food? The farmer who has the same price and is part of the community...No the caravan. So for the love of pickles do not put up a caravan too soon, they rarely buy from your village.

The Lord or Lady are pretty useless except for producing kids. Just dots moving around or plopped in a tavern (really would be nice if they could run the tavern or even buy off the village market).

The day flies by giving no real time for the families to sell their wares and get their jobs done...days should be longer because the caravans can stay open most the days and they are there in my games every single day.

Balance...lack of day time...lack of a production that a family can create besides lets say leather (more families have lacking productions or their wares just do not sell), caravans killing your village's economy, and maps way too small are just a few things that make this game not recommended at this time.

Let it brew some more with content and fixes updates...well let it brew a lot more.
169 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
21633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 00:54
i like it enough to put several hours into it. seems it needs various fixes that should be obvious. other than that glad i bought it. it's already got me close to 100 hours of enjoyment at this time. Improvements i like to see: families having offspring. maybe a little better map generation. so far i only like the hills map. but not every time. at least can reload with a new map. some minor issues. seems a bit complex but real life is complex too. so its complex in a realistic way. this is my Christmas present for December. I may not need another game for a while. other players should like it too. I already voted it for indie of year or at least upvoted that discussion. this is one game i recomend for that.
267 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 20:25
Totally recomended, a great twist on the colony simulation genre. Macro is the new micro management, its funny to see your little villein sell and trade stuff to survive.

A hidden jewel, i really hope to see the roadmap completed, the game will shine even more!
252 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 14:56
A unique Colony Sim that focuses strongly on resource management and building. Has a lot of substance in it's current state. It stands out nicely on its own while having some qualities you would see in other good colony sims. I like this one a lot not only for it's art style but also how it utilizes zoning and economy. This game will have a slight learning curve and I would suggest checking out videos from ObiVanDamme on youtube as his videos helped me out a lot while learning how to play. He also sounds like Ludwig Von Drake which is hilariously entertaining.

If you are as nuts about these creative management games as I am then this is absolutely a must. On sale while its in EA state is safe but you can easily get your moneys worth in its current state IMO.
136 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 08:33
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 19:49
Great game.
Pros: Relaxing, interesting, great art, and fairly in-depth. Early to mid game is fairly polished. Provides about ten hours of game-play before you get to the later game. If you like games about economics and creating resource chains, this is your game.

Cons: Late game economy is unbalanced and quite frustrating. Several of the trades are not profitable at all and you end up having to provide an influx of food and money to those families. Butcher and all of the artisan families become completely dependent upon your kindness. Windmill, Hunter, and Fisher families at best can survive on their own, but they never thrive. This leads to a downward spiral of your village not being profitable long term.

Caveats: Still in early access with regular updates. With each update, I have noticed that there is a genuine effort made to improve the game. High probability that the basic price/value of all items will be balanced to where your people can actually thrive and make a profit if managed properly. Will update as time goes along. Currently been playing a new map with each update and have seen improvement in my gameplay experience each time, which in turn has allowed for a longer play through.
67 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 15:48
Great game but hard to get started.
585 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 22:32
If you like a game like this, then I'd say go for this game
143 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
5199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 01:04
Little bit of background: I own about 50 management/colony sim/city builder games. I love the genre but a lot of the games are very similar so it can get boring. I bought this game impulsively not expecting a lot but once I started playing I fell in love with its unique mechanics and game play system.

Unique art style
Hardworking, responsive, and dedicated devs
Positive Community
Frequent updates and bug fixes
Solid base game for EA
Ability to change speed of the game
Great tutorial that isn't annoying or makes you feel dumb, allows you to naturally learn the game while giving hints
Very interesting economic system
Interesting gameplay loop
Good amount of micromanaging (ability to grant, seize, and sell items)

I didn't know how to rotate furniture until after like 50 hours (buttons are q and e in case you're wondering). I thought it would be r like most other games so that was frustrating to not know
No copy and paste mechanic (looks like it will be added in future updates). It is frustrating to build the same 5 person house three times in a row.
Can feel a bit empty at times (it will be improved upon as it is only two months into EA)
Warehouse book is a bit clunky and difficult to manage at times, lots of clicking instead of being able to grant all the families 200 meals
Pawns (or whatever you call them) could use a bit more personality and more unique interactions and breathe a little more life into them.

Interesting things to note:
I find this to be a positive but other might not. I love that I can just spend a while setting up the game, granting people things and assigning buildings then just let it run at 3x speed in the background while I work. It is satisfying and it will make a notification noise if there is an issue like people can't reach a structure.

TL;DR Not a Rimworld wannabe clone. It is its own unique game focused on the economy and life. It has amazing devs who have put a lot of time and love into this project and will continue doing so. The game has a few issues but they will all be worked through as the game keeps on developing. If you are interested in these types of colony management games and want to be able to let them run without you micromanaging every single second this one is for you. The game will only continue to get better and I cannot wait to see it improve

Great work devs <3
208 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 17:31
This game is sorta like rimworld type of game but instead you can actually build a village which you rule as a lady or lord. Great concept and many things to offer. I'd love to see how this game expands. One thing I miss in the early access the lack of ability to have floors. Ability to build upwards. Hopefully it gets added later
374 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 01:28
Lords and Villeins is a very unique colony sim that is absolutely worth the investment. On the surface level this has everything that you would expect from a Rimworld or Banished style of game. You have different zones, production chains, and weather effects. Where Lords and Villeins shines is the kingdom, tax, and profession mechanics that they've sprinkled on top. I am very excited to see where this developer takes this game. The recent game patches adding inns and deeper mechanics has me very hopeful this will be a mainstay in my sim library.

The twist on the standard sim in this game you play as a ruling family. You're given a plot of land, being the map you spawn into, by the crown and are in charge of ruling over it and the starting families that have gathered there with you. You're given a bit of resources, and a loose set of recommendations to guide you on the way.

As this ruling family, you are not able to produce everything. The point for you is that you're not supposed to. Instead you zone and then bequeath plots of land to your accompanying families, choosing between different laws that better describe the family's relationship with this land. For example, enable scotage on a carrot field to get 30% of those monch-y boys every season as tax, or enable Fee-Farm to allow the family to keep all of the gains the land provides and in return give you financial compensation. This system is really dope and meshes nicely with the intended goal of making you feel like the lord of this land.

it is very easy to lose time in this game, every time I sit down to play 15 minutes I slip into an 1-2 hour session. Zero regrets, would buy again.
209 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
2093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 01:35
I'm not going to lie, I was going to give this game a bad review, but instead went to there discord and voiced my complaints and its been 2 updates and I'll be damned 8 out of 10 complaints have been resolved! So positive review!
2479 Produkte im Account
265 Reviews
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 21:07
Colony simulations tend to be quite a thrill if the experience is as refined as it needs to be. For better or worse, the venerable Dwarf Fortress has left an incredible mark on gaming and we’re consistently fed a steady stream of the genre that it almost single-handedly spawned. I’m still always looking for something that can match the level of depth and emergent storytelling that was provided by it as I check in to see how close we are to getting its updated Steam version. That said, Gnomoria and RimWorld stand out as the most memorable releases of its legacy even if they have shed some of that depth in an attempt to become more user-friendly.

Over the years we’ve received plenty of other visions on the genre and, for the most part, I was expecting something of a medieval RimWorld out of Lords & Villeins. To my surprise, even in its very Early Access state, it’s left my assumptions by the wayside and offered me an experience that’s far more unique than it had appeared at first glance.

Your Fief, My Lord
Lords & Villeins has you taking on the role of a lord in service to the king. You’ve been granted a wild, untamed territory with a pair of commoner families so that you may transform it into a new town for the good sovereign to tax. Your starting three families include your own, one that has a knack for farming, and one that can make sure that your royal forest is operational. They’ll need your direction in setting up their homestead and determining which lands are theirs for working so that they might become productive members of society. Lucky for you, you live in a feudal society so once they’re up and running you can follow in His Majesty’s footsteps and profit from their hard work.

There are four separate contracts that you can force upon your subjects on an individual basis. Socage requires that they simply pay a percentage of what they make to you. Fishermen will provide you with some of their fish, bakers will provide you with a few loaves of bread, and so on. Alternatively, fee-farm is the classic rent situation that too many of us are familiar with. They’ll pay you a fixed amount for the lands that they hold but get to own everything that they produce. Stewardship is the third option and it requires your villages to hand over everything that they produce. The benefit for them is that they’re now salaried employees and you’ll be paying them for their labors in coin. Finally, frankalmoigne donates the land to the new holder free of any obligations to you. In Lords & Villeins current state, this appears to offer no real benefit, though the implementation of a faith system could certainly make it viable with some kind of church-based favor.

Family First
Private ownership and a functioning economy are what make Lords & Villeins stand out from its competitors. Each family has its own inventory and the right to buy and sell goods as needed. Whether they’re opening their own stall in the marketplace to sell the fruits of their labors or simply purchasing what they need with the salary that you pay them, there’s an active economy that’s always running. This can look different depending on the contacts that you’ve put into place and how centralized or free trade is under your rule.

Families themselves have the classic needs of food, sleep, shelter, and basic resources, though it’s clear that there’s plenty related to this system that hasn’t been implemented yet. Family mood seems to only be impacted by starvation or a lack of a place to sleep, otherwise, they’re as happy as can be. A straw bed and a sack of potatoes is all they require. I’m sure that big changes are on the way for this, though it makes the experience very easy currently. The only real challenge comes from the king’s taxes and even that’s not much of a struggle if you understand the economy. It’s made even easier if you game the system by pushing an oppressive tax system and seizing property as there isn’t any pushback from the people.

Sound & Graphics
Lord & Villeins’ atmosphere was another pleasant surprise. The art style is all its own being both pleasant to look at and different from anything else I’ve played. I’m so used to being bombarded with the RimWorld / Prison Architect style that this was a breath of fresh air. The audio design was also solid with a lack of any intrusive noises and relaxing background music that fit with the theme of the title. Even the general vibe of the experience made it so that it felt like I was building my own Stardew Valley village of sorts as opposed to desperately clinging on to survive in a harsh world. It was a nice change of pace when compared to what we’re frequently pushed even if I do find myself enjoying the intense storytelling of other games as well.

Lords & Villeins isn’t a complete game yet but it’s well on its way. It’s already shaping up to be a unique entry in a genre that’s begun to get stale and I found myself hooked even on my first sitting. The family dynamics, implementation of feudalism, and active economy stood out to be for their innovative vision and I could see this being a great town builder if Honestly Games keeps moving full-speed ahead with new content while slowing down just enough to hammer out a few minor quality of life improvements along the way.

Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!
218 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
3500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 15:08
This is a fun game, love setting everything up and watching the villagers thrive. Map could be a bit bigger though I run out of space after about 5 families.
106 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 13:09
This is a sim that is like being a regional manager. You are given a territory and have to staff it appropriately to be self-sufficient while also supporting higher management requirements (the King). Once you get an understanding of the mechanics it isn't terribly hard or deep yet, but for an early access game the content that is available is solid quality. There is a very high ceiling for this game if developed properly. I am looking forward to see how it turns out.
276 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 11:27
Pay everyone a fair salary for running your lands, proceed to seize all of their goods and aforementioned salary and build yourself a mansion, all the while the peasant plebians starve. Life is good in the 1100s.
1284 Produkte im Account
171 Reviews
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 01:55

Lords and Villeins

Lords and Villeins is a brand new City builder/colony sim that is trying to carve out a unique identity for itself by trying out some new formulas and gameplay.

When I first heard about this new game called Lords and Villeins, a city builder where you are not only building up and managing cities, but literally managing each family, I became very interested.

When I started the game, I was very happy to see that it’s all there, the entire promised feature set. As I dug more into the game, I found it was a bit more complicated and confusing than I was expecting!

Tutorials: The game comes with a tutorial section, which doesn’t do the game justice since there’s so much to do. I believe every sim game should have a proper tutorial section where the game walks you through each important feature set. This one does a decent job at describing the feature set, but doesn’t do a good job at following up or walking the player through the feature set.

Gameplay: So, in most city builder Sims you get to manage a bunch of people, but in most cases, you don’t get to interact with one or more individuals!

In Lords and Villeins' case, you not only to get interact with each individual, but you also get to set up a whole family and build your city/colony in a much more intimate way. You’re mainly working with family units and use them as a piece of a puzzle to put together your vision of a sim city.

Lord and Villeins does require a little bit of getting used to since you’re playing from a top-down perspective with limited zoom and UI scaling. So if you have eyesight issues I like I do, well tough luck.

City Building: To get started all you need to do is clear up/reserve a plot of land for each family to work on, and assign a task to that specific piece of plot.

For each thing that you get to build and place, you can find appropriate menus down below from eight different menu sets.

Each menu section contains information regarding what you can build and how much/which resources that might cost.

Let’s say you want to build a simple Warehouse, you’d just have to select Warehouse from the menu box, select a piece of plot, and then assign a family to that project by clicking Zone visibility and left mouse click.

In addition, from here you can interact with the assigned family, inventory, fix up the place with appropriate furniture, and more.

The process is super simple but the way the menu is laid out seems a bit too complicated for its own good.

Inventory system: Lord and Villeins features a neat little inventory system where you start with a limited yet handsome number of resources, displayed on the left side of the screen.

Unlike most games, you cannot interact with the inventory/items, but you can donate a specific number of resources to each family whenever the need arrives.

Controls: Lords and Villeins feature a nice combo of mouse and dedicated menu buttons. To select a piece of plot, just click on individual pieces of land or left click and drag the mouse to your desired amount and left-click on it to get all the things you can do with that piece of land in a neatly organized menu box.

In addition, for the player's convenience, there’s a dedicated three-button clock accelerator to speed up things and rotate the day and night cycle.

Dedicated buttons are nice, but key binding specific functions would have been awesome. I hope that we can get that feature in a future update.

World design: Right past the character customization menu, you get to pick the land you want, and that’s about it. From here on, the way you work with the land you selected will determine how it’s going to look in the long run.

For the most part, I like how the world looks and feels; it’s a comfy little piece of land that may look small, but there is a lot to do here.

Music and sound effects: Well, I heard something the very first time I started the game; it sounded pretty repetitive so I dialed it down, but after that, nothing.

However, sound effects are certainly in place, and they are good. I mean, surprisingly good. Clicking and selecting, background ambient sound effects such as birds, ponds, chickens, etc.


+ Fun city builder
+ Intimate character interactions
+ Family-friendly
+ You can divide the land between families
+ Simple mouse and dedicated button combo controls
+ Decent number of things to work on
+ Neat Inventory system
+ Left mouse click plot interactions


- No dedicated key bind system
- UI Scale/zoom should’ve been improved for people with poor vision
- Background music
- The UI can get a bit confusing
- There’s a bit of a learning curve

An interest top-down city builder/colony builder that lets you work in family groups. A fun casual sim with a bit of a learning curve.


Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

298 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 03:52
I can see the potential in this game. However as of Oct. 10th 2021 there are several issues with the villagers logic and priorities. Even with access to free food, they will starve themselves, access to free building materials and they won't build what is planned. If you have a farming family, they would take care of the grain and straw first in order to feed the animals, they'll let them die while they harvest carrots.

If you start the game with less than 3 people in the first 2 families, restart. It's fairly difficult to get foresters or farmers to be successful with only 2 people as they're not able to get enough done before the day ends. Families that join your town may or may not have food or money, which means you may have to provide everything to them free of charge or they'll get stuck. This bottoms out the economy, your foresters cant sell them anything, because they have no money, and they don't need it after it's gifted.

There's lots of balancing and AI logic that needs work. I'll check back in with the game in a year and see how it's performing then.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
86.19% 181 29
Release:10.11.2022 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Honestly Games Vertrieb: Fulqrum Publishing Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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