In Memory of TITAN: The Final Push.
Hi it's been a while, and there is a lot I need to tell you.
I've been working on IMOT a couple of years and its been a roller-coaster since then, I've learned a lot as a solo dev and I'm glad I endured all the ups and downs to finish In memory of TITAN.
It all started as a side project, but eventually, it turned out to be an all out adventure. From the base prototype to a functional vertical slice, to what the game is now, there has been some innovations. I worked my project from a turn-based strategy game to what it is now, a[spoiler]mix of 4X supply chain warfare game with RTS encounters[/spoiler]and I can't wait to show you guys what I've been working on behind the scenes.
I chose Steam's Early Access model to showcase my work even if it was unpolished and unfinished, a true WIP, because I wanted to show you all the evolution of IMOT over the years, and most importantly, since I needed help in the testing, and feedback department. And I thank each and all of you who had something to say about IMOT. Your feedback and opinions have been listened. And to the some of you who have supported me over the years, my eternal gratitude.
A unknown force is approaching and you must be ready. Take what remains and choose to destroy or to preserve. War is set to start on[spoiler]March 2023.[/spoiler]
I plan to unveil "In Memory of TITAN" final form on a bi-weekly basis. Each update with big mechanics and content changes starting on Friday, December 23th 2022.
It is time for the Final Push.