2 years ago we showcased our concepts for In memory of TITAN moving forward, and the wait is finally over. The Gathering Storm starts on beta 0.8.2 patch releasing on friday 17th for december 2021.
We will be implementing major changes on gameplay, mechanics and interface on the upcoming public beta patches.

- The grid is gone! Movement grid will no longer be visible, allowing for some volumetric and distance based mechanics. No more fixed grid mechanics.
- Fixed turns are gone! Player turns and AI turns are removed. We are implementing action point based movement, combat and actions. This will allow for a more dynamic multiplayer and more timed demanding decisions.
- Multiplayer is on! We are enabling Co-op, PvP, and Auto-Chesslike multiplayer modes. Players will be able to assign special roles for different players, allowing them to have a wing controller or a surveillance captain.
- Ship subsystems are enabled! Fighting capital ships will be a complex and epic feat. You will be able to capture, salvage, scuttle and/or abandon ships behind. Your crew is more important than a piece of metal.
- Fighters, bombers and support vessels will be introduced in the game, controlling small wings, fighter aces and more!

- Proximity based sensors (fog of war is no more), all ships have a different signature allowing them to be spotted on the vastness of the void. Players will be able to expand this awareness bubble by deploying probes (First-Person WASD controlled) and small vessels.
- And finally. Major changes on mission progression. All zones of the solar system will be unlocked, TLDR there will be a supply system to progress across the solar system, if supply is cut players will struggle to move forward. Water, food and breathable air are more important than guns and ships.

Community input is invaluable to us, for that reason we will start a DevDiary series, stream live development so players can provide direct feedback and impact the early access process of patch 0.8.2 and forward. More info on this later.
See you guys soon for more updates!