Quest System ????
- Fixed a bug with an unfinished side-quest to learn the Canapes recipe
- Fixed a bug where the quest to connect the Charging Station doesn’t close at the third level of the Charging Station.
Achievements ????
- Fixed information saving about unlocked achievements
- Missing achievements will now unlock if the player didn’t previously get them due to bugs
Visuals ????
- Updated a lot of environmental assets, fixed textures, and geometry
- Added and adjusted lighting on both roofs
- Updated the leech-carrying animation
- Fixed incorrect display of graphics settings in the settings menu
- Building holograms no longer cast shadows
Optimization ????
- Added an algorithm for save file compression
Gameplay ????
- Plexiglass storage has been added! We know you've been waiting for this!
- Added an additional connector for the Tier 2 Garden Bed
- When placing a construction in the nano-transporter, the connected cable is now automatically placed in your inventory
- Updated the leech balance (reallocated weights to prioritize leech targets)
- The flying backpack no longer interferes with the placement of construction hologram
- Tweaked the cryptocurrency farm balance
- Updated the range of the store
- You can now fill the automatic sprinkler from the bucket to the maximum
- Added and corrected existing visual effects for the kitchen
- Added an ability to place construction holograms back-to-back
- Integrated the second grade of the mechanical arm
UI & Controls ????
- Added a 3D avatar of the main character to the HUD. It changes depending on your character’s appearance.
- The backpack now automatically opens when you open the storage
- By pressing the right mouse button, you can now quickly move items to the following menus: Fishing, Digital Storage, Fish Cutting, Cook Mode
- Updated some icons
- Improved the system of showing/hiding markers depending on the distance of objects to the player
- Updated the button layout in the Diorama mode
- Added a bridge progress counter to the Bridge quest’s title
- Added description of the received award to the digital storage opening window
- Updated and improved the localization
- Fixed time displaying incorrectly in the player profile
- Adjusted scroll sensitivity in the settings menu
- Cooking recipes now show the satiety a dish provides
- The "Take All" button for empty storage is now disabled automatically
- Added tooltips to required items in ECOmate
- Corrected behavior of the "Save" button in the pause menu
- Tooltips now show how much damage food deals (e.g., mushrooms)
- In-game time is no longer paused while fishing
- Adjusted show/hide rules for different windows
- Updated layouts of fishing mode windows
- Fixed a bug where empty inventory slots weren’t counted when dividing stacks in the storage
- Notification panel added to the Diorama mode
- Corrected the logic of notification pop-ups
- Now, upon closing the disassembling window, the obtained resources are automatically stored in your inventory
- Fixed subtitles in the intro cinematic
- Corrected behavior of UI elements in the library
- The game no longer responds to user input in the minimized mode
- Added a confirmation window when exiting dioramas
- Fixed some buttons being unavailable in the 1600x1200 resolution in the diorama
- Fixed the Q & E buttons in the Tab menu
- Chest sprites in storage modal windows now correctly change color according to user parameters
- In the Meta-Network Storage interface, the "Upgrade" button is now shown for the currently open chest
- Fixed a bug where right-clicking made the character release larger objects while rotating the camera
Robotic Minions Gameplay ????
- Improved minion pathfinding
- General minion pathfinding logic optimization
- Finalized in-game objects for correct minions and leech navigation
- Fixed a bug where minions would exclude objects from a list that had been set manually
- Fixed a bug where existing items were not stacked with those brought by a minion
- Fixed a bug where a Builder minion would lock onto only one hologram from the list assigned by the player
- Fixed a bug where a Technician minion would lock onto only one generator from the list assigned by the player
- Fixed a bug where a Collector minion’s work was blocked by the storage Nano Transporter (minion’s automatic mode)
- Fixed a bug where Technician minions would store fuel in an already full generator after marking the same generator as the target at the same time (minion’s automatic mode)
- Fixed minion behavior at charging stations
Sound ????
- Added sounds for the Resource Printer
- Added sounds to accompany the construction upgrading process
- Added sounds to the "Crashed Plane" diorama
- Added sounds to various menus and dialog boxes
- Added sounds to accompany the opening of Digital Storage
- Added a sound to vocalize the character fainting
- Fixed the sound of collecting water during the tutorial
- Fixed the incorrect application of the sound settings after resetting to the default
Other Changes ????️
- Removed puddles that remained on the ground after leeches ate crops
- Fixed a bug where a customizable item wasn’t added to the customization menu when picked up
- Fixed the Plexiglass position in the main character’s hands
- Fixed a bug where players could generate resources infinitely
- If you pin a recipe and restart the game, the recipe is now correctly displayed
- The leeches now respond to the player pausing the game, just like minions do
- Fixed bug where nothing happened upon pressing ESC during a dialog and trying to exit to the main menu, but you automatically exited to the main menu if you skipped the dialog afterward
- Fixed a bug where the player would get stuck on the Office roof near the stairs
- The checkpoint animation and sound now don’t repeat upon restarting the game
- Fixed a bug where items were lost when a stack was full
- Fixed a bug where the game would freeze for a few seconds on the loading screen after using the in-game “Teleport to the starting point” button
- Fixed a bug where, upon hovering over an interactive object with the mouse cursor and entering the pause menu via ESC, tooltips would stay on the screen
- Fixed a bug with a duplicate tooltip in the Biogenerator menu
- Corrected fishing area markers
- Remodeled microwave (a disassemblable appliance) mounts
- Fixed a bug where controls would become unavailable when you click through the charging station connection dialog without closing the generator window
- Fixed the barricade durability when upgrading
- Fixed some control settings
- Fixed the display of region names and points of interest on the Expedition global map in the pause menu
- Fixed a bug where incorrectly assigned networks would be displayed incorrectly
- Fixed a bug that prevented building constructions in the corner of the Garden
- Various fixes for the character customization
- Added a tooltip that pops up upon clicking on an empty garden bed
- Fixed a bug where food would disappear when the storage of the Tier 1 Field Kitchen, Tier 2 Campfire, and character's inventory was full
- Fixed a bug where leeches couldn’t completely destroy the UV Tower and the tower could operate with zero hit points
- Fixed the amount of resources obtained when destroying Tier-1-and-above buildings
- The Crypto Farm pop-out no longer shifts with the camera and player movements
- Removed the discrepancy in the rotation angle between the Storage hologram and its completed version
- You can no longer place constructions at the pump construction site in the Smart Tower area
- The game is now correctly paused when you minimize the game or lose focus
- Added a tooltip to fish: right-clicking it now shows whether you have to gut it in the Campfire or Field Kitchen
- Fixed animations and camera movement in the Fishing Mode
- Disabled enemy rotation in the Library
- Fixed a bug where NPC tilt would constantly change
- Plant secretions no longer deal damage to the player at the start of the game
- Fixed a bug where using the Nano Transporter would duplicate objects
- Fixed a bug where sprays would only reach leeches and weeds at a certain angle
That's all for today, future-dwellers! Follow I Am Future to stay updated.
Encountered any bugs or have some feedback? and don't forget to join our cozy Discord and let us know. See you in the future!
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