Since we launched 1.0 we've been reading all of the feedback, suggestions and bug reports. Today we released the next hofix that fixes a range of major issues you were encountering.
Stuttering issues:
We decreased the stuttering issues you may have encountered so the overall gameplay and performance should feel a lot smoother. We’re continuing our work on these kinds of issues and will improve them even more with future updates.
- “Spring Cleaning” is now fixed.
- Bug with the close button in the minion menu fixed.
- Fixed problems with minions recharging mechanics.
- Fixed problem with minions infinite watering.
- Fixed some pathfinding issues.
- Fixed pathfinding issues near the recharge pool.
- Fixed repair visual effect.
- Fixed issue with an empty workbench window.
- Some dishes now do not require fire to be cooked now.
- Fixed some issues with building on some roof areas.
- Fixed some issues with floor patch mechanics.
- Fixed leeches after save/load and under-floor issues.
- Minor UI fixes.
- Improved overall game stability.
- Added nanoforge sounds.
- Removed the ability to eat biomass while the generator window opened.
- Fixed some localization issues
- Added workaround for a situation when you do not have enough disk space for the game to be saved correctly
- Added Barbara's emotion sounds
The development team is working hard to release updates as soon as possible, but we need a little more time between patches to ensure they fully fix the issues and don't create any new ones!
Did we miss anything? Let us know in our discussions or in the comments in this post and let us know.
Thanks for being patient with us and your continued support ????
That's all for today, future-dwellers! Follow I Am Future to stay updated.
Encountered any bugs or have some feedback? Don't forget to join our cozy Discord and let us know. See you in the future!

- Mandragora Studio & tinyBuild