Folks, I hope your summer is going well. I took some much-needed vacation with the family, only to fall ill afterwards, followed by my kids, turning it into an exhausting month. Nevertheless, things seem to be normalizing now, and I’m finally catching up on some much-needed sleep. Good coffee helps too!
I’m happy to announce that this patch addresses the recent issues reported here on the Steam forums and on the official Discord server.
For those of you interested in the development side of things, I've posted a thread on Twitter about my recent experience with the Godot engine. I’m seriously considering using this open-source gem for my next big game, which makes me very excited for the future, tech-wise!
Here are the patch notes:
Incremented version to 2.0.5b
- Updated how enemy types are counted for Extreme Prejudice achievement. Now counts per unique title of the enemy.
- Updated Avar Hordeth's crew models.
- Updated mutineers' models.
- Updated some of the enemy's names for better consistency.
- Reverted Chimerical beast encounter to regular combat with Sanctity being used instead of Defence.
- Fixed crocodile farm encounter critical bug causing the player to get stuck.
- Fixed save/loading on Trading secrets dice roll causing the story to divert in incorrect place.
- Fixed pedlar in Golnir not charging you the correct amount of Shards for his items.
- Fixed dice probability calculation when rolling 1 die for an ability roll not correctly triggering an auto-success roll when ability is equal to difficulty.
- Fixed second crocodile's portrait to display the correct one.
- Fixed smugglers' tooltip description.
- Fixed gaining +2 base ability could bypass the check (at ability score of 11) thus leading to 13 total in said ability (with 12 being the limit)
- Fixed not being able to trigger the encounter with the Assassins sent by Nivram the Wizard.
- Fixed Imperial Guard incorrect portrait displayed.
- Fixed not being able to become an initiate of Nisoderu at Chompo's shrine if already an initiate of another deity (unified behaviour with the books).
- Fixed Codewords view not refreshing visually between loading saves.
- Fixed Obsidian Dagger's damage being 4-5 instead of 4 as shown in the tooltip.
- Fixed Extremely Rough Area in Yarimura not checking if you have a blessing of immunity to poison/disease on you when you fail the scouting check and getting stabbed with a poisonous dagger.
- Fixed elvfin japes event's magic roll having flipped outcomes on success/fail.
As always, don't forget to wishlist the game to stay notified with all the news and best offers around the game: