News Liste Fabled Lands

Mini-devlog Update #33
Fabled Lands
24.02.24 14:13 Community Announcements

Hello everyone! I'm thrilled to finally reveal more about the enhanced combat mechanics in Fabled Lands' much-anticipated expansion!

Missed the last update about new items? Check it out here:

I'm tackling some unique challenges in the new area. The Violet Ocean, connecting all landmasses, is a Rank 3 area, ideal for those at Ranks 3 or 4 and comfortable with sailing. The southern continent of Ankon Konu, on the other hand, is a formidable Rank 7 zone. To keep combat exciting beyond just increasing enemy stats, Paul Gretsy, the creative mind behind book 7, has introduced some captivating twists. I've thoroughly enjoyed adding my own spin to these novel elements, enhancing the overall gameplay experience!

Heat Penalties

Parts of Ankon-Konu are extremely hot, and many types of armour can only be worn for short periods, if at all. In some combats, particularly within the Weeping Jungle, if you are not wearing armour that is specifically adapted for a hot climate, you must subtract the armour’s Defence bonus from your COMBAT and your DAMAGE scores for the duration of the battle. For example, if you are wearing chainmail armour (Defence +3), you will receive the armour’s Defence bonus as normal, but you must also subtract 3 from your COMBAT and DAMAGE scores until your current opponent is defeated.

Certain types of armour are designed for use in a hot climate, and ignore any heat penalties. Such armour is always marked with an asterisk. So, if you enter battle wearing quilted armour* (Defence +2), the armour’s Defence bonus is added as normal, but you do not suffer a penalty to your COMBAT nor DAMAGE scores.

Spiritual Combat

The spirit world hangs closely over the Feathered Lands, and you will find yourself facing enemies from this other realm. Such combats are not fought in the normal way. If you have the title Nahual, it will be followed by a certain number; this is your ‘Nahual value’ (if you do not have the title Nahual, this is assumed to be zero). When attacking spiritual foes, your Nahual value replaces your COMBAT ability. Your Defence score is calculated by adding your Nahual value to your MAGIC or SANCTITY ability (whichever is higher). Your Rank has no bearing on this Defence score. If you are injured, you lose Stamina points in the normal way.

In Spiritual Combat damage dealt is your OFFENCE minus the enemy's DEFENCE. Builds relying on weapon Max Damage must strategize anew for these encounters.

Finally, unless specifically stated, you cannot use any of your weapons, items or armour to help you in a Spiritual fight. For clarity, any weapons or armour that may be used in spiritual combat are marked with the ‘†’ symbol. So, if you possess a crystal knife† (COMBAT +2), you can use it in both regular and spiritual combat.

The exotic enemies you'll encounter have weathered ancient empires, the Serpent King's rule, and even dragons!

Prepare for challenging mini-bosses with diverse abilities – they're tougher than your average foe.

I'm itching to whirlwind through those Marsh Ghouls and then dash out with a mobility skill!

Final Words

The DLC is shaping up well. I'm finalizing a few last details, including the ultimate boss battle, and I am already scouting dates for a closed beta.

This week, I'm adding ~22 new achievements and revamping the objectives dialogue for better tracking across 110 objectives, after all, it's quite a list!

Stay tuned for updates and news and don't forget to wishlist the game!
Logo for Fabled Lands
Release:26.05.2022 Genre: Adventure-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Prime Games Vertrieb: Prime Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
Einzelspieler Mehrspieler Koop

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