The year has flown by again and Christmas is just around the corner. We have put together a small gift package in the last few weeks, which we are giving to you as a test version in the Experimental Update 1.12!
Not only can you try out a completely new five-part campaign for your avatar's home faction, the UCH, but this faction also gets a completely new series of NPC models that will from now on represent the ‘people of the Milky Way’ in the game! In addition, we have included the first version of a racing event. You can find the ‘HeKaTon Cup’ by visiting the Arkenian Republic's home world. Just stop by the Hurrz Hoverbikes Store on Arkenia Prime or fly directly to the moon.
We are looking forward to your best times - and of course to seeing how you like the UCH campaign!
Of course, there are even more goodies. Starting with local energy barriers and energy sidewalks that can be activated in the tech tree, to a new planet type, a new drone bay model, over 90 new/revised POIs and more.
As always, you can find all the details of the update in the changelog below!
Two important notes in advance
- Much of the new content is only available if you start a new savegame.
- Regarding the new NPC models, there is an important note for Builder/Scenario Managers at the bottom of the changelog.
The Experimental Version is expected to run until mid/late-January 2025. So you have plenty of time to test the new content extensively.
As always, please use the following forums for this
- For bugs in the EXP version:
- For feedback on the content of the EXP version:
We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy testing!
Empyrion Dev Team
PS: With this Experimental release we will also fully wipe our Official Servers! Please check the changelog below for the related changes!
Changelog: v1.12 B4711 2024-12-11
- New Energy Barriers (New Techtree Unlock; Stops bullets and lasers, but can be walked through, doesn't seal a structure)
- New Energy Walkways (New Techtree Unlock: Cannot shoot through, Cannot be walked through, doesn't seal a structure)
- Both blocks are controllable by the signals & circuits system to allow for configurations such as disabling & enabling them for when you want them on or off.

- New Drone bay model (replaces the old one)
- Added four new NPC Spawners (Thin) with offset positions (front, back, corner with either variant of looking “inward” and “outwards”)
Missions / PDA
- Added 5-chapter UCH faction mission ‘Operation Phoenix: New Terra’; Warp to the “Phoenix System” to start.
- Added HeKaTon Cup qualifying event; Warp to Arkenia System and visit the Howling Hurrz Hoverbikes Store in the new Arkenia Prime Capital city or fly directly to the Arkenia Prime Moon
- Added ‘helper chapters’ to the PDA (F1) faction groups (currently for UCH and Arkenian Republic related missions and events)
- Note: A new savegame is required for all elements described in section!
UCH Faction
- Full set of new NPC models dedicated to represent the UCH soldiers and civilians
- Added new EClassConfig UCH NPCs with walking/guard/static behavior.
- Updated EGroupsConfig with new UCH npc groups
- Set up new home system PHOENIX for UCH
- Added new planet type (VolcanicPlateau) as UCH home planet 'New terra'
- Added new UCH POIs (thx to Stellar_Titan)
- Added new loot tables and variations for UCH npcs
- Note: A new savegame is required for all elements described in section!

IMPORTANT NOTE TO CREATORS (Builders/Scenarios) about the UCH Model replacements:
- The new UCH-NPC models do not automatically replace old UCH models, as they have different configurations and technical settings. Furthermore, the new models are now considered the standard models used with the UCH faction.
- This means that if you base your EClassConfig on that of the standard scenario and/or use the now obsolete entities such as ‘UCHSoldierFemale2AssaultRifle’ in one of your POIs, they may no longer be spawned. Ideally, you would replace them with the new UCH models in the POI spawners.
- Alternatively, you could re-enable the outdated entity definition for the UCH in the EClassConfig (search for the line ‘OUTDATED / NO LONGER CANON for UCH!’ in the configuration file for more details). However, the latter only works for scenarios that use/want to use their own EClassconfig. Not for individual blueprints, e.g. in the workshop.
POI & Prefabs
- Added 89 new and updated bases and vessels by sulusdacor, Don2k7, Stellar_Titan, Escarli, teakeycee, AkevaBanshee, Matcz, MAX, oojimaflip, vicomt
- New stock prefab: GEI Aquila & GEI MizoRei (by AkevaBanshee)
- Added missing RAV OPVs: Ursus Venator/Mater Ursi Gunship/Heavy Freighter (by Don2k7)
- Note: A new savegame is required for all elements described in section!
Other changes
- Improved wood cutting ability & speed of Survival Tool and Chainsaw
- New Robot & Ripperdog barking dialogues (by sulusdacor)
- Changed: Reduces stepping/jumping height for most NPCs (Zirax, AlienCivlians, Human/Alien Soldiers) to reduce the event of them jumping on furniture or walls (please test),
- Swapped Survival Tool Drill mode with Defense mode (now the Drill is auto-selected when equipped)
- All consoles from the consoles deco group can now use a Dialogue setup
- Added new model for sleeping (and snoring!) zirax commander (EClassConfig)
- Added new device group ‘forcefield emitters’
- Changed: Energy Barriers, Energy Walkways, Shield Generators will now appear in the new forcefield-emitter group in control panel when autogrouped
- Added new BAI templates in EClassConfig: guards, mobile/static + combat/flee) + inline docu
- Removed unused galaxy config files from Default Mutiplayer scenario
- Added two new playfields "MoonDesertCanyon" & "BarrenTemperate", Adjusted SolarSystemConfigs for these playfields to spawn (BarrenTemperate only appears at star types F, A, B, O.)
Model / Technical Changes & Additions
- Added kill_teleport death effect (for use with story NPCs; check EClass Config > Admiral Yaden)
- WIP: Added localized ambient sound effects creating dynamic background conversation noise (currently only human sounds; sfx variants added to occupied tables with at least two seated people)
- Added /improved animation controllers for handling Gatling, Rocket and other weapons (Please check Comments in EClassConfig!) in relation to UCH weaponry
- Added animation controllers used for specific situations for STATIC UCH npc variants (discussing, chatting, console work; Note that each UCH entity type has a particular behavior especially for STATIC variants. )
- Reworked the SharedData for the "Default Random" & "Rise of the Dark Faction" scenarios so the folders are smaller in size to download when setup with the "SharedDataURL" feature. See here for our guide on how to setup & use the SharedDataURL feature for Local Co-op & MP on dedicated servers:
- Extensive update to the Default Multiplayer scenario to be inline with Single Player. NOTE: requires a fresh Save Game
- Added several new terrain stamps (for e.g. MoonCanyonSnow)
- Activated the Christmas Event in the Invader vs Defender Scenario
Guided Tutorial Tweaks and fixes
- Removed label 'needs captain's key' when door was already unlocked
- Fix for marker vanishing when sitting on a bench in the destroyed starter vessel
- Opened the beach teleporter box
- Added key press info for task of harvesting plant protein & for closing drone view at backpack mission
- Increased despawn timer for backpack mission. The backpack now only spawns in when needed
- Further increased despawn times for some other important items
- Added fallback cores to tech caches
Multiplayer / Server Info
Official PvP Server
- Updated all configs with changes from the single player game
- Activated the Christmas Event 2024
- Replaced Celedo with a new planet (thanks to Escarli)
- Removed the tutorial data to reduce the download and waiting time before you can join the server
- Removed all asteroids from Atlon Sector and added them as regular deposits on Atlon and Mate. NOTE: due to the increase of deposits and the texture limitation some might have a default grey (iron) texture
- Removed all PvE Zones from Trading Stations except the one around the Galactic Trading Station in Cygnus System
- Disabled the Space Defense System and Base Attack System
- Disabled some missions due to griefing
- Moved Kantir closer so more can be reached by SV
- Removed the Explorer Token System (reward can be bought now on the GTS)
Official EU / NA Server
- Updated all configs with changes from the single player game
- Activated the Christmas Event 2024
- Reworked the galaxy layout. There are now between 2500 and 5000 stars
- Added invisible blocks to the Asteroids as test on the EU Server to see if they keep regenerating after being complete mined out
- Replaced Celedo with a new planet and added a new Demon Planet (thanks to Escarli)
- Removed the tutorial data to reduce the download and waiting time before you can join the server
- Added several new homeworlds or updated existing ones
- Removed the Explorer Token System (reward can be bought now on the GTS)
Official Vanilla Server
- Updated all configs with changes from the single player game
- Activated the Christmas Event 2024
- Reworked the Galaxy Layout to be similar to Single Player
- Added several new homeworlds or updated existing ones
- Removed the tutorial data to reduce the download and waiting time before you can join the server
- Removed the Explorer Token System (reward can be bought now on the GTS)
- Fix 01186: Placing blocks with symmetry replace blocks\devices from another side
- Fixed descriptions of all playfields
- Fixed Epic Gift dialogues in Invader vs Defender are blank and throw a error
- Fixed some weapon models that did not work for NPCs properly (eg. FlameThrower)