Empyrion - Galactic Survival
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Über das Spiel

Kämpfe gegen Menschen, Aliens, planetare und biologische Gefahren und überlebe in einer feindlichen Galaxie voller verborgener Gefahren. Spiele entweder als einsamer Wolf oder schließe dich mit deinen Freunden zusammen, baue neue Freundschaften auf, gehe Allianzen ein oder führe Krieg um die Vorherrschaft im Sonnensystem.
Das Spiel verbindet auf einzigartige Weise Elemente aus Weltraum-Simulationen, Aufbau- und Survivalspielen und Ego-Shootern. In Empyrion hast du dein Schicksal in einer ganzen Galaxie unendlicher Möglichkeiten selbst in der Hand.
Erforschung des Weltraums und der Planeten:
Dich erwartet eine Welt, in der du dich völlig frei bewegen kannst: Springe zwischen Planeten umher, fliege von Planten zu Monden, lande auf Planeten und erforsche deine Umgebung völlig frei. Entdecke die Geheimnisse unterschiedlicher Alien-Rassen und komme mit der dortigen Flora und Fauna in Berührung. Eine Sandbox voller unterschiedlicher, lebendiger Planeten wartet auf deine Entdeckungen!
Sonnensystem und OpenWorld:
Das Sonnensystem wird zufällig erstellt und enthält mehrere Planeten und jede Menge zu entdecken. Jeder Planet verfügt über eigene Charakteristiken (Plantenklassen, Gravitation, Atmosphäre, Anzahl von Monden, Terrain, Oberfläche, Vegetation, Klima, Wetter und Ressourcen).
Aufbau von Gebäuden und Schiffen:
Baue große Kampfschiffe, kleine Jäger oder mächtige Weltraumstationen sowie gigantische planetare Siedlungen auf - oder lade dir Pläne dazu aus dem Steam Workshop herunter und passe sie deinen eigenen Ideen von Form und Funktion an!
Raus aus der Rettungskapsel, schnapp‘ dir was noch vom Schiff übrig ist und versuche in der feindlichen Umgebung irgendwie zu überleben. Nahrung und Sauerstoff sind knapp, Ressourcen kaum vorhanden, du hast kaum Munition, biologische Gefahren und harsches Wetter drohen dich umzubringen und hinter jeder Ecke warten neue Gefahren auf dich. Halte deine Augen offen. Du musst schlau handeln und dich gut vorbereiten, wenn du mehr als einen Tag auf einem Planeten überleben willst, der weit von der Erde entfernt ist.
Bau einfach herum und lass deine verrücktesten Träume wahr werden, ohne dass du dich um Nahrung, Ressourcen oder Feinde kümmern musst. Werde Teil einer kreativen Community und lade deine eigenen Kreationen im Steam Workshop hoch!
Single Player und Multiplayer-Modus
Spiele als einsamer Wolf im Single Player oder mach bei der Multiplayer-Community mit: Schließe dich mit deinen Freunden zusammen, baue neue Freundschaften auf, gründe Allianzen oder zieh in den Krieg. Du kannst dir ein gemütliches Heim in einem gut geschützten PvE-Bereich aufbauen oder dich den ständigen Gefahren von PvP-Planeten stellen und deren Reichtümer erbeuten oder das Sonnensystem mit deiner Faction erobern. Darüber hinaus erwarten dich im Workshop dutzende spannender Szenarien!
Tier- und Pflanzenwelt und Feinde:
Lass dich nicht von der friedlichen Tierwelt einiger Planeten oder der Stille im All in die Irre führen. Die meisten der wilden Tiere haben es auf dich abgesehen und aggressive Roboterdronen, Alien-Soldaten und deren Helfer werden versuchen, dich bei Sichtkontakt zu erledigen. Kämpfe um dein Leben und verwende ein ganzes Waffenarsenal gegen heftige und mysteriöse außerirdische Kreaturen.
Abbau und Sammeln von Ressourcen:
Zum Aufbau von Gebäuden und Schiffen musst du Ressourcen sammeln und abbauen. Grabe dich bis zu den reichhaltigen Lagerstätten des Planeten durch oder führe Bohrungen auf einem Asteroiden voller seltener Erze durch. Du kannst auch außerirdische Gebäude plündern oder Gebäude wiederverwerten, auf die du während deiner Reise stößt.
Umfangreiches Crafting-System:
Lerne, wie du Ressourcen und Gebäudeteile miteinander kombinieren kannst, um dir Ausrüstung zu bauen. Bastel dir Ausrüstung in deiner Basis oder unterwegs zusammen und rüste deine Gebäude und Schiffe mit einer Reihe unterschiedlicher Geräte, Waffen oder Gadgets aus, die unterschiedlichen Zwecken dienen.
Jagen, Landwirtschaft und Nahrungs-System:
Baue dein eigenes Gemüse und deine eigenen Früchte an oder jage Kreaturen, um dir ein köstliches Mahl zuzubereiten. Einige Pflanzen können dir dabei helfen, Medikamente herzustellen, während andere als erste Hilfe verwendet werden können, oder einfach nur um deinen leeren Magen etwas zu füllen.
Erfahrung und Techtree:
Tu was du willst - und sammle dabei Erfahrungspunkte! Verschrotte alte Gegenstände und verwende diese Erfahrungspunkte, um neue krasse Geräte im Techtree freizuschalten.
Gelände umformen:
Jeder Planet verfügt über ein Voxel-basiertes Gelände. Du kannst das Gelände ändern und umformen: Mach es ebener, um Stationen darauf zu errichten, grabe Löcher und suche nach Ressourcen oder bau dir ein Tunnelsystem auf, um dich besser zu schützen. Empyrion ist ein echtes Sandbox-Spiel!
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Dual-Core Processor 2.5 GHz or better
- GFX: AMD RX 550 / NVIDIA GTX 1050 (min. 2 GB VRAM)
- RAM: 10 GB RAM
- Software: Windows (7, 8 and 10), 64-bit system required
- HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Russisch, Italienisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Griechisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Quad-Core 3 GHz or better
- GFX: AMD Vega 56 / NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti (min. 4 GB VRAM)
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10, 64-bit system required
- HD: 15 GB available space
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Russisch, Italienisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Griechisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 21:06
Finde es unverschämt das dieses Spiel größtenteils auf Englisch ist, Tutorial und Journal komplett auf Englisch!!! Obwohl Steam in der Sprachangabe angibt das Oberflächen auf Deutsch sind ....Dies trifft leider nicht vollständig zu!!!
Für jemand der nur wenig Englisch kann, echt nervig !!!!!!
22940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 02:59
Its the best Open World game, that depends on space, i've ever played! Love this game so much! <3
I finally built my first big space ship and it was really funny! The atmosphare on every Planet is amazing and the ways to die endless. Just 1 thing, i have to complain is, that if you fly right into a blackhole or a star, nothing will happen. But i wanna die in a Blackhole, so the blackhole, can absorb my power to grow! :D
Thank you so much for the game and pleeeeeeeeeeeeease keep updating it! It doenst matter to me if i need to built the base 1000 times new. Its always a nice expirence and it brings so much fun! :)
Nicht Empfohlen
24791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 17:37
In resumee i wish i whould get back the lifetime that i have wasted with this unbalanced cr**. I don't care for the 20 bucks or so that it did coast, but having lost 300 hrs+ of my lifetime just because the developers are incapable of balancing a game in the slightest, and rather have you grind your lifetime away just for: nothing, makes me really cringe.
6773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 00:32
I´ve played RUST, Ark:Survival Evolved, The Forest, 7 Days to Die etc.
Empyrion - Galactic Survival is BY FAAAAR THE BEST GAME! There are much more different planets, galaxies, crafting recipes etc. that i´ve could ever imagined! Just buy the game and enjoy its beauty. Recommend it 100000%!
1359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 15:51
Für Anfänger kommt man gut rein und für Fortgeschrittene bietet so viele Möglichkeiten.
Einfach toll. Was ich mir jetzt noch wünschen würde, wäre noch VR Support,
den mal in dein Raumschiff zu steigen und in VR zu fliegen das wär ein Traum
Nicht Empfohlen
34326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 17:36
Nach mehreren Jahren und knapp 500 Spielstunden bin ich geschockt und unglaublich Enttäuscht wie wenig man seitens der Entwickler vorwärts kommt, das Game entwickelt sich VIEL zu langsam und leider auch teilweise extrem unqualitativ.
teils noch immer die selben nervigen Bugs, Glitsches, Renderingprobleme & Fehler wie zu Beginn, und das wie erwähnt nach mehreren Jahren. Das Game ist definitiv noch als BETA zu bezeichnen obwohl es das nicht mehr sein soll, einfachste Funktionen wie Steuerung, Tutorial, logische zusammenhänge usw. usw. fehlen immer noch teilweise bis komplett.
Positiv ist eine Einführung der Schilde sowie ein Ansatz eines Tutorials, die Möglichkeit endlich das Invantar zu sortieren ist leider total unlogisch, sortieren nach Typ ist nicht nach Typ sortiert hier gibt es absolut kein Erkennbares Muster.
Das Block-Bausystem & das damit verbundene einzelne Zerstören dieser (seit Anfang an der größte Kritikpunkt für das Kampfsystem) macht den Kampf extrem mühselig und extrem nervig, das die Option Fahrzeuge/Basen aller Art in den gespeicherten Urzustand zurück zu setzen nur bei Fahrzeugen und nicht bei Basen möglich ist. Und das trauriger weiße auch nur durch komplizierten Einsatz durch Reparaturblock Stufe 2 und Reparaturkonsole, eine der Dümmsten Funktionen im Game, wieso wird hier eine Repkonsole & Repblock benötigt um Fahrzeuge wieder richtig reparieren zu können??? Und dann benötigt das auch noch Late-Game Materiallien wie Zascosium, das erschwert das Game bis zum Late-Game nur völlig unnötigerweise. Zum Thema Bike das im Early Game zur Verfügung steht, das hat nach wie vor keine richtigen Bremsen & keine richtige Lenkung und das seit 6 Jahren seit das Game als Alpha/Beta zum Spielen zur Verfügung Stand. Vom statischen Wasser sowie von der sehr schlechten KI will ich erst gar nicht anfangen.
Das sind nur wenige der Kritikpunkte einer SEHR LANGEN Liste die die Rezession unendlich lange negativ ausfallen lassen würden.
Nach vielen Jahren der Hoffnung ist Empyrion für mich an dieser Stelle leider zum Tode verurteilt wenn sich Tempo und Qualität der Entwicklung nicht deutlich erhöhen. bei diesen Entwicklungstempo und Niveau wird wohl erst nach weiteren 6 Jahren+ ein brauchbares Spiel, bis dahin ist die ohnehin schon schlechte Grafikengine, Steuerung etc. hoffnungslos veraltet. Bleibt die Hoffnung das andere Entwickler diese Nische und das Potenzial eines solchen Games erkennen und besser & schneller umsetzen.
130638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 06:59
Mittlerweile gibt es viele abwechslungsreiche Missionen und eine unbekannte Galaxis zu erforschen.
Außerdem kann man sich aussuchen ob man in PvP oder PvE Gebiete reisen möchte.
Selbst wenn man Empyrion längere Zeit nicht gespielt hat, verliert es nicht an Spielspaß. weil auch die Entwickler sehr fleißig sind und das Spiel immer weiter entwickeln. Neue Blöcke, neue Items, neue Waffen usw.
Wer es gern anspruchsvoller mag, kann CPU Begrenzung und Gewichtsbegrenzung aktivieren, um ein intensiveres Spielerlebnis zu erhalten.
Nach über 2100 Spielstunden kann ich Empyrion jedem empfehlen, der sich mit den o.g Features anfreunden kann.
177268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 18:56
Das Positiv: Das Bauen, eigener individueller Base und Schiffe erst einmal. Wenn man keine Lust zu bauen hat kann man im Workshop tolle BluePrints finden. Dann das Erkunden des Universums und sammeln von Ressourcen. Gelegentliches PvP in besonderen Systemen wenn man das mag. Die tolle Grafik die man gemeinsam durch gründen einer Fraktionen um zusammen zu spielen (Bauen, Kämpfen) Genießen kann. Kein Ego Shooter und Stress …
Das Spiel wird weiter entwickelt und aus meiner Sicht bietet es auch viel Potenzial dafür. Einmal gekauft – immer spielen (keine monatlichen Kosten). Viel zu günstig eigentlich für das was man heute schon geboten bekommt gegenüber viele andere Spiele das man es sich einfach mal antun muss wer die Art mag. Vielleicht sieht man sich :)
Nicht Empfohlen
112857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 19:48
Auch nicht die ganzen FANBOYS hier!
Das Spiel wurde letztes Jahr veröffentlicht und ich kann nicht mal 4 Wochen durchspielen ohne dass immer mehr BUG`S auftreten.
Diese massiven Fehler begannen mit der Alpha 11, das schlechteste aller bisherigen Updates in Bezug auf Bugs!
Das Spiel hat massive Synchronisation Probleme!!!!!
Teilweise fehlt die hälfte von deiner Base oder Schiff!!!!
1.Das nach dem 1.4 Update die Schiffe, die auf Planeten oder im Orbit fliegen, einfach stehen bleiben und nichts mehr machen !
Sie sind nicht mehr steuerbar!
Man muss ich neu einloggen um den BUG zu beheben!
2.Das keine Strukturen im Orbit geladen werden! Wenn man sich neu einloggt, sind Sie dann 15 km entfernt!
3.Wenn du etwas von deinen Strukturen zerlegst und etwas an die gleiche Stelle wieder hinbauen willst, dann kannst du es nicht, denn dann gibt es etwas Unsichtbares was es versperrt!
Wie gesagt, es hat die Alpha verlassen!
Es kann nicht sein, dass man nach jedem Update von vorne anfangen muss!
Jedes Mal, wenn die DEVS ein Update herausbringen,dauert es Wochen, bis es richtig läuft und wenn es läuft, kommt das nächste Update und alles beginnt vorne!
Man schafft es nicht einmal zum Endspiel-Inhalt!!
Es gibt Leute bei mir auf Server, die es in dieser kurzen Zeit noch nicht einmal vom Starterplanten schaffen!
Meine Absichten sind nicht viel. nur, dass ich vielleicht mal 4-6 Monate mit meiner Community auf meinem Server spielen kann, ohne das ich nach 4 -8 Wochen immer wieder neu wipen muss, weil immer und immer mehr Bugs und Fehler dazukommen als es vorher waren!
Ich glaube nicht, dass das zu viel verlangt wird!!!
Ich hab noch nie vorher so unfähige DEVS gesehen wie hier bei Empyrion !!
Anstatt erstmal das Spiel spielbar zumachen, bauen die lieber irgendwelchen Schrott ein den keiner braucht!
Bzw. CPU, Gewicht , Baubegrenzung, jetzt neu in 1.4 passt auf! Sticker und Audiofiles für Strukturen! Ja richtig gelesen!
1. Wie wäre es denn mal wenn man sich in einem bewegten Raumschiff bewegen könnte???!!!!!
2.Man kann sich mit seine Spielfigur bis heute nicht in die Hocke setzten oder auf den Boden legen! WTF!!!
Mir ist auch nicht ersichtlich wie es mit No Mans Sky verglichen werden kann!
No Mans Sky ist 10000 mal besser programmiert als dieser Schmutz hier!
FINGER WEG VON DIESEN SPIEL!!!! LEUTE WARTET LIEBER AUF STARBASE !! Oder zockt Dual Universe es gibt hier im Steam Store haufenweise vergleichbare Spiele die es besser können!
3885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 18:56
Es erinnert an Ark, jedoch ist es deutlich komplexer und bietet gerade den baubegeisterten von euch noch mehr Spaß.
Dieses Spiel eröffnet ungeahnte Möglichkeiten.... Ihr könnt Raumschiffe bauen, die das Sonnensystem bereisen oder sogar in andere Sonnensysteme reisen können.
Jedoch ist die Lernkurve sehr steil.
Für Leute, die Mal schnell zocken wollen und es ne kurzweilige Geschichte sein soll, ist dieses Spiel nicht zu empfehlen.
Für ALLE anderen, die gerne viele Stunden in ein Spiel versenken und Spaß am entdecken und Tüfteln haben, ist es genau das Richtige.
Von mir gibt es ne klare Kaufempfehlung!!!!!!!
99954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.20 11:54
Den Kauf von Empyrion bereue ich nicht und das was Eleon seit Alpha 8 draus gemacht hat, ist wirklich der Wahnsinn.
Endlich mal ein Entwicklerteam das auf die Community hört.
Die ersten 2 Wochen habe ich nur im Editor verbracht und gebaut, gebaut und gebaut.
84662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 08:18
Ja und nein.
Ja, es macht wahnsinnig viel Spaß sich dort auszutoben und die Möglichkeiten auszunutzen sich die Welt so zurechtzubauen wie man sie haben möchte.
Man kann das Terrain beliebig verändern, sich tief in den Boden buddeln oder in schwindelerregenden Höhen seine Basis errichten.
Die vorgegebenen Blöcke sind sehr vielfältig und lassen dem inneren Architekten extrem viele Möglichkeiten.
Seit dem Early Access hat sich auch wirklich viel getan und es wird auch immer noch weiterhin verbessert.
Der Weltraum, den man geboten bekommt ist inzwischen so groß, dass man es rein spieltechnisch schon als unendlich bezeichnen kann.
Nein, weil es einfach teilweise unspielbar ist. Selbst mit einem High-End Rechner sind 15 fps keine Seltenheit und bei einem Gefecht eine Katastrophe.
Im Multiplayer auf Servern ist es am Schlimmsten, wenn man in ein Gebiet kommt, in dem mehrere Spieler Schiffe und/oder Basen stehen haben. Dann kann man sogar froh sein, wenn man 15 fps packt. Dementsprechend unangenehm ist es dort dann umherzufliegen oder irgendwo zu landen.
Wenn ich die Prozessorauslastung ansehe, dann komme ich nicht mal auf 20% und die Grafikkarte dödelt auch nur auf maximal 30% herum. Das bedeutet, dass das Spiel wahrscheinlich nur auf maximal 2 Kerne gleichzeitig zugreifen kann und was die Grafik angeht, liegt es wohl an der Programmierung.
Trotzdem gebe ich einen Daumen nach oben, da mich das Spiel trotz aller negativen Punkte einfach fesselt.
Stand jetzt (06.12.2020) habe ich knapp über 1.400 Stunden darin verbracht und werde sicher noch einige mehr sammeln.
Ein solides Singleplayer Spiel, welches aber sein komplettes Potenzial erst im Multiplayer ausschöpft, auch wenn es dort stellenweise zu extremen Performance-Einbrüchen kommt.
Spaß macht es allemal und ich bin froh, dass ich das Spiel gekauft habe.
Würde ich es weiterempfehlen? Bedingt, da es viel Geduld und Ausdauer benötigt.
Bleibt gesund und zuhause. Spielt zum Beispiel Empyrion - Galactic Survival :-)
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 16:15
Mann muss es mindestens einmal Rückerstattet haben um die Widerlichkeit zu erfahren.
Sounds überlappen sich (stacken)
Jegliche Animationen sind eine lüge alle NPCs T-Posen
Gegner surfen durch die Map wie Eiskunstläufer
7880 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 09:07
ich habe das Spiel jetzt schon recht lange. Ich spiele es in letzter Zeit wieder extrem oft. Ich denke, dass es einer der Besten Spiele ist. Es gibt soo viele Möglichkeiten zu bauen, zu entdecken und einfach Spaß zu haben. Es ist das Game was ich mir immer am meisten gewünscht habe.
Allerdings habe ich einige Kritikpunkte:
1. Grafik - Grafisch ist es nicht unbedingt das Highlight ich denke ein Paar Grafiken wie Bäume, Gras und allgemein das Terrain könnte einfach besser aussehen. Würde ein riesen Upgrade sein. Im Weltraum sehen die Planeten und Asteroiden echt nicht schlecht aus. Aber auch im Weltraum wäre der Hintergrund cooler wenn er nicht so verschwommen wäre.
2. Animationen - Das ist der Punkt den ich nicht ganz verstehe seit dem ich das Game habe sehen die Animationen gleich scuffed aus. Nach meiner Meinung und Erfahrung sollte es nicht allzu Schwer sein ein klein wenig bessere Animationen wenigstens für den Spieler zu machen. Laufen und so geht noch klar aber nachladen sieht echt nicht smooth aus.
3. Kampfsystem - Das System ist leider echt bissl nervig. Oft haben die Gegner einfach nur Aimbot an und man kann nichts machen. Was auch unglaublich nervt ist, dass man oft spawnt und dann einfach gespawntrapped wird und nichts mehr machen kann. Generell fühlt es sich nicht so cool an alles ist sehr Kantig.
4. Raumschiffe - Für mich persönlich und ich denke auch für die meisten wäre es soooooo ein geiles Update wenn man endlich nicht aus dem Raumschiff bugt wenn der andere fliegt und man selber im Raumschiff rumläuft. Ich könnte es verstehen wenn man sich zu einem Warpsprung hinsetzten muss aber es wäre ein Traum wenn man während der eine fliegt im Schiff laufen kann. Ich glaube das würde sooooo ein riesen Upgrade des Games sein.
5. Kleinigkeiten - Es gibt Deko Objekte und darunter gibt es auch einen Tisch mit 4 Stühlen daran kann sich aber nur einer hinsetzen. Warum? Es wäre soooo viel cooler für die Atmosphäre des games wenn sich da so viele Leute wie Stühle vorhanden sind hinsetzten könnten.
Zusammenfassend möchte ich Eleon Studios echt nur Loben und danken. Sie haben extrem viel richtig und sehr gut umgesetzt. Es ist ein Spiel was immer in Erinnerung bleiben wird. Es ist das Game von dem ich immer mal Träumte. Wenn die ganzen Kritikpunkte umgesetzt würden wäre es mit Abstand das beste Game der Welt für mich. Jetzt wünsche ich jedem noch einen schönen Tag und eine Erfolgreiche Reise durch das Universum :D
27626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 16:16
Das Spiel macht mega viel Spaß. Bereue den Kauf keine Sekunde. Bin schon sehr lange dabei und habe das Spiel durch die verschiedenen Alphas begleitet. Mir persönlich gefällt es nach wie vor sehr, dass ich so viele Möglichkeiten habe eine Base zu bauen, zu verschönern usw. Aber auch technisch gibt es so viele Möglichkeiten. Kann es nur empfehlen.
40512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 12:14
Nicht Empfohlen
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 02:45
Dafür, dass es schon solange von den Devs betreut wird
läuft es einfach zu instabil. Es gibt da andere Games aus diesem Genre,
die liefern ein mehr und sind noch nicht solange draussen.
Nicht Empfohlen
11258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 14:30
Obwohl es kein EA mehr ist gibt es noch Unmengen an Bugs und die Steuerung/Interface sind unverändert klobig. :(
Ein Blindflug ins Game mit Freunden kann für ein paar Stunden Spaß machen...
8126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 06:10
Es gab in der Zwischenzeit einige Updates und die erkundbare Planetenanzahl hat sich vervielfacht. Die Community ist der Hammer und stellt ständig neue Blaupausen für Raumschiffe bereit. Grafisch ist es keine Wucht und hier und da gibt es den ein oder anderen Bug, aber das erkunden der Planeten und Raumstationen zusammen mit einem Kumpel macht echt Fetz.
Gefühlt hat seit den Updates der Schwierigkeitsgrad stark zugenommen. Fans der Dark Souls Reihe wird das bekannt vorkommen ;-)
52322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 09:26
Ich habe, wie viele andere auch, Empyrion in früherer Entwicklung angefangen zu spielen.
Hab viele Alpha mitgemacht und gespielt. Mit einigen konnte Ich gut, mit anderen eher weniger gut ^^.
So jetzt zur Empfehlung, die geht an die Spieler die gerne bauen von Basen oder Schiffen bzw Hover die wie Panzer sind =).
Es gibt viel was beim Mehrspielermodus eingeschränkt wird weil die Server bei extrem großen Basen,
oder Schiffe nicht verarbeitet werden können.
Z.b. bei den PVP Schlachten wo Schiffe gern mal den Server zum Absturz gebracht haben, sehr unangenehm XD.
Ich meine die Einschränkungen für Server sind genau richtig und machen das spielen mit anderen angenehm.
Jetzt komm Ich mal zum negativen Teil, die wirklich große Vielfalt an Sonnensystemen klingt zwar gut ist es aber leider nicht =/.
Ich habe große Probleme feststellen können die beim Mehrspielermodus aufgefallen sind =( zum einen Du synchronisierst leider sehr schlecht wenn Du reist. Ich hoffe zwar dass es behoben wird, aber da dass Entwicklerteam recht klein ist wird es wohl ne weile dauern können. Zum anderen, es kann oft passieren das deine Gefährten oder auch andere Spieler für dich so erscheinen als würden Sie nur stehen und sich im kreis drehen. Dem ist nicht so. Liegt leider auch an dem Sonnensystem was die Synchronisierung stark einschränkt.
Wo wir leider auch zu den Bugs kommen. Es gibt sie, aber sie stören nicht so wie einige es beschreiben, zumindest empfinde Ich das so ^^.
Ich werde das Spiel weiterhin mit Freude weiter spielen, da mir das spielen über die Jahre hinweg immer Vergnügen und Frustration in guter Mischungen geliefert hat.
Für diejenigen unter euch die gerne bauen, kann Ich nur sagen: ES LOHNT SICH ;)
Für diejenigen unter euch die Survival erwarten kann Ich nur sagen: Eher nicht da man schnell Nahrung und Sauerstoff gemacht hat.
Viel Spaß beim bauen und erkunden von Empyrion ^^
Nicht Empfohlen
4054 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 06:31
Nicht Empfohlen
3313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 02:27
I tried to build a underground water reservoir for my base and finally connected it to the lake and then...
NOTHING. Water stops with a very ugly texture cut at the entrance of my Mountain.
82651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 14:08
Ich kann Rucky´s und Kieve´s Argumentation nachvollziehen und gebe ihnen in den meisten Fällen auch recht. Ja es ist Bugy, ja es ist bei weitem noch nicht fertig, ja die Community ist ziemlich Toxisch, ja ja ja alles richtig.
Nichtsdestotrotz ist es ein gutes und unterhaltendes Survival/Crafting Game. ich habe gerne weit über 1k Stunden investiert, das Veröffentlichen der Blueprints macht mir bis heute immer noch am meisten Spaß, und das alles für (damals) 16,99€...
(kleine Rechnung am Rande: 16,99€ / 1300h Spielzeit = 0,013Cent pro Stunde. Welches Spiel in eurer Bibliothek kann mit so einem Wert aufwarten?)
da habe ich schon für größeren Mist mehr Geld ausgegeben.
In diesem Sinne kann ich es weiterempfehlen.
15551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 20:27
Ich spiele nicht durchgängig aber immer wenn ein größeres Update rauskommt hat man damit viele Stunden Spaß.
Von mir klar Daumen hoch!
125101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 13:36
Da Empyrion noch in der Alphaphase steckt, gibt es immer wieder kleine, oder auch mal große Veränderungen im Spiel - manchmal erfrischend und begrüssenswert, manchmal nervig, da dadurch ein Spielstand, oder deine Mod´s unbrauchbar geworden sind. Aber Empyrion ist nun mal noch in der Entstehungsphase... Die Schöpfer des Spiels leisten, so finde ich jedenfalls, gute Arbeit und sind auf dem richtigen Weg! Daumen hoch!!!
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69127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 22:59
8858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 22:43
I'm playing with my kids now (youngest is 10) and we're having a great time. The learning curve is a bit steep, but getting past that there's a ton to do. Looking forward to the updates that are planned for the rest of the year!
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4704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 19:56
76321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 09:31
It's not perfect and the decision to move out of Alpha was/is questionable as there are still lots of issues and development is still happening.
But it's good fun, PVP is fun on servers, PVE is great in both single play and coop.
The modding community is brilliant, take Reforged Eden as an example.
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17488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 09:55
No Setting to disable this, as it is a hardcoded feature of the game.
91385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 10:45
I got this game a long time ago and saw it grow by returning every few month. In my humble opinion, all the updates are going in the right direction and i cannot wait to see more.
I won't lie, the survival part of the game is a bit lacking as well as graphics (espacially animations).
But to me, the sandbox aspect is *amazing* and allows you to build almost anything you want. I spent so far over a thousand hours in this mode creating, designing, building, painting ships and bases. Your imagination is the limit.
Pros :
- The creative mode, sandboxe that allows you to build with infinite ressources and time, publish your work and import it into your playthrough
- Game updates
- Multiplayer
- The infinity of the universe to explore
- The steam worskhop support : there is a solid community of very creative people producing amazing content
Cons :
- Survival mode, despite lot of update it still lacking endgame goals.
- Graphics and more specifically the animations of players and ennemies.
- The infinity of the universe, it becomes a bit repetitive towards the end game, and you will get bored as a solo player.
All in all the sandbox / building mode of the game is worth every penny. If you want to design crazy stuff, buy this game.
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58287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 16:23
I actually purchased the game back in Aug 2018, it was still in Alpha, and for me, in an unplayable state, so I uninstalled. Since then there have been (not counted) but hundreds of updates and patches. So, a few weeks ago, I thought I would give the game another go in the hope that it had matured into a playable state. I was so wrong.
Today, and since Aug 2021, Eleon Game Studios advertise the game as a full release. Since that release there have been in excess of 20 updates, patches and hotfixes. Many of these have required full wipes of game saves and servers, causing the player to restart from the beginning. In addition, updates have also caused steam workshop (and non workshop) scenarios and mods to fail and stop working.
The minimum hardware requirements have also gone through the roof over this time. They claim minimum 10gb RAM, recommended 16GB. I have 16GB and was met with out of memory messages a number of times, and be sure, I had nothing other than steam running in the background. For a £9.99 game you will probably need to spend in excess of £2,500 on hardware to play it.
The story and tutorials are still incomplete, and you will grind yourself through the story only to be met with a message saying still in development.
You will encounter AI and NPC’s that fall through floors and shoot through walls and even fly through entire planets. You will get hangs and freezes and disconnects that will leave you light years from your ship when you reconnect, with the only option of death and the hope you can respawn back at your base. Else it is start again time.
I would still describe this game as alpha.
A lot of the vanilla content is so weak, that if you do wish to continue playing, you will be tempted to download and play one of the workshop scenarios. Reforged Eden is probably the most popular, but be prepared to still be met with untold bugs, unfinished stories but most of all, some pretty horrendous politics between the scenario writers and the players, where if you, the player, manage to outsmart the POI’s using legal in game mechanics, they will call you a cheat and next update, nerf your build and buff their precious POI’s. You are not meant to win at this game, it is just an ego trip for the devs to get one over on YOU, the paying player. And to top it off, if you join one of the private servers, be sure you will likely encounter ‘pay to win’ subscriptions.
There are also non-workshop scenarios that you can choose to download, Ascension Unchained comes to mind, where the scenario is clearly and completely plagiarized from Reforged Eden and thus removed from the workshop, and if you choose to post a youtube of yourself playing one of these scenarios, be ready for some negative and childish comments from the devs. Like you are a lawyer and it’s your fault, right?
To summarise, this game is far from ready to be called a release. If you are the kind of person who likes to test and report bugs, prepared to have your game wiped and start again on a regular basis, plus you can handle the fan bois telling you the game is perfect and its your PC that sux, hostility from server owners who cannot handle the pressure of being constantly hounded about bugs and issues. Go for it. Otherwise, pah, you don’t need me to tell you how to suck eggs. Good luck, have fun.
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31369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 15:21
They avoid and ignore features and aspects of the game that are clearly broken and refuse to stick to a realistic roadmap. It feels like when they sit down to work on this game they just think up something to add or change and just focus on that for an entire update without any broader plan of action of how to add and refine things in the game that actually matters.
The walking animations look like they are from oblivion and so do the characters.
You cant walk around on moving ships which hamstrings multiplayer. This is one of those things that I think at this point is a limitation of the devs abilities but i could be wrong. There could be technical reasons for it i suppose but it doesn't change the fact that it makes trying to play with a friend irritating. You cant even log out on a capital ship because if they move it while you are away guess what. you die in space and loose your stuff lol.
The interface looks like it was designed by someone who took one online course in like basic QT design from one of those online learning websites and then got turned loose.
The game uses an obscene amount of resources and runs at like 30fps despite looking like an asset game from 2016.
The ships fly in the most rudimentary fashion you can imagine.
The building and crafting system is outdated and feels like... again a game from 2016.
The AI is even more rudimentary than the ship physics.
Combat is an absolute joke. Fly up to an enemy and sit there while you turrets destroy them. Turrets always snap to target and don't seem to ever miss and instantly hit you no matter how far away you are, again rudimentary as an ai could be. also they use a machine gun sound effect for a single shot turret? It so goofy and bad...
Nothing visual in the game matches. All the 3d models feel like they were made by random people and bought on the asset store. There is no cohesive visual style artistically.
The world feels empty and pointless. filled with copy paste encounters sprinkled throughout the map minecraft style but not as neatly. Once you have a powerful enough ship or HV you just roll up and let your turrets bulldoze it (by always shooting directly at the core only. Even if it has to drill through 20 layers of blocks. Did i mention that the ai is simple as it could possibly be) then you loot it and go to the next.
I've played this since like probably 2016 and after all this time I feel like the dev might just not have the skill or ability to make a game like this. I guess they deserve some credit for not outright abandoning it. They do still update it but said updates never address the main issues the game has. But for god sake if you are still selling this game and making money from it then HIRE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING PLEASE.
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823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 04:06
It seems like the developers put a lot of effort in putting in new mechanics and thing but nothing is really polished. From UI to physics it's all just a bit undeveloped, so while the idea is there it's hard to fully enjoy it.
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6237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 09:11
base building
ship building
vehicle building
it all works in the exact same way. its easy and its fun
the scale of the game is huge! very much to explore and gather. but it really feels empty... like you are the only sentient being out there.....
AI... pretty much nonexistent. very stupid enemies who have a hard time navigating their own base
Bugs... everywhere.... dont look up the game will bug.. dont look down the game will bug..
dont move your vehicle your game might bug... dont shoot that enemy the game might bug...
story/quests. very lame and tame quests wich ofcourse bug out if you dont do EXACTLY what the developers intended.
i bought this game way back when it just came out.. put it on the shelf after fumbling with it.
figured i would come back when they expand on it...
now i am back 4 years later... nothing has changed....
at least nothing noticable...
wich means the dudes that created the actual game here probably moved on to something else
and left some interns to deal with this. spewing out weak stuff instead of actually expanding on the game. or fixing the damn dumb AI.
16338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 23:28
Early game I was worrying about survival (Staying Warm, Finding Food, Gathering Resources).
Mid game I had a base, vehicles & was exploring the planet.
Late game I was going on missions in deep space in my capital vessel.
-Missions (11 Story + Faction missions). To get you out exploring & doing.
-Just a MASSIVE universe. So many places to go its almost over whelming.
-Massive build options! Bases, Vehicles, Vessels, Capital ships!
-blueprints (I'm not creative. It's more fun to fly a cool looking ship vs my flying brick).
-Being able to tear down, take over, or use just about everything you come across.
-Once I ran out of missions & things to do (after 250+ hours). For me, that was the main driver to keep things moving forward, exploring, and doing things. Without it & sitting on top of all the resources I could possibly use, I didn't feel inclined to visit a new system to gather more resources. I built up my base to make it really cool, but that didn't advance me or really benefit me in anyway.
-I only played single player, so I felt very alone. I have this massive capital ship for 1.
-(very minor) It would be nice if it was easier to use the repair station to repair your ship. It'd be great if you could link your repair station to a container vs. having to load in items manually.
My Next Steps to get more:
-I might try multiplayer or look into some mods to get more (reforged eden?).
15790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 09:19
well worth buying there is a few things that i find better than SE and others i find worse
Better - planets, galaxy this gives the game a no mans sky kind of feel to it but its great but hard to navigate across the universe.
story, factions, the story is directly linked to the factions (dont anger them).
weapons, tools there are many choice for weapons that doesnt require mass mods like SE.
servers are far more stable like WAYY more stable.
the graphics are similar however ores look better water looks better and overall slightly better for ground graphics.
worse - building i find it very awkward to build -
flying this is a few things
1 you can literally faceplant into a ship/planet/asteroid without any negative effects whereas SE you break your ship if you crash
2. transitioning from planet/space and vis versa is horrid.
the amount of afflictions you can get regardless to what armour you have or when you last healed last gets a little tedious especially when looting a building and having to use over 200 healing products just to stop you from dying from afflictions alone.
turret targeting systems are a little to simple it would be better if you could give more options also.
in ship toolbar its a shame you cannot assign groups to the toolbar for instance turning thrusters off without going into ship menu.
i would still recommend buying this game as it is an amazing game to be playing it is even better when in a faction and working together can negate most of the afflictions as you can kill things quicker in groups.
52010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 11:52
In Empyrion you also have food, farming and recipes. And most important, it actually has gameplay. There's a universe, made out of systems and planets. There are things to do, missions, exploration, abandoned structures, wild life, enemy NPC's. All things that Space Engineers doesn't have and doesn't seem interested in ever having.
So yeah, while I would like to have the building system of Space Engineers in Empyrion, with all it's conveyors, at the end of the day Empyrion is the better game.
16720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 02:14
???? | Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4/5
???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
???? Easy
???? Normal
☑️ Hard
???? Dark Souls
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
☑️ Meh
???? Graphics dont matter in this game
???? Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
☑️ Not special
???? Good
???? Amazing
☑️ This game has no story
???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
???? It's there for the people who want it
???? Well written
???? Epic story
☑️ Perfect Price
???? Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? You can run it on a microwave
☑️ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
☑️ Actually pretty amusing
???? Ride of your life
???? It's a one-time experience
???? Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? Definitely
☑️ Infinitely replayable
???? No
☑️ Wait for sale
???? Yes
Its a good game but the problem it has is that you will lose fun soon + graphics aren't the best.
????️| Found my review helpful?
[Spoiler]Consider giving an award![/spoiler]
3998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 23:55
Empyrion is certainly not perfect by any stretch, and I will say that the issues with it mean that it won't be for everyone. But I myself have definitely had fun with the game, and I greatly enjoy it despite its flaws. If you like space sandboxes and don't mind a game that's a little more buggy, then give this game a try if it looks interesting to you at all.
But I do want to say to the devs: Please put some more focus into bugfixing. Seriously. In the game's current state, especially after how long it has been around, doing some serious debugging and fixing is one of the best things you can do for the game right now. In one of the recent news posts for the game you said you wanted to make this game a lot better for years to come. This is one of the best ways you can possibly do that. That alone I'm sure would cause a significant boost in your review scores. It would be to the benefit of both you and your players.
195588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 22:31
- Great Game
- Great Community
- Improving continuously
- Listening to his Community
- No Micro Transactions
- Many possibilities
- Dedicated Servers hosted by Players
- Mods
there is literally nothing i can complain about this game and the team that works on it i love you guys so much pls keep up the great work !
my fav Dev (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ TAELYN ᕙ(^▿^-ᕙ)
12710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 23:09
31804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 05:27
I've only played this in Single player and I quite like Building so this game is right up my alley.
It allows you to build nearly anywhere, has a sort of tutorial to follow if you want and how you want.
You can build bases, hovercraft, small vehicles or Capital ships using blueprints found in game or from the workshop or you can design and build your own. As long as you have all minimum requirements it will work. How well is another thing of course.
The learning curve starts out tough but has many features and there are lots of videos or generally helpful advice on the forum.
It is still in development, so hopefully it improves even more.
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6394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 22:37
It has an awful lot going for it, and could still end up being something fantastic, but it's worrying that it's been officially launched in its current state. As a sandbox, it's excellent, but the world feels empty - you can spend ages wandering huge structure full of NPCs and equipment, but unable to interact with most of it. Except the 15 cargo boxes in every room that contain one item each which all have to be looted individually.
There are some basic quality of life issues, and the campaign feels like something hurriedly bolted on to justify the release tag.
Story missions are poor. Badly written, frequently give misleading instructions. Use cheap tricks like spawning enemies behind you to add difficulty to make up for very poor AI. You can spend ages wandering around a massive ship or station trying to work out what to do, because a bug prevented the mission from progressing although you took the triggering action.
The tutorial is much improved. But after that the missions also do a poor job of leading you through the game features. You could spend ages early on pottering about by yourself exploring and building key equipment, but since you end up being handed damaged version to repair cheaply, quite early as part of a mission there's no incentive to do so. But then later you suddenly reach a point where you could save a lot of time and resources by thinking outside the box but the game refuses to let you. Some key game features are explained poorly or not at all.
The savegame system is horrendous. Needing to exit the game and re-enter the file load screen in order to rename a save is a bizarre design decision. Filesystem access seems inexplicably slow. Saves seem to expand dramatically in both size and load time the more areas you visit. The combination of mission bugs, randomly spawning enemies, and seemingly random periodic overwriting of saves mean you'll end up with a load of identically named saves and spend ages looking at loading screens. Which helpfully advise you of all the wonderful exploring you could be doing right now if some basic features had been implemented better.
It's generally fairly solid, but bugs can be game breaking. Like when you reload and fall from your ship, leaving it hanging permanently unreachable far above you. Or a door you need to pass through for a mission has a lock code that's not in your PDA and the only way through is to invoke god mode from the console. Or just frustrating, like when you randomly lose the ability to run and are stuck walking everywhere despite full stamina and a nearly empty inventory.
It's come a long way over the past couple of years, but still needs a fair bit of work. If it was still in Early Access I'd recommend it without hesitation. It keeps yielding fantastic moments but followed almost immediately by huge frustration. Calling it a full release in it's current state just isn't justified.
2866 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 16:51
29642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 19:06
I'm currently half way through the story line right now. Will update after I finish it and get more into the end-game stuff.
Update One: Fixed grammar errors and cleaned up the review a smidge.
43671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 15:56
Congratulations, you've found your game!
This is the most interesting, fleshed-out and fun survival game experience you can have on PC, assuming sci-fi games are your thing. If you're looking for a more brutal challenge, the Reforged Eden mod is also highly recommended; If I have one criticism, it's that the vanilla game can get a bit easy once you have a good capital ship.
If you're even a little curious I'd say pick this up, you'll easily get your moneys worth.
55366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 19:21
As with most other survival-craft games out there, you can feel the Minecraft influences. They've gone way beyond that here with mobile bases, building bases in space, defending against base attacks, and attacking enemy bases and ships.
The community in Steam Workshop is vibrant and active. There are some brilliant creations available there every player should check out whether you want to create your own stuff or just modify others'. Shout out to all those who publish blueprints - you keep the game fresh.
You can reduce or extend the resource and XP grinds as you prefer before you start, but the defaults are pretty generous. New players will best enjoy the game with Mass and Volume disabled until they learn this games' controls and gameplay concepts. The latest Reforged Eden mod makes the game less generous for hardcore players who want more and different struggles to overcome before maxing out everything.
There are some poor design choices by the devs that may stem from technical limitations. 1) Dropped bags, defeated enemies, and loot boxes from destroyed containers expire way too fast. Usually a few minutes. 2) There's an arbitrary speed limit imposed by the game due to how long it takes to stream in parts of the world while moving. My hope is that the devs can address these problems in future updates.
The addition of story missions and side quests has changed the game from when I started. These are mostly driven by combat on foot, which is an unfortunate choice for a game about building, flying, and fighting in star ships.
All that said, the devs are still making updates after years of the game being available. None of the current gameplay issues are deal breakers for me. I keep coming back. Worth every penny.
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8325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 03:16
9782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 20:42
This game isn't particularly easy nor is it noob friendly so expect a challenge.
18766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 04:36
106338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 23:33
-Great Open world
-Lots of tools to build complex ships and stations
-Beautiful worlds (especially the gas giants)
-Easy to get into and figure out construction
-Very large galaxy to explore
-Pretty good performance
-FPS mechanics are pretty solid
-Vehicle combat can get intense with stations with shields, requiring thought and planning.
-Difficulty can scale a lot to give more intense challenges at creation
-A bit hard to get started, especially when you're new.
-Story could be stronger
-Not many places to explore besides structures, there's no caves or underground caverns of uniqueness.
-Lighting isn't room isolated, it can show through walls
-Computers and furniture blocks are largely, but not solely, decorative rather than functional.
-Playing alone can be lonely and a bit rough till you learn the game, best with 2+ people, but that's typical of these games.
-Still can't stand while vehicles are in motion
-Little visible block damage or physics from impacts like you see in Space Engineers.
-No modding tools yet
-Big updates often require you to restart to get some things added to the data pool; i.e. new planets, POI's.
Overall it's my top favourite sandbox game, I highly recommend it, it has some flaws but it has a lot of potential and great existing systems; I look forward to seeing what they continue to add over time. There's a reason I have over 1,700 hours into it after all. ^.^
14358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 21:47
Ignored indigestion. Got food poisoning.
Ignored food poisoning. Developed a fever.
Climbed a mountain to cool off and get away from the local wildlife.
Got hypothermia from the cold. Drank water, body temperature now below zero degrees.
Descended mountain to warm up, drank more milk, fever came back and killed me.
Respawned, built spaceship.
Traveled to space.
Now safe from the dangers of milk.
10/10 gameplay, 0/10 pasteurization
10069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 23:20
With games like Starbound, my experience was opposite. I was amazed by the scope of the game, then got bored after a few days.
Empyrion has about the same scope, in a 3D landscape. A galaxy that you can explore in its entirety. Many different types of planets, in different types of star systems, with different factions occupying them. Starting out is difficult but not impossible, depending on which planet you start on the difficulty varies.
But once you get to the part where you get to explore, that's when it becomes unbelievable. This game has got to have the best procedural world generation I've ever seen, and that says a lot. Some of the planets are simply breathtaking. And there's always something to do on them.
You need to try this game at least twice. The first time to probably reject it, the second time to embrace it, like I did.
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303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 19:58
157196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 11:28
It's a decent solo game. Different planets and goals make it fairly replayable without being boring.
Multiplayer experience will really depend on the server you play on. The official servers are, well, let's just say I don't like them. At all. But there are many private servers worth playing.
4013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 14:23
Over the years this game has evolved and has shown that it has a lot of life an replay value. Alone or with a group of friends. Against AI or other players.
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300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 03:19
Has potential if only the devs would spend more time fixing bugs. the story of every new game out these days. 8(
1st mission to a temple and the game borked...
The lever to get out does nothing and there is no way out.
Eventually die to hunger come back and pack is gone.
Seriously, this is a piece of cow dung.
The game has a set flow and if for some reason you do something outside the set story line, the game craps itself.
If you make something the story wants you to make in the wrong order... Make it again.
FIX THE BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
59834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 07:30
1684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 18:29
Empyrion has alot of what SE is lacking. The worlds feel like worlds and are full of resource's and npc's. It has good RPG elements and progression system. The building is good too, but could use a little fine tuning (block rotation mostly), and it runs good.
It lacks a few things that SE has, mainly the graphics and polish. It feels pretty dated in some aspects but it kinda has a charm about it. I can tell im going to put in tons of hours in this as well. Im not sure how big the dev team is on this, or if its solo, but whats here is very good. Games cant have EVERYTHING but the dev/s chose nicely on what to bring to the table with Empyroin.
251307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 10:27
multiplayer or solo this is the most fun and longest game i have ever played and i'm still exploring local star systems, i hear from other players there are alien races and wars out there...waiting to be discovered.
the player base is friendly and helpful. the enemies are scary and need obliterating. I have tanks, mobile artillery, tree cutters, flame throwers, fortified bases, fighter craft, scout and exploration craft, and the mother of all starships. i even have a little space station who's crew i killed cos i forgot to top up their oxygen supplies while away exploring a lava spitting planet. oops.
and i make pizza, i love the pizza.
Play online with others on private or public servers. build and design your own stuff and publish it for others to build. play solo. join factions or just kill everything that moves.
there are story missions which open up a universe of lore and mystery, or ignore all and just do your own thing or even better, do a bit of both.
the scope of this game just gets better with each update. this has been made by true sci-fi fans for sci-fi fans and the developers actively update and post development plans and direction.
finally....it even has dinosaurs and pirates. How f'ing cool is that?
work in progress and already scoring a 10/10 from me.
4000 hours played soon and not once did i get bored!
so....this game is recommended!
thanks for reading my first review.
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13860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 14:15
119231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 04:47
Yet, it is a great game if you are the type of player who likes (and is good at) role-playing. You get your big procedural universe to explore (and since it is procedural, there is always something interesting to find). Can get involved in power struggles between factions or create your own galaxy wide empire.
There are NPCs and they will raid your bases and attempt to convert them to their faction or simply hunt you down. It is nice to have that normally PvP only element present in PvE play (you'll also have NPCs to fight when boarding enemy ships etc). You might think that is no big deal but i am comparing apples to apples and the alternative game has a completely dead universe.
Both pros and cons are long lists for this one but pros win out for me in this case. Already a cheap game, get it on sale and you won't regret anything. Might even get addicted like me and get thousands of hours out of a few $.
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1022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 07:01
the game already good with many content available
but the UI so clunky and confusing, the tutorial so useless and even more buggy
and ppls with 500h++ already experience bugs with many save data, even crashing the save data it self
just knowing this game already years in EA and full release, this game only have 30% of love from its devs
i will be back if 99,5% bugs fixed, better UI, better tutorial, better automation, fleets control, better gameplay overall
graphic is optional since most peoples just want gameplay, not graphic
not recommend to buy it today, consider the bugs, save data risk, weird and clunky game
if you want to bypass it, its fine, the game still have good amount of contents to play
the contents still solid about farms, raiding, trading, ship vs ship, and base building + workshops, it just have big risk for time you already spend
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30422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 23:27
Today I began a new game on v1.5 of the fully released game. Within the first 3 hous I experienced following bugs:
- right at the start, at the spot where the emergency capsule lands, I walked around and.... fell into a hole into the planet. I was teleported back to surface after 50 m fall or so, but...
- the new 'smart' AI lets predators stand beside me doing nothing. Upon assaulting them with weapons they stand there until dying
- while playing the tutorial, I stumbled on some trigger, which killed an Npc that had to be talked to for the chapter to be completed. Hm.
- I had to access some console. Accessed it, read through the contents, exited the console - nothing, the chapter is not completed, the checkbox for the chapter is not checked. Re accessing the console has no effect.
- control of firearms. When zooming in through a scope, and moving around to target, the 'angle of movement' (I don't know how to express better) is the same as when not zoomed in. With the result, that the movement is no longer smooth, but jumps around, making targeting unnecessary dificult.
The list continues on and on.
This issues have been there for a long time over many versions.
This is anything but a full release. Almost everything feels unpolished, incomplete, clunky. Given development time and dynamic up to now IMHO, these guys can't do any better. No mater how much time will pass. Sorry, but this is unacceptable. Graphics is nice, although nothing special. And the longer the development lasts, the more outdated the graphics will be when (if ever) the game will be in a state we could speak of a 'full release'. My patience with this game is at the end. I can not recomend this game.
72651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 20:44
57494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 22:36
96419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 01:20
I should also mention that i use Reforged Eden mod and with no limits. Even with all that advantage I still end up in the clone chamber a lot.
Emerse yourself and you will never regret it. Have Fun
7442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 04:49
I only have a single criticism which is really minor and just my personal preference. The user interface in my opinion needs an upgrade to a more modern and better looking design, currently the user interface looks way too flat and bland at its current stage.
152734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 11:51
I love all the options you have in the game, building and finding solutions. Survive.
Yes there can sometimes be bugs. But the game is so fun and enjoyable that i still play it. It usually don't take long before the devs or creators of the scenario send out a update that fix it anyway.
If you like freedom, creative building, resource gathering, survival, trading, first person combat, space combat. RP value, farming, coop, hover vessels, small vessels, capital vessels, bases on a planet or in space, exploring a large and beautiful galaxy. I highly recommend this game!
I have never gotten so much joy, fun and excitement for the money in any game i have ever bought.
92212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 11:49
The game now feels like its teaming with life on every planet and in space with huge custom scenarios along with various NPC factions players can interact with causing positive or negative effects to the players standing with that faction.
admin tools make it super easy and quick to host your own dedicated servers and can add custom features like virtual auto miners.
The workshop holds a huge amount content from nice ships and bases to new galaxies to explore. Great if you dont feel like building your own structures, find a ship from a film you like or just to draw some Inspiration from. while the sizes of galaxies on offer is mind blowing.
I have played both Empyrion and Space Engineers and SE doesnt grip me the way EGS does, Never been able to figure why. Nomans skys falls short on alot when stood next to EGS imo. But if space exploration, building, fighting or trading are your thing this is defo one to try. I prob still have a ton of new stuff to discover thats been added since last playing :)
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2218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 22:52
Too buggy to be fun.
Build system is clunky and (VERY) hard to use.
But its quite fun with planet & space environs.
If this was still in early-access, I'd be very excited to get the final game.
But since its released; its unlikely it'll ever get the luv it needs to become the great-game it feels like it should be.
24142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 22:45
21141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 13:30
Basic survival loop feels good. You can start off on a freezing planet just trying to survive the cold and eventually move yourself up to living on an temperate paradise with ocean-side property and sipping wine.
Ship physics are good. Not necessarily realistic, but close enough to still be very enjoyable while happily ignoring some things which would in most cases honestly detract from the fun.
POIs are fun and interesting to go through. I think some of the designs are remarkably well done and there's a huge variety.
Numerous little frustrations though. Ships cannot fly inside of other moving ships nor can you walk around inside of a moving ship. Containers, constructors, etc... are all locked to a single person. Your friend went AFK while looking at your base's main inventory? Everyone is locked out until he comes back. I think the conditions that you get afflicted with are either a bit too common or a bit to debilitating. One or the other needs toned down, they just become a constant nuisance. I hope Eleon continues to do more development. It's enjoyable, but I feel like it could be so much more.
37158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 23:05
17128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 23:11
Seriously tho, Alot of hours into this here Gem of space survival.
In all honestly the dev whom made this game is brilliant, Easy controls, survival is harsh, Brilliant space battles and mining.
I love crafting games and this one hits it out of the ball park right here.
Of course the npcs and such like could be improved, perhaps some interation with npcs that hang around would be fantastic. other than that i really enjoyed building my capital ves and blowing crap up in space XD
Give it a shot and you wont be dissapointed :D
3495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 16:31
I will keep this review extremely short because, as great as this game is, there is a huge problem which for me was why I stopped playing.
There is no end game. You can travel from planet to planet, they are all mostly the same. Enemies, structures, loot etc. Some will have different gravity / temperature, but once you've seen it once, you'll see it a million times.
Do I still reccomend this game? Absolutley. It is big, open, beautiful, space, lasers, it's perfect. There is just a lack of exploration and enemies (at this time).
Regardless, I am rating 4/5.
Nicht Empfohlen
30478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 18:27
It is one of these survival games you find all over the place, except that the devs really mean it this time. And in fact they managed to get quiet a game together, but now that it has been released they are slowly loosing focus. Random features are added that no one ever asked for while long outstanding issues are never tackled. This game literally offers zero endgame other than crafting in a creative-like state, and when the devs were asked for a real endgame they gave us a huge universe... which is completely empty. So still no endgame, but more space to not have anything to do it, great.
Simmilar issues are all over the place: the AI Is a joke, it either one-shots you or you can kill it with the starter weapon as easily as with any other. And if any creature hits you, you get like a billion negativ status effects, because the devs had no idea how to make their crappy AI in any way challenging, yet respawning is the simplest and fastest option to counter that. There are planets that have environmental effects that require you to stand still and do nothing for about half an hour (what fun that is!). Oh and there is that level-up system that literally no one wants to have, but it stops you from building a ship until you harvested enough plants and killed enough animals till you finally know how a warp-drive works. Which makes no sense at all, has no place in this game, yet the devs love it for some reason.
This game has multiplayer, but if there are more than 2 ships on the screen it starts lagging like hell. Also PvP is heavily unbalanced, as the one with more resources always wins. But then you can play with your friends, which is nice.
Speaking about resources: initially this game provides somewhat of a challenge to get your first ship parts together, but after a while your biggest enemy becomes the very limited storage space that the devs figured would be appropriate. Generally the devs seem to have a very odd vision on how you are supposed to play this game. In example you have the option to build a mobile base with hovers and small ships, but don't you dare do that! The devs want you to build a base and try to force you will all kinds of obnoxious restrictions to build one. Their latest idea: if the mobile construction kit requires so much power that it uses up as much power to craft a power cell as a power cell gives in return, then you are forced to build a base! Brilliant! Never have I been so annoyed to not being able to do what I want to do in a sandbox game as in this one.
Now if you eventually got all the stuff together, built your ship, raided a few AI bases by killing the AI while they got stuck in some wall again (or shot you through the floor because collision got messed up), then you have a powerful weapon, a lot of resources to spare, and then... well then there is nothing else to do. You can go to other planets that have the same enemies, the same bases, the same resources and the same loot and there you can walk in circles if that pleases you till you get bored enough and finally uninstall.
It was a game with great potential, but sadly the devs have shown that they are incapable of using it.
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13969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 23:53
Empryion is a space/survival game - you gather resources, kill enemies, and build ships to explore the galaxy . Sadly, that is about it- the main concept is good but everything else is meh.
Combat is one of the worst aspects of the game. POI's can range from easy to'you dead in a microsecond'. Most weapons are pretty similar, and you can't crouch, throw grenades , etc. Enemies can hit you through walls( this could be a bug), and will generally spawn right on top of you. There are no set standards for POI's so in a singleplayer game you can get POI's that were clearly built for multiplayer, and vice versa. This leads to strategies like tunnel under the POI, because of the bad poi design.Ship to ship combat is terrible as well, and not worth the material cost. If you don't target the right parts of the ship it can take a while to destroy. Even then, it is still a major pain to loot those ships.
Enough about combat, onto graphics. The graphics in this game are meh, but this game is an EA game.... oh wait... it's not! The devs decided to remove the EA tag, because they considered the game feature complete. However, the game still looks an plays like a late stage alpha game. Granted the devs have come a long way, but the game needs to go a lot farther. Anyway... the large majority of the assets in this game are placeholder assets from the Unity engine. Sound, and audio cues can also bug out on occasion.
Finally, exploring: the game can be beautiful but I've found no reason to explore the vast cosmos-since all the planets look essentially the same...
Overall score: 6.5/10- Give it some time and it could turn out well.
14087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 17:34
9529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 04:56
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18273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 01:08
Essentially it's similar to other 'survival' games in the beginning. You scrounge for materials, maybe attack a small POI or two, slowly build a base and your first few vehicles. Then it's on to exploring space, getting resources to travel to other sectors and systems, and slowly growing your fleet and doing all kinds of other activies, including mining asteroids, trading, fighting POIs on planets and in space, fighting other CVs (the biggest ships) in space, then repairing and improving your own ships, gearing up to land on extremely high gravity planets and fighting through extremely hard enemies, exploring the vastness of space, it goes on and on and on. There's just so much to see and do.
Again, with RE.
However, I still do not understand how this game is out of early access. They're still adding so much to the game that every update essentially requires a wipe. One update in Oct, so start over then, then next update Dec 15, so you can't even play two months without restarting (in this instance). Starting over in survival games is already tough, but this game doesn't have a particularly enjoyable and interesting beginning. Not even that, there's bugs that have persisted for YEARS. Standing up on top of your minibike bug, anyone? Still here!
Not only that, but the latest update, 1.3, got released with a swath of severe bugs. One was so severe (your CV would drift off away from you in space when powered off) that they had to release a hotfix almost immediately. It's about to be three days since the update has been released and the game is still unplayable. And by unplayable I mean, you can play it, but you might lose hours/days of progress. CVs despawn/teleport occasionally when getting out of pilots seat. CV phases into the ground of the planet. CV moves randomly when powered on/off. Structures (POIs) disappearing when playfields are re-entered. Any one of these is severely game breaking, and put together the game is so broken that one of the highest populated servers has shut down until fixes are released.
If the devs sort their stuff out, stop requiring wipes every 2-6 months, and actually test their updates (or at a minimum allow us to roll back to something that's stable), I'll change to a recommend. Until then, I just cannot. If you bought the game on Dec 15, the day that 1.3 came out, you'd be straight up playing a game that could delete your progress at random moments.
62818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 17:03
192595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 21:25
You start out by crash landing on an alien planet, either with or without a breathable atmosphere, your choice. At first it's a challenge just to get enough food to eat and air to breathe while avoiding or killing the local wildlife with a wimpy survival tool. As you level up, you learn to make better weapons and you can build a small base to protect you from the the occasional inclement weather, including acid rain or radiated fog. You can also raise about a dozen different kinds of crops by building a farm in your base, which will help you stabilize your constant need for food and medical supplies.
After a while, you can build up enough resources to travel around your planet by ground or air and discover the aliens that share the planet with you. By killing them, trading with them, or doing them favors, you can change how they view you. They may raid your base or trade with you for things you need depending on your interactions with them.
Usually, I find myself befriending some of the aliens and becoming bitter enemies of the others. Raiding the settlements of your enemies can be very profitable. On the other hand, there are resources you need to build bigger better ships and bases that can only be had by trade.
Finally, you are ready to reach for the stars, literally. Your first trip off planet is really scary. This game does a great job of making space huge and unforgiving. Make sure to take enough air and food when you go to the moon for the first time, or try your hand at asteroid mining. The alien factions are also in space. Many of them have orbital traders or other installations for you to visit, or destroy.
But it gets better. Once you are in space, you can build bigger, more powerful ships. Either small ones just to get from place to place, or huge ships complete with a farm and all the comforts of base back dirtside. You can step beyond the need to ever need to set foot on the ground again. You won't want to do that though, since there are other planets to explore within the solar system that will have resources generally unavailable on your starting world. You can have bases on multiple planets, their moons, even floating in orbit, as well as the ship you use to travel among them.
Beyond the solar system, you will find other solar systems. Each of them with worlds similar to your starting system and few new twists to make it worth exploring them all.
Now the best part of this game for me is playing with friends. My wife loves it. My nephew and niece love to play with us when they visit. There is something for everyone. My wife can spend her time farming and gathering resources while my nephew and I explore the local ruins and fight the aliens we don't like, and my niece goes around shooting animals for fun. We've only played on a local server, but it is very easy to set up just by choosing game options, and my computer can handle four players just fine.
All in all, it's been worth what I've spent on the game even at full price. There does come a point where you've maxxed out your development and the challenges become repetitive, but it takes a bit to get there, and I always get the urge to come back in a couple months and fire up a new game. There are always new things being added.
90557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 15:31
57227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 02:41
Playing only as single player, once you've destroyed all non-friendly NPCs on your starting planet, done some galactic exploring in your CV, visited all the other factions, built some new bases on other planets, researched all techs and built everything you wanted to build..... then what? Is that the end?
Throughout this journey, I was hoping for some kind of end-game style revelation, in terms of discovery or something, but instead nothing else really happens, that I can find anyway.
The feeling is there is a lot still in development with this game, especially considering all the placeholder ores/intermediate items which currently serve no purpose. Should I assume there is much more exciting content to come, or is that it?
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26950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 19:36
It's now an overcomplicated, grindy mess, and every single addition they've made to the game has come with an enormous tradeoff of some sort. This game was more fun before weight and volume, before they completely ruined ship handling, before they buffed attack drones and removed cannon turrets from the early game, etc.
Just buy No Man's Sky instead. It's a much better game now, because unlike Empyrion, the devs actually listen to their players, their customers, and it's been improved with every patch... Instead of made worse. It lacks the free form ship and base building, but Empyrion's building has been severely crippled by so many other changes they've made over the years, anyway.
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2326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 06:28
Fast forward to now and after 3 hours of struggling just to get the game to work, the game feels like progress was backwards. Crafting is way more complicated and tedious. The new interface and navigation between menus is spotty at best. The physics engine still feels like no matter what surface you are standing on its made of slippery ice and your character slides around making parkour or jumping on anything besides a large flat platform nearly impossible. I broke my leg twice just from jumping around on flat ground. Vehicles control worse than ever before.
I was very excited to see how far this game had come since I last played and honestly I am severely disappointed. It kinda ruined my day.
I don't know what to say other than the game was better 3 years ago.
126951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 14:25
First and foremost: Regardless of some bugs in the gameplay the game is fun. I very much like the building part of the game but also the early and mid-game stages. If you get to the lategame stages, the game won't offer you too much of it's survival aspects, you are just too powerfull for your opponents. This is definitely another thing on PvP servers, but this is not a special feature of this game, most games are hard in PvP, even in late game.
To get rid of the late-game flaws, there are some scenarios witch could help you out. Reforged Eden is a complete overhaul with many, many features added to the vanilla game. This will keep you up all night, even in a SP late game stage. Another thing i can recommend, are the scripts from Astic (https://github.com/GitHub-TC/EmpyrionScripting). These are mods who allow you to script things via LCD-displays. For example we configured a complete self-sorting base, where goods are moved automatically directly between containers. Some code-snipplets i've made are here to find (https://github.com/Lusti2000-EGS/EmpyrionScripts)
The game has it flaws and there are desitions by the developers i cannot understand. But overall this is a fun game to play. If you are more interested in building your own stuff and not to much bothered by lack of AI then this is a beatiful game. Try to find a good server with a nice community (most of them are) and you're also good to go in multiplayer.
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4536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 00:29
I mean come on.
Who blows up their own base to shot you? Every AI enemy in this 'finished' game.
Who can sniper inside components without hitting armor? Every AI enemy in this 'finished' game.
Who never misses a shot no matter how far away? Every AI enemy in this 'finished' game.
To call this game finished is a joke. Never trust Elon Game Studio, they call a bug filled game 'finished'.
69668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 16:03
3222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 16:07
Empyrion: Galactic Survival (EGS) is an open-world (or rather, galaxy) survival sandbox set in a sci-fi universe. Starting stranded on an alien planet, with only a couple resources gathered from your escape pod, you'll have to hunt, build and fight to survive. Since there is no real main story, players are free to go anywhere and do as they please from the very beginning.
???? The Good Side
- The final frontier, full of possibilitiesThe galaxy is filled to the brim with things to do, discoveries and dangers. Procedurally generated, thousands of solar systems await. Many alien factions have each their territories, reputation criteria, trading habits and distinct style - being friends with some means being disliked by others. Locations are present in each planet and solar system, ranging from stations, to derelict ancient ships, abandoned labs and more. Be a paladin and free the galaxy from tyrants like the Zirax Empire, or just mind your business on a remote system, or again become a trader - the choices are endless.
- Engineering is hard, if you want it to be Empyrion has many depth levels for all player needs. The basic survival and crafting systems are friendly enough, as they have many quality of life and automation features. For those in need for a deeper experience, there are systems such as custom circuit-building with logic ports, individual configuration of each machine behavior, control groups and advanced parts. It's not that complex to build a working space vessel or base - but it can become so if one wishes, while remaining accessible for those wanting a simpler gameplay.
- An extra coat of paint I have rarely seen open-galaxy games with this scale and depth, having so relatively few problems. Empyrion is excellent at this with no game-breaking problems, generally a good polishing level. There are some minor and moderate inconveniences from time to time, however. If we want to make a direct comparison, No Man's Sky is much more broken than this game.
- Wait, this was just the tutorial? You joking, right? The tutorial section of this game is probably the longest I have ever seen, lasting multiple hours at the very least. It does cover very well all the mechanics, from simple to the most advanced, making you ready to face what the Galaxy has to throw at you. It is exhaustive... but also exhausting. Still, you will definitely need it as figuring out certain things alone is pretty difficult.
???? The Bad Side
- What is the life of one race, compared to the stretches of cosmic time?This title lacks heavily on endgame stages progression. Once you acquire the necessary technology to build a spacecraft, there won't really be any more real progression from there. Alien worlds and distant stations will offer great challenge, only to find the same items you could on the starting solar system. You will find yourself with a potent capital ship, only to soon realize there isn't anything to look forward to.
- Not entirely done yet Despite a good polishing level, Empyrion does feel unfinished and rough in several occasions too. For instance, certain resources, crafting materials or items will not have any use, being placeholders part of something never implemented. NPCs found around do not talk most of the time, react, or even die at all in some cases. Hell, you can scrap people with your recycler tool and turn them into cash, really. There are many small things that make it partially feel like not everything was fully integrated as intended.
- Fool's Errands The game does have a quest system, entirely optional, that unfortunately has trash rewards unless very early in game. Such quests can be a decent variation but in the end become a chore without a real point in being done at all. Definitely could be better.
Rating: Good
Click here for the complete Rating Chart
Being a sandbox, there isn't really a set duration. With 2 players it took me around 55 hours to reach an end-game state of progression. For the proposed price of 20€, it's definitely worth the money.
In-Depth Breakdown
???? Gameplay Analysis
Gameplay is divided into Exploration, Crafting, Combat and Building.
Is performed on foot initially, until you can build land vehicles and later on, flying ones and finally spaceships. A handy planetary map displays found points of interest, allows custom markers, and also shows territory borders of factions. The same goes for space maps, only in a 3D way. While exploring you will find materials, locations, enemies and environment hazards such as radiation, heat and more. Some zones will not be accessible easily until you have the proper protections. Until late game exploration is definitely rewarding in terms of loot, experience and knowledge.
Is done via a series of menus, and generally with the aid of machinery such as constructors. Once your base is set, containers are automated to transfer resources between each other, other than automatically making byproducts for the end component, from raw materials. It is a comfortable system that removes much of the tedium often tied to crafting in this genre. Some configuration is needed for this to work properly but once done all is largely automated.
Can be in first or third person, and uses an array of turrets, ranged weapons and tools. From simple bullet pistols to potent plasma cannons, there are different weapons for diverse needs, some more effective against shields, or armor for example. Enemies are generally lethal and inflict severe wounds and illnesses often - combat is dangerous in Empyrion. Attacks to your base from hostile factions can happen, but most of combat is done in dungeons and space, with other vessels. This latter one is disappointing, slow and clunky though. It is the main source of XP to level, and a nice diversion from building.
Is done using a grid and blocks of all imaginable shapes and sizes. The variety of shapes and functions allows the creation of complex structures. Terrain is freely manipulable to build underground if needed, and almost everything can be dismantled, destroyed and harvested - from trees to entire cities. Some faction structures will need you destroying their Core before you can start dismantling, and the same goes for player bases. Circuits, shields, turrets and much more is all available to build the base or ship to suit your needs.
Technical Breakdown
PC Specs: RTX2080Ti, Ryzen 3900X, 32GB RAM DDR4
- Critical ProblemsNone.
- Optimization Decent, the resource consumption is in line with expectations.
- Performance Runs without issues in 1440p, 85hz
- Bugs Some minor and moderate bugs at times
- Other Issues None
This game was reviewed using a free key
3995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 08:52
77483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 06:20
1200 hours in and still no regrets on spending the $19.99. Absolutely worth the price.
If I could only recommend one title out of my library of games, this would be the one I'd recommend.
1921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 00:31
17436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 19:00
Just a wonderful approach to game building. It's my new favorite game.
92417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 02:12
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23824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 00:08
108883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 22:24
Jokes aside, this game has came a long ways from when I joined back in version Alpha 2. Owning a server on this game though is quite a headache, hopefully that improves.
30479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 04:02
Empyrion may seem clunky at first but once you learn the basics you find yourself with access to rich building tools and endless creativity to explore, fight, and survive.
You may start with little to nothing in your first playthrough. By the end of a solid one you'll have a vast capital ship capable of traversing any point of space without fear, and have yourself a multitude of vessels at your disposal. You can build small, agile Small Vessels which excel at speedy exploration and light combat. You can build resource-based Hover Vessels designed to harvest wood and mine ores, or build a small speedercraft to travel planets quickly, or even build a mighty hover tank armed to the teeth with gatling guns, plasma turrets, and a mighty Artillery Cannon. You can build a minimalist Capital Vessel to get you warped into later game planet systems with more advanced materials, or you can build a mighty warship built with heavy armor and bristling with weapons, or a humble carrier designed to take your smaller vehicles along, or should you feel especially ambitious a combat carrier capable of transporting numerous vehicles and packing a punch.
Empyrion is of course as a Early Access title a bit buggy here and there, but the devs continue to listen to consumer feedback and provide numerous content updates that bring new playstyles and interesting techs. (One such gamechanging update included the addition of Polarized Hull Shields that allow even light vehicles to take a pounding before taking damage)
Empyrion may seem primitive to some, but it holds the potential to be a gamechanger for fans of sci-fi and survival games. Extremely recommend!
Nicht Empfohlen
10578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.20 20:03
21038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 09:30
4350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 11:26
There are so many elements in this game in terms of customisation, gameplay, PVP & PVE that it's insane.
If I didn't stop playing this a few years ago, I think I would've racked up 1000+ hrs easily.
You definitely need to have self-control otherwise you'll find yourself spending 7h building a replica of a ship from a different game (check my workshop for it).
196917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 20:36
How cool is that?
Purchased this Early Access game back in the pre-Alpha days, ... a few years ago? For myself, I have received more than my money's worth, and the game just keeps getting better and better.
The developers are constantly communicating with the fans, squashing bugs and introducing new game mechanics, like a new galactic map.
That's why I would recommend this game.
32625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 06:46
Nicht Empfohlen
80507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 08:57
Eleon Game Studios
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos