Today, we come to you with the first scroll unveiling the lore of the dark world we've meticulously crafted for you. Gather the initial fragments of knowledge about the world's history.
The world of Zieminal was once home to an advanced technological civilization of immortal human beings. They built vast cities and unlocked wonders of science. Immortality allowed a rapid advance of knowledge, but there was also a rapid increase in population. Everything suddenly changed, when mortality became the new human condition. Humankind was not prepared. Then, many years passed, and the survivors, thrown again into the Dark Ages, erected a new, medieval civilization, based on primitive technology, feudalism, and religious piety.

The main opposing forces in Deathbound are guided by faith in two Goddesses: Life and Death. Their worshipers led by their strong beliefs created two conflicting factions named the Church of Death and Cult of Life, and each of them carried the symbol of their powerful faith.
Church of Death
The dominant faith in Zieminal is made of fanatics who persecute anyone who does not follow their creed. Catena is the main symbol of the Church. It leads the way through the bloody streets of Akratya and proudly marks the attires of those devoted to Death. The chain symbolizes the indisputable binding to Her of every soul.

Cult of Life
An uneasy alliance of many organizations. Cult tries to resist the oppression of the Church of Death. Kolpila is the symbol of the Goddess Life. An allusion to cis women's vulva, which is considered the origin of the world. It is widely donned by Essencemancers - worshippers of the Goddess of Life - in their quest to bring immortality back to humankind at all costs.

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