- Added Inferno Ravager (starter dragon) [list]
- Special ability (Q): Inferno (flame cloak)
- New glow effect to all dragons
- New emotes and animations
General Mechanics
- Added Physics Hover Flight v1.0 (G) for Biolumin and upcoming Blitz Striker[list]
- Hovering ignores pitch inversion setting
- Hover pitch controlled using Shift/Space; angle controlled using A+D or W+S
- Biolumin can hover-eat (holding E) when given prompt on a flower
- Options are toggled in Controller Menu
- Input-based allows players to move and rotate their character independently of the camera
- Allows players to see underneath their dragon
- Meant to enhance flight experience for those with low FPS
- Prevents players from taking up server spots while AFK
UI and HUD
- Added Title selection and display from Social Panel
- Tweaked UI layout [list]
- Added new tabs to character panel: inventory, genetics, and survival
Survival and Combat Mechanics
- Added Dragon Pearl and Inventory/Loot system[list]
- Pearls may be cosmetic, provide skin overlays, or give buffs
- A dragon’s tier class determines inventory size and which modifier pearl tiers may be carried
- Shimmer, Gold Skin, and Sky Jelly effects are now a pearl overlay
- Skin overlays reset after death
- An extra stamina reserve, recharged by resting on the ground
- Can recover up to ¼ stamina by gliding while flying at upper altitudes
- Running out of stamina adds stamina decay, which is removed via sleeping
- Acts similarly to Pierce damage except that some damage is not mitigated by pierce defense and is more likely to cause bleeding
- Acid Spitters are immune to poison
- 5th stack causes glow to last 15 minutes instead of 60 seconds
- Can be removed by going in water
- Consuming Decay consumes all armor, resulting in more susceptibility to Acid damage
- Provides immunity to Consuming Decay while ability is active
Setting and Server Configs
- Added PvP, PvE, DvE, CvC game modes[list]
- CvC: only clans can non-faction PvP; clans may only invite same clanned, allied clanned, or nonclanned dragons, preventing nesting with non-allied clans, nonclanned players have red glowing eyes and nametags always visible, unable to pickup hatchlings unless in a Clan or in same group
- PvE: Elemental faction is disabled
- Faction PvP enabled for PvP, CvC, DvE modes
RP names replace Steam name in group/local chat, player list and, nest lineage
- Min Characters: 2
- Max Characters: 17
- No Spaces allowed
- First letter must be capitalized
- Only one capital letter allowed
- Only one dash "-" allowed after the first 2 characters
- Allowed Characters: [list]
- Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz
- Áá Éé Íí Óó Úú Ćć Ĺĺ Ńń Ŕŕ Śś Ýý Źź
- Ââ Êê Îî Ôô Ûû Ŷŷ Ĉĉ Ĝĝ Ĥĥ Ĵĵ Ŝŝ Ŵŵ
- Ää Ëë Ïï Öö Üü Ÿÿ Ẅẅ
- Force same species grouping
- Admins to spawn all dragons with E stats
- Growth Rate Scale Multiplier config
- Disable growth
- Disable nesting
- Set an auto server restart shutdown time
- Chat Filter to redact words from chat
- Will dynamically adjust asset resolutions without sacrificing visuals in attempt to maintain 30+ FPS at Quality and 45+ FPS at Performance
- Added Biobloom flowers[list]
- Added effect of eating is restoration of a small amount of stamina
- Changed to Unreal Engine 5.2.1
- DX11 and Vulkan are no longer supported [list]
- Players must use DX12
- Optimized Animation Logic to increase performance by 25-50% when 20+ players are being rendered
- Spawning applies the Dominant Skin as the Recessive, Spawned Random Dominant Genes are capped at C (+5%) and Hidden Spawned Random Recessive Genes are capped at A.
- Broodwatchers (coming soon) have the ability to upstat any Gene by 1-2 grades
- Upstatting without a brood watcher is still possible.
- Fixes some issues where boosting would not accelerate properly
- Acceleration should be much more fluid and responsive
- Great for playing while off-duty
- Added speed controls (mouse up/down/middle reset)
- Admin tags now show up on spectating bodies
- Admins may toggle this using the /warnings chat command
- Still able to back up and restore saves from the same player or transfer files across servers
- Reduced frost mitigation
- Slightly reduced pierce armor
- Slightly increased blunt armor and pierce/fire mitigation
- Increased Shadow Scale’s health
- Increased Shadow Scale’s plasma damage
- Reduced Shadow Scale’s charged plasma shot damage
- Costs stamina to activate and prevents stamina regen while active
- Virtual Shadow Maps is disabled by default
- Can be re-enabled in Graphics settings if you have a beefy GPU
- @ and / commands are enabled during sleeping
- Tweaked Auto Res Scaling feature so quality no longer drops below 50%
- Fixed FMOD audio bug trying to play invalid sounds after divided by zero
- Fixed Sound FX Slider, can now go to 0
- Audio no longer continues to play when emote is interrupted
- Scent sound no longer continues to play when sniffing stops
- Fixed a bug preventing foliage interaction from working if camera was beyond 4m from the plant
- Fixed an issue where being bitten with very little armor would result in being one-shot
- Fixed flight not working on peers after they enter render distance [list]
- No more watching people scoot along the ground in hover animation
Known Issues
- Rivers can be walked on top of in some areas
- Some SFX may be missing or need further polish [list]
- Some emote sounds missing
- Will be fixed in a hotfix
- Players should select the skin they want and it will show after the hotfix