Earlier this year, we posted an announcement in our official discord stating the 1.0 update may be delayed due to unavoidable health issues this year. WIthin the entire development team, there has been multiple health related incidents that could not be avoided. It wasn't a great year for us health wise and we had to spend a lot of time recovering.
Because of these delays, we aren't able to confidently fit everything we wanted into the 1.0 update. Life happens unfortunately, and with each passing day, this appeared more inevitable. We want to deliver 1.0 in the quality our community deserves and not deliver a rushed, buggy product. You, our community members, are awesome and you deserve the update to be just as amazing.
1.0 will still be released on February 17th as promised!
But, it will be a soft release, meaning that it will be released over several updates. The first update will be 1.0.0 and will still be our largest update to date! We will be introducing two new dragons into the game. These two will be the free starter dragon, the Inferno Ravager, and the Kickstarter dragon, the Biolumin (available to all through nesting). We will also be adding our new and improved Forgotten Forest map which has been completely remastered with new locations and landmarks to explore.
After this initial update, we will be releasing the rest of the content intended for 1.0 in two to four week intervals.
We greatly apologize for the delay. We know some of you will be upset with this decision. Please believe us when we say we didn't want to, but it is what is best for the health of the game and developers.