Hello, Pretenders!
We hope you’re still having fun in the Eagle Temple that we released last month! This new temple brings its share of new content with more enemies, traps, Champions and a Temple Boss! Which of you have already climbed the Eagle’s Spire and defeated the Dark Avatar of the Eagle? We’re curious to know!

The third temple was a big step in the Early Access of Curse of the Dead Gods, and we’re so proud to have completed it in time! There are still adjustments that need to be made thanks to your feedback and suggestions. If you’re interested in our creative process, we will publish in our dev diary next week how we made this temple!
In the meantime, here’s a selection of some cool artworks made by Valentin, our art director!

As you may have noticed on our roadmap, we’re close to our v.1.0 release! It will be synchronised with the long-awaited consoles releases and will feature the final Temple of Curse of the Dead Gods! (among other things that you can peek at on the roadmap). We’re reaching the end of the adventure, but it doesn’t mean we’ll stop working on the game. We have at least one update planned after the official release of Curse of the Dead Gods, and for the rest… we’ll have to see how the game does once out on the market!
Right now, we’re focusing all our efforts on putting an end to this incredible journey. All of our time is dedicated to adding the grand finale, polishing every aspect, and correcting bugs to make the game run as smoothly as possible. Plus, the holiday break is coming and we’ll take some time off to celebrate with our loved ones! That’s why there won’t be any update until the final release of Curse of the Dead Gods.

We’ll be back soon in 2021 with more news! In the meantime, we hope you all have a good holiday season and that you play some games with your friends and family.
- The Passtech Team ????
PS: We won’t go silent during our break, don’t worry! Join our Discord server to chat with us, or follow our Twitch channel to not miss any livestreams!