Hello, Pretenders!
The Passtech team is working hard on our next two updates: THE ARMORY and THE EAGLE'S SPIRE. In case you missed it, we released another minor update this September: PATH OF TRIALS.
Have a look at our roadmap to get a more comprehensive look at what's coming to Curse of the Dead Gods:

Be ready for tons of new weapons, dearly requested by our community since the launch of the game in Early Access. We're actually asking you guys to share your suggestions for two-handed weapons on our Discord server at the moment, care to participate?
Now, we thought it'd be fun and interesting (tell us if it's not) to chat about what it means for us to make Curse of the Dead Gods in Early Access. This is our first game in EA, and it's definitely been a roller coaster! For most parts, we had good feedback and reception, but there were some inevitable bumps on the road. Don't get us wrong, we're super happy with how the game turned out so far, but we never knew how ambitious this project would become.
If you’re interested in that, read our latest dev diary! You can also subscribe to our newsletter so you won’t ever miss any. We have more behind the scenes available for you, Pretenders! Valentin, our art director, has been posting quite a lot on twitter recently. Follow his thread on old sketches and concept arts made in the early days of Curse of the Dead Gods!

See you next week!