Hello, Pretenders!
Are you ready for our monthly update? Here comes the ARMORY! New weapons, a new Underworld, and the Lightning element await you in the Temple! ⚡️⚔
Check out our new Trailer!
ALSO! Curse of the Dead Gods is 33% off for a limited time ???? Grab it now!
Version 0.21.0 - October 29th, 2020
???? = Community additions
New features
- New Underworld:[list]
- The Armory: New upgrade tab in the Underworld: + Unlock new weapons to find them in all your next explorations! + All weapons from the game have been separated into two categories: a starting selection matching all the default weapons you can find in the Temple, and a selection of weapons to unlock in the Underworld + When you unlock a new weapon, it can appear in any of your future explorations + Champions’ weapons have to be unveiled first: unlocking them in the Underworld will give you a chance to find them in weapon Sanctuaries + The Armory is destined to evolve! Please share your feedback with us to make it better

- ???? Weapons altars: New game mechanic+ You’ll now find in the Main Hall some weapon altars that will offer you different equippable weapons before each exploration! + A new upgrade tab appears in the Underworld: Restore weapon altars to expand your starting weapon choices and upgrade them to increase their quality + Choices offered by weapon altars are renewed after each exploration or when you upgrade the altars in the Underworld
- New currency: Jade rings+ Defeat the last Champion or Boss of each exploration to gain Jade rings! + Jade rings can be spent to unlock new weapons in the Underworld + A first victory will award you a large number of Jade rings. Each additional victory for an already completed exploration will give you a few more Jade rings + Note that some previously available by default weapons are now to be unlocked in the Underworld. For the pre-update players, Jade rings will be credited depending on the completed explorations.
- New fighting styles:[list]
- Throwing weapons, main weapons + Simple attack (x2): launches a projectile at mid-range + Final blow of the combo (1 stamina point required): launches a projectile at mid-range that inflicts critical damage at 200% of the weapon's damage + Charged attack (1 stamina point required): launches 4 projectiles on 4 different close targets. Each projectile inflicts 150% of the weapon's damage. + New weapons list: [list]
- Throwing Knives
- Weighted Blades
- Hunting Axes
- Silver Stars
- Chromatic Knives
- “Heartseekers”, Teeth of Death
- ???? Whips, secondary weapons + Simple attack (x1) (1 stamina point required): hits at medium distance + Final blow of the combo (1 stamina point required): hits at medium distance, inflicts critical damage + "Off-Hand Combo" (1 stamina point required): launches a swirling attack that deals 150% of the weapon's damage to all nearby targets. + Charged attack (2 stamina points required): attracts hit enemies close to the character. Can interrupt enemy attacks New weapons list: [list]
- Braided Whip
- Barbed Whip
- Desperation’s Flail
- Stinger Lash
- Bone Shard Whip
- Storm Lash
- “Flagellation”, Mistress of Agony
- New element: Lightning+ Lightning completes the trinity of elements alongside fire and poison! + Lightning weapons apply an “electrified” status to hit enemies + Final attacks with lightning weapons trigger a lightning bolt, which will strike all surrounding electrified enemies (each lightning bolt inflicts 50% of the final attack's damage). + Entities struck by lightning are also set on fire + New weapon affixes and relics related to lightning and new weapon styles have been added
- New weapons+ New weapons from previous fighting styles have been added: [list]
- Main weapon - Sword: Gusting Glaive
- Main weapon - Mace: Spark Hammer
- Main weapon - Claw: Warmonger Claws
- Main weapon - Claw: Blunt Claws
- Secondary weapon - Pistol: Alchemist’s Firestick
- Secondary weapon - Shield: Storm’s Bulwark
- Secondary weapon - Shield: Worn Shield
- Secondary weapon - Dagger: Obsidian Stiletto
- Secondary weapon - Dagger: Chipped Dagger
- Two-handed weapon - Heavy: Sky Hammer
- Two-handed weapon - Heavy: Stone Hammer
- Two-handed weapon - Heavy: Broken Longsword
- Two-handed weapon - Spear: Storm’s Point
- Two-handed weapon - Spear: Primitive Spear
- ???? Two-handed weapon - Bow: Serpent Bow
- Two-handed weapon - Bow: Stiff Bow
- New Champion’s weapon: “Cataclysm”, T’amok’s Fury - Whip + A new Champion’s weapon can now be found when fighting the Cursed Twins of the Jaguar Temple! + The special condition is different from the one for "Moonblade", Night’s Sword (but they are indeed "Twins", aren’t they?... ????) + Only one Champion’s weapon can be obtained during a fight: if both conditions are met, a random draw determines the weapon released
- ???? Bows: The playstyle of bows has been revised+ Single shots can now be chained together very quickly, making it possible to inflict damage quickly from a distance + Perfect shots become charged shots: once fully loaded, they inflict a critical attack based on 200% of the weapon's damage + Fully charged shots from all bows are now piercing; each enemy hit restores 1 stamina point + Keen Bow now has a new special effect: fully charged shots increase their damage by 50% for each enemy hit
- Jaguar Hammer: Base damage adjusted to 45 (instead of 40)
- ???? Stone Breaker: Base damage adjusted to 45 (instead of 40)
- Two-handed Weapons - Heavy: The distance traveled in a charged attack with a heavy weapon has been reduced by about 20%. The impact zone has been reduced by about 10%
- Dodge: The dodge time for rolls is now 24 frames (instead of 18) Design note: The previous window could cause frustration when a highly anticipated dodge resulted in damage while the character still seemed to be visually rolling.
- Loot: The chance of obtaining a Relic or Weapon from a chest or an enemy is now 60% for a Relic and 40% for a Weapon (previously 50/50)
- Corruption: Corrupt prices for weapon upgrades were increased by 10 points
- Off-hand Combo: All "Off-hand Combo" now inflict 150% of the weapon's damage (instead of 100%)
Visual changes
- Redesign of the Underworld interface: The different Underworld menus have been redesigned and harmonized
- Hero's Hand: The FX of the hero's corrupted hand now adapts to his number of curses
- Weapon frames: Frames of the equipped weapons change according to the quality of the equipment

Fixed bugs & QoL
- ???? Victory Cinematics: Fixed a bug that would cause the hero to leave the arena during victory cinematics against a Champion or Boss
- ???? Calendar door: Fixed a bug that caused the calendar door to rotate too fast when canceling during the Exploration menu
- ???? Screenshake: Added an option to disable screenshake
- Lost focus: The game now pauses when you alt-tab, return to the desktop or just lose focus. This option is enabled by default but can be disabled if necessary (streaming purpose, etc.) Note: The game officially shifted to 64-bit. If you’re having troubles with your 32-bit operating system and launching the game, please contact us at contact@passtechgames.com
Known Bugs
- Champions and Bosses slip out of their arenas, preventing you from finishing the fight
- It is possible to die at the same time as a Champion or a Boss, preventing the display of the victory or defeat screen
What’s cooking in the Temple