Dear fellow card warriors,
Long time no talk - I hope you are all doing well! As promised in the last update from March 8th I haven't stopped working on Cardaclysm. Quite the opposite: A new update is live now, that changes some systems in the game completely, some even were rebuilt from scratch!
To celebrate, Cardaclysm is also 50% off for the next 7 days! ːsteamhappyː
Long story short - here is the complete changelog:
- New cards: Desert Imp, Blademaiden, Desert Lizard
- Added full controller support
- Completely redesigned the Book of Magic UI, it now has deck slots, filters and a search option
- The tutorial has been completely redesigned, you now get more gold & a full deck during that map

- Redesigned the attack creature window
- Redesigned the traveling traders and goblin's trade windows
- Redesigned the mulligan screen
- Redesigned the in-game menu
- Redesigned the token trader window
- You no longer need to unlock the second page in the artifact window, it is available by default
- Traveling traders will now offer better deals than before
- The Goblin will now be immensely more useful than before, calculating trades that are much better
- Improved the health change indicator in battle, it is more accurate and reflects all health changes
- The chest has been removed as you can now carry an infinite amount of cards, no limitations
- Cards that you had in your chest prior to the new version are automatically moved to your book of magic
- Fixed a bug where random generation in the Forest realm would generate unwalkable terrain
- Fixed a bug where if you started moving before the camera settled, the camera got misplaced
- Fixed a bug where the end reward for tier 1 would always be the exact same three cards
- Fixed a bug where Mini Menace wouldn't get the Inspire effect when summoned next to a creature with [Inspire]
- Fixed a bug where the Ice Wolf's attack effect could be heard even if sound volume was reduced to 0
- Fixed a bug where the [Cure] ability wouldn't work on paralyzed creatures
- Fixed a bug where the wrong equipment was displayed on the main character
- Fixed a bug where the Venomous Staff also buffed enemies in the Poisonous Gardens realm
- Mulligan card draws will no longer buff enemy Angels
- Balance: Potion of Poison now costs 8 instead of 12
- Balance: Antidote now has the [Cure] keyword
- Balance: Concoction only paralyzes now. It costs 10 instead of 14
- Balance: Sylvan Plates now give 2 gold every turn in battle, instead of every 2 turns
- Elixir of Choice has been removed from the game. Elixirs you've already had were converted back to Concoctions.
- Balance: Boom Bug costs 12 gold and 1 orb instead of 17 / 2
- Balance: Crawling Bug costs 9 gold instead of 10
- Balance: Thief, Assassin and Master Assassin now steal 6-12-20 instead of 4-6-8
- Balance: Potion of Vigor and Potion of Energy now give 6 and 14 gold instead of 4 and 10
- Balance: Ancient Warrior and Ancient Vanguard have been reverted to Ultimate 2 from 3
- Balance: War's damage limit has been reduced to 6 from 8
- Added a new design to the 'give up' button in battle

Thank you all very much for your ongoing feedback and support! ❤️ Your Steam Community posts and Discord comments helped a great deal on iomproving Cardaslysm!
Stay safe and see you all in the Realms of Cardaclysm!