Dear fellow card warriors,
The third Early Access roadmap update for Cardaclysm is live! It's offering new stuff and a bunch of optimizations, fixes and improvements again. I hope you enjoy it! And please let me know your feedback on the Cardaclysm Discord Channel or in the Steam Community. It's really appreciated!
- New feature: you can now collect tokens by discarding cards you don't need back at your chest
- New trader in the Pub: you can spend your tokens at the Token Trader on any card he offers
- Card change: Potion of Poison now prevents the targeted creature's retaliation. Costs 12 instead of 4 now.
- Added a short interaction delay to the Traveling Traders window to prevent accidental trades from being made
Below is a list of the improvements and fixes that come with this update:
- Vastly improved the value of Traveling Traders' offers
- Balance: Spirit Burn and Soul Sacrifice now cost golden runes as well, 3 and 8, respectively
- Balance: Silvan Hound golden rune cost increased from 24 to 36 and its attack is now 7 instead of 8
- Balance: Tribal Devourer golden rune cost increased from 48 to 75, and its attack is now 8 instead of 9
- Balance: Concoction now costs 14 instead of 4 and Elixir of Choice costs 17 instead of 8
- Adjusted the frozen land and poisonous gardens random generator for more consistent map generation
- Lizard Mercenary and Lizard General now gain bonus attack from all sources of damage (including Nighttime)
- Water Elementals can no longer be damaged by the splash damage of the [Fire Damage] skill
- Goblin will no longer offer cards that are lower levels of what he's requesting
- Adjusted the description of Spiritstaff for consistency
- Adjusted the description of Lizard Mercenary and Lizard General to better explain their abilities
- Changed the tutorial Goblin Thief fight, this only has 3 enemy Goblins now instead of 4
- Creatures that steal Golden Runes can no longer steal gold if the target has evaded their attack
- Changed several card descriptions and the frostbite tooltip for more clarity
- Fixed an exploit where you could stay in challenge mode if you pressed Alt+F4 right at the moment of losing
- Fixed a bug where the 'Nothing can stop me' achievement wouldn't trigger in the Poisonous Gardens realm
- Fixed a bug where Blergh Lizard would reduce a creature's attack before it finished dealing damage
- Fixed a bug where certain cards (eg. 'Magical Preparation') could be endlessly split in two
- Fixed a bug where a traded and removed artifact would still affect gameplay on the player's next run
- Fixed a bug where 'quest accepted' and 'quest completed' messages could overlap in the Pub
- Fixed a bug where the 'quest updated' notifications would appear above the deck and inventory windows
- Fixed a bug where the 'Collect loot' text could be cut off on the chest screen
- Improved the animation effects of several card illustrations
- Various localization fixes
Thank you all very much for your ongoing feedback and support! ❤️
Stay safe and see you all in the Realms of Cardaclysm!