• Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.
  • Cardaclysm: Screen zum Spiel Cardaclysm.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.07.2021
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Preis Update 25.05.24

Über das Spiel

Du bist ein dunkler Magier und hättest nicht mit Magie und Zaubern herumpfuschen sollen, die deine eigenen Kräfte übersteigen. Aber du hast es trotzdem getan. Und dieses Mal ist es richtig daneben gegangen: Du hast die vier apokalyptischen Reiter und ihr Gefolge auf die Welt losgelassen! Wirklich saubere Arbeit … Also beeil dich, schnapp dir deine magischen Karten und schicke sie in ihre höllische Dimension zurück, bevor die Apokalypse alles und jeden zerstört – und vor allem, bevor der alte Magierrat entdeckt, was du angestellt hast …

Cardaclysm: Shards of the Four ist ein prozedural generiertes Sammelkartenspiel mit Rollenspielelementen!

Sammle Kreaturen- und Zauberkarten auf deiner Reise und entfessle ihre Macht, wenn sich dir jemand in den Weg stellt!

Die Spielwelt wird endlos generiert, es gibt immer etwas Neues zu entdecken!

  • Triff auf 5 Fraktionen und über 200 Karten, jede mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten, eigenem Artwork und 3D-Animation
  • Rüste deinen Helden mit über 40 Artefakten aus
  • Tritt gegen fünf mythische Bosse an, jeder mit seiner ganz eigenen Spielmechanik
  • Erkunde endlos generierte Welten in verschiedenen Biomen
  • Schließe Herausforderungen ab und tausche Karten in der Interdimensionalen Schenke, die du zwischen Aufträgen besuchst

Sammle, kombiniere und entfessle die gewaltige Macht von Monstern, mythischen Kreaturen und Zaubersprüchen in rundenbasierten Kartenschlachten! Es gibt über 200 Karten in Cardaclysm: Die Splitter der Vier, jede mit einzigartigen Fähigkeiten, eigenem Artwork und 3D-Animation!

Stelle dich deinen Feinden in Arenen in verschiedenen Biomen: Bahne dir deinen Weg durch brennende Wüsten, ewiges Eis oder dichte Dschungel. Pass aber auf, wo du hintrittst – hinter jeder Ecke können tödliche Begegnungen mit Monstern lauern!

Besuche zwischen deinen Aufträgen die Interdimensionale Schenke: Nimm Herausforderungen an und schließe sie ab, tausche mächtige Karten und lagere deine überschüssigen Zauber in deiner persönlichen Truhe, bis du sie in deiner nächsten epischen Kartenschlacht gegen die Mächte des Bösen einsetzen willst!


  • CPU: 1.6 GHz Dual Core Processor
  • GFX: GeForce GTS 450 or equivalent
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

128 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 15:47
Cardaclysm hat seinen Reiz - die Grafik ist nett (von den Animationen hätte ich mir mehr erwartet) und wie oft in solchen Spielen denkt man schnell ''ein paar Kämpfe mache ich noch...''.

Mir persönlich fehlen einige QoL-Features (keine Warteschlange für Angriffe --> man muss immer warten bis eine Kreatur ihren Angriff beendet hat, bevor man den nächsten befehlen kann; Angriffe können mit der Maus nur ''gezogen'' und nicht via Klick & Klick ausgeführt werden usw.).

Das kann man alles gut verschmerzen, es trägt in meinen Augen aber nicht unbedingt zu einem runden und entspannten Spielerlebnis bei. Dabei könnte gerade das eine Stärke von Cardaclysm sein: Entspannt und ohne all zu sehr ins Grübeln zu kommen Fortschritt machen.

Denn das Kampfsystem an sich lässt in meinen Augen zu wenig Spieltiefe und damit wenig wirklich interessante Möglichkeiten zu.

Systeme sind eigentlich genug vorhanden: Ausrüstung für den Charakter, Map-Weite Effekte und natürlich verschiedene Karten. Leider sind diese Dinge weder intensiv genug miteinander verzahnt noch gehen sie häufig genug über simple Zahlenspielchen hinaus.

Ich möchte dem Spiel nicht absprechen, das man verschiedenste Decks bauen und unterschiedlichen Spielstilen frönen kann; Aber dieses Gefühl ''diese richtig einzigartige und coole Kombination aus Karten(folge) habe ich entdeckt'' kommt eher nicht auf.

Mit Sicherheit geht jeder mit einer anderen Erwartungshaltung an Cardaclysm heran - die meine hat sich bis jetzt nicht erfüllt. Ob ich die Motivation finde so lange weiter zu spielen bis sich das eventuell ändert, wird sich zeigen.

Review aufgrund der Kommentare & weiterer Spielzeit editiert.
73 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3970 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 16:35
Schön gestaltetes Karten Spiel. Kurzweilig, einfach zu lernen und hübsch anzusehen. Es wäre vielleicht ganz cool zu wissen ob das Endziel erreicht ist, wenn man das Vieh das einen verfolgt besiegt hat oder ob es danach noch weiter geht.

Keine Ahnung ob das Spielprinzip über mehr als zwölf Stunden trägt und ob einem irgendwann die wenigen Variationen der Level nerven. Ich zumindest habe bisher keine Langeweile und es reizt mich weiter zu spielen.
388 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 20:11
Rundum ein stimmiges Karten Sammelspiel mit toller Musik und Umgebung.
Die Settings sind stimmig und das Spiel macht gewiss auch auf langer Sicht Spaß wenn die Programmierer so weiter machen wie Sie gestartet sind. Preislich ein wenig über andere Spiele in diesem Genre aber ich muss auch dazu sagen das ich selten eine so gute Atmosphäre in einem Sammelkarten Spiel seit Heartstone hatte.

Ich hoffe die Programmierer bleiben echt am Ball, hier könnte ich lange weiter spielen, und vielleicht kommt ja noch einiges Nettes in Zukunft dazu. Bin begeistert!
445 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 19:41
Sehr schönes Spiel hoffe es wird weiter updates geben
1251 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 17:26
1h in the game and bored already. No tactics at all. All conflics can (and have to) be solved with 4-8 cards as you have a finite energy/mana bar which does not refill. The game is alpha stage at the moment and so I will keep it hoping for the best in the future
201 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.20 15:32
Ein richtig gutes Card Game, aber mich würde interessieren ob es noch mehr speicherplätze und vllt sogar einen Hardcore modus geben wird?
237 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 23:34
aktuell zu hoher frustfaktor weil es einfach zu unausgeglichen ist..viel zu viel zufallsprinzip auch was gegner betrifft.
und sehr eintönig das ganze
209 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 17:04
The game has some issues, especially with clarity and QoL-Features - but that's what an Early Access is for, right? The developer is very active in Discord and you really see that he cares about this game. So if you have some suggestions/complains you will find someone listening.

It took me 9 hours to play through the game in it's current state and I had a lot of fun. The game isn't easy and you have a lot of decissions to make. If you haven't much experience with cardgames in general it will take even longer, I guess 12-15 hours will be the average playtime to finish the current content.

+Very good carddesign, a lot of possibilities to build a deck with nice synergies
+Very great graphics for a cardgame
+A dev who cares about the game and works with the community to improve the game
+Already now a good amount of content for the relativly low prize it costs
+Great potential for the future development since the game has a solid foundation

+/- It's not an easy game. Some enemies seem overwhelming at the beginning, it's on you if you like this kind of difficulty or not.

-Some problems with clarification on effects and stuff
-A bit grindy here and there

So overall it's a solid recommendation from me. Had a lot of fun and looking forward to the next patches. It's worth to support this project!
545 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.22 02:18
Too limited in every aspect of a video game.
Maybe the art will bring some nostalgia for some of us, but don't expect it to carry you during your mandatory grind.

Shouldn't sell students homework.
384 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 01:03
It's pretty good, but haven't been compelled to play it dozens of hours like other card games. It's the type of card game like Hearthstone, Faeria, and Legends of Runeterra where you summon units and use spells, but it's entirely single player.

I was expecting it to be more of an RPG-like game, but I didn't really read enough about it I guess. You do find items you can equip to your character like an RPG and there ways of upgrading the cards, but there aren't skill trees or other methods of customization.

Also, you get most of your mana at the beginning of the fight except for a few units that can generate a small amount of mana. The combat 'trades' work like King's Bounty - which means that if you attack the same unit multiple times in one turn, you don't take damage after the first unit attacks (unless the unit you're attacking has an 'always retaliate' ability).

There's a roguelite element to the game where you have to start at the beginning of the level if you die and also potentially lose some of your cards if you die. Speaking of cards, there's not a huge amount of cards so trying to build a lot of different decks with different synergies is not that prevalent.

It's not a bad game and definitely worth trying if you can get on sale for $5.00, but it does feel unpolished in a lot of ways. The UI is kind of clunky and doesn't always give you all the information about things. And it's disappointing there aren't more RPG elements like the skill trees in KIng's Bounty.
227 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 20:12
The game is unplayable because it has technical issues. I regret that I wanted to look past it for longer than 2 hours, because now my refund will probably be denied. Do not buy this game before the game is fixed.

For developer:
-> The game features a bug that makes it impossible to place creatures.
-> If you cannot place monsters, you lose the battle and lose your progress.
-> It didn't happen to me too often before beating the boss thing. But it happens to me about 3 times every 5 levels now.
-> I will gladly change my review if this bug is removed.
5 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 07:32
The game is boring, the game play loop is not engaging and there are a lot of elements that are unnecessary.
128 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 11:16
not very good right now. worth about 2 bucks in current state.
162 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 17:38
Good and bad, but the bad outweighs the good. There's abilities that are just hard counters to whatever deck type you build. This would be find in a card game if not for the fact that you have to completely restart an entire level and lose all of your progress from just ONE loss. That makes any rock/paper/scissor hard counters very frustrating and unfun.

Dev response update: The problem is when you flee, you're sent back to the exact same level again with the same enemy types. And, there's very little ability to acquire new cards in the tavern. So, if you run into a difficult fight, you just clear out as much of the level as you can, and then COMPLETELY RESET the entire level if just ONE fight goes poorly. Sorry, your response does not address my concerns at all. I don't regret buying it, as it was on sale, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone out there.

Third update: Also, the game is buggy as hell, which really ruins your experience. Regularly I'll start a fight where it's glitched and won't even let me play any monsters. This means you either restart the game, in which case you lose ALL progress on the stage and have to start over, or surrender, which has the same outcome. Very frustrating and wastes so much time. (Another update: This bug has been resolved now, although it still negatively impacted my experience for a game that is advertised as not early access or beta).
68 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 22:49
Poorly balanced card game with lots of visual and gameplay bugs long after release. The game suffers from big problems balancing how you earn the resources to cast your cards and enemy difficulty. This forces the players to choose between an mindless easy grind for resources or extremely random runs where bad rng forces you to re-play a level dozens of time.
15 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 13:26
great game
its looks like etherlords 2 but simplified
artwork is good
to easy to get better cards
3 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 07:39
review 6.5/10 i would say mix i can see the potential
where i am atm is 2nd boss succubus
to start off everything about the game from gameplay to music is ok but not great in anything.
everything feels grindy and boring now so i would say if you feel this in the first 2 hrs then i would not recommend the game and just refund.
annoying bits about the game you need to manage your deck finite resources and each card has a cost especially epic high tier upgraded cards.
so if you use a epic card you would most likely lose not matter how good the card is even if you're sitting on countless epic cards you want in your deck(my deck currently basically all rares and commons) so it is annoying and a waste.
pretty much most of the time in the game is slow walking on map while having and using all your finite resources at once for a 1-2 round deck to kill everything or you very might lose.
154 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 18:04
tl;dr: It's currently unfun and aimless. You wander a mostly empty 3D map and then you do it again for very little progress, repeat and repeat and repeat.

The first thing you notice starting up the game is the unpleasant experience from the startup cutscene being sound balanced far too loud, and that you can't skip it until you complete the tutorial. Even if you have already watched it. Make sure to mute your speakers before launch then drop the games sound in Options after.
Said Tutorial is unskippable and not well-tuned for genre savvy or new players, and I say that as someone who likes this style where the tutorial doesn't actually teach you anything and you have to figure out the game on your own.
Make sure you don't save and exit during the tutorial unless you want to start it over.

There is not currently an option to turn off annoying warning pop-ups after you've seen them.

The 3D is awkward and plays slowly. So you slowly see the same animations over and over again. The 3D leads to frequent missed movement on the map and talking to invisible characters in the Pub like the Artifact Trader who as far as I can tell is only offering to take your valuable gear for a single useless and weak common card. The 3D also often leads to accidentally talking to people just because the auto-walk passed you near them. You cannot reconsider the trades in the Pub so if you click off to view card details you cannot talk to that NPC again for that trade.

The core deckbuilding and fighting gameplay itself is inadequate and most importantly unfun for an StS-like. You have a pool of mana that doesn't refresh, you can only use a certain amount of monsters even if the old ones die, you don't even get to discard cards turn-to-turn if you don't use them. That can lead to a near-brick starting hand where you are just stuck with mostly unplayable cards that you will never get the space or mana to play them or draw your other cards. There are enough bugs that you will run into some. Like creatures with Evade being paralyzed despite what the tool-tip says.

I want to stay positive, I'm not refunding, but the sheer, aimless toil of the game makes it feel like it will take more than a year for this to be in a good, playable state.
2714 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
1417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 00:29
Verdict: Enjoyable single-player strategic card game with RPG elements. I had a lot of fun in the first four acts but the last one is a grind fest. I would recommend it on sale because of that (you can even see that majority of positive reviews didn't get to the late game) and missing basic features (like save slots, loadouts ..)

Still worked on (balance, new features, adaptive difficulty ...)
Steam trading cards (4 drop, 8 to make badge)
Steam achievements (40, require a single playthrough and most of them come naturally)
Around 16 hours to finish the first four acts (and around 3-5 to grind the access to the last one)
The game has an incredibly strong King's Bounty/Etherlords vibe
The artefacts support your build really well
Quite nice to look at and most of the monsters are really well designed
The game flows really well
There are 3 difficulties for the run (normal, challenge and impossible)
A lot of supported languages
The main loop is a lot of fun
Over 200 cards (basically divided into monsters and spells)
You can downgrade spells and minions if you need to
The four main bosses are really fun to fight
Different biomes (all of them have different gimmicks)
Easy to understand and it is quite fun to figure out what to use for certain enemies
Enjoyable sound track
There are currently no games that would have the same style (your monsters are your tanks, you cannot be hit even once)
The game is quite small (the download is only 2.62 GB)

There is redeem codes button in the menu. These cards are unique artefacts and some mid-game cards. This gives the game F2P initial feeling
Unlocking the last act is a grindfest (60 keys, you get 2-5 per run)
The artefacts need more balancing and we could really use more of them
The goblin should not consider cards in your deck but it should consider your chest IMHO, right now you can cheese him by just switching those two and it is ridiculous
There is no new game+ or similar feature
Boss cards are awarded in the last fight. The is no point in trying them afterwards
Around 3 bosses in-game are build-specific to be beaten (2 are in the last act)
Paralysis makes the game ridiculously easy and the best minion with it is ACT 1 - if you farm enough you will just roll through the game because of that
No story and no real ending
No save slots (you need to restart your save)
I am pretty sure one of the dragons and one of the necromancers are World of Warcraft rip-offs which may cause problems in the future
The game crashed on me once (I was locked in the enemy attack phase) and the cam locked itself on the side of the screen three times forcing me to restart runs since you cannot move it and game restart didn't help
You will have to blind run to the end if you have an unlucky layout and it can literally end your current run if you are not ready for the boss
You cannot rotate the camera (it may lead to hard to spot items for example)
No map or mini-map
No loadouts (you have to switch everything manually which discourages testing new builds)
If you don't hoard different cards you will get screwed in the last act ... a lot
Trading artefacts can REALLY screw you up - my victory strategy was literally act 1 shoulder artefact
1340 Produkte im Account
186 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 19:59
On the surface, Cardaclysm might seem like the dozens of roguelite deckbuilding RPGs that show up every day on Steam. To a degree, it is like them, but it abandoned the “roguelite” aspect and went the route of a more traditional RPG. While it can seem overly forgiving to play through a game without the risk of starting from the beginning at this point, Cardaclysm ends up offering a challenge – though in a different way than its contemporaries.

Abbreviated Review: https://youtu.be/y4btvAZcK1I

Back to Basics

Cardaclysm could easily be seen as a “generic” game. Whether you’re looking at it from an RPG perspective, deckbuilding perspective, or just the inherent use of basic tropes, it’s predictable. You’ll accumulate cards to build out a deck of a limited size, swapping in bigger and better things to formulate a strategy. Then you’ll summon those creatures and cast spells based on your pool of resources that grows as you progress through the game. There’s nothing here that you haven’t seen somewhere before.

Even the nature of the cards themselves is reminiscent of other games. The typical attack and toughness values adorn the bottom of each card. These dictate whether the opponent it fights will live or die from each battle. The creatures summoned by the cards also encompass the many stereotypes of RPGs with wolves, spiders, knights, and so on – each representative of their generic overarching factions like fire, ice, and nature. However, I’m not sure that it’s a requirement that a game is wholly unique to be entertaining.

Isometric Exploration

A moderate portion of Cardaclysm involves walking through procedurally generated levels collecting items and buffs and engaging with stationary enemies. At first, this seems like a strange formality since you’re always required to kill all of the enemies on a level to progress. As the game progresses though, the way you approach this becomes more important. Depending on the enemies you encounter, you may way to reformat your deck to have more of the cards you need to succeed.

The exploration itself isn’t particularly impressive though. The routes you can take are limited and easy to determine as you move around the map. Collecting items can usually just be done by following the path in its entirety. It’s also a bit awkward that the defining resources for combat are just arbitrarily picked up from the ground. It seems like they should be something you can’t potentially miss and isn’t determined by the procedural generation.

Killing with Cards

The combat of Cardaclysm is pretty straightforward, but it has some aspects that make keep it entertaining in its simplicity. The first is that your avatar exists on the battlefield. You have no real value outside of being the point of animation for spell casting, however, you must be protected. The five slots in front of the character can each hold a creature. If they’re all empty for any reason, the next enemy attack kills you instantly. You don’t have health and can’t do anything to stop it. So it’s important to maintain summoned creatures at all times.

Given the relatively limited number of creatures that can be on either side and finite summoning resources, battles are usually very quick. They can generally end within three or four rounds of back and forth combat. You can only work with the total amount of summoning runes and souls you’ve accumulated for each battle. So if you have 50 runes and play two cards that cost 25, you have to work with those two cards the whole battle. Some cards and gear you acquire can add to these resource pools in combat, but it is rare and usually not too significant.

This creates combat where you can make a seemingly small error that results in a total failure. At the same time, there are instances you can squeak by when it looks like you’re done because of one good decision. That kind of stuff usually doesn’t happen as much with roguelites where getting screwed by small margins would make restarting a nightmare.

What’s It Worth?

Despite Cardaclysm’s overall generic feeling, it does provide a more traditional RPG feel to the experience. It’s possible to either play strategically to succeed or just grind at the game until you accumulate cards and resources so that little can stand in your way. It can be frustrating to get to a point where the difficulty spikes on a level, but you can always just abandon that level and start another one without much lost in the process. With the varieties in each biome and the potential to change up your deck at any time, it’s not too difficult to find success with enough effort.

Whether this is all worth the price is a bit subjective. The game is visually polished and the music selection is solid as well – though one track sounds like it was pulled right out of Ori and the Blind Forest. It’s one of those games that will probably end up as a common fixture in-game bundles, but one that you should give a shot. Just make sure you give it at least a couple of hours because it’s going to be much easier in the beginning than when you get into the meat of the game. Just don’t go in expecting the next Slay the Spire, because it’s not even close.

If you'd like to see more of my reviews, check out my curator page here: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/28346672-Endyo-Gaming/" target="_blank">Endyo’s Indies, https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38271367/" target="_blank">Abbreviated Reviews, and online at BagoGames
343 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 13:35
The GRIND is INSANE! Dont be fooled. The devs answer complaints about the grind like this: You can trade in cards you dont need for the cards you need. There is exactly one trader that offers you after every mission three random cards of random uniqness. Each at 50, 75 or 100 stones depending on the power of the card.

Now first you rarely get any cards you need to optimize your deck secondly after making a run throguh a level to get surplus cards you exchange those cards for 10 maybe 15 stones. You see the problem right. To just get one unique or rare card you have to run through levels again and again and agian. In the leves you just get useless weak cards and higher levels were you can get useful card you cant do because you are to weak to go there.

The first hours you could feel the progression, it was very enjoyable to play and now after beating the first boss the game has essentialy coming to a standstill. I have grinded for 5 or 6 hours, still made ZERO no kidding, no exaggeration ZERO progress. Cant beat the second boss, cant do higher levels because i cant get a real good deck together to walk thorugh a level with better loot and basicly thats it. The game expects me now to grind for i dont know maybe 50 hours through low levels until the trader has at random some good cards and i get enough stones to buy them.

The sun is shining outside. I think i rather take my bike and go to the local park for free. So on a good side this game will help me get some sunlight. Though i could have done that without paying for this UNBALANCED UNFUN MESS.
45 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 04:14
I came to this game expecting a deck building strategy in the same vein as Slay the Spire and Griftlands. The first thing you need to know before going into this game is that it is designed to be a slow grind rather than a deliberately paced strategic gauntlet.

I gave this game a chance after coming to terms with its slower pacing and unique deck building style. I was ready to sink hours into a game where I could gradually get stronger without the threat of losing all of my progress, and experiment with different decks and strategies freely.

The game is very close to being great, but there is still an unforgivable flaw that completely turns me away from this game.

It is possible to get stuck because your deck is not strong enough to clear the enemy encounters at a certain level. Difficulty does not adapt when you die. There is no saving, loading, or starting new runs in this game. If you get stuck at an area where the monster encounters are too demanding for your deck, your only choices are to replay the level at the same difficulty against impossible odds losing all progress each time, externally wipe your save data and start the game over, or stop playing the game. I never got to enjoy having lots of cards and trying new things. I just got stuck, and it looks like the only way forward is to start over and hope that this doesn't happen again. Without a foolproof safety net to prevent the game from soft locking, I will not trust it with my time.

This game is worth checking out if you are interested in a card battler where you slowly accumulate power and have lots of freedom to adapt as you play, but be prepared for something to spoil the fun.

Other criticisms I had that were not deal-breakers:

The game has a very impressive visual style, but has a few serious weaknesses when it comes to presentation. Gameplay clarity is sometimes totally lacking when passing to enemy turn causes lots of fast animations to play. Between retaliatory attacks, passive effects, and end of turn triggers, I have often had allied and enemy creatures die unexpectedly with no clue what happened. This game would benefit greatly from generally increased animation clarity and deliberate pacing of actions which resolve between the player's turns.

The real-time top-down navigation of the overworld is not a perfect fit for its gameplay. There are temporary bonuses scattered around the overworld which automatically affect the next combat encounter you engage in, and if you want to save certain bonuses for certain harder encounters, you have to waste a lot of time running around a moderately sized area in real time or else waste them on easy encounters or even ignore them entirely. Having a real-time chase sequence which punishes unprepared players with defeat is also a sketchy mechanic; it puts pressure and gameplay emphasis on a player's dexterity and navigation, which is an odd set of skills to suddenly demand while playing a strategy game, and at its worst is a serious detractor from the game's accessibility.
574 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 22:32
tldr: game-play wise game is atrociously badly done. One of the worst combat system I've ever encounter. Progression is done via grind, zero skill or tactics involved.

Gameplay loop is goes like this:

You run trough small dungeon fighting the same monsters again and again (very small variety). Combat is done via summoning creatures with cards. Cards cost mana to play but instead of normal mana-per-turn economy you have all your mana available from the start and creatures can attack instantly. So 99% of the fights is done in one turn and is a complete stomp. Mana is increased permanently trough gathering shards on the map. Your goal is to roflstomp 200-300 dungeons and get manapool big enough to casually summon top-tier creatures at will and roflstomp final bosses. Yikes.

The only reason why I didn't refund this game is my hope that they will use this money to send game-designer to some career-improvement courses.
208 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
5201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 08:50
A fun card game/rpg game with some neat deck building elements. After about 10 hours of playing, I can say I definitely recommend this game for the price. However I did have some notes for the devs if they ever see this.

-I feel like the difficulty scales waaaay to quickly. It was like a light switch, I went from owning everything to getting destroyed by every group. Why not have the game scale up and down in difficulty based on how well the player is doing. If they are getting owned over and over then it gets turned down a notch and vise versa.
-It feels insanely grindy, especially when you're looking for a specific card or artifact. I would like to suggest an option menu when you leave the inn. Let the play pick zone they are traveling to, forest, water, etc so they can try to farm a specific card or artifact.
-Give us the option to save different decks. I REALLY hate having to rebuild my deck and artifacts each time I run into a certain mob type, then having to change it back right after.

Keep up the good work, this game has a ton of potential and I can't wait to see what it becomes!
1642 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 18:02
It's got some interesting ideas, but it feels half-baked. Feels like a very early, though polished, early access game.

The overworld itself is static and uninteresting to explore. Enemies stay in a specific spot, often blocking a path, and you can even inspect them to see what you're up against before deciding to engage. But really there's no reason for this to be a whole 3d zone that you run around in. It's just a waste of your time.

The only exception is that once you kill every enemy on the level and open up the exit, a powerful enemy spawns and chases you down (it's allegedly the final boss). It moves at the same rate you do, though, and spawns at the entrance to the level, so as long as you remember how to get to the exit then you're never in any danger of encountering him if you don't want to.

The whole thing could have been done equivalently with a node-based map, like many games in this style do.

Between levels, there's an inn you can visit. And, once more, there's no reason for it to be a 3d area you walk around in, it just wastes your time. All that happens at the inn is that there are some NPCs you can interact with; get quests, trade cards, etc. There's never any choice in these interactions either, beyond choosing to accept or decline. No reason this couldn't have just been a menu.

The art style's actually not bad. It's a good looking game. And the reason I keep harping on the uselessness of these 3d areas is because a lot of effort clearly went into them, and it's totally wasted. They should have either figured out some way to make the worlds actually matter, or they should have saved their effort for tuning the game itself.

Speaking of. The game is interesting in that you're entirely front-loaded with resources. Throughout your adventure you'll collect gold and orbs. Gold is spent to play cards, orbs are required for summing creatures (in addition to gold). These resources replenish at the start of each battle, but that's all you get for the entire battle.

You can combine cards of the same type to make a more powerful version, which sounds great on paper. Except that doing so also increases the cost, doubling it or more. In fact, I found that it made a lot more sense to keep my cards at low levels (which, thankfully, you can always revert an upgrade) so that I could afford to play more of them.

The battles themselves are generally very short. It's rare for a battle to take more than 3 turns. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Each battle is basically a little puzzle; with your scant resources, how do you defeat these enemies as efficiently as possible? I think it actually works pretty well, to be honest. But the short duration of the battles just underscores how much time you spend walking around a largely empty, if pretty, map.

My final major complaint is the deckbuilding. You're never allowed to turn down card rewards, so everything goes in your deck. This is particularly frustrating in the beginning of the game, where the tutorial has taught you to always upgrade cards (but you really shouldn't), and you will frequently get cards that are totally useless and just take up space.

Once you get up to 12 cards, additional cards are stored outside your deck, and can freely be swapped in between battles. And this is yet another reason why keeping low-level cards makes more sense than leveling them up; I'd rather have two mediocre scorpions in my deck if it means I don't have to take a totally useless card.

I think the deck-building issue could be solved with two changes; first, start the player a full deck of barely usable cards, so that they always have a choice if they want to add a newly-acquired card in. Second, have the tutorial be a bit more bearish on upgrades. Explain that you can, but it's not necessarily the best move (as I said, the tutorial would have you believe you should always upgrade ASAP).

Finally, there's not really a failure state in this game as far as I can tell. If you die, you temporarily lose a couple cards and restart the level. This is bad both for taking a lot of tension out of the game, which is important for a roguelite, and because you could wind up in a death-spiral situation where you're incapable of advancing but the game just keeps letting you try instead of just calling it a loss.

I'm disappointed that this game has come out of early access. I really hope they continue to work on it. It's got a solid foundation and does some interesting things I haven't seen in the genre, but it needs a lot more design and development.
442 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 11:58
Overall, I do not enjoy this game in its current state. The general gameplay is shallow and frustrating.

- Too harsh difficulty increase
- The random factor when gaining more cards is crippling
- A death feels like a complete and utterly waste of time
- You are too limited in your card choices and deck building
- Lacking tooltips and quality of life features

- Soothing music
- Pretty graphics
146 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 08:38
Addictive gameplay loop. You run around, fight enemies, collect stuff and upgrade your creatures, spells, and itemization. Then you head back to the hub, turn in a few quests, look if the merchants have anything interesting and then it's back to adventure within minutes. The low poly art is pleasing to the eye and the music switches between relaxing and epic when appropriate. The general feel of the game reminds me of Etherlords, a boomer card game I used to sink a lot of time into back in the day.

Be aware however, that there are a few rough edges that I hope will be addressed before the full release. Particularly for pc users the interface feels a bit on the clunky side. Storing cards, sorting them, turning them into currency, and managing your deck takes a lot of time and could use an upgrade. If you want extra storage space for surplus cards you need to buy it with in-game currency, which doesn't seem to serve any purpose at all. And again, automatic sorting options are almost non-existent. The game already pushes you to specialize in one of the four factions but dabbling in other colors feels almost impossible with the way surplus cards are handled. Also, some cards have unclear effects and could do with more extensive tooltips.

If you buy the game as it is at the time of this review, you can expect an excellent timesink for when you have 20 minutes to a few hours to kill. Runs and battles are smooth and fast-paced, while downtime between runs is usually the work of minutes, unless you need to clean up your collection a bit in which case my previous notes apply. The game has the potential to be very good, with some work on the U.I. and more content added.
226 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 20:31
Yeah, it's fun! Reminds me of Etherlords a lot :) Streamlined, but not stupid def worth the 15 bucks.
500 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
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405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 02:46
I have no idea what this game tries to be. Dungeon crawler? Collectible card game? Roguelike? According to the tags, RPG and card battler? All at once without commiting to anything, that's the best guess I can make. You have a character - if that makes a game an RPG, the box is checked. If not, I fail to see the RPG elements. There are cards, sure, but it's not a card battler. You run around on maps (that would look nice if it wasn't for the insane bloom/brightness; nothing you can do about it) and fight creatures in turn-based battles. So far, so good, that's fun for a while. You loot cards, you can level them up by combining two of the same kind to a better version.

But this is where the problems start. Summoning the creatures costs two resources: runes and orbs. Better cards cost more resources - which would be fine if you'd find more 'during your adventure' as the tutorial claims. That is not the case. I have over 100 golden runes, but didn't gain a single orb. Now I can either keep playing low tier creatures that die at the sight of the higher tier enemies, or I can render my deck unplayable by upgrading them.

Then there's the 'interdimensional tavern' where you go after a successful run. Note the 'successful'. Your storage for unused cards is here. If your run was unsuccessful, you do not return here. You appear at the start of the run, with the same cards you previously failed with, and you won't get a chance to adjust your deck until you somehow win. Beyond that, the tavern is populated by a handful of NPCs who give you fetch quests or trade items/cards for other cards. That's it. No dialogue or anything you might expect from an 'RPG'. Just the same 3 'bring me McGuffin', 'slay 1 creature', 'slay 3 creatures' quests over and over.

Except for the weird brightness, the game looks decent. The music is relaxing; the few voiced lines in the tavern are jarring. The gameplay is a mess. There's promise, but in its current state, I can't recommend this game.
292 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
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57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 16:33
I did not enjoy the game - i know i bought it in early access but the entire system seems flawed. I can not put my finger on it but the inventory system aswell as the combat are not fitting the game at all. It seems as though the developer took stuff from different games and tried to merge it and it just doesn't fit. None of it does.
The timed aspect in a game that otherwise lets you take your sweet time ist just like a jumpscare from a horror movie, a cheap trick.
The inventory /item aspect of the game is like one from one of the free to play rpg mobile games.
The card aspect is a horrible chimera between a randomized autobattler/pokemon/manager.
The game tries to be a whole lot and even one of those aspects could have made for a compelling game but the sheer featurecreep makes it a bloody mess. It is like the developer had no concrete idea on what to create and just started somewhere and like a cancerous growth it morphed and increased endlessly.
This can be seen in the combat /reward system aswell. During combat you have not one but three limiting resources. The number/development of your summons, and the two resources the the very bottom of the screen.
If you need to verify any of it, look at the roadmap: The core concepts are far a long in the development process and the content seems to be prioritzed, where it should be the other way around.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.20 16:33
If you like card games, I highly recommend this one since it’s different from others.

I want to start with something I haven’t read in others reviews: the art. Cards look awesome, but what I really love the most are the different worlds you play in (especially nighttime). They look beautiful and relaxing.

About the gameplay, there are a lot of reviews that explain it in detail so you should read those. But something I want to add is that cardaclysm has one thing other card games don’t: armor sets. You have one for every allegiance (some not finished yet, but they will from what devs said) and they add more strategy and diversity to deckbuilding.

One thing that could be improved is the story. At the moment it’s not fully developed and it would be cool if we get more lore.

Overall this game is amazing and challenging and I had a lot of fun progressing and defeating the bosses; and since it’s just in early access, I’m sure it will only get better.
126 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
6064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 19:17
Cardaclysm is a grinder of monster battles.

Fight with your monsters turn-based style (mostly like hearthstone), with cards of monsters and spells that you collect, upgrade, trade and grind down. Walk a bit getting power-ups (retro) and equipment (diablo) on a map (randomly generated), until you fight enough monsters to leave that map to the inn and interact with a number of NPCs. They trade and give quests to you, then you leave the inn and start a new random map.

There's more to it than that but I described the core gameplay. It's fun and pretty.

It could really use more weight in the form of roguelike element such as permadeath and impactful choices that completely turn the gameplay on its head. Maybe a tree of some kind, perhaps a skill tree, simple classes with a few bonus-malus or a tree of world changing effects.

I personally play it permadeath (without game support) and that works for me.
105 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 15:00
If you want to know about gameplay others wrote enough or watch a let´s play.

You will love this and stay.

If you like Puzzlegames.
If you like games that challenge you at every gamestate (Early, mid, late)
If you like to collect cards and try things out.
If you want a card game that has actual progression and does NOT reset you back to 0.

You will cerrtainly HATE this.

If you are the type of player that powerlevels early, so he can mindless oneshoot his enemies.
If you demand it to be like Slay the spire. (Like asking for bacon in a vegtable shop)
If you cannot accept that there is a limitation to your moves.

It´s not a roguelike or lite. It´s not a slay the spire clone. It´s not unbalanced as some may claim... its even the opposite, heavy in favour of the player.
The 1st boss can be defeated as early as 4 realms into the game at 50 runes.
The 2nd boss can even be defeated with more recources after the fight than before.


It´s early access but i had already my fair share of entertainment to justify the price.
381 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
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119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 16:00
It's a CCG with limited maximum card inventory (you can never own more than 1% of all the available cards). Combine that with a mobile game gatcha approach of having to have multiple duplicates to actualise any cards potential.

What you get is a card take on a pokemon game with the PC having 12 inventory slots and you require 9 copies to fully evolve something.
106 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 18:32
Got addicted from the start. Finished the early part in 2 days, waiting for the updates already.
Difficulty of the game develops parallel to your leveling, never too low never too high, amazing balance.
Very fun game if you like creating various tactics and variety in cards.

Early access is promising, good music, good graphics. I would give 7.5 points with this state.
6516 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 11:31

Upon starting a new game you’ll find yourself standing outside of a fiery portal on a barren looking land. There’s a pathway leading between broken archways, fallen walls and stone stairs. At the end of the pathway is another portal where you’ll exit. However, to exit the level you must do two things, first you must find a Red Key which can be found somewhere on the level. This will then open a stone wall unblocking your way to the exit portal. The second thing you must do before you’re allowed to leave the level is to clear the level of the creatures and monsters throughout the level.

Along with the creatures strewn along the pathways you’ll find Golden Runes, Soul Orbs, Artifacts and some Bonuses. Golden Runes and Soul Orbs you collect will allow you to summon a creature or to cast a spell from your hand. In your hand you can hold four cards to play, these are randomly drawn at the beginning of your turn from your combat deck of fourteen cards. Although you can hold a total of forty cards with twenty-six cards which you can swap in and out with the fourteen in your combat deck. However, you only start with a couple of cards and you’ll be able collect more as you win battles. You can summon up to five creatures to the battlefield to do your bidding if you have enough golden runes and soul orbs.

On each of the cards is information about it, Golden Rune and Soul Orb costs, Card Rarity, Card Allegiance, Card Name, Card Skill, Attack Damage and Health. Should you wish to have more detailed information about the card details you can select the encyclopedia indicated as a question mark in the top right of the screen. Selecting the cards attributes will display more details about them.

There are five Card Allegiances, Forest, Ice, Fire, Corrupted and Neutral. Forest focuses on defence with their main Trait as Regenerate. Ice, focuses on slowing opponents and their Trait is Frostbite. Fire, uses aggressive tactics and their Trait is Fire Damage. Neutral comprises of exiles of other allegiances with their Traits a mix of the others. There are five different Card Rarity types Common with a 65% drop chance, Uncommon, 22% drop chance, Rare, 9% drop chance, Epic 4% drop chance and Mythic cannot be acquired from chests or quests and there are only a handful of these cards if you have what it takes to find them.

If you collect two cards of the same you can then move one onto the other which will upgrade the card to a new level or creature. However, upgrading cards will cost more golden runes and orbs to summon them. Sometimes though it might be better to summon two lower level creatures rather than the upgraded one, depending on the enemy creatures you're in combat with.

As you make your way through an area, you’ll find some Artifacts, these could be Head Gear, Armour, Shoulder Plates, Capes, Boots, Rings and Staffs which you can equip to your character in the inventory. As well as equipping them to your character, you also have slots for twelve spare items in your inventory. This will allow you to swap items depending on the bonuses that they have and the type of area that you’re currently on.

After you have completed an area you go back to the Interdimensional Pub, here you’ll be able to store cards in a chest, trade with the Sneaky Goblin Trader and get quests from the Innkeeper. The Goblin trader will offer a trade for some cards of yours for his, although most of the time the offers favour more him than for you but you can get some decent offers. You can only visit him once every time you visit the pub. The innkeeper will task you with collecting an item on the next area you visit. If you find and return the item requested to the innkeeper then he’ll reward you for it with a new card.

Leaving the pub will take you to another random area, there are multiple types of areas some which may be more beneficial to certain types over others. Such as area like the Poisonous Gardens which will give all creatures with the Poison ability an extra +2 Attack. Areas like Night Time aren’t so beneficial as all creatures will take damage at the end of each turn.

Upon reaching the end of an area you have two options exit the area by opening the stone wall with the red key allowing you to exit back to the pub for a nice cool pint or you can decide to take on the Cursed Being (one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse). The Cursed Being enters the same portal that you did and will make haste towards you. If you decide to take them on you better make sure you’re up to the task. The first Cursed Being, Famine, attack strength isn’t that strong but has more health than most creatures I’ve come across but it’s their abilities which gave me a spanking the one time I tried. So even though I had around ninety golden runes to summon and cast spells I may need to do a bit more grinding or hope for better draw on the cards next time.

If you should fall in battle then you’ll find yourself back at the portal and you’ll have to go through the area again. You will also lose some cards but you can regain these cards by continuing to play.

In the Options there’s Resolution, V-Sync, Ugly/Fast Mode, Music and Sound Volume Sliders, Isometric Control and Language (English, Simplified Chinese, German, French, Russian, Japanese and Korean) and Restart Game.

The game is in Early Access and so far, I haven’t come across any problems. I like the graphics, sounds and the game runs very well for an early access game. Enjoyable game so far, takes a bit of grinding (not a problem) to start building up to some decent creatures, spells and enough golden runes and soul orbs to make a difference to some of the more challenging creatures. There’s still a lot more to come so looking forward to what the future and the developers have in store.

+ Looks great
+ Nice music and Sounds
+ Runs and plays very well
+ Has achievements

- No cards currently

Unleash the power of your cards against foul creatures and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in epic battles.


Key provided by developer/publisher for review purposes via THE CPT FROGGY CLUB!

Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

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210 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 01:17
The core systems are fun but after a couple hours it becomes impossible to progress. The jump in difficulty all at once combined with the inability to retain your progress upon loss or find an easier place to grind creates an insurmountable barrier which leaves you stuck with no way forward and no point to continue playing.
If they fix that, as well as add more content, the game will be quite fun but until then i'd say it's only good for a short distraction.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
68.82% 128 58
Release:29.07.2021 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Elder_Games Vertrieb: Headup Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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