Finish this... and you'll earn your life back.
Good luck, Shaman.
Don't forget to get the new Dead Man's Edition to save even more!
Because We Love You and We Hate Money <3
Full Patch Notes:
DLC: Released Dead Man's Promise!
Base Game:
General improvements:
- Hit detection is now better than ever. We possibly removed all the rare cases where shots could miss an enemy mesh.
- Extra optimization! We’ve made lots of improvements that should improve performance for everyone. This will of course vary depending on specific hardware and location, but in our tests performance has been improved by 10%-30%.
- Improved the visibility of safe zone exits in Chapter 2
- Rattler’s chain kills won’t be removed when switching to a melee weapon and killing an enemy with a headshot with it
- Slight adjustments to Chapter 3 boss fight
- The inside of the mountain in Chapter 3 leading to the boss arena is now populated with enemies
- Boo Hag Mary will have her name properly displayed after doing her personal quest
- Updated my journal. I mean, credits!
Bug fixes:
- All kinds of modifiers should be properly removed when necessary. This should make sure now effects linger when they shouldn’t for example gold ammo being permanently stuck.
- Death Stalkers should no longer run in place if they can’t reach the player
- Another round of controller related improvements