Release Notes
We are the "Bless Unleashed PC Team" and we wanted to inform you that the server maintenance has been completed. You can now log in to the game as usual. We appreciate your patience during this time.
1. Routine server maintenance.
2. Anniversary celebration event begins: August 8th after maintenance - August 29th 0:00 CST.
3. Additional item exchange options at the Marketplace Manager (refreshes every Monday at 12:00 UTC).

4. Adjusted the level cap for regional bosses' quests to level 45, allowing higher-level players to accept them.
5. Limited-time items available at the Lumena Shop: 1 Million Star Seed Chest (discounted). Additionally, the purchase limit will be based on per character rather than per account.
6. Further optimization of the battlefield matchmaking system.
7. Enhanced profanity filter functionality and fixed the issue with sending inappropriate text using macro commands: This modification will clear your existing macro command shortcuts.
8. Fixed a bug where using enhancement materials with levels +1 to +5 would grant additional refinement experience points.
9. Addressed some localization issues with certain pets.
10. Introduced a brand new exclusive weapon system.
Kindly refer to the given details regarding the specifications of the personalized weapon:
Thank you for your understanding and support. If you encounter any issues in the game, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Valofe Bless Unleashed Team