Greetings Adventurers
The server maintenance has now been completed, and you can log in to the game normally. Thank you for your patience.
The following are details in this update.
■ Updates
1. Servers’ routine maintenance
2. Pets can now upgrade to EPIC rarity.

3. New Lumena Items:
- Pet Experience Booster
- Pet Slot Coupon
4. Closing Chinese New Year Event
- Event NPC will still remain
5. Adjustment
Battlefield extra reward time adjustment, the original battlefield reward time for UTC 12:00 (CST 20:00) duration of 8 hours, now adjusted to
(1) Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the Battlefield Reward time is 19:00 UTC (3:00 CST) and lasts for 4 hours
(2) Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, the Battlefield Reward time is 12:00 UTC (20:00 CST) and lasts for 4 hours
(3) Every Sunday, the Battlefield Reward time is 1:00 UTC (9:00 CST) and lasts for 20 hours
#Note: UTC time = Beijing time (CST) - 8 hours, i.e. 0:00 UTC = 8:00 BST.
6. Lumena Shop Sale
- Foreign Crystal Random Box
Thank you for your understanding and support, if there is any problem in the game, please feel free to contact us.
Bless Unleashed VALOFE Team