Bless Unleashed
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Über das Spiel

Entdecke eine riesige und lebendige Welt zusammen mit deinen Freunden und Verbündeten. Oder begib dich ganz allein auf ein episches Abenteuer, um herauszufinden, wie gut du bist. Von den Waffen, die du führst, bis hin zu den Fertigkeiten, die du freischaltest, bestimmst nur du allein, wie deine Charakterentwicklung und deine Geschichte aussehen sollen. Und jede Aktion, die du in der Welt von Bless unternimmst, wird sich auf deine persönliche Geschichte auswirken. Also brich auf, schmiede dein eigenes Schicksal und sorge dafür, dass man sich ewig an deine Geschichte erinnert.
Erlebe weite und unterschiedliche Landschaften, in denen es von Leben nur so wimmelt: von den friedlichen und wunderschönen Wäldern der Ribusföderation bis hin zu den trügerischen Unbekannten Regionen – überall wartet eine atemberaubende Landschaft auf dich, die es zu erkunden gilt. Und je mehr du entdeckst, umso mehr Geschichten hast du am Ende zu erzählen; und umso mehr Feinden siehst du dich gegenüber.
Nachdem die Welt noch immer dabei ist, sich nach dem Chaos wieder zu erholen, das die Menschen angerichtet haben, wartet der aus einer anderen Welt stammende Daimon nur darauf, erneut anzugreifen. Stelle dich der Zerstörung und den Massakern, die von den seit langer Zeit konspirierenden Mächten begangen werden, und verteidige dich gegen diese überwältigende Bedrohung – indem du auf die Unterstützung der Götter vertraust.
Ein actiongeladenes MMORPG voller mächtiger Monster
Schließe dich mit deinen Freunden zusammen, damit ihr euch gemeinsam den Gefahren stellt, die in den Tiefen der gefährlichen Dungeons auf euch warten, und erlebt atemberaubende Kämpfe gegen machtvolle Bosse. Verdient euch ehrenhafte Titel und sammelt seltene Schätze ein … FALLS ihr tatsächlich überleben solltet.
Baue deine Klasse aus und passe sie mithilfe von Segen an
In der Welt von Lumios kannst du aus fünf einzigartigen Klassen und vier spezifischen Rassen wählen, um einen Charakter zu schaffen, der es wert ist, die Segen der Götter zu erhalten. Meistere die Kombos jeder einzelnen Klasse, um der Letzte zu sein, der bei dem Kampf mit deinen Gegnern am Leben bleibt.
Zahllose Gegenstände und Sammelgegenstände
Verstärke während deines Abenteuers erhaltene Ausrüstung, um sie noch mächtiger zu machen, entfessle deine wahre Stärke und sammle seltene Skins, deren Suche schon so manchem den Tod brachte. Spiele mit anderen zusammen, aber beweise auch, dass du das Zeug hast, unter allen Abenteurern hervorzustechen.
Ein MMORPG, das es dir erlaubt, deine eigene Geschichte zu erleben, während du zusammen mit anderen spielst
Absolviere mit deinen Freunden spannende Quests oder entdecke ein tiefes Band, das dich mit anderen Abenteurern verbindet, wenn du mit diesen zusammen die Welt erkundest: Entdecke die Welt, schmiede Allianzen und gründe eine mächtige Gilde; die Möglichkeiten sind endlos! Erkunde trügerische Dungeons und fordere andere Spieler auf aufregenden PvP-Schlachtfeldern heraus, um dich selbst zu beweisen. Also geh los, schare alle um dich, die genauso denken wie du, und werdet zusammen eins mit der Union.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: intel core i5-4430/ AMD FX-6300
- GFX: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 960 2GB / AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB
- Software: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- HD: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- SFX: DirectX Compatible
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB / AMD Radeon RX 580 4GB
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
- HD: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- SFX: DirectX Compatible
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
55563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 23:18
Aus meiner Sicht sind die Stärken des Spiels vor allem die repetitiven Quests und Dungeons verbunden mit dem Kampfsystem. Es gibt hierbei in einer relativ freien Welt Quests und v.a. Bosse, die man mit anderen Spielern in durchaus großen Schlachten gut bewältigen kann. Es wiederholt sich zwar wie gesagt, dadurch dass man aber sich und seine Limits testen und seinen Charakter auch stetig weiterentwickeln kann, bleibt es dennoch durchaus interessant. Es gibt sicherlich noch sehr viel mehr zu sagen. V.a. gibt es auch berechtigte negative Kritik. Es ist möglich über einige negative Aspekte des Spiels hinweg zu sehen und trotzdem Freude daran zu haben. Sicherlich wird dies aber nur für einen bestimmten Spielertypus der Fall sein.
1390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 05:06
MMORPG als gute Controller umsetzung auf dem PC das Spiel werde ich erstmal länger spielen, um noch mehr im spiel zu entdecken, ob das spiel, etwas Besonderes ist, das werte ich sehen
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192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 11:40
basic fantasy classes: check
basic fantasy characters: check
basic neverending grinding system: check
basic microtransaction system: check
TL:DR; the game gives me the feeling that basically EVERY mmorpg out there looks exactly like this, there is absolutely nothing special about it. Especially this boring ... fantasy worlds that ALWAYS look the same
I dont know why i should even start it again...
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2902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 23:20
I'm not playing long enough to understand how P2W this game is, but after 50 hours I can tell that I don't know why I'm still playing this. Bless Unleashed is so disappointing, I don't know where to start:
- This game is made with Unreal Engine 4 and because of that it somehow looks very cheap and generic;
- UI also looks like bland standard UE4 UI with zero effort invested, abilities and items icons are uninspired and boring;
- They wanted to make an engaging combat with dodging and high mobility (I really don't want to make parallels with games like Dark Souls), but the hit registration is terrible and enemy attacks are badly telegraphed. Sometimes enemies jump and whether you can hit them while they are in the air is completely random and has no consistency between different enemies;
- Only five classes and they are tied to certain races, which blows;
- Character customisation is very limited and there is only around ten costumes in the in-game store - this is really sad for the F2P game;
- At the beginning of the game the fights are very interesting, but very soon they become boring because there is like only ten skills and four combos (for the berserker at least);
- Monsters and other enemies level up at the same time as your character, but their loot remains the same, so you can return at the first location to fight the elite enemy for ten minutes and get the bag of dirt and pile of stale breadcrumbs;
- The crafting system is also terrible because of the auto-leveling. You will never make the right equipment for your level during the leveling, and food and potions do not restore enough health because other options are not available to you yet and your overall HP is too high;
- I really wanted to play as a pantera (cat-like race) from the original Bless, but there is only vargs (wolf-like race) who is not nearly as cool as pantera, even though they are in the game as npcs.
- I participated in one spring event, and it was much more annoying than rewarding, with one lame dungeon (with copy-pasted boss), terrible rewards and there was high-level enemies that spawned at farming spots INSTEAD of regular monster, making tedious farming even more tedious
3/10 (catgirls may increase the score)
4185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 12:26
some people say the combat is clunky, i don't mean to be an elitist but they're just your average MMO player used to tab targeting button mashing imo. yes, there's a bit of an action queue ( like in most action combat games ) you just need to stop spamming your buttons :x
you can't get into this game expecting the same thing as you would in some tab target MMO, you're not gonna get in, press tab, mash buttons and win. the best way i can think of describing this game ( when fighting bosses, which you will very often ) would be as a soulslike MMO, but easier than a souls game ofc. you're gonna have to dodge the attacks ( each class has an evasive action / roll, that consumes stamina like in any action combat game ), gotta learn some bosses patterns / tells in order to not eat a big attack and all that kind of stuff. don't be afraid of the difficulty though, it's still easier than any soulslike game and most importantly that's what makes the combat / game interesting. + you can find friends to tackle all the content in game while learning at your own pace :)
sidenote : the community has been pretty friendly so far !
so yeah, we'll see what it has to offer in the long run but so far i've had 60hrs of fun ( and probably much more to come ) FOR FREE. the one thing i don't understand is how this game isn't more popular.
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3543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 03:54
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14655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 16:36
Its just grind after grind after grind.
It was so much fun for the time and I even had a great guild and great people to play with.
Its a shame, this game had so much potential yet the developers didn't do enough to save it.
Great to try out but I wouldn't bother in 2022
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736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 20:48
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37656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 07:47
Leveling is a dramatic thing, every day doing the same quests and boses, after a couple hundrets of hours all i want is vomit. The s+ drop system is a diseaster.
Most funny, they allready sold the game. Previous version was closed early.
DO NOT play this game. It is fun for first 50 hours, then its just a combat beetwen boring level grinding and donors who spent $ on privat sites to earn SS
22471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 16:17
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153304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 20:37
enchanting is a big fat bull, it will cost you a weeks/month of grinding to have a chance for a +1 upgrade.
To reroll runes will cost you 80k above starseed which is a currency to buy item from marketplace.
in one day you can grind 3 x level 40 abysal dungeon, 3 x level 40 lair and end up with no drop from all the 6 mythic chest. it is like literally spend your time to farm those potions/elixirs/panaceas for hours then grind dungeon and walkout with nothing at all. Best of all this can go on for days or even weeks.
if you get a loot then you will get the most common chance of having the s+ second slot to be a pve gold gain/ pvp stats/potion cool down that dont benefit for your next progression in dungeon at all..
who need gold gain or potion cooldown for end game content?
everything that is happening right now just remind me how you screw up on bless online.
youre slowly dissing them off so that they would spend some real money when they feel pinned to progress no where at all.
i am not surprised how dead the game become.
and now you have another company taking over for what reason?
so they wont get sued when you shut this down again?
4595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 08:47
Has to be one of the few games that does mages right,
i jump around from MMO to MMO trying to find one with
a fun mage class and got hooked instantly when i tried this one.
Haven't had to pay for anything and it's nice that it doesn't need
a subscription to be able to play.
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312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 08:23
Re-release on steam with heavyer pay to win packs on steam and in mall and makes drops even worse than before last release and still fails to understand players wants and desires.
80380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 14:08
Sorry, I am guardian, I can't protect anyone!
Once upon a time, I liked to do regional general quests, liked to improve a little by little.
Once upon a time, I liked to do regional boss quests, liked to be skilled step by step.
Once upon a time, I liked to play the dungeon, liked to overcome all the difficulties again and again.
Once upon a time, I liked to talk freely with my team in boredom, liked to talk everything with you in idleness!
Sorry, I'm guardian. Even if I have first-class technology and operation, I can't carry any new players.
Sorry, I'm guardian. Even if full level, full Blessing and well equipped, I'm not qualified to say that you rescue people.
Sorry, I am guardian, I can't protect anyone!
In fact, my need is very simple, that is, we play games together. It's not that we play games together and carry a guardian. It's not a role that doesn't need to exist, let alone a burden!
Sometimes tears are not what they want to down themselves, But that is the untouchable one last voice like the passing east water.
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29239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 00:45
The combat is actually quite engaging. Its not too heavy on the p2w side but heavily depended on RNG
Which means you can grind for days not seeing improvement on your character because you have bad RNG for eq drops.
Unfortunately the devs stop listening and giving news update on how the development is going.
The community is thirsty for any kind of updates on the game.
Its so sad to see how dev negligent could kill an otherwise a good game
Please don't play and don't spend money on this game until you see the dev start listening
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52032 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 19:58
i played this game for 800+ hours, this game is my favorite but not anymore.
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52625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 21:02
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54211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 09:44
Good graphics
Rotation of dungeons
Rather friendly community (SEA)
Plenty of quests
Low drop rate
Imbalance pvp (Gear based)
Nerfing aspects of the game by developer on pretext of combating bots at the expense of players.
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18895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 18:45
However, in the short time I played this game the devs consistently implement drastic changes that regularly change entire aspects of the game for the worse. It is very very clear their motivation is to make processes like leveling, gearing, and crafting take more time and be more expensive.
It's very unfortunate because the game itself would be great if the devs would not be such greedy horrible people.
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32529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 09:18
The developers are trying to put an event in the game as of now to give items to help with upgrading this does not resolve the issue you need to start with the basics and take a second look on the percentages of successful upgrade.
Also you need to remove the time gates you have in place to slow down the progression of the players. the reason most of us play this game is because we can run the same dungeon as many times as our heart desires. if you have no idea what direction you are trying to go how about you get with some of the community and gain some insight on what we would like to see. your sole purpose is to create content and make money correct! so here is a tip on making money.
How about you add a $15 a month subscription for us to purchase that will give us monthly Lumena / Xp gain / Sxp gain / Ect that is under the premium benefits But most importantly give us an infinite craft bag to hold all craft-able items in the game so we can farm and have them on hand. I can assure you if this was implemented into the game sales would go up.
and rework your crafting please. also make it so that you can see if the recipe is owned i have having to go all the way to an alchemy station to see if i have the plan then go back to the market to find that it has been sold. Also why don't you show what the plan does before you consume it why is it a secret?
Ill be more then happy to move more of this information to the reddit page if you guys just try to acknowledge the data given and have more of a presence there so us that your listening and that you care.
5056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 21:47
or anything like that but it's F2P and worth a try.
As for the game itself, it is quite good and interesting. It currently has 5 classes (Crusader, Berserker, Ranger, Wizard and Priest) and 4 races (Humans, Elves, Vargs, Ippins), which unfortunately have some limitations, that is,
only certain races can fulfill the role of a certain class. The character creation is quite good, it allows you to customize a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ of things and the best of all is that it is faithful to what you are going to see in-game. The only bad thing I found is a kind of visual bug in the legs when you preview a certain outfit,
That is fixed by changing the thickness of them a bit and now, nothing serious.
From the little that I got to play, I can tell that it has a pretty fun combat style and it's not just about spamming all the skills you can foolishly. Animations cannot be canceled,
which makes you have to think a little before channeling it completely and apparently it cannot be customized (correct me if I'm wrong), that is, it comes pre-defined and will evolve as you level up.
As for Skills, only 6 can be used, of which,
4 are 'equippable' and 2 that are predefined depending on the class you choose, giving your character certain mechanics. Personally, I find it more comfortable and entertaining, since you will have to decide how you want to play or what skills you want to combine, without having to have 4 bars that occupy your entire screen.
If we talk about progress / leveling, it is quite simple and linear. You follow the main story, which belongs to the initial campaign (I'll explain it a little better later), doing missions, completing map events, killing bosses with other adventurers, etc. As for the 'drop', in my point of view, it is quite decent.
The game has an interesting buff system, on the one hand there are the 'Blessings' (a total of 4) and on the other the 'Unions' (a total of 3). Initially they all start with a default blessing and as they progress they will be able to unlock the following ones, gathering some fragments. They are improved with tickets that mobs drop you,
so p2w free. Yay!
There are several Dungeons, Campaigns and even an arena where you fight to the death against certain creatures or heroes, quite fun by the way. I can't give many details, since I only participated in the Arena, but the matchmaking is quite quick and easy.
I can't say much about the economy of the game,
I didn't play much and I didn't see much either but there are 3 or 4 more coins besides gold. All of them are quite easy and you do not need to invest real money. The main one is called Star Seeds and you get it by opening chests that give you as rewards for some missions or events that you complete or by exchanging your gold with an NPC.
You have a limitation per day that will increase as you level up, or better said, progress in the main campaign. This currency is used for infinities of things (to instantly revive your character, transport you, to buy in the marketplace and unlock other campaigns. As for the other currencies,
They are also obtained by playing and are used for other specific things.
On the famous PVP and the 'P2W' system to avoid it ... How in every game with a system of honor and 'villainy' there are going to be people who lean to one side or the other. The game is not full pvp, in fact it is activated and deactivated with a button,
it is unlocked from level 30 and there are certain areas considered hostile in which another player can decide whether to attack you or not. It adds another difficulty to the game, put it, after all it is a mmo and not a simulator of killing bugs. Also if you are in a guild you can summon your companions to defend you and others.
I also saw that it has a housing and tameo system but I can't give details about it either. So to sum up, because it was a bit long for me, the game is interesting and worth trying. They give you too many rewards for playing and they are not hard to come by. I see potential in it and with friends it can be fun.
I hope this review helps more than one and that they can enjoy what the game offers.
PS: A lot of text, yes.
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16706 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 17:08
Pay 2 Win
Same Developer as Bless online although they attempted to confuse people with a studio name change (same people)
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13575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 10:00
hard to move and what ever i have a good defense and attack but still weak.
i have a 1,4k gs cant doing anything at dungeon lvl 35. everything about ranger and mage they can do it easly.
im too much spend to this game, its kinda useless playing melee class.
hard to reroll cause the marketplace is dying, not many item getting sold by other players
2775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 13:19
No holy trinity either, although you can technically play a healer, you're still primarily a DPS and there is no tanking. Everyone needs to learn how to dodge and weapons have windup, although you can animation cancel by rolling.
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23536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 10:11
I bought two founder gift packs and senior members, but all blood diamonds and VIP points were cleared.
No reply or reason will be given when I appeal.
My account has more than 200 games, I never use plug-in programs.But I was blocked for the first time because of the suspected black gold problem.
This game has been developed for more than ten years, but there is no anti plug-in technology.
Game developers admire bugs and plug-in users and let them go; However, they despise recharge users and ban their accounts at will.
In the game, the props on the shelves of the exchange can not be designated to sell to someone, and the seller doesn't know who the buyer is. If my props are bought with black gold, it's ridiculous to blame me.
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4017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 03:16
Massively Multiplayer Online
Round 8 Studio
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos