Release Notes
• Routine server maintenance.
• Adjustment to the display of equipment, wings, and costumes. When equipping wings and costumes, all weapons will be hidden in non-combat states.
• Fixed a bug where the Priest's Divine Punishment skill failed to restore energy. The energy restoration effect of Divine Punishment is now only effective on the currently selected target.
• Fixed a bug where the Mage's attack speed being too high resulted in a probability of failing to restore magic crystals.
• Adjusted the Priest's "Blade of Punishment" skill. A damage internal cooldown has been added; only one instance of damage can be inflicted within 0.5 seconds.
• Fixed a character deformation issue with the "Vampire Count" costume in the third-person perspective.
• New costumes added to the Lumena Shop: "Classic Cheongsam Costume Chest" costumes.
• Sacred Altar lottery discount event.
• New Year Event commenced.
---• New Year Buff Event: January 28, 0:00 – February 3, 0:00 CST
---• New Year Login Rewards: Available for logins between January 28 and February 2.
---• New Year Cumulative Spending Event: From the completion of maintenance on January 23 to before maintenance on February 6.
---• New Year Limited-Time Accessory Refresh Event: From the completion of maintenance on January 23 to before maintenance on February 20.
---• New Year Event: Early Spring Blossoms
------• Event Period: From the completion of maintenance on January 23 to before maintenance on February 20.
------• Event Method: Obtain a certain number of "Early Spring Blossoms" upon completion of normal or time-limited dungeons.
------• Exchange items with the NPC "Garden Artist Lilith" located west of the Noble District in Spezia North and by Lake Os.
Thank you for your understanding and support. If you encounter any issues in the game, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Valofe Bless Unleashed Team