In this dev log, we’re going to share some of developments we’ve made since the 0.20 updates, which was polishing work on accessibility and growth elements.
For the past year, we’ve been focusing our efforts on making improvements to systems and existing content. But many players are eager for new content, as well as updates about the multiplayer situation.
Regarding new content: We began working on additional levels right after the most recent update, and we’re happy to share some screenshots with you.
The first new level is another procedurally generated area (similar to the Sanitation Tunnels), where the layout will change each time you enter. This will serve as an optional route through the main path of the game, which gives players the opportunity to earn some additional rewards.
We’re holding back some details for now, to preserve the surprise, but this level will focus less on fierce combat and more on exploration and horror elements, to mix up the game’s pacing a little. This level will also include more synaptics and other goodies than the typical path, making it a high-risk/high-reward detour.
The second new level comes directly after the Exosuit bossfight, and consists of a lab environment where Section 13 houses QTs for containment and study. This level will be an intense combat challenge that leads up to the final boss chamber, but we’re confident that skilled agents can handle it.
Finally, we have a sneak peek of the final boss level: a mysterious structure situated in the deepest depths of Section 13, whose existence and purpose are unknown to all but a few. Players who have been following the game for a while might recognize it from some concept images we’ve shared in the past.
In addition to the above, we’re also working on new enemies, tactical gear, and synaptic enhancements. We’ll be sure to share more as development continues and new content moves into internal playtesting.
Lastly, we’d like to share that we’re working around the clock to get multiplayer back into the game as soon as possible, hopefully even before the final launch date in May.
We appreciate your patience and support.
Thank you,
Jaeeun Park