New update is here, with a lot of tweaks, fixes and new mechanics. As we mentioned last time, we continue to polish the game to a state in which we can start promoting it. We can already say the next update will contain the long awaited tutorial, as well as more optimization and quality-of-life changes. That’s not all, though - we have a couple cool things to announce before that next update so watch this space in the coming weeks.
In the meantime though, AFF is still on sale for a couple more days! Tell your friends and family there’s an awesome space shooter out there to get at 40% off:
As for the contents of this update:
Commander abilities
To give the commanders more of an active role other than issuing orders we’ve added the first batch of commander abilities. When used intelligently they are a very effective way to support your team. They will likely be tied into meta-game mechanics in the long run - for now, they are available to the attacker team’s commander in Incursion and to both teams in Territories. They will come online after a set amount of time into the match and then work on a cooldown basis.
Of course, as with anything in AFF, if the commander role is not taken by a player the MILNET AI will be able to make use of these abilities as well:
Area Hack ability - Order your faction’s local MILNET AI to focus on hacking enemy gear. Any enemy vehicle caught within the radius of the hack will be temporarily disabled and any deployable turret will change its allegiance to your team.
Area Scan ability - Focus your faction’s fleet sensors to temporarily reveal every enemy in the target location (on ground, in open space, in a particular ship or station). Will even highlight enemies usually hidden by infiltrator suit mods.
Area Shield ability - Project a shield covering a large area, similar to deployable turret shields but much more potent and without the singular vulnerable central point, to protect your fellow soldiers from enemy gunfire.

Ship combat and vehicle improvements
We’ve done a lot of incremental improvements to space combat mechanics. Thanks to netcode upgrades the fighters should now be more pleasant to pilot and be more reliable in terms of steering online. We have also corrected a bunch of long-standing issues with the lead indicator and target-leading-related mechanics. Dogfighting should be much more enjoyable now, especially in multiplayer matches.
Ground vehicles have received plenty of attention as well, with their physics and handling tweaked to be less prone to snagging on level geometry. In addition, the mechs should now be able to strafe in a less dubious manner and be less prone to lock you inside when you’re trying to escape. We’ve also re-enabled vehicles taking damage from collisions which, thanks to the physics tweaks, should be less of an annoyance and more of a genuine gameplay feature now.

Shooting through enemies
We’ve finally formalized the feature of bullets penetrating enemy infantry. Simply put, it means that guns with high penetration capability (taking ammo types into account, of course) will now be able to punch through enemies, even multiple ones. This is governed by the same rules as wall penetration - subsequent hits will deal less and less damage. The likelihood of going through depends on a few additional factors - the type of suit the enemy is wearing, whether the shot is the final blow and the location of the hit - heads are squisher, although we’re avoiding any kind of complex penetration calculations, often found in mil-sims, here - hitting a hand in front of a head will still count as a hand hit.

Map tweaks
A big part of our continuing efforts to push the game towards full release goes into improving the maps. Over the past weeks we’ve done a tremendous amount of polish to all aspects of maps - collision, pathing, decoration placement.

Weapon balance
Included with this update are a number of changes to weapons across the board. Whilst these are detailed in full within the changelog some key changes to note are a reduction in recoil for all infantry weapons, reduction in flinch from being hit and quite a radical redesign of the RID to mitigate the need for locking on to name a few.

Full changelog:
- Formalized pawn penetration - you can now shoot through multiple players reliably. The amount depends on the type of gun, ammo, where you shoot (head is squishier) and the type of suit.
- Added Commander abilities for the incursion attacker team, or both teams in territories. Area Hack: Disables vehicles caught in the radius, and turns all deployed turrets to the user’s faction. 240s of cooldown. Targets in the area get a 6s warning. Area Scan: Reveals the whole tacmap-location it is used on for 12s. Including infiltrators. 180s cooldown. Area Shield: Will spawn a shield on the location that functions like a shield from a deployable, but more health, and without originating from a device. 300s cooldown.
- Slightly improved loading times of all maps
- Reduced flinching while sighted slightly
- Reduced recoil from all handheld weapons by 20%
- Charged GU34 shots "cost" slightly less charge now
- Being hit on the underbarrel shield should no longer trigger flinching
- Increased damage of the RID and MLI primaries
- Vehicle cockpit mods rework: - Turtle: 50% armor regeneration increase while not accelerating (no active inputs) and 50% reduced momentum and viewshakes - Scout: Reveal enemies for team based on proximity, 50% reduced boost-consumption - Infiltrator: Invisible to enemy sensors and proximity explosives, covered in ablative armour (no damage bleedthrough to health on armour depletion)
- Radical RID rework: - No longer requires a target - Once fully charged, will always fire - Only primary firemode - Stopping charging will drop the progress to none - Charging it will dramatically decrease your movement speed - Slow chargeup in exchange for massive damage - Will now display a warning to everyone in the expected splash area, once the RID is 50% charged
- Mines: - Will now have a visual trigger-radius - Increased the number of mines deployed per use - Tweaked fire rate and deployment spread - Improved their tracking. They are now considerably harder to outrun.
- Experimentally changed dodging from the semi-reliable double-tapping to replacing jump (spacebar by default); Jumping forwards will still be a normal jump, but otherwise it will dodge in the direction you are moving. Dodge can no longer be used mid-air.
- Dodge nerfed a bit, so sprint is still preferable
- Taught bots how to use dodge. Run for the hills.
- Interacting with the UI, such as tweaking loadouts, should contribute to not marking you inactive in online games)
- Knifes will now show their chargeup animation for others properly (so you can see if someone is running with a charged knife)
- Fixed the knife not always playing its attack animations for others when spammed
- Fixed not being able to hit anything in fighters, especially online - improved the lag compensation in space and the way it interacts with space weapons and the lead indicator. Fixed a bunch of oddities with the lead indicator in general, improved lead calculations to include angular velocity to an extent.
- Lead indicator will no longer be visible if the target is an objective without something to shoot or if the target is out of range
- Grenades will now convey that they are being cooked in 3rd person
- Throwing grenades will look less janky for others
- Overcooking a grenade will now display a specific animation in response to the detonation
- Weapons will now properly play overheating anims and effects for others
- Putting a weapon away while it was overheating would occasionally leave an awkward effect on the ground. Should now properly restart the effects again when re-equipped, if it is still overheated.
- Slightly reduced damage taken from the bleedout timer; bleeding out takes roughly the same time as it did before the last update (note that corrosion lowers this, since less initial healthpool, but the rate of bleeding out is slower, as before)
- Fixed an issue with reviving pawns affected by corrosion - more than one stack of corrosion would lead to them being impossible to revive. Corrosion will also no longer interfere with the time needed to revive someone, it will take the same time to revive regardless of the amount of corrosion.
- Replaced the flashlight with an experimental nightvision mode. Maybe there to stay, maybe not, we’ll see.
- Reduced armor gained from heavy plate suit mods from 40 to 30
- Reduced armor lost from speed suit mods from 40 to 30
- Reduced base-armor for heavies from 180 to 160
- Reduced movement speed of lights and heavies slightly
- While having the support spec equipped, the multiwrench will now enable you to repair yourself by assisting another player regardless of that player being hurt.
- Reduced the magsize of rockets on gunships
- Experimental tweak to mech cameras to make them centered on the models, to bring them in line with all the other vehicles. Should also make determining whether a weapon will be blocked by level geometry easier.
- Better animation blending and a bunch of fixes on the mechs, as an effort towards making them less janky visually when strafing or transitioning from strafes: - Fixed very small steps not producing sound - Fixed last step not producing sound - Fixed velius backwards-running not producing sounds when expected, but rather when it felt like it - Fixed issue where crouch wouldn’t consistently happen, or be broken unintentionally - Crouching now reduces the sound of the footsteps produced by 20% - Updated physics a bit; Now possible to run between the legs and not be pancaked, but the legs should now properly pancake you. - Fixed both mechs having spectator camera awkwardly placed at their feets - Fixed mechs often failing to find a place to let you exit - Fixed mechs occasionally struggling to jump (common occurrence on Lukather)
- Reworked vehicle shields versus some types of damage: EMP (not bullets), colliding with another vehicle or level geometry, environmental fire, flamer (underslung and turret), knives and multiwrench now ignore shields and deal damage directly to the vehicle
- Weapons with a laser pointer (like the RID) should now look more accurate for other players
- Removed multiwrench purge mod. Clearing status effects is now again built into the multiwrench by default.
- Increased firerate of TA by 15% in exchange for 15% less damage-per-shot
- Dropped weapons: - Fixed MW not being dropped when exchanged for something else, and not being eligible to be dropped on death - Fixed dropped weapons not being thrown in the direction looked but rather always in some arbitrary direction - Fixed dropped weapons being randomly placed on the ground; They should now land where it would make sense compared to where they were tossed from with a tiny bit of randomness - Fixed prompt “Switch to” (If you have another weapon type equipped, like a knife and what you want to pick up is a primary) not working. It will now swap to that weapon.
- Fixed running-and-gunning not properly lowering weapons while in the “no weapons” areas of the briefing rooms
- Fixed fighters ion weaponry dealing more damage than intended against capships
- Fixed ion and RID vehicle weapons not having any chargeup sound or FX
- Underbarrel shields will no longer show up as a firemode on the loadout page for stats
- Fixed overheat-progress not showing up properly in multiplayer if triggered from being on fire
- Fixed wrong UI weapon image for the C90
- Using an underslung with the GU34 should no longer attempt to charge the weapon (When the underslung is current firemode)
- Improved accuracy of locking on to targets and keeping the lock
- Increased lock-on target priority for destroyables and tagged targets
- Re-added the “out of range” text under the tagbox. If you have a lock-on weapon out and your target has active countermeasures enabled it will now display “ECM active”
- Fixed some lighter lock-on missiles thinking it had considerably larger range than it actually had, fixing some incorrect “out-of-range” markers
- Standardised timers for respawn waves; Should be more reliable with giving you the proper time it will take before being able to respawn.
- Updated medal names from “CMB” to “CBT” for consistency
- Detpacks, mines and spring nades will now display their trigger-radius visually to the team who placed them
- Vehicle point-defense will no longer target mines, nades, sensors or detpacks, and will only shoot projectiles heading towards the owner
- Found and resolved another instance of the freelook key persisting when tabbing
- Added a hint displayed during briefing-time describing directional damage on vehicles
- Fixed typo in acid damage contextual hint
- Added contextual hint for when entering a dropship without a droppod; Informs you to go rearm
- Added config setting “TerritoriesStartingTicketsMultiplier” to servers for scaling territories timers; Default is current, but can be used to make the territories timer longer or shorter. Format is 100 = 1.0x based on the incursion timer.
- Fixed a general problem with boardingpoints being destroyed not triggering all events correctly, often leading to odd issues like meshes or turrets being left behind etc.
- Fixed boarding points glitching out for late-joiners (Would render the Ixion territories station unboardable among other issues)
- When using z-zoom on tacmap (holding spacebar while zooming), the amount zoomed on the z-axis will now be variable to your zoom level
- Improved general performance on maps using any sort of damaging volumes
- Bots displaced from driving (by a player taking the wheel) will now respawn when necessary, rather than hang around doing nothing
- Improved air/space bot pathing
- Interaction description for enterable turrets on capital ships will now display the turrets name, when available, to give you a better idea of what you are entering, and making it easier to use the correct interaction if there are multiple turrets nearby
- The visuals for “you can board this” will no longer show up if the point you are trying to board is already boarded
- Cricket and Dragoon breach tubes should now properly look attached to the ships/stations. If they don’t, please report individual cases on a per-map basis
- Made fighter spawners visible inside enemy carriers - as long as you are allowed to use a fighter, it will mark it on your HUD, such as when your task is in space while you are on a hostile carrier, or if the station is blowing up
- Fixed hackspikes being occasionally invisible
- Added a distinct material for AIA-placed hackspikes
- Bots should totem less when defending an objective
- Bots will now spread-out to defend a hackspike as soon as one is planting, rather than stack up and wait for a full plant. The planter will also move about more while planting naturally
- Bots will be more willing to flank objectives
- Objectives will now again remain on the top-right once they are completed, rather than disappearing
- Fortress’ Phase 2’s third objective will now be visible again before being activate
- Fixed repair-objectives not being taggable
- Refined messages from planting a hackspike; The planter will now get a “You are planting the spike” message while others will get “Spike is being planted”. Should make it clearer if you are planting it, or it is being done by someone else standing right next to you
- Fixed an issue with the vehicle deployment timer, where it would force you to sit through a new timer, despite being allowed to respawn already
- Redeploying to accept a vehicle drop will now grant a free respawn, so you won’t have to sit in the timer, if you accept it quickly after deploying
- Reduced the active-time for the AIA point defense and flares
- Fixed issue where shields being down would interfere with capitalship point defense
- Point defense now works on a cumulative damage-per-projectile basis again; Can be overwhelmed by swarms
- Vehicles will no longer show up on tacmap if they are not spotted
- Tweaked the vehicle cameras’ distance changes based on speed
- Tweaked Sturm’s handling to be more flexible
- Recessed the physical representation of the wheels on Hare and Silverback a fair bit; Makes them a bit more reactive to terrain, and should prevent them from glitching out when driving near the sides of objects.
- Hare and Silverback collision and mass tweaks
- Locust will now change its shieldsize when deployed, to properly accommodate the model; There should no longer be parts of the hitbox that bypassses the shield
- Upscaled Dhaka’s shields to properly fit the barrels, tweaked driving and collision some
- Upgraded the torque on Basta some, to make it a bit more agile. Tweaks to driving and collision as well.
- Partisan got its wheels and steering tweaked to snag and glitch less. Hopefully. Who knows with the Partisan.
- Vehicle shield-regen delays have been adjusted; Should take longer to restart
- Vehicles can now be affected by elementals regardless of their shield status if shot underneath the shield - previously it would block any elemental effect from triggering, as long as the shields were up. Shooting the shield directly will still prevent the elemental effect.
- Fixed Javert’s passenger ion turrets being wobbly; Fixed two of the passenger turrets not being enter-able in one of the Javert variants
- Fixed characters in capital ship seats not being properly replicated to clients - they should now do the proper animations for everyone
- Fixed Anubis and Huginn having trouble accelerating from a complete standstill
- Improved what “rear” is on some vehicles (for when to deal additional directional damage)
- Upped delay for in-map mounted turrets; They will now respawn in 1m 30s, rather than 30s
- Fixed warping in/out after initial warp not doing the proper effects
- Vehicles will again be affected by collision damage from hitting other vehicles or level geometry at speed
- Fixed the preview not working as intended in the loadout
- Fixed some issues with warnings not being displayed as intended when picking loadout in a vehicle drop
- When driving a vehicle, opening up the loadout to change will now start on the vehicle, to easier make adjustments you think of for next time you use the vehicle.
- Moved torpedo slot before mine slot on bombers; Order should now match the other fighters (primary, (primary), lockon/missile, mines)
- Inverted order of the primaries on the mechs; 1 should now correspond to the left weapon, and 2 to the right, as would be expected
- Tweaked behaviour of unique mods; Should no longer be possible to glitch-double-equip them
- Changing faction on the loadout screen will now attempt to pick the opposite factions variant; For instance if on Turtle’s loadout page, and changing the faction to AIA, it should display the Basta’s loadout page
- Improved the collision shapes of all consoles across the maps
- New model variant for the Cricket breaching pod in space - fixes issues with not being able to shoot AIA breach pods attached to ships/stations by aiming at the actual thing.
- Fixed issue with all the AIA ground LZs using a Cricket: The front would have weird meshes around the turret, and you could see the turret floating from the inside. They were also using wrong materials.
- Tweaked and assigned even more physical materials on many objects across all maps
- Spline meshes (pipes, cables, ducts) now have collision. Will make a lot of pipes that were previously shoot-through and pass-through properly solid.
- Adjusted the friction property of ice. Deployables and ragdolls should no longer slide nearly as much on icy surfaces.
- Tweaked the launch and restocking animations for the fighters and dropships in the generic faction hangars
- Tweaked the boardingpoints in most carriers. They should now all properly let bots path, while remaining solid when no pod is attached, and properly be deadly when destroyed.
- It should no longer be possible to consistently go out-of-bounds inside the main rock of Anaster
- Tweaked a lot of collision in the Khamun interior; Should address a lot of the spots where you can hide in geom, and hopefully make it a little nicer to navigate
- Anubis interior: - Fixed a number of holes that would lead out-of-bounds, meshes you could hide in and places you could actively get stuck in - Tweaked the dropships; They now look slightly more natural - Tweaked the blockers in the hangar area to be more flexible to move around - Resolved an issue where bots would struggle pathing through the center of the ship
- Ranger interior: - Tweaked the boardingpoints same as in the rest of the carriers - Tweaked collision in the launch bay, it should now be friendlier to navigate
- Huginn interior: - Lots of miscellaneous collision tweaks - Tweaked the blockers in the hangar area to be more flexible to move around - Resolved some holes in the roof - Tweaked some meshes that were clipping through walls - Fixed being able to hide in the damaged-state meshes in the hangar bay
- Ascella updates: - Fixed in-menu description and thumbnail picture - Fixed the end-match message to point at the correct winning team - Tweaked a lot of collision - Mounted a floating screen near the central Phase 2 objective - Fixed area behind the central Phase 2 objective not being solid - Fixed some z-fighting in the central Phase 2 building - Areas near Phase 1 objectives atop of the cliffs are now correctly marked as out-of-bounds - Added a few ramps to highlight some less obvious paths in Phase 1 and Phase 2 - Fixed one pool of the freezing liquid not dealing damage as intended - One of the pools leading out-of-bounds was not out-of-bounds - should now reliably stop you from going there - Fixed a spot on the bridge going over a pool where you would be affected by the freezing liquid - Grounded some floating objects - Fixed some issues in the Phase 2’s cliffside building - Fixed bots being unable to path down to the Cricket Phase 3 objective from the ULA spawn via one of the roads - Added glass to the few windows lacking it for consistency - Tweaked the look of the glass windows - Tweaked the intro to be smoother - Added some décor to the Phase 1 and 2 AIA spawns
- Poranti updates: - Potentially fixed Poranti crashing after finishing a map and loading into the next online - Replaced a lot of ULA tech with AIA tech where appropriate - Hopefully resolved a rare issue where completing objectives a bit out-of-order would cause issues - Added some objective-protection when they are inactive - Resolved the bots being unwilling to board Phase 4 - Added an out-of-bounds volume covering Phase 2 - Phase 1’s turret will now start in the close camera mode - ULA droppods should now be properly protected - Khamun should now be required to progress to Phase 4 - Increased the healthpool of Phase 1 objectives
- Mirnoide updates: - Moved some killvolumes that had gotten a little overly excited about the ULA breachpoint in the lavadome station - Added fighter restocking animations to both biodomes - Removed some restrictions from bot pathing, and fixed an issue where they weren’t reliably able to get out of one of the boarding tubes - Tweaked some collision and improved performance - Moved some trees down to be properly grounded, fixed the “pump” mesh being very visually blurred depending on distance, fixed some glass, added some water sounds, fixed some water visuals and the river magically eating bullets in the desert dome station.
- Yin Tao Shan updates: - Fixed improper collision on a destroyable on the road: The collision would persist after the destroyable was destroyed - In incursion, moved Phase 2’s out-of-bounds volume back a bit, so the “most obvious path” from the ULA vehicle-dropping is no longer blocked and makes the secondary AIA spawn inside the play-area - General collision and z-fighting tweaks on rocks, trees etc. - Replaced AIA tech with ULA in the ULA spawn-huts - Adjusted the Phase 3 out-of-bounds volume, so that the left-side ULA LZ is in-bounds as intended
- ULA briefingroom: - Fixed missing collision on the “quarters” door - There are no longer floating lights in the briefing-area - Fixed a few ways to get out of bounds - Added a killvolume underneath, to prevent anyone from being stuck, should they get out of bounds - Tweaked collision on armory-area; There is no longer an arbitrary invisible roof that you’d hit your head on - Fixed being able to get yourself stuck near the weapon-racks - Added more weapons to the rack, so there’s a few duplicates to pick from - Fixed multiple objects visibly culling in and out when moving through the briefing area. All meshes should now be properly visible as intended - Added some red/black/green screens slightly out of bounds; Use the “ghost” consolecommand and fly to the right of the spawn; Should allow those interested to get screenshots that are easier to cut out
- AIA briefingroom: - Fixed some floating and semi-see-through objects in the kitchen area - Fixed the roof not being solid; Could be used to climb out of the area - Added a killvolume underneath, to prevent anyone from being stuck, should they get out of bounds - Added some red/black/green screens slightly out of bounds; Use the “ghost” consolecommand and fly to the right of the spawn; Should allow those interested to get screenshots that are easier to cut out
- Lacroix updates: - Added fighter-restocking and takeoff animations as was done to the ULA hangar previously. - Adjusted a lot of collision and fixed some z-fighting - Fixed some places you could get out-of-bounds - Properly grounded all cover - Fixed an area that had gotten a placeholder texture assigned - Inner ULA spawn and AIA LZs should now be properly protected - Added some effects, and revised collision, around the middle objective; Should now be more flexible to fight around
- Meudeverre updates: - Fixed ugly skybox scaling - Tweaked a lot of internal collision on cover, walkways, etc. - Added restocking and takeoff animations to fighters - Protected ULA LZs - Fixed destroyables leaving behind collision after they were destroyed - Reduced the healthpool of Phase 2 objectives
- Ixion updates: - Fixed some parts being see-through and partially fly-through in the inner parts of the station - Fixed some tubes not being fully connected, but vaguely hanging in space - Fixed some weirdness with the stations turrets - All LZs should now be properly protected and functional - Added an out-of-bounds volume covering Phase 3 - Trash in the bins is now visible from all angles - Tweaked a lot of collision; Greatly reduced places you can cheesily hide or get stuck in, or fall out of bounds - Added some meshes around the interior to finish up areas that looked barren - Properly grounded meshes, and made sure any destroyables wouldn’t leave floating meshes or bad collision
- Delta updates: - Slightly increased the time it takes for the water to turn your screen black, to feel a bit more natural, and tweaked when it affects you, to match with the visual water better - Fixed some cases of z-fighting - The medbay in one of the AIA huts should now look like it belongs - Replaced AIA tech with ULA variants inside ULA spawnhuts - Widened all bridges, to make it easier to drive vehicles over
- Tannhauser updates: - Fixed a lot of cover not being rendered from a distance - The LZs should now be properly shielded and protected - Fixed missing collision on some consoles - Tweaked the doors: They should now be easier to deal with while opening, and to walk past - Added blocking volumes to the caps of the fans under the platform; Would allow players to move gunships in them, or jump into them, despite being visually obstructed by the fans
- Kerrat Territories updates: - Tweaked previous fix intended to stop the capital ships from drifting and desyncing boardingpoints; The capital ships would unintentionally become fly-through at times
- Lukather Territories updates: - Updated the tram in the Territories variant as was previously done to the incursion variant - Replaced AIA tech with ULA in the ULA spawnhut - Added some supporting meshes to the “hotel towers”, so they aren’t awkwardly semi-transparant from the air - Tweaked collision on the parking lot and terminals - Fixed some of the windows on the main towers somehow not blocking vehicles or sucking them in - Fixed the initial landed dropship being visible as a glitch for a second during the intro
- Fortress updates: - Slightly moved ULA LZs so they are properly grounded - Moved right-side Silverback and Basta vehicle drop spots back a bit, to give the defenders a better chance of making use of them during Phase 2 - Removed some weird blocking volumes from Phase 3 area - Another pass of terraforming to blend everything better - Added sandbags to second level of Phase 2 towers to make them more relevant - Turrets in Phase 2 towers will now start you in zoomed-in view to make them more usable - A bunch of collision tweaks, most notably on rocks and railings - Fixed spots in some of the towers, walls and spawn areas where you could shoot and see through the floors to the level below - Slightly recessed Phase 2’s mounted turrets, so they actually fit on their platforms - Added some blockers between the towers and the wall itself, since some players managed to get themself stuck in the gap - Replaced AIA tech with ULA in the ULA spawn
- Igneous updates: - Added two ending cinematics which will play depending on who wins - Fixed some collision - Fixed some pathing, where bots would struggle with using the scaffolding towers to ascend and descend and get stuck under the Phase 1 platform - Added a bit of cover to the overpass coming from ULA Phase 3 spawn; It should be more doable for attackers to contest a sniper-nest there
- Irega updates: - A lot of miscellaneous collision improvements and tweaks - Fixed some spots in the trash heap where you could get stuck or get out of bounds - Properly protected the spawns in the Incursion variant - In the Incursion variant, adjusted the Phase 3 out-of-bounds volume, so that the left-side ULA LZ is in-bounds as intended
For feedback, or just a lovely chat with the devs, post on AFF's Steam forums or contact us directly through our Discord!
Onwards and upwards!