Here’s a new update with a bunch of much-needed bugfixes and adjustments, plus some convenience features:
Discord integration
We’ve added Discord’s Rich Presence features into the game. You can now see what faction, map and server your Discord friends are playing on and join them or invite them to join you. We will definitely tweak this some more in the future but, since the majority of our Community is present in the AFF Discord server, this should already make organizing games more convenient.

Fixes, balance and quality-of-life changes
A few rather critical issues crept into the game with the last update and hotfix so here we are getting rid of those. We’ve also made the elemental effects (incendiary, corrosion, EMP) more consistent and rebalanced certain weapons and items, again - for example decoy grenades should be more useful now and the RID less unpredictable in terms of locking onto targets. Ordering earned vehicles will now drop them in a more predictable spots now as well, resulting in less instances of those poor LAVs being stuck on roofs.
Full changelog:
- Discord Rich Presence implemented, displays basic game session information and enables joining players in an online match
- Shielded vehicles no longer allow elemental effects to be triggered on them
- Capship point-defence should now work similar to the point-defence drone
- Vehicle drops have received some improvements - vehicles should now land in more predictable locations and not get stuck on level geometry as much
- Reduced the hitpoints of capital ships’ subsystems by 30% (shields, point-defence, engines etc.)
- Infantry and vehicles are now blocked from regenerating anything, be it shields or armour, if on fire
- Vehicles are now blocked from regenerating shield if affected by EMP
- Standardized how elemental effects are handled for mines, detpacks, underslung rockets and grenades
- RID heavy rework: - Lockon will no longer break when firing the weapon, allowing for consecutive shots faster - Lockon and charge is now properly separated; mods should now function properly - It’s now harder to maintain a lockon - Reduced delay between firing a shot, and being able to charge the next - Base lockon time have been upped to 2s (perfect lock-time), chargetime is 1.5s - Should no longer drop charge when zooming
- Bots should no longer try to swap weapons when they are incapacitated
- Tweaked how bots handle their new firing-rate behaviours - should be more aggressive when in close proximity again
- AI turrets should now prioritize bombers a bit less obsessively
- Bots are now able to callout “in position” for move-to orders too
- Bots will no longer callout “under fire” if they are shooting at a destroyable objective and not really in danger
- Vehicles are now immune to their own splash-damage unless friendly-fire is enabled
- Underslung flamers have experimentally received a tweak to how they deal damage: rather than only hitting what you are pointing directly at, it will now apply it to all targets in a cone shape, originating from the weapon
- Added fake callouts “Regroup on me”, “Move to” and “Need a medic” to decoy grenades, as alternatives that can trigger to gunfire
- Decoy grenades gunfire is now repeating a little to better simulate actual gunfire
- Fixed AIA-specific gun sounds for decoy grenade
- Detpacks, mines and spring grenades will no longer deal damage if detonated from their owner dying
- Spring grenades and gyronades are now named n8s and n8g, with the base grenade being called n8d. Should make it easier to determine what you are using in-world
- SAR have gotten a larger magazine - 90 up from 66; takes more shots to overheat - 40 up from 25, but takes longer to reload
- Increased the number of carried sensor grenades from 2 to 3
- TT4 firerate increased, and damage reduced, by roughly 15%; overheats at 80 rounds, up from 60
- Removed reload mods from the P8 and Partisan/Dhaka tank turrets
- MGA magsize reduced to 160, down from 300
- Removed collision on the “projector” on Khamun’s bridge - should no longer soak bullets
- Fixed Poranti sometimes causing clients in multiplayer to crash after finishing the match
- Fixed lock-on issue introduced in last hotfix - locking onto targets should again work reliably and properly show associated visuals
- Fixed corrosion not being applied correctly to vehicles from mines/detpacks/grenades/underslung and certain cases where incendiary effect wouldn’t be triggered either.
- Fixed in-world painvolumes (areas inflicting environmental damage) not affecting vehicles and standardized elemental effects on those
- Fixed turret AI not always being properly disabled when affected by EMP
- Mines should no longer collide with the driver/passengers of the vehicle they originated from
- Fixed radial damage not reaching destroyables through team-blocking volumes (droppods for example)
- Fixed ship debris in outro scenes of several space maps jittering all over place
- Removed some legacy Steam VoIP functionality in preparation for custom VoIP library
For feedback, or just a lovely chat with the devs, post on AFF's Steam forums or contact us directly through our Discord!
Onwards and upwards!