It is time to step into the light and claim your destiny.
We are incredibly happy to finally get to share the Star Kings Expansion with you, our third expansion to the Age of Wonders: Planetfall series.The Oathbound await your guidance as their search for the Grail has led to encounters with new hostile lifeforms and old friends turned enemies. Alongside the expansion we also released a free update that is available for everyone; the Triceratops Update! Our girl Trixy brings tons of exciting goodies. Check below for all the details on expansion features and the free update.
Star Kings Expansion

Oathbound Player Race
The Oathbound represent everything good and pure in a war-torn galaxy with the sole mission to save mankind. They are a noble race of Paladins in massive battle suits wielding arc weapons and are aided in battle by the mysterious Seers with the ability to manipulate the outcome of skirmishes through precognition.

Additional Campaign Missions
Follow the Oathbound on their sworn quest to save mankind and plant the seeds of a new Empire! Lead a noble Paladin and discover the truth behind the dangers that face her world. Find the ancient Grail Configuration and save the galaxy, or witness the last sparks of humanity fade away

Quest for the Grail
Grails are powerful new landmark structures that can be added to Galactic Empires for additional long term bonuses. They can be unlocked by completing multi-stage quests and are integral in creating the biggest and best empires possible

New Wildlife: Apostates
A group of breakaway Seers who realized that they could be more powerful by tapping into the abundant chaos of the universe, the Apostates are Oathbound who reject their oath of protection to instead seek power, and unite under this corrupt goal. The Paladins are branded Blackguards and the Seers who survive the embrace of the chaos are forever transformed.

New Wildlife: Mycellians
The Mycelians are the result of an attempt to create a new type of fungus based meat replacement. The research was cut short once the modified (and delicious) mushrooms became sentient and began to infest the nearby agricultural equipment, resulting in terrifying fungus-cyborg monstrosities.

New Wildlife: Psionica
Psionica are mineral entities that developed in the aftermath of the fall of the Star Union, in areas where massacres and natural disasters led to mass loss of life. While Quartzite normally function with physical energies such as heat or lightning, Psionica are infused with the psionic energy or pain and suffering.
Free Triceratops Update

Galactic Empires
Customize your own Galactic Empire by conquering worlds with progress that carries over between play sessions. Combine technology from various races and carry over heroes between planets as you lay the foundation of an eternal empire!
Planet Traits
Planet Traits affect your expedition, what Secondary Objectives may be chased, and what your Experience modifier is made up of. Traits come in 3 different flavors, each modifying the world or those that seek to claim it:
Features - These are traits that modify what structures / sectors or climates are present on the planet, the above example is one such trait, making hazards extremely common on this world’s surface.
Inhabitants - These traits indicate the presence of a force with a particular agenda, usually an alliance of two or more factions. These could be a pair of bickering Dvar Consortia, an Assembly Reassembly initiative, or a Celestian Crusade.
Modifiers - These traits usually modify a certain sector type, unit type or another game mechanic in a way you might not be used to. This includes for example: Increased upkeep for Tier 1 and 2 units, player empires’ units gaining Stealth or Doctrine slots being increased.
Not all traits are negative, but negative traits will contribute towards the world’s XP modifier while positive traits may not.
Relics will grant a set of Requisition items for you to bring along on your expeditions, these will be unlocked by successfully conquering a planet with the relevant trait. For example: owning a planet with the 'Paragon Warlord' trait will unlock the Imperial Crown Relic, letting you bring Paragon units and mods on your next conquest.
Your expansions just got a bit bigger.
When the Triceratops Update goes live you’ll immediately unlock additional Planet Traits and Relics to conquer based on the Expansions you already own. Take the battle to a Voidbringer Thrallworld, a planet conquered and now inhabited by Voidbringers or collect the Misfortune’s Paw and bring the elusive Psynumbran Kitty with you to see the galaxy.

Residential Sectors
Create Super Colonies by building beyond the city sector limit. Residential sectors are a new type of sector specialization that you can build to grow your cities beyond the standard 5 sector limit. Building the sector increases the max sector limit by 1 and extends the Annexation Range by 1 as long as the sector is adjacent to the Residential Sector.
Urban Overlay
Building a Residential Exploitation will terraform the sector into a new overlay: Urban. The Urban overlay does not provide the usual sector level bonuses, but instead increases the Resource income per colonist in a Colonist slot. Additionally units ending their turn in these sectors recover an additional 6 health on top of any Friendly Territory or Biological/Mechanical Recovery they might have.
Colony District Buildings
Introducing racial Colony District Buildings, which unlock new colonist slot types for each race and get upgraded to use strong economic effects synergizing with the game play strengths of each race.
The colony district building of each race is unlocked by the Tier IV Society Research ‘Residential Development’. Each colony district building can be upgraded up to two times in each colony.
The Basic building can be directly built in the Colony core.
The Fine building requires the Basic building to be present and requires the colony to have at least one residential exploitation sector.
The Immaculate building requires the Fine building to be present and requires the colony to have two residential exploitation sectors.

Endless Research
Each tech tree now contains a ‘Future Tech’ skill that can be researched an unlimited number of times. Future Tech provides a random stacking bonus every time it is upgraded encouraging you to keep on researching forever!
Additional Interface & Accessibility Improvements
We’re constantly hard at work to improve the experience our players have when playing our game. Last time that meant we had some big Diplomatic & Economy changes, this time we’re focussing on how accessible the game is. We’ve added Text-to-Speech, Speech-to-Text and Chat Highlights to the multiplayer chat system, making it easier to communicate with each other without the need of external programs.
It’s also easier than ever to track which upgrades a colony will provide your units thanks to a handy drop down list in the colony overview. Likewise, Unit Buffs gained from Exploration Sites and Status Effect Resistances are now visible in the Unit Panel. Hero Weapons now have a background color which shows what damage channel they use and Unit Mods now have a small icon that indicates what secondary bonus they give (armors, shields, health or damage). On the Strategic Map we’ve adopted TibblesTheCat’s Banner Update which adds several tweaks to help the banners of different Factions, Commanders and Heroes stand out.
There are also several gameplay improvements. Players can now toggle which Tactical Operations are available for the AI to use when running Auto Combat. This should make it easier for Amazon/Heritor/Forgotten players to receive their combat spawned units. We’ve also leveled the playing field between PC Players, Controller Players and AI. Holding SHIFT, while in combat, will now force the system to target the air hex over the current ground hex. Lastly, we know that sometimes you just have a horrible first turn, so the game now makes an Auto-Save at the start of your game.
For the full list of change notes, please visit: Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Update: V1.400 “Triceratops”
Now go out there and conquer some planets! Thanks for the continued support, commanders!