Hey everyone!
While you have been taming the new Tyrannosaurus Update, we prepared a hotfix that will tackle commonly reported issues. Issues like the graphical corruptions in tactical combat and commander saving problems should be fixed. Some important balance changes are also included! Thanks everyone for all the feedback on the new update! Enjoy, commanders!
Update Notes:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where some players could not save or load custom commanders.
- Fixed graphical corruption in the lower-right corner of the screen in Tactical when Unit Outlines were enabled.
- Fixed crash in Imperial Archives when selecting a unit mod when the user did not own the Revelations DLC.
- Fixed AI issue where the AI could get stuck in a combat during interaction with a survey site.
- Fixed issue where taking back a colony that was occupied by marauders would not convert all sectors back to the player’s full ownership.
- Fixed issue where an overlord could not use war coordination functionality with their vassal, vassals will still be unable to use this functionality however.
- Fixed a bug where players could research Relativistic Projectiles from Kinetic Force Manipulation.
- Fixed rewards screens missing information on the source of the reward at the top.
- Fixed that Hazards were not penalizing the income of colonies they were attached to.
- Fixed that the Sunshard node and Exposed mineral vein would still provide income when occupied.
- Fixed that the Resupply Station would provide +5 Production instead of +5 Food.
- Fixed issue where changes to the game speed and perks would not correctly provide the correct number of starting colonists.
- Fixed that the Call of the Hive, Security Drones and Phase Echo Guard tactical effects no longer worked.
- Fixed that Ecological Warfare’s regeneration applied to Mechanical Units.
- Fixed that the Operator operation would not apply its discount to strategic operations.
- Fixed that the Vanguard Assault Bike was getting an unintentional 2 extra vision range.
- Fixed that the Autonom Golem would get stuck in an animation after using a grenade ability.
- Fixed that the Swift Beak could not correctly apply Melee mods.
- Fixed that the Tyrannodon had bad table manners.
- Fixed an issue, where players did not receive the next story quest after completing the “First Revelations” quest in the Obolus-5 mission of the Revelations campaign, if they had already annexed the “Hand of Rhemenses” sector.
- Fixed an issue that the production landmark next to the player starting position in the Gardip XX mission had no defenders when playing with the challenge level set to medium or hard.
- Fixed an issue where the “Art of Evolution” quest in the Arcadia Caeleste mission of the base game campaign did sometimes not complete when evolving a Psi-Fish unit.
- Players can no longer continuously enter a structure combat with the same stack, by continuously retreating from the combat; it now has a cooldown of 1 turn.
- Increased cost of Flying Hero Vehicles by +10 cosmite and +20 energy.
- Shield Damage will remain even if shields are completely removed and then re-added (e.g. by stepping out of swarm shield and back into it).
- Engulfer - Changed Prime Rank from ‘Prime Rank: Range’ to Prime Rank: Critical’
- Emergent can no longer transform into an Engulfer; turns into Hidden instead.
- Guiding Presence and Guiding Hand - Decreased range bonus from +2 to +1
- Hero Skill ‘Guiding Hand - Changed from 4 Turn Cooldown to Once Per Battle
- Tactical Operation ‘One with the Swarm’ - Decreased effect from +4 Shields for 3 Turns to +3 Shields for 2 Turns.
- Tactical Operation ‘One with the Swarm’ - Decreased cost from 5 Tactical Operation Points to 4 Tactical Operation Points.
- Protector Incarnation - Changed Unit requirement from Non-Mindless to Land Movement
- Mantra of Life - Decreased Shields from +3 to +2
For the patch notes of the Tyrannosaurus Update v1.200, check the official forums post here.