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  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
  • Age of Wonders: Planetfall: Screen zum Spiel Age of Wonders: Planetfall.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 06.08.2019
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Preis Update 16.05.24

Über das Spiel

Erhebe dich aus dem dunklen kosmischen Zeitalter eines gefallenen galaktischen Imperiums, um deine Bevölkerung in eine neue Zukunft zu führen. Age of Wonders: Planetfall ist das neue Strategiespiel von Triumph Studios, den Schöpfern der gefeierten Spielereihen Age of Wonders. Erlebe die spannenden rundenbasierten Taktikkämpfe und die Erschaffung eines gesamten Imperiums im Stil der Vorgänger jetzt in einer brandneuen Sci-Fi-Umgebung auf einem anderen Planeten.

Wähle eine der sechs einzigartigen Fraktionen, um dein Imperium zu errichten, von den militanten Vanguard bis zu den Dinosaurier reitenden Amazonen und den Cyborg-Zombies der Assembly. Setze deinen Verstand, deine militärische Stärke und diplomatischen Fähigkeiten ein, um die Missionen jeder Fraktion zu bewältigen. Erkunde planetare Ruinen und begegne anderen Überlebenden, während du die Vergangenheit einer untergegangenen Zivilisation aufdeckst. Kämpfe, baue, verhandle und treibe den technologischen Fortschritt voran auf dem Weg nach Utopia. Bewältige eine tiefgreifende Einzelspieler-Kampagne, spiele auf zufälligen Gefechtskarten und tritt gegen Freunde im Multiplayer-Modus an.

Taktische rundenbasierte Sci-Fi-Kämpfe
Perfektioniere deine Strategie in intensiven rundenbasierten Kämpfen, die taktisch herausfordernd sind und eine breite Auswahl an Fraktionen, anpassbaren Einheiten und zerstörbaren Umgebungen bieten.

Entdecke eine vielfältige Science-Fiction-Welt
Was für Geheimnisse erwarten dich, während du die Geschichte eines gefallenen galaktischen Imperiums enthüllst? Decke das Schicksal der Star Union auf, während du prächtige Landschaften erkundest, wildes Ödland und überwachsene Megastädte. Begegne rivalisierenden Fraktionen und entdecke verborgene Technologien an längst vergessenen Orten.

Errichte ein planetares Imperium
Gestalte die Zukunft deiner Kolonie durch eine Kombination aus technologischem Fortschritt und sozialer Entwicklung. Erschaffst du ein Umweltparadies oder perfekte militärische Ordnung?

Viele Wege führen zum Sieg
Beschreite den Weg zum Erfolg durch Eroberung, Diplomatie oder verheerende Kriegstechnologie.

Zahlreiche Spielmodi
Zusammen mit zufällig generierten Karten sorgt die tiefgreifende Einzelspieler-Kampagne für hohen Wiederspielwert. Teste im Gefechtsmodus neue Spielstile aus oder spiele im Multiplayer-Modus auf deine Weise: online, Hot seat und asynchron!


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 (3rd Generation) or AMD FX Series processor (or equivalents)
  • GFX: nVidia GTX 650Ti 1GB or AMD Radeon HD 7770 (or equivalents)
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 (64-bit versions)
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 (7th or 8th Generation) or AMD Ryzen 5
  • GFX: nVidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB or AMD Radeon RX 570 4GB (or equivalents)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

119 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 23:34
++ Kampange gut - viel inhalt - Civ+Xcom
104 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
40083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 19:45
Nach anfänglichen Skepsis, durch den Wechsel von Fantasy zu Science-fiction, hat mich das Spiel doch sehr in den Bann gezogen :) Ich mag das Diplomatie System wesentlich mehr als beim Vorgänger. Bestimmt nicht Beste von allen Spielen die es gibt, aber es ist ausreichend für das Genre. Dazu kommt das mir das Mod System für die Einheiten sehr gefällt. Es ist komplex und doch nicht allzu schwer zu verstehen, man muss sich halt anfangs reinlesen, aber dann passt es. Auch das Geheimoperationen mit dem Titel Einzug erhalten empfinde ich sehr positiv. Im Gegensatz zu Age of Wonders 3 ist die Rassentechnologie genauso wichtig wie die Klassentechnologie.

Das was mir für ein Planetfall fehlt ist eine Unterwelt oder eventuell passender bei Science fiction eine Orbitebene. Auch empfinde ich es schade das es mit Add-On nur zwei von acht eindeutig nicht menschliche Rassen gibt, welche spielbar sind. Da fehlt mir die Kreativität. Für einen eventuellen Nachfolger wünsche ich mir auch da mehr Varianz.

Alles in allem geb ich dem Spiel aber eine klare Empfehlung für Rundenstrategiespielfans :)
196 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
12765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 20:59
Jeder Teil dieser großartigen Serie hat bisher Spaß gemacht. Planetfall enttäuscht an dieser Stelle nicht.
426 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
13766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 22:09
Ein absolutes Juwel ! Es gibt ganz wenige Spiele, die in ihren Sequels besser werden. AoW ist eines davon. Zugegeben, die SciFi Rassen sind ziemlich unorthodox. Trotzdem ist das ganze Setting wunderbar durchdacht und wenn man sich erstmal drauf einlässt, ergeben diese ganzen fantastischen Einheiten auch storytechnisch Sinn.
Ein Tabletopspiel am PC. Mit der neuen Empire-Funktion kann man seine Avatare und Helden nun auch langfristig entwickeln. Das verleiht dem Spiel nochmal enorm Tiefe.

Es isn Traum !

3007 Produkte im Account
907 Reviews
1132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 23:13
Bei Age of Wonders: Planetfall sieht man mal eine schöne positive Entwicklung: Ein altes erfahrenes Entwicklerstudio (Triumph Studios, die nebenbei gesagt mit Overlord eines meiner Allzeit-Favoriten gemacht haben) die schon für die Vorgänger (AoW 1-3,5) verantwortlich waren, hören auf das Feedback der Spieler und werden von einem Publisher (Paradox) gekauft die Ahnung von der Materie (Strategie) haben. Ergebnis: Ein wirklich sehr gutes Strategiespiel das nun statt im Fantasy mal im SciFi wildert und das sehr gut. Mich erinnert das Spiel daher natürlich an Klassiker wie Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri, Deadlock, etc.
In jeder Hinsicht eine wirkliche Empfehlung für Fans von Rundenstrategie.

74 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
13654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 08:57
One of the best 4x Strategies with detailed battles that played in my gaming life.

- Battles are interesting, diverse and require good strategy
- Unit Modding & Unit Skills make for some awesome combinations
- Fairly Good city Management System
- Good Looking World & Battles
- Hero skills & System is awesome

Improvement Potential / Cons:
- City management could be somewhat deeper (Civ5/6 could be a good orientation here)
- Extensions in the sense of policies / religions etc. could add value
- More Planet variety would be good & appreciated
- Victories are imbalaced the Doomsday weapon is usually super easy to get a win and the fastest. Domination and Unity take too much time (on larger maps for sure)
- I feel science output does not really matter - production and energy are much more important. A larger tech tree would also make science more relevant.
- Tooltips missing! It is difficult to find out what a skill is actually doing

=> The game is already really good. The city building part can be extended upon, which would highly improve the result even more. Battles are already greatly done.
Some more strategic choices which actually matter and deepness would make it one of the top 3 4x games in my opinion.
My rating: 8/10
88 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
30857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 12:38
Tolle Space Fortsetzung meines Lieblingsspiels Age of Wonders.
Viele Stunden Spaß garantiert für Fans ...
174 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 14:31
No Balance
39 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
2360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 22:08
Ein Mix aus Civilization und XCOM, präsentiert in einem SciFi Setting. Planetfall geht zwar nicht extrem in die Tiefe was das Gameplay angeht, aber genau hier liegt der Reiz. Nach ein paar Spielstunden hat man die wichtigsten Mechaniken begriffen und der Wiederspielwert ist ganz gut, weil man die Unterschiedlichsten Dinge ausprobieren kann.
103 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 05:41
Hab gerade erst angefangen aber sicher ist, das Suchtpotenzial ist wie in den ersten Civ Zeiten. Wobei dieses Spiel sehr viel mehr Tiefe hat.
80 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 21:39
Unter den 4x Spielen definitiv eins der Besseren. Wer Galatic Civilisations 3 oder Stellaris mochte oder ein Civ im Weltraum sucht wird hier fündig.
160 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 20:29
Dosn´t fell like a complete game like some pieces are missing.
122 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.20 17:21
Nicht so gut, wie erhofft. Dem Spiel fehlt irgendwie etwas, obwohl es mit Spielfeatures regelrecht überflutet wird.
1812 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 08:24
A really good looking, fun-to-play, 4X game that ticks all the boxes and adds a few of it's own. Tons of units and unit mods, very different factions, lots and lots to do and research. I really like this game.
If there should be something to grumble about it is that I sometimes find it hard to keep overview of units in batttle. I had the same problem with AoW3. Maybe a strategic battle map without the clutter would help.
863 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
4111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 21:26
My reviews are never seen. Just know that this game is positive from me and move along
767 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 08:30
Deserves the upvote. Not sure I can give a good review at the moment, but I love the planetary empire system and the way you can random up a choice of 3 planets to choose for your next campaign. This sort of thing is a really fun way to give context to a new run.
63 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 01:46
Amazingly well-designed world and lore, despite the lore residing in tiny description/summary text in the events etc inside the game and some dev diaries. But foremost, very well-designed factions and their armies and suitable tactics reflect their lore and define their character. Its a wonder why the developers arent making more games in this surprising universe that they created. There is potential for many different genres of games in this impressive and immersive universe.
126 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 06:19
A very enjoyable game unfortunately ruined by the inability to choose victory conditions in the Empire mode. The combination of strategic and tactical maps, a decent degree of unit customizability (plus modability), research trees, and interesting minor factions could allow for a lot of fun different play styles. I would really love to play this game more. But because Empire mode (a core feature allowing for growth of hero units between matches) does not allow you to control victory conditions, I kept finding myself having to abort a more full exploration of the game's features so I could stop the AI from building doomsday weapons, winning by having an arbitrary number of territories, etc.

If they update the game to allow for more variety in Empire mode, I will unreservedly recommend this game and finally get back to playing it.
70 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
61405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 20:18
Planetfall is a lot of fun. It has just the right learning curve to be challenging and enough variety to stay interesting through multiple missions. Maybe one of the greatest pitfalls of any Civilization-type world builder is the endgame when it's just a grind to get to an inevitable win. Planetfall offers multiple paths to victory that can cut out a lot of that grind.
Micro management is there for those who enjoy it. There's more of a sense of strategy over rock-paper-scissors luck in combat. By fighting smart, an inferior (strength) army can still prevail. Some areas that I personally enjoy (development trees and diplomacy) are a tad lacking. Otherwise well worth the price.
518 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 05:45
Great game, possibly the best Age of Wonders game


Multiplayer is bugged, games will randomly go out of sync after battles, forcing you to play the battle again. You can go 40 turns without desyncs and then suddenly you get 5 desyncs in a row.

And this bug will likely never be fixed. The developers already announced they have stopped developing the game.

I can't recommend the game with bugs like that knowing they'll never be fixed.
74 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
8404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 01:32
This is a very fun game with many unique factions and units. I normally never play the campaign in games like this, but for this ga,e I am and it's very enjoyable and in every scenario you make choices that matter like RPG style.
212 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 21:52
What can I say, the battle system is turn based but not very tactical. Sure you get to choose who you want to attack and with what but the cover system was garbage. You'd think your first turn you would want to move up and get units in cover but you still are not in range. So the enemy moves forward and then gets first attacks on you. Many times it was better for me to just stay still first turn and hit over watch or move back and let the enemy come to me. I learned by watching the AI fight for me and they did so much better by not taking cover all. and just group units in good positioning so you can focus fire. After first 10 hours I mostly just auto battled everything because it wasn't fun. Big battles I just watched the battles play out in fast mode.

At the 20 hour mark, making it to my 30 hours to force my self to win my campaign. Building up all the locations with pretty much the same buildings, It all is repetitive.

Get on sale only. It's a one and done game.
22 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
9668 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.22 01:29
Good game. Similar to Sid Meier's civilization games
24 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 03:50
Very interesting game mechanics with the different alien civilisations and technology development. As it's turn based the strategic play is more relaxed and not as full on as real time. A fairly easy transition for players of other Age of Wonders games. Recommended!!
904 Produkte im Account
142 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 00:30
I wanted to like this game but it just feels like a prettier version of the same generic 4x game I've already played for decades now. Lets hope triumph decides to take a risk or do something noteworthy with their next release.
388 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 07:39
Another great sequel from Age of Wonders series. Like the new unique setting and introduction of regions mechanic. The complete PBEM with tactical combat included is very appreciated.
113 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 15:00
I just started the game, so in my own opinion, this review wont have much value.


Thats why I want to say only one thing here, so others like me wont fall in same trap, and that is not tied to hours of gameplay and expirience.

If you are buing it for reason of playing with friends DO NOT. Game is freezing every actions for everyone else if one player is in MANUAL COMBAT. and yea you can turn game off and join after that player will end his battles but then, why to bother play at all.

Workaround: simple, use auto resolve. But then customization, x-com feel and tactics are not needed in that game. Entire chunk of gameplay is thrown off.

Rest of game looks good, but for me, I lost biggest reason I play games. Being able to play with friends.
33 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 06:04
Bought this on a whim and a wave of SM's Alpha Centauri nostalgia when it was deeply discounted. There's a lot of content here and a lot of thought put into the different civilizations. However, while everything is very pretty, the gameplay feels hollow, with strategy taking the backseat to tactics. The XCOM style battles can be fun but get tiresome. The worldbuilding is a good start but is hampered by mediocre voice acting and a general stiffness and coldness about it. I really wanted to like this game, but I lost interest almost immediately.
206 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
9262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 18:47
defenitely recommend to anyone liking turn based tactics and strategy.
while it's not really similar to familiar age of wanders fantasy setting but is sci-fi like proxima centauri and latest games of civilization series - it's very good game.
heroes power hits sweet spot - one hero cannot just traverse the map and kill everything alone, but army with army leader can become very very powerful.
i played on easy difficulty so it was very fun experience that i almost not needed to actually recruit troops beside initial army and quest rewards units additions. and sometimes soldiers from minor factions for influence points when those points hit 200+ and would burn other vice.

also, i think sniper rifle heroes are little better than others, while vehicles and moreso veteran driver skill for 8 points seems a bit under powered, assuming their skill point extra cost.

i liked heroes transfer between scenarios - it's giving a feeling of continuity and meaningfulness. its somehow sad having powerful heroes and army and fully developed cities and suddenly winning scenario and leaving it all behind. transfers like this are the thing that giving me most motivation to play video games.
skill tree for heroes in general is very diverse and i liked to prioritize getting best skills.
upgradeable via research implants slots for heroes AND units are the best feature for that game. mostly because available on the fly no need to return to town and wait turns. i absolutely loved fussing around, deciding what is best extra 10% critical with extra perks and dmg, 20% crit without meaningful perks or no crit but 30% more dmg. or even some cool shield/armor. but generally went full offensive on raw dmg cuz low difficulty and anyway not loosing troops
154 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
4613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 18:48
What Civ: Beyond Earth wishes it could have been. Combat is fantastic. Haven't tried the DLC's but the base game was certainly worth $13 on sale.
200 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
123504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 19:15
I would reccomend this game with heavy use of mods. Wolfies Mods are very good, I also use the mods that make your leader stronger and not just walking army buffers.
144 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
33318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 18:33
This game is simply exceptional. Age of Wonders 3 was an outstanding turn based game focused on tactical combat. This game is a port to the sci-fi setting with some incredible improvements over its wonderful predecessor. The result: The best turn based strategy game that I have played to date. (And I felt that way about Age of Wonders 3)

Combat is incredibly diverse, balanced, and detailed. The combinations of faction, secret technology, and npc factions (with purchasable units) create a lot of different unit types across each play-through. Diplomacy is at that sweet spot where it is important (For example, in game 'influence' currency can be used to achieve some effective relations between factions), but not so significant that you can win a match with it alone (i'm looking at you Civ).

Just like it's predecessor, this game is best played with friends on multiplayer. A close second is the Galactic Empire campaign mode (A mode that links each map you play together with ever increasing benefits and difficulty). Just look at my time played. I can guarantee it will continue to increase long after I post this review. Truly an exceptional game with tons of depth and replayability. Triumph Studios....Thank you for an exceptional game!
93 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
55031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 12:38
It’s worth mentioning that I only play the game in singleplayer mode but this is an extremely complex game which does actually seem to work properly. Unlike Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic where all the different campaigns failed at some point for me, meaning that I was unable to progress to the next scenario at one point in each campaign, so was unable to complete any of the Shadow Magic campaigns. Here the only challenge with one of the campaign maps was that I wasn’t playing well enough, so it took me three attempts before I managed to win that particular scenario on Easy. Can’t blame the devs for that.

If you’ve played the previous Age of Wonders games then you can think of electricity in Planetfall as gold, cosmite in Planetfall as mana. You use electricity to buy things. Some better units require payment in cosmite as well as electricity. Due to the limited supply of cosmite in the game, this can sometimes be quite frustrating. For example, a level 4 unit, the Herald of Oblivion costs 140 gold, not too bad, but also an eyewatering 70 cosmite. I’m guessing they’ve done this so people can’t rush them in multiplayer but it’s quite frustrating in singleplayer.

Food is there in the game but it’s never seemed particularly relevant to me. It affects how quickly you can annex new sectors but I don’t bother taking the food upgrades in the research tree and I’ve never had any problems with food supply, despite regularly building in volcanic, arctic or fungal sectors.

Influence is the diplomatic currency and is extremely relevant to the game. You use it to manipulate other players and factions. It can be used for things like asking factions to move from a location you want, buying units or mods from factions, buying independent villages that you find or doing some (un)diplomatic dirty tricks on other players – even your allies. You earn a small amount of Influence each turn, which you can add to by doing quests for factions, upgrading your towns or clearing exploration sites.

Ships are there in the game but again don’t seem particularly relevant. They can’t transport units in the way that they did with previous Age of Wonders games, they still can’t attack coastal towns or armies, so you might as well just research the basic Aquatic Deployment (so that land units which don’t float/fly can deploy on water) and send your land units onto the water instead.

I like the different factions that are provided, each with their own distinct characteristics and personality. You can do quests for them to curry favour, buy units off them if you aren’t on the naughty chair with them at the time, also buy mods for your heroes and units. This definitely adds to the overall immersion and appeal of the game for me.

Instead of only having hero items and level-ups to modify the skills and statistics of your heroes, which earlier versions of Age of Wonders had, Planetfall has items and level-ups but it also has a much more complex set of mods for both heroes and for units. You can research some mods, you can sometimes be given them as quest rewards, you can buy them from factions or gain them from exploration sites.

This could be an absolutely brilliant feature of the game, with thousands of potential unit/mod combos available to try, but the fact that they all cost cosmite means that in practice their usefulness is severely limited. That’s a pity. A wasted opportunity, in my opinion. However, I’m well aware that balance is everything in a game where people compete online, having played previous iterations of the game online myself. That’s no consolation to someone who only wants to play singleplayer.

I like the fact that your reputation with the different races repairs itself more quickly than it used to in previous versions of Age of Wonders. Sometimes the fun of playing on a map could be totally ruined when loads of your armies could rebel then attack a lot of your towns. That hasn’t happened to me once during my 473 hours of play so far with Planetfall, have had a few odd units rebel but they’ve always rushed off and not attacked me. Admittedly I’ve been absorbing vanquished colonies rather than razing them. You can build some structures in your towns, if you choose to research accordingly, which improves happiness in that particular colony. You can also remove some geographical features which negatively affect production and happiness. Your colonies also have some defences, even when none of your armies are garrisoned there, which is a definite improvement.

Diplomacy can be quite frustrating in singleplayer. You will suddenly receive a communication from about four different players at the same time. All will use exactly the same wording, even though they supposedly come from completely different races. They are always wanting you to interact diplomatically but a lot of the time you can’t. So a player will tell you that they expect more diplomatic activity from you, so you go to diplomacy and often they don’t like you enough to accept a new proposal, or you are already on alliance/vision sharing/intelligence sharing/relay sharing, and sometimes they are even dead and ‘recuperating’ at the time so are actually unavailable for diplomatic interactions! This really detracts from the immersion level and credibility of the game for me in singleplayer. Definitely has room for improvement.

The races are quite varied in their own rights, six races in the base game (Vanguard, Assembly, Syndicate, Kirko, Amazon, Dvar) plus you have a wide variety of units available to purchase from friendly factions. However, the fact that you also choose from one of six technologies (Celestian, Promethean, Pysnumbra, Synthesis, Voidtech, Xenoplague) to research in the base game, which allow you to produce different technological units if you choose, means that there is an enormous range of possible unit combinations and abilities, so the game has a lot of replayability. Pity that only the Kirko don’t have human bodies, so only one race out of six.

Orbital relays allow you to move around your empire quickly later in the game, although they do struggle with large numbers of stacks heading towards one location at the same time. The fact that you can share orbital relay networks with allies is very useful in singleplayer.

The AI is far more intelligent in Planetfall than it was in Shadow Magic, which admittedly isn’t saying much, but they still do a few strange things occasionally, such as a secondary stack moving backwards and forwards five or six times next to the main AI stack, or three stacks moving out of a town then all moving back in. Overall definitely a big improvement in the AI and more of a challenge than previous games in the series.

The one big downside of the game for me is the involvement of Paradox and their insistence on spying on users. This means that whenever I turn the game on there is an enormous delay while they datamine all the technical data of my PC. I find that offensive. No matter what settings I use I am yet to find a way around it, which means that I won’t be buying any other Paradox games. Such a pity that Triumph Studios chose to move over to the dark side.

However, there are loads of things that I like about this game. The sense of humour is still evident. Dire penguins are still there. Sikbok still has settlements named after him. Aerial units do a little pirouette at the end of their move. Graphics are very good, although I’m not sure how important that is for Turn Based Strategy games. There are loads of different structures that can turn up on maps which give extra abilities to units produced in the colony, if you can capture that special building and then annex it to a town.

So overall this is still a great game, extremely complex with decent AI, which I feel is worthy of the full five star rating and I would definitely recommend it to my friends.
315 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
14925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 13:49
I'm a fan of AoW series and i will say that Planetfall are superior than it's predecessors! It has more depth, tons of unit customizations (mods can make each unit play differently), better tactical combat, better territory management, and better visuals!

It also introduced a new game mode called Galactic Empire where you play skirmishes progressively (you can get faction bonuses and level up heroes after completing a skirmish). It's an interesting mode, and frankly this is the only mode i play since some campaign can be quite boring (you might want to skip Vanguard campaign and play other factions campaign instead).

I give it 8.5 out of 10. If you played AoW series, you definitely want to try this one out!
39 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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1977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 06:24
The game has a ton of fun and interesting systems to play around in, however it falls short in 1 major regard, that being the AI. In a game as complex as this, having semi-decent AIs is vital, and this game lacks that. I recall many games wining with very little resistance from the AI, and any resistance they did give, was nearly instantly fought off by even a small force, leading to stale, easy, and repetitive gameplay. I recall many times where I attempted to trade with the AI to sell of some excess resource I didn't need, just to be met with them being too broke to afford even the most favorable trade deals.

There is 1 area where both good gameplay and good AI do show up however, that being the game's signature and central feature - the tactical combat. The tactical combat system is both very fun, formulating different plans on where to put units, and use tactical operations to inflict status conditions and take out key units.

Of course, the AI shortcomings can be fixed by multiplayer, but if a game relies on multiplayer to fix bad AI, you know something's wrong.
337 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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27912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 01:59
Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a... well, a lot of it is REALLY good, but it has a serious flaw and whether you enjoy it will depend on how you feel about it.

Planetfall is a combat heavy 4x game with a tactical combat resolution system. A LOT of work was put into this system. There is just so much variety, so much well themed variety, to all the things you can do in it and all the ways you can play. It's genuinely, genuinely good.

It's also 100% optional.

See, if you're playing on standard difficulty, and playing well, you can just auto resolve. And you SHOULD just auto resolve, if your goal is to win. If you auto resolve a combat, the game will tell you the end result. And then you can decide to play the game manually if you don't like the outcome. But if you're playing the macro level well, this should never happen. Well, maybe it happens once or twice in the first ten rounds of the game. But then it should never, ever, happen.

In fact you can build your character and your faction in such a way as to guarantee that it never happens. Play the empire mode, and make your favorite character a juggernaut. Earn the ability that lets your squad members come back from the dead in any combat you win. You can literally start the game with this.

Congratulations, you never have to manually play a combat again. And you shouldn't, because it is essentially impossible for your intervention to improve things over that baseline.

I could go on for a while about this, because there are some nuances. But the nuances are just different reasons why, if you play well, you can just auto resolve combat. Or different reasons how, if you are facing a challenge that you can't beat with auto resolve, you actually CAN beat it with auto resolve if you adjust your strategy.

This might not work for multiplayer. But for single player, it does.

This is a serious problem.

It is not good that the game spends a lot of time building a robust tactical combat system and then disincentives using it. Sure, you could just choose to manually play everything anyways, but... some of us have a hard time doing that when we know that it's not actually a strategically wise choice.

I can go into greater detail if people are interested, but I'll leave it alone there for now.

I was able to have fun in Planetfall in spite of this. But I literally bypassed a ton of the game's content. There are abilities and subsystems that I never learned because, well... why, when I can just auto resolve them to death?

If you can enjoy the game just for the strategic layer, or if you can manually resolve combats just for fun even though you kind of know it's a bad move, you might enjoy this game. If you don't think either of those apply, this flaw may kill your ability to enjoy the game once you figure out the strategic layer.
405 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 01:34
This is one of the most underrated strategy games out and i'll fight anyone that thinks differently; it's like they blended Civ, HoMM and XCOM together. Even if you disagree at least give it a chance.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
68206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 12:31
Awesome game. Galactic Empire mode adds a layer of progression/replayability which makes it even better.
759 Produkte im Account
252 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 17:25
I regret buying this so much. Used to run Ok in Linux via proton, but now it's broken.
751 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
15431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 03:21
It's great, though I'll admit it took ~10 hours for me to hit my stride and really start to get into it. I think I still prefer AoW3 - though I admit that might be more setting than design. At very least, Planetfall is a close second.
220 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 14:06
Its literally age of wonders 3 but with sci fi slapped onto it and sold as a product, its fun for a few hours then realise its age of wonders 3.

I enjoyed myself i guess
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
29697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 20:15
Great way to loose a lot of time. I'm on a low end pc(i3, 8G, onboard graphics, hdd), and it runs a little slow, but it runs.
811 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 20:36
The previous installment for this game (Age of Wonders III) had a Linux version. This one not only does not have that (and they went quiet on the paradox forums for a long time before finally saying they wouldn't do the port), but in May 10, 2021 the developers came up with an update that prevents it from working on Linux with our compatibilty software (proton) which was working before. This is one of the most egregious attitude I've seen developers take against competing operating systems. I guess they don't want their game working on Steam Deck, which uses proton to run windows games.
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 16:04
It is a fun turnbased style strat game. However the cringe-worthy french accent from the star kings makes me want to bash my face against a wall and live in the hole it creates.
341 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
6035 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 13:00
I regret coming to this game late. I was put off for a long time by of all things the lore, which as sci-fi strategy games go hits neither the sweeping vision of SMAC, nor the simple, fun kitsch of the MOOs (or even the highly original and beautifully realized Endless Legend).

However, the gameplay loop is fantastic. The mechanics the game offers are varied yet cohesive. The tactical combat is tight and satisfying, and ties in well with the strategic layer. In most 4x games that offer it late game tactical combat is often a chore best handled by the auto resolver, but in AoW:P I never got tired of watching my troops set the battlefield alight while fire rained from the sky. The strategic elements might at first blush seem simplified, but there are many interesting and impactful choices for the player to make. Rather than simple, I found the game to be extremely streamlined, there's few wasted clicks, and it's great to see the player's time respected by the developer like that.

So really my only complaint is that I just want more of everything, but as it stands this is a great game that is a whisper away from being a classic.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 15:49
I used to play old school Civilization and X-COM PC games and this is right on that level! The game-play is great and so far I'm loving it!
800 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
43875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 02:36
Ok, if you like 4x games and turn based tactics this is an amazing game. The sheer amount of possible strategies and counterplays, and the combination of Races / Secret techs / landmarks / npc factions / make for a ton of replayability.

The 4x part is not the main focus of the game, though it is 100% required to do well in to be good at this game. With no economy, no level of tactical skill will win you this game. It is not as involved / complex strategically as civ games for e.g, but the strategic layer is much more fleshed out than its predecessors, or something like Heroes of Might and Magic. The sector system in particular is really cool and I hope future installments of the AOW series keep this feature. It takes a bit to grasp what is going on and how to leverage your surroundings best, but once you figure it out it becomes second nature.

The tactical combat is, as with aow 3, really really good. Do not be fooled into thinking this will be like xcom. It is nothing like xcom, maps aren't really procedurally generated, generally smaller and more contained, and elevation is limited, and verticality does not feature as a mechanic. There is cover, and means to destroy it though. Units have 3 action points, which translate to a certain hex movement radius each (depending on unit) and attacking costs 1 ap. Some units have repeating attacks which means up to 3 attacks per round if you stay almost still, while others feature only one big attack, which means either standing almost still and attacking (e.g. snipers) or having your entire movement available before you attack, at full strength as opposed to a third (which would be the case with repeating attacks)

At the core of the combat system is the brilliant unit mod system. Each unit has 3 mod slots, which can be filled with whateer mods you have available, either from research, or from bartering with npc factions (or in rare cases finding them)

These mods can drastically change how a unit performs or even operates on the field. They are usually either offensive or defensive, and can range from a simple buff to armour and resistances all the way to spectacular new acticated abilities that can transform a unit from a melee short ranged type to a long range artillery firing from cover, or a close range aoe monster, or a unit that buffs or heals nearby allies, resurects when died, there are a great many effects to be had from unit mods. Properly modding your units is key to success, and in multiplayer especially it becomes a heated game of information gathering and counterplay.

I do have a couple of small issues with the game, which in no way stopped me from playing upwards of 700 hours and wanting more.

For starters, the strategic map, while beautiful, is often not very easy to figure out at a glance. The zoomed out mode though helps by abstracting the terrain and showing control / ownership colours and blips for units in sensor range.

The population managment system is another thing. While it allows micromanagment to sqeeze out some faster turn timings, it can become tedious if you are a micromanaging minmaxer like me and want to optimize every single turn.

Finally, games, especially on big maps with a lot of opponents can be slow, and manual fighting every single battle tends to take a ton of time. I tend to manual only important battles, and auto resolve the rest. The game allows you to go back and manual a battle after autoresolving it if you are not satisfied with the results. Make use of this feature, it is life saving.

As a final note, the game loads saves blindingly fast, at an impressive level, but especially on bigger maps with many opponents and late game, turns can take quite a while to process. I tend to alt-tab out and do other stuff until I hear the turn done sound.

All in all I LOVE this game and can easily recommend it, and there is a very friendly discord to join if you like too.
565 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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1211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 10:48
Early on it seemed to have a lot of great ideas, and I was excited to play more, but they turned out to be poorly executed, and the game was a chore to play. The combat was boring. The same maps, over and over again. The same gameplay, over and over again. As soon as I started auto-resolving the combat, I realised that while the map was beautiful, it was just as lifeless as the combat, and I had to quit. What a shame.
430 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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15876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 17:52
Its only ok.
302 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 04:34
Just awful. Age of Wonders 3 is one of my favorite games, and I really expected this to be an improvement. The graphics are better in combat arenas, but unit models are worse. AoW 3 does everything else better. To the point that basically every time I start this game, I play 1-2 turns and turn it off to go back to AoW. I was hoping that a few years after release, some of the odd grammatical errors and bland text would be fixed.

While I preordered the entire package, I have never delved into any of the DLC, so there is a chance I am missing some good bits that could salvage my interest, but I doubt it.
226 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
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744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 22:11
For me personally this game was too much of a change, I wanted a game like Age of wonders III but more polished and streamlined + scifi, what I got was a completely different game. I personally find the game incredibly confusing and just in general over-complicated. Felt similar to CIV 6 in that they tried to renew the genre but just ended up making it less enjoyable in the long run.

I found the Tutorial woefully inadequate as well, I honestly had no idea what I was doing going into my first proper mission. If you plan on properly learning this game you will probably end up going through a lot of pain by learning by doing or you will watch a lot of youtube videos.
356 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
4358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 10:41
The best AoW.

Many consider Shadow Magic to be the best in the series, but where AoW:SM rode the momentum of the first Age of Wonders, this one reinvigorates the formula. Believe me, I've played them all.

It takes a bit more getting used to the factions and the concepts than your run-of-the-mill intuitive fantasy setting like all of the AoWs before this, but once you're a few sessions in it shines brighter than any of them. Planetfall manages to capture the tight fights, the engaging environments, and the wonderful strategy that made the first so magical, even for a grumpy, grizzled, indie-elitist player like me.

It's dense, it's slow, and it's so well-crafted.
229 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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1506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 05:00
I’ll start out by saying I have tried really hard to like this game. I have even purchased two out of three of the DLC expansions released. Ultimately though I have found this game to be an unenjoyable slog and don’t feel compelled to return to it.

It’s hard exactly to put my finger on the problem. I would say between the (at times) awful voice acting, ugly troop models, messy and confusing battle maps, over complicated and hard to understand buff/debuff mechanics, bland race choices and uninspired city building and boring campaign, I’m just not enjoying myself.

Part of the problem is I had read so many reviews that compared this game’s combat to Xcom, so I went in with an expectation that was not fulfilled. Instead of the well designed and highly polished turn based combat that Xcom offers, this game feels far inferior in that regard. Likewise as stated, the 4x portion of the game is not enjoyable either. Overall, perhaps if you have far more time and patience than I have, and can be more forgiving of ugly unit models, you may enjoy this more than I have.
33 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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1143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 17:16
Game is boring and not challenging. There's also usability issues. The map is hard to read. The borders of colonies could be more defined. Clicking on an npc colony in the map could bring up diplomacy. Battles I have no reason to fight manually. I also don't like all the victory conditions. I would minimize the victory conditions.
119 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
12872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 01:46
A favorite of mine since I discovered it, this game mixes Civilization and Xcom in a strange yet extremely satisfying mix. The game is turn based in both map view and combat and it doesn't make it any kind of boring. On the tactical map when it comes to war it feels similar to a Total War, try and scout whatever your enemy has, and deal with it accordingly. During battle it becomes a lot more Xcom-ish, with a lot of tactical sh*t including grenades, cover, fortifications, spells, etc etc. Manual battles are RNG based but done in a way that is actually rewarding. Unlike a lot of games where your men will somehow miss a 99% chance hit three times in a row ( it will happen there but with absolute rookies barely capable of holding a rifle the right way ), it feels.. Right. If I had to point out a con there it would be that the AI goes from very capable and intelligent to absolute idiot and you don't really know why. Kind of frustrating when you're expecting that big awesome battle and the enemy just does nonsensical shit but hey. Apart from that it's pretty good.

Something that becomes particularly nice is creating an Empire. As you level up your standing with different factions/races you'll unlock techs from each which can result in some pretty amazing combinations. For instance, mixing the Dvar fortifications with Vanguard firepower can turn even some basic infantry into some long rage tank. It is extremely satisfying to watch your empire grow with the efforts you put in it.
BUT. It almost feels too easy sometimes. It's probably just me and I should play in harder difficulties but it does feel like once you unlock some specific techs you become practically invincible.

The best thing by far and the one thing that really brought me to this game is the Commander creator. Yeah, I know. I'm a s*cker for that sh*t. It's simple and straight forward yet it doesn't feel shallow. You can create as many characters as you want and even randomly meet them in a game. From physical appearance to background and motivations, it doesn't take much, but it works. And it works really well.

If I really had to give this game some con, I guess it would be lack of new things. After a while you'll find yourself browsing the workshop looking for content. But keep in mind that did not happen to me before like 200h of gameplay.

I love the lore, I love how it plays, AND there's co-op but sadly only in normal games and not in empire mode. Maybe someday.

Long live the Heritors of the New Moarlantide.
659 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1568 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 18:10
Better than civ VI
61 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
24996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 02:40
Played through the single player campaign and enjoyed it a lot till I got to the Syndicate 2 scenario, which was slow, tedious and too hard, made me lose interest in the campaign and made me want to play another game for now. Bad scenario design, but at least the earlier scenarios were fun. I am sure I will return to play random maps at some point. Probably. (AOW3 is more fun.)

There is a mobility problem in this game caused by not being able to build and use roads in neutral or enemy territory, and water is a real problem. You can't build roads, territories with bases have some but you only get road bonuses in your own territory, races do not get terrain movement bonuses, there is a lot of slow terrain, and water really slows things down if you find yourself on a map with a lot of little islands like Syndicate 2.

Mobility becomes a real issue when you keep getting quests from NPC factions that make you keep swerving your main force this way and that. The orbital relay mechanic is too hard to access, you need to be able to do it at the least from neutral or enemy territory back to your capital using an Op to evacuate your guys like a Teleport Home spell.

Some cool new stuff here, obviously inspired by Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, with customizable units using components you get from research. A good game. But ultimately things with guns shooting at each other, melee sucks. Not the strong faction differentiation that there was in AOW3.
161 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
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1211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 16:48
I'm giving this game a thumbs down, which is rare for me. Its advertised as an Age of Wonders game, and it as a Paradox game. It doesn't feel like Age of Wonders at all to me. It sure feels like a Paradox game, with the trademark complexity.

My experience with Paradox games is mixed. Sometimes the complexity produces depth and engagement, other times it produces mush. Sadly, this game is in the latter category. Lots of unit types, mods for them, factions, special techs. But no clear themes in the various factions, so they eventually felt pretty much the same. The tech tree is pretty limited, and repeats a lot between factions. I did have some fun in the early exploration, but I am glad I bought it on sale.
631 Produkte im Account
279 Reviews
2510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 14:56
Age of Wonders: Planetfall
Age of wonders 3 was a fun 4x strategy game with TBS combat.
it had its flaws, but was really fun to play.

Now we get planetfall.
Its a huge improvement to a already fun franchise.
A great strategy title with improved TBS combat.
the faction all feel fantastic. Compbat is fun to do.
Game looks great and the art style is well done.

this is a must for fans of the genre.
i'm really happy with this title. its awesome to see that devs keep improving over the years.
Enjoy the game !
605 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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1162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 13:30
I tried to like this game... but its disheartening to see that all the secret tech share big similarities.

Each one have a doomsday device that makes you win after 10 turns... Regardless of how flavor each secret tech has or how you twist around the fact that some destroy everything while other take control of all technologies on the planet... the result is the same... after they build 3 building in 3 different colony, they automatically win... after 10 turns. For. Each. Secret. Technology.

It would be interesting to see that, say, only promethean had a doomsday device that does destroy everything and everyone while Celestian start riots and rogue armies and deserters...

The only race I found that had some unique win condition was the Vanguard with the Planetary Unification Protocol. THAT made the race more unique...

I just feel like this game is a tad lazy... where all the species share similar tech trees and the secrets tech all have doomsday... Its just boring and lazy
264 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
13335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 06:49
Great game. I really like the detail put into the individual units and commanders. Very challenging at times.
425 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 17:06
This game is so good. Im not a big fan of turn based games but this one mixes the civ style empire building gameplay with actual tactical combat battles. Got the complete pack on sale for 20 bucks and it it totally worth it. The base game alone is worth full asking price.
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 17:01
This game is slow paced and gets repetitive real quick.
70 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 01:18
My playtime would be hundreds of hours but hotseat mode only is on one account, and this is strategy done right. Paradox studio games seem to be updated to the point of entirely new games content wise so any time is a good time to jump in here.
117 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 10:10
BLUF: Another amazing concept with the potential to forever change the 4X genre scuttled by gaping holes in logic. Play with people, not NPCs if you want to avoid the nonsense.

Awesome tech trees and even more ways to conquer than Stellaris etc. Each faction plays differently and depending on the combinations of tech and race can make for some REALLY efficient gameplay. Absolute [dolphin noises] amazing graphical quality and art style, Whoever designed these maps, units, buildings, ships, etc. we're now married and I won't hear anything else. I was/am honestly in love with this game because it gives SO MUCH VARIETY of gameplay. I've played more 4X games the past six months than I care to admit, and this one did good for about four hours. After that you realize that it's another paradox system that fails to apply it's own logic. These games are meant to be hard, they're meant to make you plan and stress. Here, if you want to avoid war, spend influence every three turns to avoid OP NPCs. If you want to trade for resources, NPCs somehow think giving you 10 energy for an entire territory is commensurate. Enemy factions refuse vassalization despite having NO CITIES and only two territories. Enemy turns pause for some odd reason when you zoom out of the map. and I could go on for days about the idiosyncrasies of Paradox games. Ultimately I'm let down again by paradox because they've got such a great formula but the programming and direction smear acrid feces all over their amazing projects. I take that back it was too harsh, I'm not let down, I'm saddened that the minds behind such a great concept keep getting sabotaged by people lying on their resume. It's not too late, maybe an update will come across to address issues that are easily pointed out in the Alpha stages.

I'm not recommending for a few reason:
-typical paradox 4X mid/late game nonsense: Just focus on building a ridiculously strong army. The game says you can win in other ways, but it will look for reasons to drag you into combat regardless if you're in non-aggression and defense pacts with everyone on the map. Again, minding your own business can be an act of war.

-conquered that planet? Feel good? Well that space faring civilization that you spend hours building into an unstoppable mutant factory, yeah the ones going on a campaign of galactic conquest? yeah they forgot all of that knowledge and research on the last planet, do it all over again. Those weapons are gone too. With the premise being galactic conquest, I highly doubt any space faring civilization save the Yautja would just start from scratch again. I'm minimizing, there's global class and technology progress but the rewards are paltry the first few levels

- if you refuse or otherwise fail missions from NPCs, it's an act of war and that first bullet becomes really relevant. Not sure why a living plant is beefing with robots but it's obviously a grievous insult if someone else comes along and kills them.

-They half [dolphin noises] the soundtrack compared to their other titles. The musical score wasn't horrible, but it feels like every other paradox game came pre-loaded with bangers whereas this one....yeah not so much.
596 Produkte im Account
157 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 22:22
Age of Wonders: Planetfall looks and sounds amazing, but no matter how hard I tried, it couldn't keep me interested. Exploring the overworld isn't very exciting, the story of the campaign isn't very good and the combat is rather boring compared to other turn-based games I've played. It also took me several hours to figure out how to play this game, because the tutorial doesn't tell you lots of things and the interface is often cluttered and confusing. Not my cup of tea.
227 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 08:07
Initial impressions are good enough for me so here it goes,

It was bit weird in the beginning and I thought I wouldn't like it, (I have not played AOE3, I am more into sci-fi than magic vibe) but at a certain point it all clicked and I am having a good time now.

Combat is like Xcom meets Heroes M&M series and city building is a light version of Civ series, more similar to Endless Legend. A lighter version of all these combined into a decent time killer to be honest.

Overall if you are into 4x and the idea of micro managing battles sound good to you, you will like it.
269 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 00:11
Damn, this game kicks ass. I've played basically every 4x under the sun including the obscure stuff. To me, this is like the closest to a modern Alpha Centauri that we never got. Give me an add if you are interested in some pvp
86 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
4858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 23:55
The best two features of this game compared to AoW3 are campaigns with randomly generated maps and Galactic Empire mode. Those alone make the game worth it if you are a fan of the series, IMHO.
217 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
5116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 16:42
The game with all it's dlc add ons is very very good, it's one of the best turn based games I've ever played in the past 40 years.
1571 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
8466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 18:54
My initial opinion of this game was that it had a lot of options and complexity in some mechanics (particularly combat and unit modding), while other mechanics left me wanting (district systems, future tech). It also feels odd to have totally unmitigated Horizontal expansion- the game forces you to play wide, not tall. A slight lack of polish. Basically, I still liked the game, but I had much more enjoyment playing Age of Wonders III.

Now however, after multiple DLC's and patches, I find the game state to be polished and very well done. Combat / Questing / Unit Modding are just as good as originally, with even more variety due to new factions and additions. My major complaints with the district system were shored up by the allowance of urban districts that both let you strategically expand further than 2 zones from your city, and benefit from more vertical-built cityscapes. Future techs don't just end now, you can continue researching for a variety of worthwhile bonuses - meaning your research is no longer useless later in the game, but continually beneficial. While you do still need to play wide, having additional vertical benefits present doesn't make this feel quite as forced as previously.

Overall, I'd highly recommend the game in it's current state. Great job in interacting with your community and polishing this game up Triumph.
599 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
5398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 22:02
TLDR: If you like Civ, XCom, and sci-fi, this is the game for you.

4x (Civ-like) with a sci-fi setting. Combat can be played out like XCom, using a huge variety of cool units with different abilities. Commanders can be customized with skills and gear, and gain levels. You can create your own customized main character too! Choose to play as a good variety of aliens & humans, with lots of unique units & tech trees. Big thumbs up!
317 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
868 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 10:29
This is not an Age of Wonders game, this is just a lousy wargame. No soul, no story, no good UI, useless minimap, boring tech-tree still a lot of bugs... Wow, what a piece of ...!
416 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
15683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 14:05
I cannot adequately express how much this game hits my 'civ but RPG' need that only Fallen Enchantress has done that well before.
85 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 23:45
This is by far the most disappointing Age of Wonders. There was lots of potential but it feels more like a sci-fi reskin of older AOW titles. Haven't really gotten into the DLC because game play from the main game isn't good enough to bother buying them. I really enjoyed all the age of wonders games through the years and this is one that I really won't be spending any more time on.
652 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 14:19
The combat layer is fun, the variety of enemies and combat scenarios is fine, the city management is the best in the series. All of these and more could result in a great tactical RPG, or even a different take on an XCOM-like. But a strategy game needs more, it needs a good strategic goal, and this is where the game horribly fails. Most scenarios are won by capturing the enemy capital, which means constantly watching out for enemy movements, and rushing when they leave the capital undefended. Every single scenario...

So this game suffers from the same problem that other almost excellent 4x games like Civ6 and Endless Series suffer: they give you quite interesting and innovative tools to play with and then poses the most mundane challenge to solve using them. Hopefully someone will get this right at some point...
207 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
6075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 01:49
This game.......this game is great!! I am not a professional reviewer.

If you have played 4x games then you know what you are in for. I could be wrong but it feels like a mix between: Heroes of M&M, Civilization, and of course AOW! I also feel a small sprinkle of Stellaris as well.

I have been having fun and I think you will too. So long as you enjoy slow paced city management coupled with story development. The campaign is fun and memorable as a great tutorial. I am 80 hours in and am still working on getting to the meat of this game. You will get your moneys worth friendo!!

Happy gaming!!
90 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 02:12
This is a game I honestly never expected to come back to.

However despite this, it only took a bit of convincing from friends and a few rounds before I was completly hooked onto it. As someone who loves games like Civ 5 and 6, I only got more and more excited as the games went on and I explored all the different things I could do within it.

Little bits like the funny lore texts on units to the music and beauty of the map itself, to the fun tactical combat and turn based strategy I came to love quite a bit, this soon became a game that I load up everyday only to immediatly ask some friends to play on the many matches we've begun and will probably never end, knowing our habits.

All in all I love this game, and highly reccomend it to anyone concidering buying it. Give it a chance, truly. I don't regret my purchase.
105 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
24816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 22:29
Decent futuristic 4X. Do not come here expecting AOW3. There are some faction campaigns which lay down a little bit of light story, but it is not an in-depth rpg. There are few methods to achieve victory in the game beyond simply finding and conquering your enemies. Every unit and hero in the game is customizable which is pretty cool. The customization comes mainly from researching the faction respective military tech trees, there is also some cross faction tech that is potentially un-lockable for added modding of your units. The diplomacy features in the game are not always straightforward, since the AI respond to many different in-game variables, so an allied AI on one turn could suddenly turn on you a few turns later given the right circumstances. The tactical combat in the game is very cool. Ranged units have a significant advantage over melee units (unless you mod your melee units really well), so keep this in mind when assembling your armies. The empire building aspects of the game are mainly designed to help produce and support units to wage/defend against other armies. I continue to enjoy this game, and you might find the game fun as well if you enjoy turn-based tactical combat games. The DLC released so far introduced a few new factions and help flesh out the game further.
32 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 11:43
This game has its flaws, of course. Clicking ten times around your unit because they're in a totally different hex than they look gets really annoying, really fast. And those factions who want constant free handouts otherwise they'll mess you up ten ways to Sunday, who also hate each other and get pissy if you talk to anyone else like a jealous ex. Yeah, fuck them.

But I love it just the same. Why? Because of the race and class system. You can play:

* A hive mind of bugs who grow super fast, can kill you with their brain and have lots of anger issues.
* Space Venice Mafia Merchants with a bondage fetish and fat guys on hoverchairs.
* Discount Borg who zap people before they put their parts on them like cyber-Frankenstein.
* Ruskie Spass Dwarves that all look like the Underminer and love capitalism, giant machines and building walls.
* Death by Snu-Snu giant chicks who are basically Greenpeace if they had dinosaurs with lazers attached to their freakin' heads.
* Crazy survivalist badasses with cool machines that took a long nap and found out everyone trashed the place while they were gone.

That are also:

* Star-powered psychics that are a cross between the Jedi, Scientology and every think happy thoughts book ever. Totally all light and good and don't want to brainwash you into a mindless cultist, promise.
* Totally GOFF psychics who dress all in black and love darkness, despair and plunging the world into eternal torment. Totally not bad guys, we swear.
* SUPER SPACE CORONA, walking wastelands of living pus that want to infect everyone to make more of them and basically if Plague Inc. infected your game.
* Fire-loving pyromaniacs who are basically Age of Wonders but DIRECTED BY MICHAEL BAY! They love fire, purity, fire, giant machines, fire, setting their own cities on fire so they work faster, explosions, fire, and finally, fire. Literally want to set the world on fire. Did I mention they like fire?
* L33T HAX0RZ who are like your nerdy friend that loves computers and social media except they hack themselves to GIT GUD and make all your machines belong to us.
* Discount Time Lords who kill you with the alternate dimension versions of themselves, literally think with portals and just overall take reality out to lunch and get it really, really drunk.

Crazy, awesome, crazy awesome, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Over 9000/10.
944 Produkte im Account
148 Reviews
682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 16:01
Please follow United Critics for quality reviews

Age of Wonders: Planetfall Review

Experience the 4X Gameplay
Playing Turn-based Strategy games doesn’t only boost your strategic skills, but also improves your ability to do proper planning. Triumph Studios brings a brand-new styled Strategy game, featuring all exciting tactical battles and in-depth building mechanics to let you experience the gorgeous gameplay, unlike its predecessors. Many legendary heroes emerge from the dark age of the fallen empire to build a new realm for you. Triumph Studios (the creator of the most anticipated game series, Age of Wonders) is featuring the tactical battle and building to a massive space environment inspired by a sci-fi setting. Different types of factions are available; each one introduces a varied set of abilities, units, and more.

Gameplay – Build Your Epic Empire

Similar to previous titles, your ultimate goal is the creation of your empire by selecting one of the six different factions, ranging from the Cyborg-zombies to the dinosaur-riding Amazons. Explore the environment from a top-down view and attempt to progress through a set of missions using your military strength, diplomacy, and wits. As the game starts, find yourself in the planetary ruins, navigating the environment, while struggling to encounter and rescue other people like you. Reveal the history of the shattered civilization and start batting against enemies using your epic powers to be the winner.

Introduction of Turn-based Combat in Sci-fi Setting
Like other Strategy games, you need to master all of your plans while trying to raid on enemies for ingame resources and other inventory items. Therefore, before attacking, ensure your strategy is perfect and will work in intense turn-based fights that introduces a massive cast of factions, destructible environments, and customization units. Enemies will appear in hordes, and you should always be ready to command your units to raid your opponents and take over them to expand your territory.

A Blend of 4X, Sci-fi, and Turn-based Strategy
It provides you a massive map for navigation and pits you and other factions against each other for glory and fame. Undoubtedly, you should need a proper strategic plan to guarantee success in Turn-based Strategy games, because luck doesn’t work here. The 4x genre contains four popular sub-genres, which include:
• Explore
• Expand
• Exploit
• Exterminate

In short, 4X is a sub-genre of a strategic-based board game, which is found in RTS and Turn-based Combat titles. The primary gameplay involves the creation of empire and granting you the power to control both non-military and other units for supremacy.

Reveal Dark Secrets

Many secrets of the universe remained to be discovered in the previous titles; therefore, you are here to reveal them, while exploring the history of the fallen empire. During the game, you should discover the Star Union’s Fate by navigating lush environments containing landscapes, wild wastelands, and megacities. Throughout the game, the major struggle is finding rival factions and revealing hidden technologies in abandoned places.

The Verdict

With high-quality graphics and multiple game modes, you can engage yourself for endless hours of fun. Developers did a great job by offering in-depth graphics and different playable factions. We would love to rate it 9.5 over 10 because of its smooth and fabulous gameplay.

Rating: 9.5/10
164 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 20:22
TL;DR: If you found the Endless games beautiful and intriguing, but frustrating in terms of mechanics, gameplay, and player freedom? Play this instead.

I picked this up through Humble Choice, and wasn't expecting to think much of it -- I'm much more to the Civ and Stellaris side of 4X gaming -- but, much to my surprise, I found a game which took all the potential of Endless Space II & Endless Legend and gave me something I could actually work with. See, while I enjoy cool battles and leveling up my units, I don't want that to be the only thing I'm doing -- and I *certainly* don't want that to be the *main* thing I'm doing.

Planetfall lets me focus on planning and growing my civilization in peaceful/defensive ways, while exploring the various cool sites scattered around the map. It's much easier to nerf my opponents/make them peaceful than it has been in other games in this sort, and that suits my low-key playstyle just fine. When I want challenges, I go after the increasingly difficult npcs/'barbarian'-type units out there -- which can also be set not to attack, if that's your thing.

Reviewers who have said that you can't play a peaceful game with Planetfall are only partially correct. This is by no means as mellow a game as you can get with the proper settings on, say, Civ V or VI. However, if you're the kind of person who occasionally needs to stomp assorted beings while slowly ascending to galactic superiority?

You can do a lot worse than this.

*thinks* I described it to one of my partners as Civ Meets Diablo, but I think it's actually a lot more like one of my beloved sim-farming games on a decidedly epic scale. Like, you're rebuilding Portia... world.

Add in the great music, the fun voice acting, and, again, the fact that the game is freakin' gorgeous -- call it 7.5/10. I'd give it an even higher grade, but a lot of the fun/customizability is coming from fan-mods and paid dlcs. I'm iffy on that model.
136 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 15:28
It feels like a souless sci-fi clone of AoW 3. Really wanted to like it, but three or four attempts have failed so far.
808 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
4472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 04:50
If you're a fan of the Age of Wonders series, or this type of strategy in general, it is a good representation of the genre.
70 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 14:04
Very solid game, pleased with the purchase.
331 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
13243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 14:04
This is a 4x game but the emphasis is on tactical turn based combat. If you are here for peace, this is not tha game for you.

There are tons of combinations and strategies to try and offers lots of play time. Although the game used to become a bit tedious towards the end, the developers have introduced new mechanics to ease it out make it much more fun. If you like turn based combat and thrive in takng your strategies to the extreme, you will definitely like this game (and the otherAge of Wonders games too).
113 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
4940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 15:40
civilization+endless legend+xcom+stellaris(end game crisis)+heroes of might and magic(magic)
578 Produkte im Account
185 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 05:14
The combat is a mess, a bit like Xcom with nonsense numbers that does not mean anything.
There is not a place in the game that explains mechanics, there's only a dictionary of words.
The npc factions makes me remember of the city states of Civilization but they have unlimited armies, will not stop demanding stuff like you had no choice and have ''quests'' that are just on your way.
Limited diplomacy options. I want to know what they think of each other, with spies or whatever.
When someone declares war on you, only a little marker on the right tells you but will be between a dozen of other alerts that you just get used to discard for saying the same thing at each turn.
536 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
6561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 11:05
Overall a rewarding experience. Polished 4X with decent tactical combat. It's hard to complain, because most 4X games either don't offer tactical, or it's implemented so poorly as to be a distraction. I'm still left feeling like it was an afterthought. X-Com created a beautiful blueprint that would be so easy to duplicate, and while Planetfall obviously takes much from that series, compelling combat was not it. Where is the ability to sneak up on your opponents? Why do snipers have such a short range that they're literally always mixed in the fray with melee? Why are the tactical maps so tiny?

Again, I still recommend this game if you're a 4X fan. While you'll find yourself, if you're like me using autocombat for most fights, it's nice to at least have the option for tactical.
191 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 09:11
hate the campaign took me a lot of time to get the research technology...but yet the gameplay is pretty fun love the combination of xcom and fantasy. loves the differences in strategy all the races have. plenty of thing to learn to master very interesting but pretty slow. when i get to the late game i feel like i have nothing. some how the AI i fight against feels stronger then my strategy. even with tier 1-3 units when i have tier 2-4...surly i am doing something wrong it frustrates me.

back to the campaign...too much mission come up in a turn...losing track what is what...and then i need to search what the mission need of me after i get with the wrong unit to it...hate it. wished it was more like do that now do this...

but yet here i am still playing. so i guess either i need to learn far more tactics and strategy learn how to research the right stuff conquer and thinking how to survive a mach...

youtubers make this game look so easy...but when i play i feel like i don`t have order...all chaotic for me...i fell like i'm just doing something without knowing the consequences. the tutorial doesn't help much. and the tips the same.
i wish the tutorial would show you step by step how to fight properly in all the stages of the game...how to win late base properly how to mod unit so they will be stronger...give tips for combination.

or maybe a guide where you can look in a push of a button so i would have some clue to whats going on.
make my strategy to where is my goals are in research based on thous guided strategies.
cause in the beginning of a match i just feel clueless.

yet if you are willing to put the time to learn all of it...its pretty fun easy going game...not very beginner friendly but still
plenty of fun. complicated and vast combat focused gameplay. if you feel that other 4X games are too shallow...that the age of wonders will make up for that.
takes it if you love to make good combat strategy.

i will never forget wining the game with the kirko. for the first time. love the hive concept in games with there where even more unique races like the kirko.

in the age of wonders 3. you had units witch you wanted to level them up for the benefits but here its more about the technology. i never felt like i wanted this unit to be leveled up in particularly....unlike age of wonders 3.
a tier 1 unit here level 10 is not comparable to tier 2-3-4... units at level 1. so no reason to stick with them unless you need meat shields....or to weaken an enemy. as i used them...with the kirko.

hope it gave some perspective to the new 4X players out there.

if you bought the game dont give up...learn learn research and research some more...losing dosn't mean its over. think and try again. this kind of games...are like dark souls in strategy form... its brutal its hard...but if you wont give up...it will have its fun moments.
434 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 06:10
You can play as communist space dwarves
292 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 19:49
If you have ever played Endless Legends or Endless Space you will feel right at home with this game. Main difference is that it has X-Com style combat, which makes the combat system in this game far superior in my opinion. Must buy if you are into 4X, strategy games, or X-Com style combat games.
198 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 08:48
Great game, poor Customer service. Started a ticket, they responded in a timely manner. Then 14 days passed by unassisted, they said my ticket was thrown out and to start another one. There reply is were on vacation so tough luck. Will edit my review if there customer service ever becomes reasonable.
768 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
1370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 17:16
Well, it's a game that I would have picked up on day 1 and by now have played 500+ hours. The's not the case only because lately my PC-bound play is down to kinda nothing. And while that does not stop me from getting more games most of the inbound is big discounts and bundles. Planetfall came with humble monthly, kicking it from the top of my 250+ WL.

I'm an old AOW fan from their first games that brought me plenty of joy -- and be a very rare actual success of following MoM. And the whole line kept to the excellent standard. If you are into this genre I suggest to get all those old games, they are still better than most what came after. The design manages to collect the best parts of other games and make a good mix on both thematic and technical level. And even manage to add some unique elements.

PF also builds on top of many other games, and maybe not even have a unique this time around -- but this does not make it bad or lacking. As the ingredient games (most notable probably SMAC and the new XCOM) had serious problems gameplay-wise. So the innovation was mostly wasted. Not here.
Let's see what you have:
- a single-planet 4X as the core with economy based on sectors rather than small cells and colonies instead of cities
- falling on the lighter side with city improvements and more on tech tree, also trying to go against much micromanagement
- many different factions with their special approach, units and special techs
- unit system with prototypes, hero leaders, unit mods, XP gain. army size limited to 6 but battle dragging in all surrounding hexes
- tactical and strategic ops replacing the spells
- rich tactical battles on a big map with terrain, functional but destructible cover, and extreme variety of things at your fingertips. and finally thinking about players: you can repeat the battle from the exit screen if figured out better tactics, also auto-resolve can be watched and turned into manual after the fact. No need to waste saves/loads on that.
- world generated with locations, NPC races, barbarians
- good diplomacy system and NPC quests
- beyond the sandbox there is campaign and multiplayer
- the art and the score is beautiful

On the other side there are some crashes (the autosave rescues most of what you do) and potential balance issues -- the game is maybe a year old and got plenty of patches addressing issues, I expect more to come.

I didn't play enough to tell about the thing most important to me: reasonably playing AI, but this far did not encounter a major blunder and didn't see comments about that, so I keep the hopes up. For reasonable play on high challenge level I'll certainly need to learn a lot about the details,

TLDR: looks like on of the best current offerings in the genre, if you read to this far, just go and obtain it.
161 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
34259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 15:22
One of those hidden gem games.

Thats my favourite 4x strategy game for now.
1528 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
1493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 10:55
I wish it was more about empire building and less about combat.
245 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 00:30
Loved the previous Age of Wonders series but for some reason the mechanics of this game left me feeling very hollow. When playing it feels almost devoid of emotion as if the game was made using a formula and a guide book not that the designers enjoyed what they were making.
431 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 16:13
I tested it out and I frankly am not a fan of this title. I have played a lot of Age of Wonders 3 (It's my first introduction to the series), and while the gameplay do not change much between titles, the setting and artwork does.

The graphics are better
There's more voice acting in the game which is always a plus as long as It's not bad, which as far as I could hear, is not the case here.
Some nice art in loading screens
Inventory management for your heroes is a lot easier
Improved AI

UI is worse
Everything is smaller, including units which leaves a lot of the personality out
Not much diversity between units
Less class specific units
Less customization
Boring alien races
No freedom in settling. You now have fixed plots and plot sizes
More stuff I can't remember right now

So anyways, remember this is just my opinion, and given the ratings it may even be an unpopular one.
I guess I am disappointed given how much I love Age of Wonders 3. I will pray that they go back to that setting in the future!
433 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 04:16
Get the humble bundle this month, Love this game!

Has everything I love in this genre, I wish there was a 40k game like this.
673 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 20:33
- Installs the Paradox launcher on first start even if you decline the Windows UAC prompt.
- Installs the Paradox launcher in your AppData directory.
- Does not uninstall the Paradox launcher when you uninstall the game.
307 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
8059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 10:02
I am absolutely loving this game right now. I was wary at first as I was pretty awful at AoW 3 and wasn't sure what to expect but I was gifted a Steam Voucher from the Missus and promptly took the plunge into Planetfall. I was not disappointed. The attention and level of detail of the graphics, the excellent music score, the amount of units, the ability to mod said units and a plethora of other fine touches make this a visual feast. The tactical battles look gorgeous and seem to be randomly generated terrain features every time, I am not 100% on that but it appears that way as I can't say I have seen any two battlefields look exactly the same.

I have played a few of the races available and loved every one of them after learning the little nuances that each have and couple that with a choice of secret technology you have plenty options for customising your army and the Commander. I must admit the Vanguard seem my favourite so far closely followed by the Dvar.

I have sunk a fair few hours into this title in a short time frame as I was hopelessly addicted to the gameplay in minutes. The in-game encyclopedia helps explain everything and you can spend a fair bit of time just reading up on the items, abilities, races and such like. There is so much to dive into you may not come up for air when you should!

I must stress that I don't feel I am particularly good at this game but I can still set the options for victory conditions and how aggressive the AI is so my games tend to be long, winding roads to an alliance victory which is what I like. Other players of this game could set it how they like and have short aggressive campaigns or anything in-between by tweaking the myriad of options available.

I can't wait for the next DLC which is supposed to land this autumn and while we have no idea of content I am pretty confident it's going to be good as the DLC released so far has been impressive and fun additions to the core game.
75 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 01:29
I've been playing this for 33 hours and all I've done is tried the tutorial, progressed to the second story mission and played a random TINY world map which I still haven't completed. THIS IS AWSOME!
196 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
18173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 04:23
An interesting entry to the series, I find the theme is weaker then in AoW3 and the unit designs less aethetically pleasing (No eye candy, lots of generic men with guns).

However, there are many compelling new mechanics both strategically (sectors) and tactically (destructible terrain, reworked action system). Overall it brings some great new features to the game while staying true it's fundamentals. Not encountered any bugs until I started using mods.

Imperfect but worth getting.
175 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 13:44
As an old fan I really wanted to like this game and there is definitely fun to be had, but I have come to the conclusion that I just don't like it all that much.

A problem I always end up having with 4X games is how incredibly tedious they can become in the mid to late game, a problem also evident in the earlier titles of the series. I was hoping this might have finally been fixed but unfortunately this is not the case. The sheer amount of battles that you have to fight, ground you have to cover, often the scenario is won long, long before it actually ends. I just can't sit through a single map anymore of this game. This is a problem specific to myself though, if you're not like me and this doesn't bother you much go for it.
59 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
24323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 08:40
This game is so rich and fun to play that i wouldn't know where to start. 392 hours played and I still have a feeling there is sooo much left to discover. Honestly, the content, playability, innovativeness and the atmosphere are to be only compared with games from the times where these things were more important than graphics. And this one has it all. If you are in turn-based DO NOT MISS IT. Probably one of the best games I ever played overall.
319 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 00:14
The empire management part of the game has been improved, but I dont find sci-fi setting as interesting as fantasy setting. I hope the devs will go back to fantasy setting in their next game.
355 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 23:55
From what i've played so far, i'm really impressed. If you like Civ (alpha centuri'ish), turn based combat and a decent reward system to upgrade units/Hero's - you will like this!

Races: Only played as vanguard so far but there are a fair few. Races are all unique (including the minor NPC Factions that you can recruit units/get unique items from if you win their favour). You can customise your main general which isn't massively in depth, but enough to ensure that your faction doesn't look too much like others.

Colony Development: Its fine - Not the best in this type of game, but not the weakest either. Build food, research stations etc on that specific colony, invest in better barracks etc...standard stuff. You can get a few unique buildings when capturing Annexing things like spaceports, armouries etc that can be developed further in order to give you more buffs/resources.

Combat and units: Turn based with cover systems and is pretty fun. You can auto resolve if you wish, but there are many times you will want to manually fight - such as if the odds are not exactly in your favour and you want to minimise loss, or if there is a good chance you will fail. You cannot create giant stacks of doom as each 'Army' can only have 6 units (from what i've seen so far anyway), but can reinforce each other if they are nearby. Random Hero units will appear outside your main settlement from time to time that you can hire - these can be equipped with different weapons and vehicles/mounts that you can find, be rewarded with or buy in order to help support your troops and win fights. Normal troops can have 3 different items to customise them like flechette rounds or Stim Packs etc, which can be saved under a template of your choice. The longer units are alive, the more experienced and tougher they get - making you feel a little invested in there well being. Heroes can get better also via spending experience on perks/abilities and as mentioned, can be equipped with weapons etc. Want a particular unit to be a bit armoured but supportive - whack them in a tank and give them abilities and tools that can heal troops and provide buffs. Want another to be a sneaker damage dealer, give them blade, void shift device (warp through cover) and something that makes them harder to hit. Choices are down to your play style.

Map: Very appealing and remind me a little of Civilisations Alpha Centuri. You can capture/annex unique buildings/tiles that can help boost your faction, grant unique buffs, units or 'Operations'. be careful as neighbouring factions may have more of a claim to those tiles and capturing them may p*ss them off enough to get enough support for a cassius belli (justify war without much if a penalty). There are roaming aliens, bandits etc defending ruins and many more. An example is that I captured a sort of old pleasure city that had rogue 'pleasure' bots that were good at mind controlling units and hand to hand combat, which I could then recruit on that tile.

Diplomacy: Only a little so far due to the Story but there are lots of ways to appease or piss factions off. Once you are semi friendly, they will reach out from time to time stating that you haven't offered anything/spoke in a while. The minor NPC factions will give you missions or ask for resources in order to keep them happy and 'progress' to the next stages of your relationship until you sort of merge them with you (in a way). During each stage unlocks new trade options involving faction specific units and items bought with influence. Influence is the main currency used when dealing in diplomacy and trade. NPCs taking up a landmark that you want? Spend some influence to ask them to move without fighting etc. Want them to help you in a war? Spend 40 influence to get them on side (once you are all Allied that is) - and so on.

Operations: Are various Strategic, tactical or doctrines you can use. They affect the main campaign map or a few can be called in during battle....these cost and cannot be spammed; some taking turns to prepare.

Story: Currently playing through Vanguard Story and there are many 'missions' and ways to complete the missions (and quests within) before moving onto the next campaign - which also transfers your main Commanders progress. There was a moment where something happened and I feel I could have prevented it. There are lots of other storys too.

Music: Synthwavey at times and orchestral space opera at other. Battle music is great and fits in well. Definately does the job on the atmospheric side. Ambient sounds are great too!

Multiplayer: Haven't tried but only really play these types of games with Friends. I imagine it would be just as fun.

I could write more and may have missed some stuff on these but its still early days with a lot more to be seen and experienced. its a great game and you should get this! 9/10
142 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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1577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 18:01
This game is honestly just worse AoW3. Go get III if you want a better strategy game. The units are really similar to one another, and there are systems in place to make the 4x stuff work, but it just doesn't. Looks deep from descriptions, etc. but is actually shallow and not really worth your money.
415 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8867 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 15:28
Best 4x ever. The true followup to Alpha Centauri: Opponents with distinctive characteristics and goals makes for excellent roleplaying, complex interplay of attributes makes every game different, nice voice-acting (except for phony Russian accent on the Dvar), so many paths to completion. Finally a 4x with believable factions. One minor complaint: numerous minor spelling errors.
144 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
10540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 19:44
Bigger and more diverse than Age of Wonders 3, massive unit customisation. The unique tech chosen before the game begins really makes a big difference on gameplay, on top of the actual racial traits.
71 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
12160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 12:25
Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a game that impressed me unexpectedly. I was unsure what to think at first with a game series moving from high fantasy to science fiction but the factions are uniquely designed and interesting, the secret technology (the game's variant of classes) is diverse and interacts with each different faction in a different way. This opens up the door to a lot of different play styles and tactical options that keep the game fresh and challenging. A definite recommendation.

If I have one critique of the game it is that the multiplayer sometimes struggles with desync issues (players have to keep logging off and back on to bypass a hanging AI at the end of a turn under certain conditions) and there's an 'idle timeout' feature that can't be turned off which sometimes kicks you out of the game while you're watching someone else's battle. These are minor issues and the game's reconnect feature makes it so much easier to just jump right back in.
1328 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
16762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 03:00
Pick a sci-fi race and technology pairing to start your 4X conquest of a planet. It's the AOW model brought into a sci-fi world (ie, good overworld layer paired with AMAZING in depth tactical combat layer). The sci-fi themeing works so much better that what I expected when the game was first announced; it doesn't feel like fantasy units/settings just rethemed for scifi. The race/technology pairings do make for some interesing combos (and some not as great ones as well) but in almost all cases the pairings will have -some- effective combos.

All in all, its another AOW game with the same magic. The scifi archetypes here may not be as 'foundational' as the fantasy ones from AOW3 (which, IMO, was incredibly dialed in) but Planetfall has gotten better with every patch and content release, Triumph continues to refine the game and add QoL features to the title.

And it has Amazons. Riding freaking T-Rex'es. With freaking laser beams.

All in all a very solid and fun 4X offering. Fans of the genre (who don't already have it) should pick it up.

(FYI - my gameplay is completely singleplayer sandbox, so if you are looking for multi experience I don't have input)
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
95427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 22:18
Very nice strategy game with various options to win.
520 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 19:04
Age of Wonders III was a great game. It had some of everything, and did it well.

This game, not so much. I can't recommend it if you are a fan of the series. The combat is watered down, the strategic layer has been gutted - it lost detail and immersion and became something lesser for it.
333 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 02:29
Best 4x Game I have played. Tons of variety with units and techs, so you can always try something new. Just note that most of the city and technologies in the game are going to refer to the main point of the game, which is the tactical battles. If you like turn-based combat games and empire builders, you will love Age of Wonders: Planetfall.
400 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
7014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 18:17
As a lover of the 4x genre, this is one of my all time favorites. I love fellow games like Endless Space 2/Legends, Stellaris, the Civilization series, and without a doubt: Age of Wonders.

What I love about the AoW series is the heavy focus on the RPG aspects, world map tactics, and strategic turn based combat that lets those RPG elements shine. Planetfall stays true to that formula, and has it in spades. There is also a stronger narrative here than the other sandbox only 4x games that are out there, with unique factions that all play different with quest lines and lore.

I recommend this to anyone who are fans 4x, the games I mentioned, also Heroes of Might and Magic, X-Com, or sci-fi in general....BUY THIS! Its fantastic.
16159 Produkte im Account
735 Reviews
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 22:02
A great addition to the Age Of Wonders franchise, filled with an astounding array of interesting terrains & creatures to strategically fight or use. The switch from fantasy to sci-fi pays off I think
490 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 08:26
It's not worth your time.

Design is all over the place and universe is shallow and inconsistent.
Full of RNG modifiers and rolls that don't fit well into a 4x game
Very janky all around.
Doesn't really do anything unique.
After about 40 turns, winning just becomes a chore
325 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
8547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 02:52
This game is a lot like yellow mustard, I didn't really like it at first but it grew on me and now I love it. The factions are just weird in a refreshing way and I keep starting new games to try different combos of faction/tech.
8 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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6361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 09:33
Back in the days I loved this game because of three things:
1) the castle fights were better than anything in this genre
2) several heroes, each having a different skill set that could be leveled
3) even ordinary units could be leveled to make them stronger

The weak part of the game:
4) The research tree. Besides that the tree contained too few items, you could not really affect the game by making different choices.

What about Planetfall?
Having different races compared to the traditional fantasy races gave it an original twist. However, it has not been put to good use. The buildings and research tree are similar, except for the units that can be researched of course. The same applies for the settlements (as a result). It's not like mechanical units can really focus on being mechanical, and magical units can focus on magic.

Or after several levels I still didn't figure out how to do it. Compared to the old days, the research tree got much larger forcing you to make choices, which is a good thing. But so far, it doesn't seem to matter or lot what kind of choice you make. Or better said, you seem to be forced to go for economical research all the time.

Combat got worse. In classic Age of Wonders, differences between dwarves, elves, etc. were much more clear than today's races. As a result, combat is always the same, certainly with lower level units. The magnificent castle fights are replaced by obstacle fights. Still okay, but no more than that.

Altogether, I cannot recommend this game anymore anno 2020.
274 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
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586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 21:22
I just dont click with the game. The classic Age of Wonders I really enjoyed but this one I just can't. Maybe it s the peace or maybe how dull the map looks.
384 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
17090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.20 10:56
Xcom meets Civilization. That is Age of Wonders
If you are interested in fantasy combat/strategy I'd also advise Age of Wonder 3
107 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 16:43
Great game, improved on pretty much everything from Age of Wonders III. The big change being the switch from fantasy to sci-fi but this keeps many of the gameplay elements you'd think only belong in a fantasy setting. We still have tactical and strategic spells in the form of operations. The different secret techs and races feel very unique.
428 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 03:51
In the wake of the quarantine, I have just now realized I clocked fourteen straight hours on this game today. I think I'll call that a ringing endorsement.
233 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 00:48
'Free update' is a commendable practice
110 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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7193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 00:27
I own multiple paradox games and have been playing AOW from the first release.

I dont like it, the game feels cluttered to me, pacing feels slow. Decisions feel pointless, I dont feel the struggle to explore and defend my empire from the other players, like in previous titles. No more am I a great mage crafting artifacts to make my hero(s) more powerful, casting spell overland. I am now just an admin of a colony like any other mortal.

AOW has always been my fantasy strat game fix for so long that as a sci-fi AOW no long scratches my itch. (I would load Alpha centari or beyond earth if I want a scifi colony game.)

Triumph, I have brought every AOW, AOW2 AOWSM AOW3. This is the first time I regret buying an AOW title.

I am sad and I hope AOW5 gets back to the fantasy roots.
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
12307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 19:18
Highly recommended. An amazing 4x series with a greater focus on tactical combat than its competitors. The Devs also have a great track record of post-launch support, as well as worthwhile DLC.
347 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 10:25
Trying to play coop in this is like pulling teeth. Either your forced to watch a player fight, or your forced to wait and do -nothing- not even look at and setup tech, not setting up production ques, not a damn thing while someone else is doing a manual battle. SP it would probably be fine, sadly i don't play this SP anymore.
1170 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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27810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 03:09
Age of Wonders III, the previous entry before Planetfall, now resides permanently in my pantheon of favorites, somewhere between Master of Orion II and King’s Bounty The Legend. Now Planetfall has come on the scene, promising deeper, more rewarding gameplay and a richer story, untethered to the clichés of the fantasy genre. Although it’s pleased enough Steam users to garner mostly positive reviews, I don’t think Planetfall is worth the current asking price of US$50, so it’s a Not Recommended from me. I currently have over 400 hours played and about half the achievements, including the coveted “Wololo,” which is held by only 0.6% of players.

The formula of light 4X coupled with turn-based tactical battles worked like a charm in AOW3. Planetfall tinkers with this formula, placing greater emphasis on city building and associated management tasks. Gameplay feels much closer to modern incarnations of the Civilization franchise than to the familiar Heroes of Might and Magic / Civ hybrid from earlier AOW games. The attractive spell books have been replaced with massive tech trees that require constant vertical scrolling, and mostly-unbearable spoken quotes before each tech advancement. AOW3’s map zoomed out to show a picturesque storybook map. Planetfall’s is a dog’s dinner of inkblot-shaped “sectors” festooned with resource icons (just grab any sector with Cosmite, since you’ll be starved for Cosmite from turn one until you quit playing). The complexity of the sector system can be confusing for new players, and Triumph’s policy of constant tinkering means even seasoned players of the game won’t always know how sectors work after the latest patch. As of this writing, an upcoming update promises to divide the map icons up into three different versions, navigated by tabs.

And I miss the Book of Wonders. Searching the Imperial Archives just feels like Google.

You’ll start off your city with structures like the central science lab and recreational dome, but soon enough you find yourself constructing abstract concepts like “Energy Sectors Upgrade” and “Agriculture Exploitation.” You’re spammed with insignificant notifications like “X has insulted my kingdom!” New metrics like Popular Support, Reputation, Alert Level and Casus Belli are thrown into the mix with familiar metrics like Race Relations, Morale, etc., resulting in a fog of statistical gibberish.

Like the silly feature that lets you move each citizen of your city into different occupations, some of Planetfall’s micromanagement can be automated and ignored, but doing so will lead to suboptimal results and might potentially lose the game for you.

This franchise really deserves a game with a coherent UI, but Planetfall’s is catastrophic. Picking new attributes when a hero levels up in AOW3 was an absolute mess of tiny scrolling text, but Planetfall’s method is identical, only the text is larger and they used a futuristic font.

What about that storyline? Well, you’re in the future, where some pan-galactic apocalypse has reduced everything to rubble, so everyone stands around inside ruined buildings on different planets, waiting for you to show up so they can start shooting.

There’s apparently only one gender in the future. Let’s refer to them as “space maureens.” They have broad shoulders, muscular limbs and lean, masculine faces. Some are voiced by female actors, perhaps for diversity’s sake.

I’m not one for graphics, but these character animations just don’t make it look like a US$50 game. Defeated units tip over like a domino. The copious amounts of voice acting sound under-rehearsed and stilted. The one exception to this is the actor who narrates the tech advancements for the Syndicate, who sounds like Jon Irenicus. The musical score is generally excellent, my favorite track is the battle music that sounds like an Abba pop song.

Now, on to the best part of all the Age of Wonders games, the combat. Planetfall brings some needed improvements (like displaying which enemies can be hit before you advance your ranged units), but it also streamlines and discards some really enjoyable elements from the previous game (like cutting the number of items your heroes can carry from 8 to a maximum of 6).

In an attempt to wean players away from spamming endless tier 3 units, Planetfall gives us some tier 1 units that can be improved throughout the game with progressively more powerful mods. Not sure what they’ll do to stop us from spamming tier 1’s now, but no doubt there’s something around the corner.

Hero vehicles are an interesting idea, but they require too much advance planning and don’t really feel like a big step up. And why does the hero portrait change to the vehicle itself?

You can’t charm enemy heroes any more, a feature that I loved in the previous game. In one of my Planetfall games, a mind-controlled enemy hero reverted back to the enemy’s side after the battle!

Fighting to a stalemate was always a long and tedious affair – necessary when one of your scouts get ambushed – but now the process is more boring since it takes 6 rounds of battle instead of 5.

The damn camera won’t stay still! Every time I move a unit, it shifts a little bit. I’m constantly zooming and rotating to get a good view of the battle.

It’s difficult to know where the edge of some combat maps are, until you’ve bumped up against them.

A prerecorded “damnit!” clip from Jack Gelder plays to inform you of your reaction to the death of your unit. Actually, I think these clips are included because it’s so difficult to tell if a unit is dead or alive sometimes.

Flying units are a great addition, I love how they integrate their abilities with ground troops, but it’s agonizing to move them around. Everyone at Triumph should take a week off, shut off their internet and figure out how flying units can be moved. It’s the only way, guys.

How is the campaign? I’m not sure how they did it, but they took all these cataclysmic events and made them really boring. Somehow, the story of the Vanguard waking up from centuries of sleep to discover that their galactic empire has collapsed, was a yawn. The Kirkos’ quest for their original homeworld is the only campaign that hit any dramatic chords. The Revelations campaign rehashes a lot of ideas from the main campaign – the planet is covered with network nodes and you must find them all while the Autonom shoot lasers at you.


In summary, Planetfall’s good, but not as good as AOW3. If you like Civ style micromanagement, Planetfall’s been patched to let you skip the battles and automate exploration, so you can dive right in. If you want to play Age of Wonders, maybe wait on this purchase and see how the game develops in future expansions.

Hopefully, I’ll be able to one day return to this review with a more positive recommendation. We'll see how the expansions go.
67 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 19:53
Derivative? Awkward? Complicated? Sure, but that's precisely what makes Planetfall so endearing.
As in years past, I went nuts during the Christmas sale, buying more games than I have time to play. But I tried them all. Planetfall is the one that stuck.
Yes, it takes a lot from Civilisation. But no, it is not a cheap imitation. I'll admit that the research tree is the worst thing about the game. It's tedious with low returns on investment, and overall a feature they never should have attempted. Still, it doesn't get too much in the way. Combat is king here.
Just like its predecessors, it takes the Extermination (or defense, for that matter) in 4X to an unrivalled level.
The game is beautiful, polished, and unquestionably a labour of love. The spins they put on the genre more than make up for the very few stale elements. The dialogue is cheesy and the characters are archetypal, but it's just so damn fun.
292 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.20 18:36
If you like Turn Based Strategies it is a good game. Even it's mixing Civilization Series and Heroes Series. If you like both games and Sci-Fi this game is for you :)
496 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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3160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 14:32


Age of Wonders: Planetfall is a turn-based 4X game, made by Triumph Studios, set in a sci-fi setting. I expected a good strategic experience, but all I got was a dull story, bland gameplay, inferior AI, generic art design, and technical problems.

Pros & Cons

  • The game offers quite a lot of units for each race, letting you do various army compositions. They are also very distinctive in their design and have a few gameplay differences.
  • You can customize units and heroes with modifications increasing their overall statistics and adding other special abilities.
  • The option to play battles manually adds much more fun to this genre.
  • You can customize your commanders' appearance.

  • The story campaign is nothing but a skirmish mode with specific missions and awful storytelling.
  • In my experience, the AI acts stupidly and erroneously, especially on the world’s map. It is better in the battles, but nothing extraordinary.
  • I could not immerse myself in this sci-fi universe because the design of races and units is generic, uninteresting, and grotesque. The same applies to story, lore, and dialogues.
  • There are a few questionable design decisions that deteriorate the gameplay experience on the world’s map.
  • I had a problem with launching the game on Steam at first, which I had to repair by myself as the developers' advice was useless. Although it works now, every function that Steam offers (achievements, trading cards, Steam cloud) do not work for me.
  • I experienced a lot of frame drops, both on the world’s map and during the combat. It is irritating even for a turn-based game.
  • Not the developer's fault, but I do not see a point in having the Paradox Launcher.


The gameplay divides into two major parts: the world’s map and battles. Your main goal is the same as in every other 4X game: eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate.

The world’s map

You choose from six different races with unique designs, units, and gameplay elements. As it is custom, maps are procedurally generated, even in the campaign. You start the game with a small army and a city, where you construct buildings and upgrades for your sector. Sectors divide the whole map. They always have a specific place where you can build a base or a city.

Sectors also provide resources, such as energy, cosmite, food, knowledge, and production.

This whole system feels simplified because you do not build anything on the tiles as in the Civilization series. You have no freedom in choosing a spot for a city. After a while, it is just a boring routine which you have to do.
You interact with other civilizations which usually lead to a war that you want anyway because battles are the biggest strength of this game. The diplomacy system is almost the same as in the Civilization series, and the AI has abnormally weird reasons to hate you. They often come up with “excellent” tactical plans when you are at war, such as: attacking your city with a small group of units or dividing their forces so you can get them one by one.

There are also smaller AI factions that do not expand. They have an addiction that forces them to send you the very same quest requests over and over again. To stop their spamming, you need to destroy them. It is a test of patience as they attack you themselves after you reject them many times.

The campaign offers two missions for each race, and there is no reason to play it. It is just a limited skirmish with dull dialogues that pauses your game every single time. The writing is substandard even for strategy games. The skirmish mode is much more enjoyable as there is an absence of dialogues and you can customize the game with various settings.


The battles are turn-based, as in the XCOM series. Each army has six unit slots which you fill however you want. Units have ranged or melee attacks, and also special abilities which are different for every faction. For example, Vanguard faction soldiers throw grenades, their robots use smokes for cover or heal allied units. The Psi-Fish faction I fought a lot uses hypnotic powers that take off the control of your units.

The units have up to three modifications slots. Modifications increase the stats of the units and add special abilities. For the mentioned Vanguard soldiers, you can increase their overall range and accuracy and ignoring the cover bonuses.

Units are distinguished into types and tiers. The unit type adds resistance and sensitivity to a certain damage type. There are unit types like biological, mineral, etc. There are four tiers. The higher tier units are stronger but costlier.
You lead an army with a hero who is fully customizable. You can change their weapons and as they level up, you choose perks and other special abilities. Unfortunately, the perks are mostly about a higher percentage of health, accuracy, defense, etc. The metioned modifications can be used on heroes, as well.

There are special faction abilities you need to research first. They allow you to use barrages, lasers, heals, and other useful things on the battlefield. The battlefields’ cover is destructible, and there are often explosives you can use to your advantage.

I found the battles to be the most enjoyable part, as the AI is adequate and the diverse units, abilities, and modifications make it more interesting, and variable.

Graphics, design, and soundtrack

I find the graphics underwhelming, even on the highest settings, for a 2019 game. The same unfortunately applies to the soundtrack. I honestly remember slightly just one composition.

On the other hand, graphics for me are secondary to design. Unfortunately, the designs of races, units, and the world overall are way too generic and uninteresting. There are some exceptions, but overall it is just a big mess. That is subjective, sure, but if the game fails to immerse me into the sci-fi universe, then there is something wrong with it.

Game’s performance

The game was tested on i5 8300H, GTX 1060 6GB, 8GB RAM, and an SSD. I had several frame drops, both on the world’s map and in the battles. I locked the game on 60 frames and the drops in the worst cases went to 20-30 frames. These drops were random, and I have not found the source of them. I have not had such inconsistent framerates with other big releases this year.

I also could not launch the game at first through Steam. I found out that I did not have the executable files required for starting the game. I unsuccessfully tried every advice from developers. I found a solution by downloading the game via the Paradox Launcher and playing it there. But as I had to write a review, I had to find a way to play it on Steam. I will leave a guide in the comments.

With that comes the aligned problem, that the game does not register Steam achievements, trading cards, or cloud.


Age of Wonders: Planetfall is not the worst strategy game out there. It offers quite a lot of content and replayability. However, I cannot recommend it for all its faults and problems I had. Even if I was to look past the technical issues I experienced, I still could not think of a single reason why I would recommend this game over any other series, such as Civilization, Total War, XCOM, and others. I would wait for a huge sale to buy this game, as I think the price of 50€ is not adequate.

[quote]This product was reviewed with a key provided by the developer for free.[/quote]

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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
79.7% 2619 667
Release:06.08.2019 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Triumph Studios Vertrieb: Paradox Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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