Hey Commanders!
We hope you've all had a great summer. At Triumph HQ we've been hard at work on the next Expansion and while that's coming along swimmingly , we've prepared a 'Welcome Back' Update. The focus of this update is on various crash fixes, optimizations and addressing issues reported by the community.
During the summer break Age of Wonders - Planetfall also celebrated its 1 year anniversary, and while it passed quietly, we've had a great year. We want to thank you for all your support and we're excited for what is coming up! Enjoy, commanders!
Update Notes
- Fixed an issue where combat would hang after a battle where the player is attacked in hotseat mode with combat retry disabled
- Fixed a crash caused by a temp unit dying on new turn starts
- Kir'ko Outpost orbital icon fixed
- Vehicles of units with stagger resistance now also give it to the hero equipped with these vehicles.
- Fixed an issue where hero special abilities would disappear when they got into vehicles
- Fixed an issue where the Quartzite Worms had animation issues when moving, they pop up and down mid-run.
- Fixed an issue where Hero skin material looked very red when selecting a hero at first.
- Fixed Tactical Operations that weren’t benefiting from the Technologist Doctrine
- Fixed certain conditions bypassing Immunities
- Emissary doctrine now correctly only applies to influence rewarded from quests
- Fixed units not evolving when they reach prime rank by sitting on an anomalous site
- Fixed a rare case where attacking an army next to a sector base or colony wouldn’t trigger battle within the base or colony
- Fixed an issue with health regeneration bonuses being listed multiple times in tooltips
- Targeting Array duplicate text fixes
- Fixed an issue which would cause the game to not be able to access installed mods
- Fixed an issue where reprocess colonist would only give 2 turns of extra income, instead of 3
- AI Shakarn units now use the correct mod template icons.
- Shakarn's Tactician: Cooldown reset abilities now work on the One of Us All Along ability; Fallback can now heal adjacent targets.
- Shakarn (Un)happiness banners no longer use the Kir’Ko banners
- Fixed an issue where only one version of a propaganda broadcast could be active in a battle at once. Now each player can bring their own copy.
- Mirage Unit now correctly gains stagger resistance when it activates its defense mode while equipped with the Spatial Acceleration Sails
- Fixed a skinning issue on one of the 'Legs' options
- Fixed colony militia doctrine not properly scaling with the number of garrisons the player has built.
- Added chance icons to the Path of the Chimera Psi-Fish mod
- Eater of the Dead's Punishment is now 12 range 4 hex AoE instead of map-wide
- Bouncer: Bullet Spin now correctly has str 12 bleed chance when equipped with the Flechette Ammo mod
- Carbon Glaive now correctly counts as a Melee Weapon
- Voidbringers Leviathan Resuscitate Thrall now correctly heals for 50%
- Voidbringers Leviathan no longer gets Maternal Rage when a Thralled Psi-Fish dies
- Flowering Node can no longer spawn from the Pandora Portal
- Compelling Presence on the ascended teacher now correctly converts the mind controlled unit into a colonist
- Es'Teq Confiscator now correctly states it can be applied to any unit.
- Es’Teq Conduit now has a PFX; Now correctly says it can be applied to any unit with an Essence Drain ability.
- Quintessence Ark can now just heal itself with Sacrament of Vitality
- Aegis Tank's attacks are now considered Sonic and can use Sonic upgrades
- Superheated Plasma Actuators now has the correct price when equipping it on a Hero
- Echo of Despair Sinister Chorus no longer applies to mindless units
- Doomsday Level 3 should now correctly apply Daemons to Compromised units.
- Hacker - Scrambling Virus: Accuracy settings allow it to miss if the unit is blinded
- Hero Skill: Electrification Subroutines now correctly affect psionic attacks
- Fixed an issue where Quantum Avatar could teleport static turrets, causing a crash
- Bio-Spores Hyper Aggression: Cooldown increased to 3 turns; Buff duration decreased to 2 turns.
- Firearms mods Incendiary Ammo now correctly states the adjacent damage (50%); Burning applied by the splash no longer affects burn immune units.
- Firearms mods Kinetic Phase Modulator now correctly says it bypasses 3 shield on the ability tooltip, when equipped