Is it strange to apologize for the lack of an unobligated yet fun yearly gaff? We’re honestly not sure. We’ve certainly never seen it happen but we can’t remain silent today.
What we do know is that on this day, every year, without fail, we have pushed out jokes both big and small. We’ve had a lot of laughs with you and, over time, it became something of an institution - something many of you look forward to as much as we do.
Each year we thought of ways to push the boat, to raise the bar on the years before or at least keep it high. It became a challenge for us to push ideas out there that made you, our players who are the reason we get to pursue our dreams, sensibly chuckle on your morning commute, say “Is this real? I unironically want this”, or even, on occasion, fool you entirely.
This is definitely a real game
This year we’ve not been able to make it in time. It’s been a busy year with work on our upcoming new game Galacticare (Don't forget to wishlist!) taking a focus in preparation for its announcement last month.
Before we knew it, it was the 31st of March, 3:30PM and we realized we had to do SOMETHING. We scrambled for ideas in a team-wide meeting, scratched some things together, knuckled down for a mad dash. But we didn’t want to disappoint you with something that fell short, and we feel you deserve a better laugh than...this.
Dr. Medichunder was unironically some of our finest work,
For years, in each April Fools, we joked that Aftercare had been canceled, that we had a new plan entirely. Well this year the tables have indeed tabled and Aftercare, now Galacticare, has canceled April Fools.
This year, we’re the fools. Next year it’ll be you.
Dr. MEDIChunder isn't real, Dr. MEDIChunder can't hurt you.
In the meantime you can enjoy the previous years gaff’s from these links:
Cult of Duty
The Power Hand of Evil
Street Fight for the Overworld
War for the Overworld: Console Edition
Dungeon Hearts
War for the Overworld: Australia Edition
The Cynical Imp (Which became real for charity!)
The Democorn
Until next time Underlord,
- Brightrock Games
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