Darkest Greetings Underlords,
If you were to cast your dark minds back to the year of 2019 you might remember brighter days or indeed darker ones.
You might also remember the start of our partnership with Bandit Camp the devilishly delightful designers for Wicked Ones, a deeply realised free TTRP where you and your friends assume the role of evil dungeon dwelling denizens who through depraved acts of the dark heart expand their dungeon, plunder riches from the goodly folks of the above-lands and squash hapless heroes that wander into your domain. Why does that sound ever so familiar?
In any case last year our partnership bore fruit as the War for the Overwolrd campaign guide for Wicked Ones was unleashed. Allowing you to take explore the realm of Kairos as never before; through the guise of a tabletop RPG by building on top of Wicked One's all too familiar systems!
Better yet it is a product solely devoted to charity as all profits from this book for both ourselves and Bandit Camp are instead donated to Child's Play. In fact we're proud to say thus far we've raised $3380 for this grand cause, and soon we hope to break the $5000 barrier!
But there's more than this good news to share with you today. Indeed whilst we labour hard at our next game the folks at Bandit Camp have worked tirelessly towards their magnum opus.
Wicked Ones High-Quality Print Run Kickstarter
For the past few weeks Bandit Camp have been running their final (as far as we/they know) Wicked Ones kickstarter for an ultimate, collected release of Wicked Ones and its expansions physically realised in its greatest form yet via high-quality print-run.
This will deliver the books in a superbly high-detail greater than the print-on-demand releases previously run. Needless to say such an offering has neatly destroyed their initial goals
So why might this interest you?
Well firstly Wicked Ones is a great game that if you love Dungeon Management and TTRPGs we highly recommend you play.
Secondly, the WFTO supplement for the game realises the WFTO style of gameplay better than any RPG we are familiar with. It's become a cult classic amongst the Bandit Camp community.
Thirdly, the book includes the Dungeoneer's Guide to the Underworld, and as such is the only way to get this awesome collection of lore and art physically.
Finally, most crucially, that self-same supplement will as of a few days ago benefit from the same high-quality print-run as the other books as an improved add-on option. Still wholly for charity and we'll even throw in a free copy of WFTO for anyone who backs it.
How's that for a trade deal?!
Time is ticking
But rest not on your laurels, for the end of the Kickstarter is fast approaching with just a week from writing remaining. This may be the last chance to grab such a high-quality release and save on the postage you might otherwise incur buying them separately. Find out more on the Kickstarter Page
Bandit Camp have also made us aware that sometime in the near future print-on-demand options for hardcovers of their releases will soon be retired. So if you're hankering for a hard-cover book now is the best time to grab it!
For our part we expect that this will be the last time we promote the WFTO Wicked Ones book, and though it will likely remain available via Drive Thru RPG indefinitely we wouldn't want you to miss out on this chance.
- Wicked Ones, a dungeon-building, village pillaging, goodie bashing TTRPG from our friends Bandit Camp is having its final kickstarter for a High-quality print run.
- We worked with them previously to make a WFTO supplement for Wicked Ones that translated the feeling of playing War for the Overworld into the TTRPG format.
- This was wholly for charity, raising $3380 so far for Child's Play with $5000 quickly approaching.
- This same supplement is available as an add-on to the print run in the same high-quality form as the rest of the books.
- It's all still for charity, any profits either of us would get from the WFTO add-on go to child's play.
- We're giving them Steam Keys for WFTO's base edition anyone who pledges for the WFTO add-on
- It's likely the last chance to get this book in a high-quality hardcover print. Even the print-on-demand medium quality will be retired soon.
- There's a week left to get it.
- We won't be bothering you any more about this!
To find out more and back the Kickstarter:
Visit the Kickstarter Page
That's all Underlords, and as always thank you for your support. We can't wait to talk to you very soon about our upcoming new game.
Until next time Underlords,
– Brightrock Games Team
Visit the Wicked One's Kickstarter
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