Event Period: 10/15/2024 (Tue) after maintenance - 11/12/2024 (Tue) before maintenance
Event Info:
1) Stay logged in for 30 minutes during the event to complete a check-in.
2) Claim the following rewards based on the number of days you've logged in.
- The rewards will be sent to your account mailbox.[/*]
- Per-Account event.[/*]
Attendance Reward
Cumulative Days |
Item Name |
Qty. |
Tradability |
Expiration | [/tr]
Day 1 |
Resenlian's Outfit Dye Ampoule (Gift) |
1 |
Bound to Character / Can be stored in Shared Storage after Filling with Color |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 2 |
Server Megaphone (Gift) |
5 |
Can Use Shared Storage |
- | [/tr]
Day 3 |
Jardin Steel [AS] |
100 |
Account Shareable once |
- | [/tr]
Day 4 |
Superior Enhancement Elixir [AS] |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 5 |
Abyssal Shard Grade 3 |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
- | [/tr]
Day 6 |
Mysterious Shard Grade 3 |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
- | [/tr]
Day 7 |
Resenlian's Outfit Dye Ampoule (Gift) |
1 |
Bound to Character / Can be stored in Shared Storage after Filling with Color |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 8 |
Superior Enhancement Elixir [AS] |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 9 |
Server Megaphone (Gift) |
5 |
Can Use Shared Storage |
- | [/tr]
Day 10 |
Clone Object Crafting Box |
1 |
Account Shareable |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 11 |
Selectable Outfit Destiny Box [AS] |
1 |
Account Shareable |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 12 |
Superior Enhancement Elixir [AS] |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 13 |
Abyssal Shard Grade 3 |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
- | [/tr]
Day 14 |
Mysterious Shard Grade 3 |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
- | [/tr]
Day 15 |
Resenlian's Outfit Dye Ampoule (Gift) |
1 |
Bound to Character / Can be stored in Shared Storage after Filling with Color |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 16 |
Superior Enhancement Elixir [AS] |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 17 |
Abyssal Shard Grade 3 |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
- | [/tr]
Day 18 |
Mysterious Shard Grade 3 |
5 |
Account Shareable once |
- | [/tr]
Day 19 |
Clone Tail Crafting Box |
1 |
Account Shareable |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 20 |
Clone Back/Wings Crafting Box |
1 |
Account Shareable |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Day 21 |
Airtight Comrade: Epona [AS] |
1 |
Account Shareable |
12/17/2024 at 7AM UTC | [/tr]
Item Details
- Airtight Comrade: Epona [AS][list]
- Open to obtain the item below.[/*]
Item Name |
Tradability | [/tr]
Comrade: Epona |
Bound to Character | [/tr]