Bug fixes:
- Fixed bugs freezing menu when swaping weapons and mods
- Fixed bug showing innacurate weapon tier level
- Fixed visual bugs leaving shadow artifacts from extraction point
- Fixed bug allowing to reroll after buy in Shop
- Patched exploit allowing to stack rewards while exiting the game
- Fixed bug that prevent some skins from unlocking
- Fixes error when loading map with boomerang effect existing on the scene
- Fixed colliders on 3rd biome arenas
- Fixed visual artifacts from new extraction point
New features and improvements:
- New reskinned and reworked HUD better UX and readability
- New HUD damage fx for better combat and HP awareness
- Reskinned inventory menu with better UX and readability
- New music in 4th biome
- New audio mix and balance
- New menu sounds
- Some Corrupted Mechs have new upgraded visuals (still WIP)
- Minigun is now spinning when shooting
- Other visual and gameplay improvements