Crawler Tracks

Previously, the Explorer and Tank essentially had four invisible wheels and handled similarly to a regular car. Now, you can spin yourself dizzy, and they should be much more adept at crossing uneven terrain!

New tree models (version 3?) balancing the older vanilla art style with the (recently-removed) SpeedTree models. With these replaced, we're planning to run a new screenshot contest at the start of 2025! But first, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the models:
Steam Discussions Trees Feedback Thread
SDG Forum Trees Feedback Thread
Credit for the new tree models goes to Toothy Deeryte! Contracting her to upgrade the trees was my first experience sharing the game's Unity project with a member of the modding community. She's a lovely, kind person and was patient with me as we experimented with collaborating this way. I'm feeling optimistic to work further with community members to upgrade the game in 2025! Huge thanks as well to Flodo for providing tons of helpful feedback to Toothy - I'll go more in depth about the story here in a "behind the scenes" blog post later.
Gameplay Changes
This update restores the grip to the Maplestrike! The previous change was intended to help other weapons keep up, as the Maplestrike has dominated PvP since its addition. However, many players felt this change detracted from its identity, and it felt worse for non-PvP players than simply tweaking the base recoil. We only slightly increased the recoil in consideration of the other recoil-related changes in this update.
Other notable changes to balance and gameplay include:
- LMGs are now more effective at suppression, shooting 3-4x as many bullets at a time. We'd previously been considering specializing LMGs into suppression with near-miss effects, but are curious to see whether this is a more fun alternative.
- Vanilla sentry guns are now "ammo efficient", with only a 25% chance (was 100%) to actually consume ammo/quality when firing. Hostile sentries gained an additional use, now being able to directly target enemy vehicles. We're hoping these changes will further encourage their use.
- Explosions were rewritten to be more reliable and consistent. Small explosions like precision charges and explosive bullets in particular should see noticeable improvement.
As above, we've started dedicated feedback threads to hear what you think of the gameplay changes:
Steam Discussions Balance Feedback Thread
SDG Forum Balance Feedback Thread
Server Browser Curation
Players, server hosts, and modders now have much more control over the server list! Anyone can create a curation list for everything from sharing recommendations, to regional filtering, to protecting your network against spoofing. We'll be curious to see the novel uses published to the workshop!
Read Documentation
Combo Crate Event

The items chosen from the Combo Crate 2024 Workshop Event are now available. There were quite a few new creators with lots of great submissions - thank you to everyone who entered! All of the items are available in a box or complete set bundle: the Business Briefcase through the Stockpile, and the Artisan's Makeshift Mystery Box through crafting.
Winter Sale
By popular request, the new items are releasing with the classic pricing, and the bundles are launching at a 25% discount. Additionally, items that we don't typically put on sale (like boxes) are discounted to the classic pricing, and if it's well-received we will revert the newer pricing!
- Improved physics for the Explorer and Tank vehicles. They can pivot in place, and their treads conform to the terrain while moving.
- Brand new tree models, aiming to strike a balance between the old models and (recently-removed) SpeedTree models.
- "Server Browser Curation" feature allows anyone to create lists of filters/labels for the server browser. For example, to label servers based on region, or to hide impersonators. These lists can be shared through the Steam Workshop.
- Added the craftable Artisan's Makeshift Mystery Box and Bundle. Contains 16 items from ComboCrate 2024.
- Added the Business Briefcase Mystery Box and Bundle. Contains 16 items from ComboCrate 2024.
- Left-click while zoomed in with Binoculars to set your waypoint to the targeted location.
- Min_Natural_Vehicles gameplay config option allows for guaranteeing a minimum amount of naturally-spawned vehicles should always exist, regardless of the number of player-built vehicles on the map. (Even when it'd normally exceed the max instances of vehicles allowed.) Defaults to 16.
- Objects can use the Rubble_Can_Zombies_Damage and Rubble_Zombie_Damage_Multiplier properties to make themselves attackable by zombies. Defaults to false.
- Can_Target_Objects gameplay option for Zombies to attack certain objects in their path. Defaults to true.
- Interactability_Animation_Component_Path property for objects to override animation component path.
- Objects can use Load_Nav_On_Server and Load_Nav_In_Editor [bool] properties to choose when the the Nav gameobject is instantiated. Useful for objects that should (or shouldn't) affect navmesh baking while (or without) affecting collision with zombies. Defaults to true for Medium/Large objects.
- Barricades and structures can use the Can_Zombies_Target [bool] options to make themselves attackable by zombies. Defaults to true.
- New LeaningForce properties for vehicles, to scale steering leaning force with speed.
- DriverTurretViewmodelMode property for guns to control how first-person arms are moved for turrets in the driver's seat.
- Command-line "-UnredactedLogs" flag to turn off IP redaction in log files.
- New script component to spawn explosions with all parameters available. ("Explosion Spawner" replaces the unintended Grenade/Rocket script usage.)
- Red maple trees for use in the level editor. (Toothy found these in the old files. We're not sure what they were originally for!)
- Asset data can now be exported into a MediaWiki template-readable format from the [F1] Workshop menu. This is intended for use on the official Unturned Wiki in conjunction with Cargo to help automate pages/templates, but could be useful for third-party projects.
- Reworked how explosion hits are found and sorted. Hit detection and damage falloff should now be significantly more consistent with player's expectations.
- Bushes (including berry bushes) have snow variants for the winter holiday.
- Hostile-mode sentries can target vehicles directly.
- Sentries are now ammo efficient, with only a 25% chance (was 100%) to actually consume ammo/quality when firing.
- Increased Hell's Fury pellets per shot from 1 to 4. Damage has been split between these pellets, but is roughly the same if all pellets hit.
- Increased Nykorev and Dragonfang pellets per shot from 1 to 3. Damage has been split between these pellets, but is roughly the same if all pellets hit.
- Reduced HMG direct damage and increased explosion damage.
- HMG Box requires High-Cal Military or Ranger ammunition. HMGs have become more prevalent in raiding following the aircraft requisition change on Russia, so we wanted to bring it more in line with the Dragonfang but with splash damage.
- Increased Attack Heli and Fighter Jet price on Liberator from 13,000 to 16,000 experience. We don't want them to be too easy to get.
- Skycranes / towing vehicles cannot hook vehicles with barricades on them unless all barricades specify CanParentVehicleBePickedUp. This was primarily to address physics issues, but RP servers can override with the property mentioned or OnHookVehicleRequested event.
- Updated Tank model slightly, to better fit the new treads.
- Redact IPs in BattlEye debug logging by default.
- Interactable objects can toggle Nav object active.
- Caliber_# attachment hook and bullet gravity multiplier supported for all attachment types.
- Mostly finished deprecating older vehicle replication system.
- Updated Json.NET to 13.0.3.
- Increased Industrial Generator's fuel capacity by 50%. When completely filled, it can provide power for ~42 hours.
- Increased Grenade salvaging to Explosives from 2:1 to 4:1.
- Holding CTRL when clicking an item action linked blueprint crafts it if possible.
- Maplestrikes can accept grip attachments again. To compensate, its recoil has been slightly increased instead.
- Reduced Sharpshooter skill benefits from +50% to +40% at max level. This skill is a big contributor to weapon imbalance, and shortening the gap between max and unleveled should keep gunplay more consistent.
- Reduced Horizontal Grip horizontal recoil control from +60% to +40%.
- Reduced Vertical Grip vertical recoil control from +60% to +40%.
- Don't show item sale in news feed with IMGUI mode enabled. [Thanks RBMKBlaze!]
- Log asset paths which exceed 260 characters (Windows MAX_PATH). [Thanks asineth0!]
- Useable full type name wasn't supported. [Thanks iBowie and DerpyHoowes!]
- Foliage baking exception if surface collider was destroyed. [Thanks asineth0!]
- No icon for stockpile button. [Thanks LocoCZ!]
- "/copycameratransform" when looking up. [Thanks Toothy!]
- Sandbox folder name instead of path in origin name. [Thanks Molt!]
- Not playing ignition sound when switching from passenger to driver seat. [Thanks Tiway!]
- Color tags in exported vendor asset file names. [Thanks Molt!]
- Trailing space on a few item names. [Thanks Molt!]
- Exploit using an old GUI component to subscribe to other workshop files. [Thanks Jdance!]
- Keep third-person bullet casings visible in first-person for turrets. [Thanks Renaxon!]
- Sight attachments not using scope sway multiplier. [Thanks GazziFX!]
- Zombies not turning while chasing a vehicle passenger. [Thanks Diddlyono!]
- Snow glitter not shown on Washington and Germany. [Thanks Flodo!]
- Memory leak generating skin icons in cosmetic inventory. [Thanks Desmond!]
- Exception handling type request with null version. [Thanks DanielWillett!]
- Explosion closest point test was including colliders on navmesh layer. [Thanks Renaxon!]
- Don't use client Fake IP in ReadyToConnect per-address rate limiting.
- Replaced vanilla uses of deprecated dat file properties with their newer equivalents. (E.g., Spread_Hip → Spread_Angle_Degrees.)
Special thanks to Diddlyono, DiFFoZ, Flodo, iBowie, Kopfstroh, Molt, and TSB for their help resolving a variety of issues while this update was on the preview branch! Patch
- Unable to open server lobby screen in IMGUI mode. [Thanks Blaze!]
- Auto-coverted old wheel configurations steering broken. [Thanks vduin1233 and Aiden9034!]