News Liste Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign

TGS Update and Developer Stream
Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
12.09.19 19:08 Community Announcements

Most of our work these days consists of preparing for the beta test and rooting out bugs. We’re not quite there yet, but the game is shaping up nicely. In the meantime, please support our troops by watching the stream and join the war effort by wishlisting and following the game!

We decided to start up our tanks’ engines and stream again. This time we’ll go through the first three missions in the Allied campaign. Our scenario designer and researcher, Daniel Mellbin, will be doing his utmost to explain the new mechanics in Unity of Command II and guide you through the game.

UPDATE: The stream is now LIVE, visit the game page to join in!

It turns out that we never really showcased the in-game HQ upgrades, which means there’s actually a feature reveal in the stream somewhere. Look for an in-game dialog titled “Upgrade British 8th” or something similar. For those of you requiring instant gratification, here is a screenshot of it in action, this time somewhere around Salerno:

While Damir and Pavol are flying the flag for us at the Tokyo Game Show (we’re at booth 10-E74, drop by and say hi if you’re there), we are honoring their commitment with a brand new set of screenshots which should already be up on our Steam page.

Check them out, they’re pretty sweet!
Logo for Unity of Command: Stalingrad Campaign
Release:17.10.2012 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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